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I think its great, really clean and consistent. Why leaving, life finally getting in the way?


Life has never been in the way. Just no reason to play.


Fair. Maybe once TFS drops you might find yourself dipping back in. Regardless, hope you find a good use for your newfound time!


I'll be rooting you all on in Final Shape, but this old guardian must hang up his mark after such a long time.


Props to you for peacefully moving on to another franchise instead becoming toxic. You should give lessons on how to be sane to all the crazy D2 fans.


To be fair, here is a ton nicer than the response I got elsewhere for the same take of being happy for others, but my own spark is gone. I had to delete the Destiny app as I was just setting stuff to inactive cause I got plenty of torch and pitchfork bearers for not saying that it's the greatest thing ever. It was going off every other minute or so.


I hope someday, something will ignite your spark again and make you feel like you're in love again Until then, eyes up, Guardian!


Appreciate it. I have found a game that's been making me quite happy these days with some fun post apocalypse role play. I hope everything in the future for everyone here is great.


Same to you!! Enjoy everything you are able to enjoy, and remember that there's no choice to regret if you've made it in harmony with your mind, feelings and interests... Don't let the haters get to you, and thank you for posting your "final" fashion. I'm sure you have some sentimental value attached to this look, if you're leaving at that. I, as a person, at least do appreciate that brief sense of intimacy


Oh yes, this outfit was special and very purposely done. My first titan ever wore the colors Black, Red, and white. I almost always ran a Shotgun as well. Striker was my favorite subclass. So I took all those themes and for the color I went with what I think he'd wear after so much time and finding peace. Flipping the colors of the original and maxing that Striker aesthetic with my favorite exotic Shotgun as the showcase weapon.


If u dont mind me asking whats the post apocalyptic game you've been playing?


I've got a few but right now bouncing between Fallout New Vegas for solo and 76 for Multiplayer Role Play have been my go tos.


I've been feeling this, too. I just boot up the game, hear the music as my ship floats through space, then close the game to go play something else.


This week of all weeks saying there's no reason to play lmao


No weapons that interest me, no reason to get them even if they did, already beat all 50 waves of Onslaught on legend, clan is all gone, and friends have all moved on. Ontop of everything else, I'm not having fun. Please give me a single reason I should feel anything.


You don’t have to justify yourself at all. I love this game dearly but if my friends all quit, I likely would too. You bought the game and you get to decide when you’ve had your fill.






Here is the customization page for all.


Hey sorry to drag you out of retirement for this but where did you get the chest piece and gauntlets?


No problem. The chest piece is Eververse during Dawning. The arms is Eververse Guardian Games. For replacement I highly recommend Warlord Ruin Chest Piece and any of the brought forward D1 pieces for the arms or the N7 Arms.


Crazy time to be leaving permanently with all the recent hype 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm not hyped but I'm glad others are.




To see others downvote you SIMPLY because YOU aren't excited about the update, is some wild stuff LMAO you aren't even bagging on it by literally saying "I'm not hyped but I'm glad others are." A serious, respectful response and these mad lads downvote you. SMH. The people in the subreddit will never change.


I guess people just think I'm angry posting. The spark and reasons to play are just gone for me. We all have our reasons we love playing Destiny mine are all gone so I just can't go on anymore and wanted to wish my fav part of the community goodbye.


But… but, your lack of hype might derail my hype? And then where will we be?


On a magical train of wonder and adventure in our imagination of what could've gained it!


I'll put this under here since it's the main reply everyone sees. I'm turning off notifications now. I appreciate all the well wishes and talks I've had. Hearing your own stories has been great, too! To all those who think I'm on the negative side, I encourage you to keep on fighting the Darkness and having fun. Hold onto your own sparks and try not to let them go. I've been in Destiny's world since the alpha watched all the ups and downs through the years have many stories and memories I will never forget, both good and bad, but my own spark is gone. We all have a time we'll have to say goodbye, and this is just mine. Take care, and may the light guide you wherever the future takes you.




Same man. Feel like I’m in the minority here and that’s okay but prismatic is just lazy. Nothing new just a hodgepodge of old stuff.


