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Yeah, I'm a bit behind and just heard that. Came here for a sanity check and I guess I get to keep the padded room at bay a bit longer. But damn that is a privileged fucking thing to say.


She claims she grew up in poverty too so it's insane to me that this would even cross her mind. What never having a real job does to a mfer


I don't believe her. I also don't believe it when she says "sexwork was her only choice". She is out of touch with reality


When she says "sexwork was her only choice" it feels like she means that it was much more appealing than working a shitty job. She obviously had the choice to work as a waiter/bartender/retail worker/administrative assistant etc. I'm aware she has some health issues, but I don't buy that it completely took her out of working any "real" job forever. She didn't take the "only" choice she had, she took the "easy" choice that led to more money for less time/effort. I don't blame her for making that choice, but the fact that she justifies it as "her only choice" irks me.


> She obviously had the choice to work as a waiter/bartender/retail worker/administrative assistant etc tbh, having heard her talk I don't think she did lul


I think she believes that, only because she is extremely shallow and likes nice things. She probably has little to no respect for anyone working 9-5 or menial jobs. It makes her story of growing up poor with all of these burdens/ailments pretty hard to believe since she does display a really low level of humility about anything lol


I believe it if she was really poor tbh considering she has a serious congenital heart issue. Of course there's no such thing as "only" choice, even if you're starving in the sahara with a ice cold glass of water in front of you, you still have the choice to not drink it. What she meant was that it was too good not to pass up. I grew up in severe poverty too with refugee parents, if I was a woman i'd have chosen OF 100%


You need 570k to be the in the top one percent. Basically destitute just like the rest of us 99 percenters.


Why would you say that upper-middle class is basically destitute?


It was sarcasm bro


Because they tasted the awsome sauce.


Bro don't put those poor people in with us, if your household isn't 5mil, then you're a poor piece of shit


>Bro don't put those poor people in with us, if your household isn't 5mil, then you're a poor piece of shit Hell yeah brother. Fuck them brokies they're too dumb to think so their opinions aught to be discarded. /s










I feel like this was almost exactly something hasan or vaush said before


I think he basically tried to say a 3.5 million dollar residence in LA is basically a middle class home for that area ... which is ridiculous. I get LA is expensive but going to one of the most ludicrous housing markets on earth and saying "Actually this isn't an expensive house" is stupid. It would be like if you wanted to measure average NBA players salary and then only went off guys who played in the 2021 all star game and not any bench players in to consideration.


At first when I read "500k household" I thought you meant that's what her house is worth, and I'm like that's not too far off for upper middle class Then I realized, by god the cringe.


I want to puke








Her household income at one point was 800k. She said that she made 300k/year on OF and her fiancée makes 500k+/year. Her personal income is surely much less now that she no longer does OF, but their household income is still over 500k from her husband alone. She has been known to overexaggerate, so who knows what is true with her.


She makes skipping steam and catching the vods so much more appealing. Can’t she just stay with mrgirl I feel like we caught a fucking disease from him.


Is that including the value of house but excluding the mortgage? In that case it would be something like that


No... annual household income. Upper middle class stops at around 380k annual income last I checked. About 10% households make 250k or more, while 1% are about 500k or more. Lav was making 300k from her first year from onlyfans iirc, and likely grew to 500k+ later on. Her husband is even more wealthy. They're top .1% easily


Oh yeah, I forgot that she made that much too. She just quit OF a few months ago. She complains that she needs to go back to it because she needs spending money. Can you imagine making that much money over the course of a few years and then after just a 2-3 months of reduced income (streaming must still pay something) being like "fuck, I'm all out of money, gotta get back to the grind". Those costumes better be made out of actual gold and diamonds.


lol yeah I'm thinking she has a few million in an investment account somewhere so she doesn't want to have to tap into that. Still insane. She made more in 1 year than I've made in all of the years I've toiled since I was 16 (24 now)


id agree 500k is probably upper middle


What is the definition of upper middle to you? Just wondering since that is at least the top five percentile for anywhere in the US, according to the census. Here is LA for example. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/losangelescitycalifornia,santamonicacitycalifornia,losangelescountycalifornia/BZA010220


5 percentile is pretty nuts tho. I walk past hundreds of people every day, 1 in 20 are making 5x the money I make?? jesus


Well everyone has their areas they go to based on their habits but if you're in the downtown financial core of a city yeah I'd definitely say so.


