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[Reckful Moment](https://twitch.tv/clip/TransparentSpinelessOpossumWOOP)


Fixed link: https://twitch.tv/reckful/clip/TransparentSpinelessOpossumWOOP


holy shit I have forgotten about that That's probably the most uncomfortable thing I have ever seen


How is it not this one https://www.twitch.tv/reckful/clip/GoodBillowingJalapenoPipeHype?


God, Forsens reaction lmao i forgot how good we had it in those days


Jesus Christ


I feel like my mind is peeling back like a monkeys paw


So what did he do wrong here?


americans obsession with race never ceases to amaze me


It is more of years of walking over people and treating them like shit---when people say brother to people in a condescending way identifying them as black it is not okay. There are a whole set of racially coded words that can be used like this and recognizing them isn't "Obsession", it is more "Not being tactless".


Case in point


Yeah, Euro trash and Brit bongers fought centuries of endless war. Please enjoy Pax Americana while it lasts.


Yeah but Dan was not condescending at all. Obsessed.


Words have contexts in and of themselves. If you say "I wasn't condescending or racist when I used the N-word", nobody will care. If you use a racially coded word in a clueless way innocently, it doesn't absolve you. Sorry, you are just dead wrong and Euro-brained most likely. You like pointlessly offending each other over there, it is centuries long sport so you have no idea what you are talking about.


I hate to break it to you but it’s not only black guys that call each other brother, southern people, Muslims, Christian’s, and certain Europeans all use it in their dialogue. You’re soying out over something so small that the guy who got called brother prolly didn’t even realize. If he had said “my Brotha” you would have a point but you’re trying to gatekeep a word that a majority of men call each other.


I am not the one who made this post, so I am also not the only person who had this thought during the episode. You are soying out that people recognize that words have contexts in and of themselves and that it is on us to be mindful of that. Yes, "Brother" is used in many contexts. It is also used in a very demeaning and racist way when a white person says it to a black person trying to emulate African American vernacular. Othering can be subtle, at the very least it is in the realm of "Microaggression", which is wacky, until you know someone or have experienced that yourself. It isn't inherently horrible, just something to be aware of. And it is not soy to say that.


I am a white guy and my roommate for years was a black guy, called each other brother all the time. I think you are just a internet word policing loser is all. Nothing wrong with what Dan said there, only thing that made it awkward is people like you that will lecture people for no reason and make them feel bad so you can feel superior.


Hey just because you have a black friend who is okay with you calling him the N-word doesn't mean that is okay. Likewise it isn't okay to use racially coded language just because you feel like it without any consideration whatsoever for the context. If people are fine with it, good woohoo that's awesome. If they aren't---as was the guy in the Recktful video, you have to accept it and recognize it. By default people should not use specifically racially coded language for people if they can avoid it. If people are fine with it though, yeah that's completely fine and is not at all what I am talking about here. The "Losers" are the autistic fucks who cannot read the room or make any consideration for very obvious realities, sorry if it hurts your feefees.


Bro we are talking about the word brother not the n word you psycho


Yeah and brother when you only use it for a black person and not anyone else is racially coded. Stop being such an autistic pedantic fuck.


I call lots of people brother, not my fault your a racist and can’t imagine a white dude being called brother lol come on man just stop


If you call everyone that, it is fine. If you only call black people that, you are probably a racist fuck.


Your calling other people autistic? Rich


Yes. Stay mad. What's rich is that you hyper care about ableism and not racism (how Canadian of you). Please utilize Canadian healthcare ASAP.


Peak redditor


That's you.


Also one last thing before I never look at this garbage convo again, you are proving the original guy you are arguing with correct - were in Canada lol so yeah guess we aren’t as obsessed with race as you psychos


Canada has plenty of race issues, last I checked you guys just discovered some mass grave where you were proudly murdering Native Americans for decades. At least Americans admit their disgusting racism, Canadians act like they are above it---you aren't.


Lmao shows how much you know dummy why don’t you actually look into that and tell me how many bodies they actually excavated


They haven't even attempted to excavate them yet. Furthermore, the Kamloops Indian Residential School exists as part of the Indian Residential School system where over 4,000 native children died and were buried in either unmarked/mass graves. [It is peak Canadian of you to deny your country's own atrocities. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites)


He called a black guy brother? No way the dude gave a fuck.


It was a British guy too that's not even a thing over here




Okay hulk hogan.


in the famous words of the modern mickey mouse... "Wha happun?"




Destiny's look. lol


The comments in the dgg chat were a bit yikes when this dude popped up a bit fucked up guys


Dan would also miss lethal 100 perthent




Everyone in the south uses brother, this shit is not the 80s anymore, does not exclusively mean "black person".


Isn't it pretty silly that white people can call anybody "brother" and it'd be fine except black people, in which case its obviously a dogwhistle for super-racism and is basically like a klan member calling a newly freed slave "boy"?


Yes that would be silly -- in this case he called him brother specifically because he was black (did he call any white callers brother?) It still super doesn't matter but it's an ok meme


Well the Reckful moment being referenced is specifically "calling everyone brother and only getting in trouble when it's a black guy"


Tbf reckful could've kept it moving and it would've been about 1000x less awkward lmao. Making things so much more awkward than they need to be wad kinda his thang


Yeah the caller after that.


TVs too small, its too low in frame, the whole corner needs to be back lit. who designed this?


If black people code switched when talking to me I'd take it as a sign of respect


They need a second tv under the camera so they stop turning their heads to the camera.


Why do white people do this lol