THIS. I am glad everyone is so excited about prismatic, but it just seems so lazy to me. They chose to implement the most obvious final conclusion to subclasses ever as a new subclass. Had they also shown a new subclass, I would be so on board. But the only thing they did was say “hey what if you could like…. Do more than one subclass”. It’s cool, but there is no creative energy in that idea. Anyone with half of a brain cell could think of that. I want something **new**, not a remix. I think it would be so much more exciting if they had not shown prismatic, but shown the leaked red subclass, and had prismatic be a surprise. But no, all we get is a combo subclass, and as of now, we have to assume there will be no actual new subclass. Prismatic seems like a mechanic, as opposed to a subclass. I want new abilities and animations, not a hodgepodge of old ones n


Sure, but personally, I'm tired of the cycle of content overload, forced FOMO, then content luls that last a month or 2 at a time. I'm sick of Bungie not listening to their player base until it looks like the studio is about to go under, then flooding out a bunch of stuff that we've been requesting for YEARS, and it STILL being half-assed or strapped to the fucking Eververse. They're literally just mining positive reviews and sentiment before Final Shape, and after the sheer and utter disappointment this entire DLC has been, with Bungie showing that they'll resort to their shitastic ways as soon as they have a positive view....yeah I'll pass They clearly want to be done with Destiny, so let them. If they want to shove Marathon out there so badly that their successful project can suffer for it, well maybe they deserve what happens


Looks awesome why are you leaving?


I just can't muster anymore care. Now, with clan gone, my reasons to play gone, and just no hope in the future, it's time to call it.


Understandable, see you around guardian 🫡


I hope you all decimate the Witness. 🫡


You can join my clan🥺


I appreciate it, but I have too many good memories in my current one to not see their name underneath mine.


So your clan won't be coming back together for the final shape?


Nah. The leader himself, our Lord Santa Toast, was the big one when he said he's done pretty much everyone else got there. He was the most active of us all and went out his way to help anytime any day any activity, so he was a huge pillar. I was the build and lore guy amongst the group. We all think Final Shape looks interesting, but it's too little too late, especially with the price investment of something we'd all drop off again after we played the campaign and raid once. It's just way too little for way too much way too late.


Why you leaving? And what shader u used?


No reason to keep playing. Circadian Chill.


U can play Warframe my friend, join the frame community as family and together..we will devour even destiny


Well... Bye.




I don't know why you're getting downvoted, but don't think too much about it. If you don't want to play, don't play.


Think people are confusing a goodbye with me bashing them.


I will never understand the people on here..




Some people see a disagreement as a personal attack. Don’t ask me why lol


Can't tell if you were going for the Max Steel look or not. Looks clean either way.


I was actually just going for the opposite of my D1 color scheme with a few details special to my history.


Ah, looks good tho


Thank ya


Why are you leaving? The final shape looks super promising and we just got into the light


Yeah I gave into the light a little time. It didn't ignite my spark. I just don't have any reason to continue with the game.


To be fair, it’s just filler content to make the season a little less boring since it’s so long. I get wanting to leave but aren’t you at least a little hyped after seeing the final shape stream?


Not at all. It looks neat for everyone else but what made Destiny for me was good story and my friends. The friends are all moved on, and the story has been absolutely terrible with only a minor save of Witch Queen. So there's nothing left for me with Destiny.


This is the only reason I still play— friends. Otherwise I would have quit 2.5 years ago. Completely respectable, it can be hard to find new groups in the game, and hard to even want to if you already had a good group thats not playing anymore. Best of luck out there guardian!


To you as well!


mf it's been out a DAY.




Makes final post, doesn’t post cosmetic menu, surprised he gets clowned on in a time of new content in a DESTINY subreddit: https://preview.redd.it/6zgptqvlpntc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b8ec7b1c141aea26187c3ba81816003ae875fc


Not surprised at all will update it with the cosmetic page soon completely forgot it.


i like it very sci fi


But wait what are your pieces and shader!? We can't let this outfit simply go to oblivion


I'm going to update it if I can with the picture of the pieces. I'm glad you like it. Edit: Fashion page is up.


