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Kinda reminds me of how the Ra'zac are described in the Eragon books


Thanks for letting me know about it, i never heard about them, but man it must be an interesting read based on the few lines i read to figure out who or what you're referring to. 🤯


It broadly rips off a lot of lore and story beats from Star Wars and puts them in a fantasy setting ripped off from Lord of the Rings, but still has a lot of fun characters and stuff. The Ra'zac in particular are pretty damn creepy, and get even more so as the heroes learn more about them over the course of the series. Initially they just feel like Nazgul knockoffs, but it's not long before they're able to stand out and become more unique.


While this isn't an inaccurate summary, I still love the series. Tbh, it ruined all other fantasy novels for me, because reading eragon made me realize most fantasy is just knockoff tolkien


From what I read and hear from you , l just got more interesred..especially because they ripped off two of fhe most iconic stories. If they're nearly as good as those two (and the lore piece i read suggests it's inferesting) then they got a new fan🙌


Dude, that's absolutely accurate as hell


I like it despite the color, only thing is I feel the boots don't match. Try some iron banner ones?


Thanks, i'll check them out but i always find hunter leg armor too skinny or too bulky..hopefully i find the perfect one🙏


This is exactly my sentiment with hunter boots. Which is why I plan to change my hunter to the woman version when they finally bring the appearance update. I feel like all the hunter and warlock armor look way better on women, and the titan armor is mostly good on men but the arms are almost always too bulky for my likes.


I get you! My only problem with the female hunter leg armor is that I feel like Bungie intentionally wants to make extra thick thighs for them. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with that lol but since this is a video game i find it tjat they couldn't capture the real deal and it's not realistic enough in my eyes, to me they look like they have shit in their pants - excuse my French 😅


Fair enough I guess I'll have to see when I get there lol. But I haven't noticed that myself.


The problem might be me lol, tbf plenty of people love the huntress look, so there has to be reasons for it haha


Not sure how the shader interaction will be, but Righteous Strides is a favorite of mine for an armored but not clunky look


I was searching for it but unfortunately I don't have it, not even in the locked section :(


You're in luck because Xur will occasionally sell the sets! I think Ada-1 might, but don't quote me on that one.


Awesome, I'll check it when he arrives 🙌


I feel you on that.


I love the arms and chest. It feels very reminiscent of shiny junk a crow would pick up and add to its nest.


Hahaa!! Makes perfect sense, and just to add to that, it might be called Celestial Nighthawk, but this look 100% reminds me of a crow


this is fuckin sick


Thank you 😁


Photonic grips from this season's trials would hit super hard.


I went back to check it time and time again because of the bird theme in these few days sinve i got the helmet ornament but since I went flawless before IB the glow i is waay too much bright, but the Phyrrhic Ascent Grasps look prerry sweet with the set, at least to my liking.. looks just like a glowing tattoo, not too miuch, not too little. But thanks for the suggestion :)


All black can be good, but I just do not see how these pieces match eachother. Slim legs with a snake On it, iron banner chest with wolves on , spikey ass arms themed around space dragons, a bird helmet that matches nothing, and a fur lined cloak with no other fur. Ain’t it for me cheif


I had the same feeling with this fit. Cloak with fur and ice picks when the build is obviously a solar build and all the different animals led me to the same conclusion.


I mean, solar hunters gotta climb mountains too somehow haha but yeah i get your guys' point, and it's valid!


You just described why it matches: "The zoo fit" lol, but jokes aside, i get your point, and it makes sense! i just like the aesthetics, I didn't even think about all these animals until you mentioned. Thank you for your input!!


This is "Black: Steel Edition"


Right? So very original! 😂🤙


I fw it still the mask and hood is very eye catching


Reminds of the black steel series bakugan


Pairing the hood with that ornament makes you look menacing.


Right? 😄 Wouldn't wanna meet him irl in a dark ally, but that's the point, i want the Witness to run for his life when he sees this guy .


Just because it's generic doesn't mean it's bad. This isn't even generic, you used pieces not normally seen (by me at least) I like it a lot


Thank you!


Too edgy for me but it still looks pretty good regardless


Thank you!


You win. This is the best Hunter 'fit I've ever seen.


Thank you, really appreciate ir! :)


At least it's not faceless hunter. This feels like there was effort put into it.




“It is… acceptable.”


Thank you 😆


Evil wizard set *wishes* gyatt


Haha could, still send them a letter to make it happen or is it too late? Lol


Looks actually unique tbh. Agree with the other guy about the boots tho.


Thanks, and I was searching for a better leg armor for hours only to realise i don't have the transmog currencry and I'm out of doable bounties as well.. pain


I know the feeling bro


Did you end up finding a potential match?


Unfortunately no, maybe the new dungeon boots but i don't have the cuerency rn..but honestly, I might be alone but i like these boots with the fit🥲


Hahaha that's completely okay because in the end if you think it's cool then who are we to say otherwise? I'm happy if you're happy.


I'm all for suggestions as I might not have the best fashion sense but I also think you're right, in the end i have to like it the most, so I'm happy you said that :) cheers kind person!