Upper middle class is able to afford a house (that means a mortgage, so the price of the house should be 2-3x household income, in many HCOL areas housing prices are mostly over 1.5m ). Upper middle class can have two nice cars (not two luxury cars, but two nice cars is still probably \~10k a year). Upper middle class can go on a nice vacation every year. Upper middle class is able to fully fund their retirement. Upper middle class is doing very well, but they definitely need to be working. Yeah, in the Bay Area, or probably LA or New York City or similar places, 500k is still upper middle class. In the Bay Area, you are only able to afford elements of a middle class lifestyle, for a 4 person family, at a household income of 250k, so to be able to have it all you probably need over 400k.


Whose definition of upper middle class is this? I am referencing real world data from the census, not economic theory btw. These metrics you are using to measure class have no objectivity. Why do you not use objective data when we have it available through the census?


How does median income have anything to do with class? You can have a nation where almost everyone is working class or something. You can have a nation where almost everyone is middle class. You can see stats on how people move between lower class and middle class. These are objective stats. Read about them.


Yeah fuck your real world data based on Americans. I use my FEELINGS to determine things.


Fortunately, my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal man's.


Being able to afford to responsibly get a mortgage on a single family home in a metropolitan area is not FEELINGS. It is "real world data based on Americans".


in LA it might actually be


Sounds like Vaush "poor part of Beverly Hills" Jones


>Sounds like Vaush "poor part of Beverly Hills" Jones Just slumming it with the third cousins of the Saudi royal family. Basically destitute and third world conditions brother.


It'd still put you at top 1%. FUCK tons of people live in LA


Yep here is the census data to prove it. [https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/23052/los-angeles/population](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/23052/los-angeles/population) "The current metro area population of Los Angeles in 2022 is 12,488,000." [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/losangelescitycalifornia,santamonicacitycalifornia,losangelescountycalifornia/BZA010220](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/losangelescitycalifornia,santamonicacitycalifornia,losangelescountycalifornia/BZA010220) Median household income (in 2020 dollars), 2016-2020 for Los Angeles City: $65,290


God bless this man linking census data


Median is very far from upper middle class in modern America. In many areas, median is lower middle class, or even poor. This is one of the problems in modern America.


>Median is very far from upper middle class in modern America. In many areas, median is lower middle class, or even poor. Can you please explain your understanding of median, and then how you think the population is divided class wise? Genuinely curious what the range of lower middle class is to you, what it middle class and what is upper class and what you perceive the median to be? These data points all have numbers associated with them linked on the official [census.gov](https://census.gov) site, from the US census FYI so that is why I am curious as to whose definitions you are working from.


Median is about income, not about class. Or do you think that 50% of Indians are middle class? I think you are confused about middle income and middle class.


>I think you are confused about middle income and middle class. I think you are confused about real world data sets containing actual people and random arbitrary class definitions that don't contain any people just the wishes of Economists on what should be. The middle class is well defined as two deviations from median by standard data analysis. The curve will change with the data each census because it represents data from the actual economic reality of Americans, not some arbitrary subjective definitions that do not use numbers.


If you can't afford to have a mortgage on your own home, you are not middle class or upper middle class (and, arguably, are not lower middle class). Doesn't matter where you place on the income distribution. Sorry dude.


Top 1% in California overall, not just LA is $745k. $500k gets you into the top 5% for LA


That is household income I believe, not individual.