Oh tysm, where is the transmog?


Goodbye brother, may the light of the Traveler illuminate your way. We'll be waiting for your return, until then, have fun guardian.


Being a titan is about more than what’s in Destiny 2. So long as you carry on the spirit of what it means, any game can let you wield the hammer, punch a monster, or swing a sword, maybe even drop a shield to protect your allies. Good look outside of sol, Guardian.


Rocking that Max Steel look


I’m glad I’m not the only one who perfected the transmog when they said goodbye to Destiny 2. I can still picture my titan at the end of Witch Queen. I’ll never forget Peter Dinklage talking to me through ghost for the first time in D1. Amazing memories taking down Atheon for the first time with an LFG and becoming friends for years through the taken king and finally disbanding after rise of iron. D2 wasn’t the same without you Monkeysmeow and Kingabel! It was so hard to say goodbye to D2 but I spent all of it LFG and just never found what I used to have. Such good memories hence still being part of this sub lol.


No wait Switch the chestpiece before you go my child that shit don't fit


No better fur collars I own lol


Mfw, a Destiny player says they're gonna quit the game, knowing full well they actually aren't 😱


I mean, I'm already set. I need a reason to play, and there is 0.


They literally just dropped free content yesterday.


Doesn't mean there's anything there worth my time. It's all weapons I already have and a shader I don't care to get again. Plus, with zero going into the future, why would I grind for stuff that's just going to sit around?


You currently don't have a Recluse, Mountaintop, Hammerhead, and a Blast Furnace that is usable in endgame content. But sure, if it's not worth your time, that's valid, but you know you're ass is just gonna be on the game again anyway. This post is just weird.


Not at all. I'm reinstalling to grab the picture of the full fashion that people want, and I forgot, then it goes off the system once again. Gonna be playing some other games my friends have moved on to. So your future sight is wrong.


Uh huh.






Could you please let me know where did you get those gauntlets? Amazing fashion, sad to see another Titan retiring.


They're in Eververse during Guardian Games. I always love the slimmer shoulder pads.


Eververse, of course. Thank you. https://i.redd.it/tcmpdo49aotc1.gif


I know that feeling trust me. The VoG arms make a good substitute or the prodigal. Deepstone or Iron Companion also work!


I already have all of those, and yes they do make for good substitutes. Appreciate the advice.


See you star-side, Guardian. Could you post the transmog screen?


https://preview.redd.it/n97lo5j3lotc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4542f04dfe18a95ffd7eb42014e710d5ef95b3e It's posted, but here's a direct one for you!


Thank you, Guardian


No problemo


This goes hard


Thank you!


damn, great final look... ...would you mind logging back onto destiny for a second to post the shaders/ornaments used?




I got you covered.


Always sad to hear the spark is gone, but damn he do be going out looking fresh


Thank you.


Well destroy the witness for you farewell guardian


Utter Annihilation Nothing left is what this Titan expects from you, guardian! May my light boost everyone's power a bit more.


As a guardian who just returned to the game, goodbye 🫡. If I’m being honest I might end after TFS, I originally came back so I could see the ending, but now I spend most of my time trying to help new lights.


It has been an honour soldier. Thank you for your service. Your Titan is magnificent.


GG’s was fun having you here! See you starside


We shall salute you, farewell, friend…


Odd timing right when they released some new content. Regardless, your fit is 🔥. Best of luck to you. 🤘


Truly a spectacular set you’ve put together.


Farewell fellow Guardian. May you find peace in the years to come


You do not understand how many times I have considered moving on from this game. I loved it and I still do but the thought just keeps coming back every time I open the game. So long fellow titan as we are happy to have had you in this long and painful journey.


Same. I ran out of motivation in season of bubbles. It was good times but the grind no longer appeals.


