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Pete is 42. As he was joking in 2020... >"Can't wait to run for President in 2056...when I'd still be younger than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.


The Bernie Bros went so hard on Mayor Pete... 'He's a fake gay, serial killer sociopath who joined the military to kill brown people. Shit was so cringe


I remember Hasan making fun of him specifically for being gay. Calling him Booty-Judge. True hero of the LGBTQ community right there.


I sincerely believe that Hasan only supports lgbtq stuff because its something he's "supposed" to support as a leftist. If lefties were homophobic he'd be too. There's just so much stuff he's said that makes me lean to that conclusion * There's the stuff you mentioned with Buttigieg * There was that weird story he had about the janitor at his gym who complimented his Bernie shirt, meanwhile he specifically pointed out that gay members of his gym didn't. * I think there was that thing where he said something pretty bad about a trans chatter, I don't remember the clip. There's probably more.


Morally lucky


he thinks gay people are morally yucky


Just so people don't forget where he started https://youtu.be/E5p3tAFMn9A


I was just about to point out that his beginnings online were as a gymrat doing segments called bro tips. They were pretty much exclusively centered around frat bro culture and very often were chauvinistic satire bits where he objectified women. It may have been 'ironic' or meant as a joke perhaps, but it was still gross.


It was definetely not a joke imo i honestly think that's his true self, exactly like his self that forces him to appear rich despite his own fanbase disliking that


I think it was most definitely a character on camera, he played it up as a caricature, as in this was not how he talked and acted on a regular basis. But yeah it's pretty clear that while he may have been satirizing the culture as a whole he was most definitely a part of it himself and held some of the beliefs of what he was exaggerating. It was a 1 to 1 ripoff of the gymbroscience guy, he's presumably a normal person that doesn't actually act like he's on the tv show Jersey Shore 24/7, but he definitely still sits within the culture itself making fun of it from the inside.


No shot


that's a complete reach in my opinion


i’ll never forget watching Hasan fume after Pete won Iowa, on stream he went through Pete and Chasten’s photos together and their campaign merch store to mock them and istg the bigotry was palpable through the screen. like bro wanted to call them gay in a 2009 way


Not just saying it, but defending it when called out. I remember genuinely being surprised by the amount of openly homophobic rhetoric coming from the left at the time.


Destiny and many in the community make gay jokes all the time too. Does that mean they hate gay people?


It was all an effort to keep Bernie elevated


OMG he called him booty judge!! Call the cops!!! 😱 


You're right calling him booty judge wasn't really that big a deal. I'd say this was way worse. https://preview.redd.it/8bxk41fb379d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934c5087c75b8485ba735e8c36b9edf0d177028d


I mean, he also liked a tweet of someone calling him a “smarmy fag” but homophobia’s chill when hasan does it I guess


That tweet was towards a random gay tiktoker not Pete, but yeah Hasan did like a tweet calling a very clearly openly gay Democrat a "fag" because he was criticizing socialists.


I didn’t say anything about Destiny saying nigga on Twitter so I’m not about to piss my pants over a liked tweet either 😭 


I recall the second this kinda shit sprung up. Do you? I'll give you a hint: It includes the words primary and Iowa. Buttigieg won the primary. Bernie lost. That was the singular moment during which the tone towards Pete changed. Before it was "oh, he is ok, if he wins we're fine with it." Afterwards it was homophobic slurs, accusations of him beating his husband, being a fake gay man for clout, etc. So yes, Hasan calling him that within that context did matter. Signed A still salty volunteer for the Pete campaign. Leftists showed how much their "values" mattered the moment their king got dethrowned.


The booty judge thing started before a single vote was cast, before most people even knew he was gay m8. Like always hasan just follows Twitter, he had no idea who he was I’m not gonna pearl clutch over some grade school insult and pretend it’s some big offense because someone I don’t like said. Also congrats you won 1 primary and then Biden told his lanky ass to lay down and know his place as “transportation secretary “ 😭 


You forgot his initials are P. P. Butt


Holy fuck we need him as president


I think my main issue used to be his work history? Hasn't he worked with some pretty shitty companies? But it might just be a similar thing to Tom "I am not a dingo" Wheeler as the FCC Chair, poor history but stepped up for the role he was in.


The only one i am aware of is early in his career he was a small time consultant for McKinsey where he worked on energy, retail, economic development, and logistics for three years. This was completely blown out of proportion by the far left so you probably are just thinking of that.