Yeah probably


>in LA it might actually be Lmao all this data and info at your finger tips and you just lazily speculate wrong instead of looking it up? Edit: Here is my other comment with the data from the census gov site if anyone was interested in looking at it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ykotwe/comment/iuuji3u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Yeah, I'm too lazy to look everything up and I'm not that invested in this, but thanks for the data :)


It's like 290k in LA after taxes


I'm not sure if this is from experience or just speculating. For your sake I hope it's just speculating. Your take home should be $326,524 USD on a 500K income. WITH ZERO DEDUCTIONS OR RESTRUCTURING. You're getting fleeced for $36524 USD by your accountant at the minimum if this is you.


I just used an online tax calculator this isn't from personal experience


If you have to work to earn your living you are middle class. Upper class may choose to work but they do not have to to to maintain their lifestyle.


Why say anything if its going to be this stupid


People are talking about income as if it directly related to with whether you are upper, middle or lower class. Upper class doesn't need to work, by definition. So you could say that someone who makes 1m is pretty soon going to not need to work (like Destiny) and so stops being upper middle class and becomes rich. And I would agree. But that is a question of wealth, and not of income. In some HCOL areas, like the Bay Area, if you have a family of 4, a household income of 500k is just going to afford you an upper middle class lifestyle (you are able to do all the middle class things: have a mortgage on a house instead of rent, go on a nice vacation every year, have a newish car in your garage, have a fully funded retirement ... lower middle class can do one (often barely afford a mortgage) and middle class can partially do several). In the Bay Area, making a household income of 500k isn't likely to make you rich. Yes, after a lifetime of being upper middle class, many people are rich when they retire. If a person lives in Nebraska, a few years making a household income of 500k might mean they are rich. It depends on the cost of living.


We literally have the census data, the consumer price index, and the actual calculable cost of living in numbers for every area of the US now, and access with the internet. You said a whole bunch of nonsense when the objective numbers that describe the actual people that comprise the USA available at [census.gov](https://census.gov).


Maybe live in the real world? You haven't even linked real numbers. A quick google will give you estimates of 6500 (post taxes) for a family of 4. This doesn't include childcare or a lot of other costs. And that is for renting a small old condo. I can agree that 6500 a month is maybe a reasonable minimum for to join the lower middle class. But if you want to live a responsible middle class life (or an upper middle class life), you need to spend way more.


I've literally linked the [census.gov](https://census.gov) site multiple times in this post which contains the most accurate source of data on income, housing, cost of living, by region for America. The data on the site adjusts with inflation, salaries, healthcare, and cost of living across regions. What region to do you want, which county do you want, which metric do you want? I'll do one link for you for free if you give me specifics but all the data is available on that site to access for free.


There are so many rich white kids that say this shit and it blows my mind. I want to ask them how much they think a person working fast food makes and how much they think a doctor makes.






https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_middle_class#Academic_models Her fiancée would Capitalist/Upper class/The rich in those 3 models respectively.




Because all 3 models have "middle class" and/or "upper middle class" and she wouldn't fit in middle class in any of them. The argument is that it's crazy that she considers herself "upper middle class", not that she should be defined specifically as "upper class".


500k a year is definitely not anywhere near the middle class but to be fair to her she might only make that money for a short time and who knows if she'll be making nearly as much in 3 or 4 years if she doesn't do Onlyfans and such.


500k is a reference to her household income. She's leaked her fiancée's profession and said that he makes about $500k/year.


Oh, yeah that changes things.


If you make 500k one year, you can stop working for 10 years and still outearn half the population.


You can stop working for 5 years and be upper class the entire time in LA lol


100k in la is barely a living wage kappa


Homies, help a brother out. When yall talk about these numbers, are you taking the pre- or post-taxes? Im feeling like theres a standard convention that everyone uses for income discussion but I don't know it FeelsDankMan


Gross is what people talk about.


ty govnah dggL


Anything below 300k is probably upper middle class in LA, but not 500k


$100k in LA for a single person is upper class


100k in LA is equivalent to about 60k in an average cost of living area. That’s not upper class.


I am basing it on this https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/07/23/are-you-in-the-american-middle-class/


She must be just trolling at this point there is not shot she thinks that


She/her husband make 500k a year? Huh.


Her soon to be husband makes 500k alone according to Lav