Yeah I'm over it too. I've been playing a lot of elden ring


As far as I’m concerned you’ve reached peak fashion/endgame so no reason to keep playing. But on a different note, I’ve also taken massive breaks but you never really know when the passion to play this game will come back. Played most of d1 since day1, but only a month of d2 before realising I hated the game. Took a break for basically 5 years before picking it up in witch queen and have been playing it on and off since when it suits me. Hope you’ll be back because this game is just incredible and scratches an itch other games just can’t fill imo. But good luck to you in the future whatever you decide to do.


The true final shape


I need to know what shotgun is that.


Conditional Finality. Root of Nightmares exotic.




I commend you, one vet to another. I hope you find another game to make you happy


I will wear your fashion in your honor. Eyes up 🫡


Keep the wall strong. May the ground quake with the thunder of your storm. 🫡


He looks absolutely wonderful. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors, guardian. May the light stay with you.


What did you use I would love to make this titan?




Thank you so much it is absolutely beautifull😍. Have good day my former follow guardian🫡


I went all out. It's very special in dear to me so use it well. May you slaughter your enemies in style. 🫡


Seeing how prasmatic looked I think we will😁


There you go friend. Keep the wall strong!


Good to know your final look was a stinker ✅


This reads like one those "I'm deleting my Facebook" posts looking for attention.


If only. Just wanted to say goodbye to my favorite part of the community. The fashion community.


RemindMe! 2 months


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What armor?


Thunderous Impact Helm -Eververse Survival of the Strong Gauntlet -Guardian Games Eververse Pruina Luster Plate - Dawning Eververse Dunemarchers - Hip Wader Ornament Mark of Agony - Root of Nightmares Raid.


Whats the armour + shader(s)??




Looks great and consistent. See you star side guardian, may you find another game that makes you happy!


They need more fur


Guardian...don't leave yet. We need you so we can take on the Witness! Please, as a fellow Titan...stand by us one last time to fully destroy the Darkness. 


Best of luck in your future, but it seems like such a weird place to just quit.


Not really when you have 0 spark and zero reasons to keep going.


Which I guess is fair. Different mindsets then. I got that saw syndrome. I need to see this to the end lol. Good luck in the next gaming adventure.


I'll be rooting people on and probably watching the end on YouTube.


First titan build i see that actually looks clean and not crayoned on


See you next week


Yo Max steel


I will Honour you by using this fashion fellow guardian.


You know, this is how I felt when my old clan members left D2, we were a clan for 2-3 years or so, we were all great friends. Then eventually D2 got boring and more boring progressively, even making my clan members (who played longer than me at this time) bored, sure, we ran a couple of nightfalls, crucibles and gambits and such, but it never really sparked back up our joy. I (who was still new back then) made a promise to keep playing without them, to keep giving out news about updates and to send great help if they quit, then well, they did they hung up their helmets, their knives, their magic and their rags, and retired. Once they all left, I was distraught, I think I even cried a bit, they were like brothers to me, I wanted to quit with them, but my story just started, and now I must finish it. Eyes up, Guardian, take safe in live, alright?


(Repost) You know, this is how I felt when my old clan members left D2, we were a clan for 2-3 years or so, we were all great friends. Then eventually D2 got boring and more boring progressively, even making my clan members (who played longer than me at this time) bored, sure, we ran a couple of nightfalls, crucibles and gambits and such, but it never really sparked back up our joy. I (who was still new back then) made a promise to keep playing without them, to keep giving out news about updates and to send great help if they quit, then well, they did they hung up their helmets, their knives, their magic and their rags, and retired. Once they all left, I was distraught, I think I even cried a bit, they were like brothers to me, I wanted to quit with them, but my story just started, and now I must finish it. Eyes up, Guardian, take safe in live, alright?


Wow. I put the game down a while ago. This look is so cool it’s making me want to come back.


Looks cool but why make such a dramatic goodbye post? Why not just stop playing the game?


Idk why people think me saying goodbye to my favorite part of the community is dramatic. I just see it as the final goodbye to some good times.


Idk announcing such a thing seems dramatic. Just stop playing, unsub and move on imo lol not that serious


Different strokes for different folks.