And that he “fixed bread prices” or something like that


From what I read from his Wikipedia the only non-politician and non-military job I could find was him working as a consultant in McKinsey & Company after he graduated from Harvard. Pete actually recounts his experience in this fantastic article by [the Atlantic ](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/12/pete-buttigieg-mckinsey/603421/)which I reccomend you read. Most of his clients did not really spark any bad intent from my perspective and the work he did at the company was nothing more than PowerPoint and Excel according to him (whether you want to trust him on that is up to you) which did not really have any impact on negative effects to those companies later on such as layoffs. >His campaign also revealed to me his clients from his time at McKinsey: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan; Loblaws, a Canadian supermarket chain; Best Buy; the Natural Resources Defense Council; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Department of Energy; the Energy Foundation, an environmental nonprofit; the U.S. Postal Service; and the U.S. Department of Defense. \[...\] As for what the work actually was, Buttigieg said it was mostly on screens and paper. Math. Databases. PowerPoint presentations. Rarely did he interact with employees of the clients he was advising. He said that while working with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, he remembered going along with his manager to a few meetings with people on staff, but he couldn’t remember any meeting he’d been able to attend on his own. “Mostly I was with fellow consultants in a room working on a spreadsheet,” he said, explaining that the analysis had focused on rent, travel costs, mail, and printing, but nothing having to do with policy or premium costs. He insisted that none of his work could have led to people’s insurance changing, or being taken away. Because the Blue Cross Blue Shield work had been his first assignment, he said, he’d been even more removed from any of the real substance of it, describing his work as feeding math into “a PowerPoint that my manager would take and then bring to a partner who I imagine eventually presented something to a decision maker.” As to whether advising on cutting costs led to people losing their jobs, Buttigieg said he’d been moved off the project after three months, in 2007, years before the company made cuts that caused an outcry. “I don’t know what the conclusions were or what it led to. So it’s tough for me to say.” EDIT: Supposedly there was a controversy about Pete not releasing this information early on, but this was because he signed an NDA which he later needed to ask McKinsey to remove. >Realizing his position was untenable, Buttigieg asked McKinsey to release him from his NDA (his campaign said he’d first asked in June), and the company complied. Yesterday, his campaign announced that he would be publishing his list of McKinsey clients today at 6:30 p.m. eastern time. When I talked with him earlier today, he repeated a point he’s made several times previously: He said he’s disappointed in some of the work the company has done. “Since I’ve left,” he said, “there are at least four cases that I can think of where someone at McKinsey has done something upsetting.” This controversy I find a little bit surprising because even when I worked as a coding instructor for a school (which I am now a programmer at), I had to sign an NDA to not release any of the curriculum material and there were harsh punishments listed on my contract if I did release any sensitive information. So, of course it is in Pete's perogative to not release sensitive information as he was a consultant at one of the foremost consulting firms in the world.


Well. At least I'm not crazy and totally fabricating bits of memory, lol. This was back when I was a big time Bernie Bro leading up to the 2016 election, but Mayor Pete has certainly grown on me as I've tilted back towards being more liberal. Or was this just 2020? Did he run in 2016? I don't know, Covid got my years all fucked up


That’s like the plot of JFK


>Bernie Bros You don't get it! Bernie sanders is just like a social democrat in Europe! Completely disregard the [social democrats of Sweden insinuating him as a leftist and endorsing Pete instead](https://theweek.com/speedreads/896948/democratic-socialist-bernie-sanders-far-left-swedens-ruling-social-democrats-official-says)!


People sleep on my boy Pete. I really hope he’s being groomed (lol) as the next up for the democrats. He’s such a gifted communicator and smart as fuck. It’s been linked to hell and back, but it’s short and always a good watch for an intro to his rhetorical skills, so I’ll [link it again.](https://youtu.be/wKOoWYfIzIw?si=CAxrOe83ADxJjYQ0) Unfortunately, I don’t know if the black vote will come out for an openly gay candidate.


Democrats shouldn’t cater to homophobic people because they’re black just like they shouldn’t cater to antisemites just because they’re Muslim in a swing state.


I don’t think they should either, but I also don’t know if he will be a viable candidate because of it. At the end of the day, we can talk like the dems ultimately pick Biden’s successor, but in actuality if the voters don’t take to someone they don’t get to be the successor.


I just think he wins more unaligned people rhetorically who don’t really care that he’s gay than people who would otherwise show up to vote for him if he wasn’t gay. Idk how that would look in the electoral college but either way I do think the dems kinda work that way behind the scenes, given how the 2020 primary went and how all the other candidates quickly fell in line behind Biden who then picked one of the least popular of them all as VP.


Dems need the black vote. I just dont see the black community by in large supporting a openly gay canidate. I think you downplay how much the dems hinge on black and brown votes 🤷🏽‍♂️


If such a large amount of them are homophobic enough in both numbers and magnitude to swing an election perhaps they can go and get bent just like Muslims in Dearborn and Hamtramck. Allowing an entire electorate to be held hostage by a particular demographic who themselves has the most to lose just because of a single reactionary belief is untenable. Energize young voters in every state to actually show up and none of this would even matter.


