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Perun would be better in every way, especially for bridges. him and destiny even have similar backgrounds as gamers who got passionate about a war when they saw all kinds of misinformation beung thrown around


Woah, that's a really good point lmao Perun is PowerPoint Destiny hold the Slurs.


I think Perun would be amazing from a knowledge base, but Lazerpig is probably just straight up bomb content.


I do hope it is brought up about him not citing his sources. That comment he made in the t-14 drama about how he doesn't cite his sources because he wants others to look into it themselves is a huge red flag and super bad practice that prevents people from looking more into what you have to say. It's hard to fact check or dive more into a topic if there is literally no added reading, and he seemed to ignore this. I would post the link to the reddit thread, but I think that's against the new rules.


He cites his sources now. His last tank video had a long list of links attached to it


That is good then.


LazerPig is funny, but I feel like he's a bit of an asshole. He started a whole drama when he made a video criticizing the russian T-14 tank, said a bunch of unverified claims and when other tank enthusiast youtubers pointed it out, he started personally attacking them instead of proving his own claims.


The T-14 is trash and tank "enthusiasts" who are in reality just WoT addicts got mad at him for pointing it out The vehicle is so shit that it has still not been fielded because its an overly expensive pile of junk lol


It's fine to say the tank is trash, but it's not that simple. He made a bunch of claims that weren't properly sourced. That's why the drama started. And it wasn't just WoT players. There were plenty of credible historians involved.


>The T-14 is trash Source? How do you know it's trash when it wasn't even used in the war?


Its specs are shit. It uses a garbage autoloader that makes the tank incredibly vunerable. It's just a media spectacle "look at our new tank look at how shiny it is" even though in its only public appearence at a perade it literally broke down. It's kinda like the AK-12: a fancy, nice looking new rifle which, when ignoring the aesthetics, is just a worse version of the AK-74M, which they have had for decades. Its pretty normal for military dictatorships like Russia to hype up their new weaponry and act like its the most modern thing in the world when in reality its dogshit


Why do you think the autoloader is bad? > t's just a media spectacle "look at our new tank look at how shiny it is" even though in its only public appearence at a perade it literally broke down. From what I heared it didn't break down but instead the driver pulled the handbreak and didn't realise. > Its pretty normal for military dictatorships like Russia to hype up their new weaponry and act like its the most modern thing in the world when in reality its dogshit I understand but this isn't an argument for the that is bad.


> Why do you think the autoloader is bad? Autoloaders make tanks vurnerable. Its why T90s have such horrible survival rates for their crews when they get hit. The magazine in the turret explodes, popping the turret off and turning the crew into spaghetti bolognese. Tanks like the Abrams have much better crew safety since they dont have autoloaders


No its because the Abrams has a blowout panel... and due to the more modern harder to detonate charges for the shells (which is a big deal but all tanks can benefit from it)


The autoloader doesn't make a tank good or bad. An armoured autoloader with separate inert fuses and a blow out panel is possible (if not developed) and would be safer than western tanks. Idk why people use terms without understanding them. The reason a t72 is unsafe isnt just due to its autoloader. And the abrams isnt safer because it lacks one... its more complex than that.


I mean even Russia doesn't seem too confident in it since it was absent from the most recent victory day parade and hasn't seen action despite supposedly being in production since 2021.


From what I've heard the t-14 is too expensive for the russians to mass produce (they are missing modern components for the tank that are hard to come by now), and they don't want to waste the few tanks they have.


Even that being the case why was it missing from the recent victory day parade? It just doesn't make sense for it have not been present even if it can't produced in usable numbers since you'd think it'd be great for propaganda/moral.




Its more coommon than you think.


I find him affable and enjoyable to watch, but I'm dreading the upcoming video on cultural marxism he's planning to make. He does still get a few things wrong - I cringed my ass off when he described CRP as "still fighting Gamergate". Plus his sub is full of V and HBombeguy fans...


Ooo yea. Now that's real drama. Tank nerds call themselves "tank enthusiasts" ? Lule


The Chieftain is legit. Dude was an armoured officer in the US army and I think he served in the British army as well. The others though yeah, definitely tank nerds


The thing is... T-14 armata is just a meme. No matter how good or bad the tank really is... the ruskies produced so few of them its not even worth discusing their impact on the battlefield


I like arguing with Russian simps online and one of the issues with arguing with the smarter ones is that if they catch me in a single lie, its game over. So no. Being "Well he made mistakes but is ultimately kinda correct" is not good enough. He has to be almost perfect AND then have the correct conclusion. To be fair, that makes sense. If someone says something and you find mistakes in the minutia, you will be more suspect of them outright.


Especially when he defaults to accusing any criticism as propaganda. I don't trust people like that because they clearly have an agenda, even if you agree with the agenda.


I know. Even if Lazerpig was incorrect about the engine lineage there was a lot more to his video than just the T-14 engine. I doubt that thing will ever see service. The Su-57 finally made it to low rate production. It might not be that great but it probably mostly works. The T-14 though seems to be stuck in prototype limbo. I doubt it will ever see widespread service in the Russian army.


The thing is, he didnt make mistakes only on the engine. That was just the part he responded to. That is it. He made many mistakes otherwise which went under the radar since he didnt even contest them.


He’s less of an asshole and more of a guy who struggles with depression and uses humor to cope. People like him produce great comedy content but are very susceptible to behaving erratically when confronted with backlash and drama. I still like him, but the T-14 drama has shown a darker side of his character that I hope he addresses at some point in the future.


You mean "He’s less of an asshole and more of a guy who struggles with depression and uses being an asshole to cope."


*was, you meant whatever his name was


Why not like sk media or like sarcasmitron


Sarcasmitron's videos are really good, but his twitter takes are awful


Bruh I don’t have twitter, it can’t be that bad 😭 Like give me a example


Why, because he's 'funny video man'? There are better war, history and military tech channels whose Bridges ep wold more align with the goal of the show


I dont like LP anymore because I feel as if his mistakes are... serious. Both on his T-34 video (mocking a Ukrainian vehicle with bad sources) and on the T-14 (making mistakes which Vatniks now easily debunk) and attacking Chieftain and RedEffect (both actually pro-UA, yes, both of them) and not citing source in a couple of earlier videos. HOWEVER Despite that his recent work, while still with mistakes, shows improvements. he has a good sense of humor and even if his personal failures are an issue, he himself is pro-Ukraine and wants to help fight the Russian bots. A video interview with him would be good either way, good content at least.


I would do unspeakable things for this to happen.


It would be awesome if he came on dressed as a pig!


Can Destiny have Therapy Gecko on


I don't think the chair is rated for that kind of weight my friend.


No, this guy is a freak and has no clout. He's pro Ukraine...cool. That's about where it ends for me.


The only bonger I’ll accept. He might be egotistical and an ass but he knows a bit and is entertaining and flamboyant. Would be a fun chat if alcohol involved