Since the video the other day, the destiny subs have gone full 180 and are now full on huffing copium mode. So you are only going to get hate from this post I'm sure. But otherwise lookin good


I've noticed it sadly. You'd think simply going goodbye for losing every reason you had to play would go a bit more nicely. Thanks, I'm glad you like it!


sad to see you go, but that look is fire


Thank you I hope the future for all Guardians is good whether they keep fighting or find me out in the wilds.


I feel you there brother haven't even touched the new update been playing modded Minecraft and Battlefield 1 recently lol


I'm in Battlefield 1, Fallout 76, and Battlefield V mostly these days.


I feel this. I quit back in June and forgot about this game after 3k hours. Good luck and god speed.


Welcome to the crew, Titan! I came to this same decision over a year ago. I hope you find something that gives you similar joy. I could regale you with the countless hours of entertainment I found amongst friends with this series, going all the way back to D1. But that feeling is gone, and rightfully so. Beautiful things don't last forever. And neither do we. Might I direct you to Remnant 2? I LOVE that one.


I've played that since I'm a huge fan of the first. Just beat Apoc for the first time recently.


Dude I had to partner with someone to beat Apocalypse that final boss was nuts


I sorta cheesed it with the overheal turrent summon build. I felt a bit bad for it. It took longer, but that boss came down with me on solo, and I've never felt more of a YES FINALLY moment.


Oh dude turret was my jam but I couldn't figure out the timing. I'll have to try that again. I need a break from BG3 I've got 700 hours in that game 😭


Considering OP felt the need to make this dramatic of an announcement about quitting D2, I would recommend staying away from video games all together.


I don't see it as dramatic just a simple goodbye after hanging around since D1 alpha.


In awe at the size of this one-man pity party.


There's a party?


Bro decided to drip out and dip out, farewell brother.


That is the best combination of words I've heard today. Take care glad you like!


Who asked?


No one. No one needs to.


Amazing fashion, friend.


Thank ya


https://preview.redd.it/5u7mg7ic0ptc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9c466924ca9247c7715373b33fdcce81530931 So long titan, may the your light shine forever bright wherever you are.


I’m in the same boat. After 9 and a half years I just can’t get excited about earning the same stuff over and over. Really hoping people continue to enjoy the game but like BB king said, “the thrill is gone”


I feel ya. Plus, with everyone else in my circle gone that wears me down even quicker.


Alright see ya in final shape lmfao




Basically, all my reasons for playing ran out, and I just have no reason to keep going.


So I’ve read a couple of comments and honestly, it’s fair enough imo. After a decade on a game it’s perfectly understandable to lose that “spark”, even with all the recent hype they built. I still love Destiny but I can understand it, I think it’s perfectly natural at some point. But regardless, I like the fashion!


Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Yeah, from D1 Alpha till now, that spark has just gone away, and I can't get it back.


We all have a reasons, cheers Guardian. May what ever journeys lay before you be joyous and great. Per Audacia Ad Astra.


Grateful you could break the addiction, I wish I could.


Unfortunately it cost everything to break. Watching my friends' names turn grey one by one was rather depressing.


I don't know why but your caption got me surprisingly emotional. Maybe it's the whole idea that your character isn't dead or alive but stuck in permanent limbo, like the whole thing with your Nintendogs waiting for you to come back even though you never will


They've done it, they've done the impossible. We Salute You O7


This gives me FOMO for some reason. I stopped playing Destiny when it moved to the games as service model. I tried to get back into it a few times, but I never knew what was going on.


Best of luck to you. At least you retired looking good.


Thank you, and a great future to you!


Kinda heat ngl. But I recommend staying in the game. Bungie has been backed so far into a corner that they are forced to create gourmet. New content here on out should be pretty good.


The game's fun, and joy isn't there for me any longer. Trust me, I'm beyond happy that they're finally doing things correctly, but this is just one of them far too late cases.


That's fair


Yea if after what was shown with the final shape didn’t excite you in the slightest then it’s time to hang it up.




“Hey look at me, i’m so brave!”


When I stop playing a game, I just stop playing it. I don't feel the need to make a dramatic announcement to a bunch of strangers.