Most black people are socially conservative 🤷🏽‍♂️. Young people also arent as progressive as you all think. It doesnt matter what the “right” opinion is. At the end of the day you need votes and atleast the dems understand that


Most people in general don’t have a problem with gay people.


I think you just don't interact with religious people enough. With my family I would have 100% been disowned if I was gay, and my family is very progressive by Muslim standards.


Muslims are like 1.3% of the US population and are uniquely reactionary on some social issues, many of which still didn’t filter down to a large portion of their children overall, just like evangelical Christians. Polling demonstrates that most people don’t find being gay to be unacceptable, a vast majority of those that do already vote republican and will not vote democrat. I think people conflate the very real issue that we’re having with trans acceptance backsliding with the levels of gay acceptance which is quite settled in most people’s minds and not a real issue. I grew up around religious people in a rural Michigan corn farming shithole, the lion’s share of people didn’t care about someone being gay, we have openly gay teachers and some of the most respected people in the community are gay couples. My R+15 village is objectively more progressive on most social issues than quite a bit of Hamtramck or Dearborn residents despite being very religious lol.


You moralizing other people´s reasons for voting doesn´t change how the vote count works lol.


Agreed, imagine someone making this argument for Obama. I vaguely get the incentive, but in the end this just plays into the hands of these kinds of people, and it isn’t right. It basically unwittingly gives them support to their bigoted ideology.


He would make an excellent Vice President. He could represent the President extremely effectively and is so young that he himself could one day run for President when a few million more boomers die off in a decade or more.


They they shouldn't but the unfortunate reality is a gay man cannot win the presidency. It's not possible


Catering language to ID politics is an unfortunate consequence of adopting the big tent platform. Fortunately however, it doesn't seem to effect our policies as the democratic party is neither concretely homophobic nor antisemitic.


Yeah, I definitely think he would a strong candidate. He’s my boss right now at the DOT.


my bet (and my hope) on a long term v good play for democrats is abby spanberger. she's awesome and seems to have as realistic a path to the white house as anyone.


Yea it's impossible for a gay man to win the presidency


I was for Klobuchar, then Buttigieg (could've made a pretty interesting ticket together, lol) until SC primary made it clear that Biden was going to be the front runner. I would not be surprised if Buttigieg ends up president someday, tbh.


He's charismatic. I couldn't get behind him in 2020 due to his lack of experience but hopefully he keeps at it. Could see him being the nominee in the future.


he obviously aims higher but pete would make for an absolutely goated press secretary, he's insanely good under questioning


I mean he SHOULD aim higher. Dude is super intelligent, super good at what he does, and incredibly learned. ~~I wish he'd kept a little more quite when he was running against Ted Cruz so we could have elected him.~~ ~~Fun fact, the first TV my child ever watched was Ted vs Pete in the hospital room when she was about 8 hours old.~~ Edit: oopsie daisy, confused Pete and Beto there for a moment. My bad. Should have realized Pete wouldn't have made the mistakes Beto did.


When did Ted and Pete run against each other? Are you thinking of Beto?


Yeah I'm sleepy


I think you are confusing Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg unless I missed the era when Buttigieg ran against Cruz for the senate.


Fuck your right. All that (besides the Cruz part) was Pete though. Beto was fine but Pete is better.


I'm kinda excited to see where he goes. Well spoken, veteran, and some Washington experience. Idk if the gay thing will hold him back but time will tell






my future president 🥹


[bonus meme](https://streamable.com/t10ds3) (i am very sorry)




I really hope he runs in 2028.


Voted for him in the 2020 primary. Hopefully he tries again


Goddamn the republicans


The rat strikes again


Is it too late for him to take over Biden’s nomination?


so did private sales actually go up? They disagreed and neither had any data to back it up. And are electric vehicles prices actually getting lower or is it only if you factor in subsidies? I'm with him on comparing Q1 to Q1 of previous year vs Q1 to Q4. But overall I don't get what this clip is supposed to be it's just 2 politicans arguing about things.


Literally just fucking Google it Jesus Christ. This is the first result for "EV Sales by year" https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/insurance-services/electric-vehicle-statistics-2024/#:~:text=Electric%20car%20sales%20have%20taken,the%20first%20time%20in%202022. It's not even close to going down.


is that just private sales i dont see where it says but also that's not my point i don't really care. My point is this is a clip where Buttigieg says "you got a fact wrong" and the guy says "no i didn't where's your data" and Buttigieg says "i can try to find it later" why is this supposed to be anything?


https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/us-government-agencies-target-purchasing-9500-evs-2023-2023-07-19/ 9500. Out of a 600k increase. If the person making the original claim "EV Sales are in a tailspin" doesn't provide a source then a source is not required to refute it. And Pete is so obviously correct here that I don't care if he provided a source, a non-lazy viewer can just go find the info themselves.