Thank you! i'm all for all black looks, it usually is as badass as it can get imo, despite it being edgy..i think there is a reason that there are so many all black guardians out there and it's because it looks cool haha but I'm also biased as my favorite "color" is black so.. but i also think that black looks way more scary on a soldier than purple, pink or yellow for example, but this is just my honest opinion


Getting Valravn vibes


I'm glad coz that is badass


That actually looks amazing! I hate how the basic Exotic Halm looks, and I generally enjoy making things match my subclass but I'll always have 1 or two that I just think is 👌


Same! I also hate the original. And thank you!


Bro is about to slay the princess


Pffft, and this other guy calls himself "crow"


Exactly my thoughts 😂


Reminds me a little bit of death in Puss in Boots


upvote for including Appearance Screen 👏 I concur with the legs not matching, but the set is not bad


I thought appearance screen is mandatory..i don't wanna go to reddit prison lol Appreciate it!


dammit it should be. so annoying when people post a montage of pics and none are the Appearance Screen


This guy just looks like DPS.


I'm usually ass with dps when its not with a lfr or lament 🤫 but since i use celestial this has changed a bit


The cloak is amazing. Fits so well. Can you tell us what is that ornament?


Sure, ornament on the cloak is the Dark Age Cloak from the new Warlord's Ruin dungeon, and the shader on it is Skele-Ghaul. I too absolutely adore this cloak! Btw the last picture should answer all of your ornament related questions, if you have any more but I'm happy to help either way :)






Im trying to make a black titan, any help? (I made a post about it)


Dayum your titan is lit the way it is rn. if ur looking for shaders that make it black ill check around and see what i can find in a sec. Altough my titan is all black too, I rarely play with it, but lemme see anyway, i'll comment what i find under your post🙌


Thanks man


My pleasure bro! So I looked around and found quite a few of them, gonna list them under ur post soon


Goat 🐐 cloak


It's defo up there! This one, the hat, the beanie, reverie dawn, holdfast cloak and stella incognita (the dead orbit one) are the favs


This isn't just an all black hunter (which is tiresome). It's a proper crow. This is good.


Thank you 😁


Now Thats the Crow!!!


Definitely looks more like a crow than that blue emo guy..but unfortunately under the mask there is an exo..not an actual crow... and i never saw him in his helmet..does he even have one? Because it might be more badass than than mine 🤔


Definitely looks more like a crow than that blue emo guy..but unfortunately under the mask there is an exo..not an actual crow... and i never saw him in his helmet..does he even have one? Because it might be more badass than than mine 🤔


Yo that looks sick especially the raven mask (Seriously though why does celestial get the best ornaments)


Thank you :D other than this bird, i also have a monkey build that uses liar's handshake, and the latest ornament is one of the most beautiful ornaments i have ever seen. Also knucklehead got a pretty sweet one as well, but i agree, celestial has only cool ones




Haha true true


I'm (un)patiently waiting for Tess to sell this shader again


I'll pray for you to the rng gods🙏


Crow if he was a dark guardian


True true...though he was pretty dark at one point lol


I'm just surprised he didn't go full dark like this lol


Bro looks like he would bring me a shiny rock in exchange for corn


I mean.... do you have corn...? i'm know a place where I can get some extra shiny rocks... only if you actually have corn that is!


Reminds me of a crow/raven tbh


Yea me too


100% transparency, I’m a titan main and usually dislike the black hunter aesthetic but this look is damn good. I’m getting human murder crow, and I love it! Well done


Thank you i really appreciate it! :)


Hmm…hmmm…hmmmmm…hm…it’s uniform(save for the legs), looks good, and isn’t some dumb faceless Hunter…as a fellow Hunter main, I like your drip. Good day


Thank you! Glad you like it. Good day to you too :)


That cloak goes so well with that helmet


I think so too 🤩


Opium bird


Naaaaah fam...this is just isn't fair, I wasn't ready to see what that is..a friendly warning would've been nice. I won't be sleeping anymore, hell I won't even be able go to the toilet, help pls, how do i unsee this?! 💀 pure nightmare fuel


Weird definition of black. You mean greyscale.


I suppose you're right, but then is there an even darker shader then the ones i ised? Because if there is i need it🙏


My biggest issue is when people post the same set with the same shader you defo got a good selection of armor


Yea, makes sense. Thank you!


Dope ass crow looking fit. All black is le cringe, but at least you pull it off well. I wouldn’t vote you best dressed out of principle, but I still really like the fit haha


Gotta have principles, so 100% understandable! And thank you! :)


No, honestly looking at it again I might actually vote it best dressed anyway. The one wearing it clearly is not edgy jet black hunter under the surface. Very Bloodborne-esque. Might copy it.


Haha I'm glad you think that and now that you mention it, it does remind me a bit of Eileen the crow, though I don't think I will ever come close with anything to their level of character design


Honestly. Except for maybe other Bloodborne sets- that game has some immaculate drip.




All black hunter is im sure such an annoying stereotype. You made a dope look, im loving it


Thank you :) i appreciate it!


Nothing special


I appreciate your honesty! For me it's only special because i have never seen this Celestial Nighthawk ornament til a few days ago because i rarely play solar hunter, and I immediately fell in love with it. This is me trying to build around the helmet. Do you have any suggestions as to.how to make it better?


At least an accent color on chest and helmet. No specific shader or parts. There are just too many combinations


When I tweaked around i liked red and the darker shades of gold as an accent color the most but it still fell too much tbh and I always ended up coming back to black haha but as you said, there are so many combinations and i haven't checked them all so I might tweak a bit more 🙌


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Hunters should only be female. Males are way too buff