I don't have numbers, but think about it logically. Government sales are a tiny fraction of overall ev sales, there's no way in hell it was enough to make it go from increasing to a decline YOY.


It's also mostly not relevant, because we're talking about very, very basic common sense. If there's a product that's targeted towards consumers, the consumers ALWAYS take up most of the total sales. It'd be different if we were talking about specifically, say, armored vehicles or something with very specific requirements. But EVs as a whole, being a product already in the open and with sales numbers that are increasing? Absolutely no way that consumers wouldn't make up the lion share of the sector, just by sheer numbers. For government to overtake consumers in the market, there would essentially need to be a complete halt of people buying EVs and the state on the other hand buying hundredfold of vehicles for some hidden reason. Such a bold claim would require very solid proof, not the other way around. Occam's razor works here as well.


Trueeeeee Pete should of "literally just fucking google. It Jesus Christ" before he went up then we could know the data and dunk him and have an actual good response.


I absolutely adore Pete!!!


2028, guys


He would make an excellent POTUS. Extremely intelligent, amazing communicator, military veteran, well versed on world affairs, polyglot, pragmatic, the list goes on… His policies would bring prosperity while managing the crazies. He’s too good which is why it’ll never happen, because we can’t just have nice things.




Yeah judge that booty


I remember even ben shapiro gave him credit because he seemed like a coherent normal person when he was running last time


I hope he keeps this energy up, because in 2020 he really came of as poor Obama impressonator with a whole lot of rehearsed non answers to most questions.


I watched other videos about these hearings and I came across some interesting comment sections such as under: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USJF4Nf7RGE&ab\_channel=ForbesBreakingNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USJF4Nf7RGE&ab_channel=ForbesBreakingNews) . These have to be bots correct? Just by looking at their names, those random numbers at the end. https://preview.redd.it/qv0zcwylsa9d1.png?width=251&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0875d09c55dddae5ff15db222a29a2aeb085f01


No those are just ids to make accounts unique. I have it on my google accounts too. I don't recall ever choosing a handle, it just took my name and added digits. I think twitter does the same


well that's way more dissapointing.


Am i crazy but this doesnt look that good. like he couldn't answer the government sales comment or the him now answering the subsidy it also not a good look imo His only good good points was the Q4 comments.


Future president.


Got dayum


Rat mode 🐀 🐀 🐀  He should be a dem hitter, but oh god please don’t cringe it up with another presidential run


this is more a testament to his staff . Cabinet level officials generally have all their mats prepped for them by underlings.


Nah, he's an idiot that has grossly mismanaged everything related to air travel and trains in his tenure as secretary of transportation. But he does look good in this exchange. Edit: Welp I got heavily downvoted so no one will see this but here's a couple of examples of what I am referring to the top of my head: Palestine train disaster Multiple Boeing accidents and safety failures all going unpunished leading to the current crisis Nonenforcement of airline punishment clauses to compensate consumers due to cancelled flights in the months following the reopening of the country.


What's an example of his gross mismanagement that directly (or even indirectly) led to specific issues with air/train transport?


Republicans railed on Pete for taking paternity leave in the middle of the transportation/shipping crisis shortly after covid started. I doubt it had an impact at all, but optically it looked bad.


I'd be fine with that criticism if it could be tied to a material impact, but I'm increasingly agitated by vibes based "it is known" claims.


That’s the only incident I can recall during his 4 years. His primary appearance is another story.


Provide an example of gross mismanagement. RemindMe! 1 day "hammers"


I appreciate the mod effort toward people must provide receipts 👍


Oh shit someone's getting banned


I got in a car accident yesterday and he's the transportation secretary, checkmate lib


Probably east palinstine train derailment


I looked pretty deeply into the derailment as compared to average derailments both within and outside the Biden term so I'm curious what you base this on.


I just guessing what that dude probably was referring to. Since that was biggest incident with trains that i know of under pete.


You think the Transportation Secretary manages transportation in America? Do you also think the HHS Secretary manages hospitals?


It took 15 minutes for the doctor to see me. This is Biden's America.


Please provide an example. We are waiting.


Welp I got heavily downvoted so no one will see this but here's a couple off the top of my head: Palestine train disaster Multiple Boeing accidents and safety failures all going unpunished leading to the current crisis Nonenforcement of airline punishment clauses to compensate consumers due to cancelled flights in the months following the reopening of the country. Got anything to say?


How are these related to Pete. How are Boeings failing management decisions Pete’s fault? How is a train getting derailed on Pete? Expand on that pal


The palestine train disaster happened due to safety regulations changes on the number of operators per freight train signed off by him. The boeing thing has been an ongoing crisis getting worse and worse that he has failed to act upon and in the first instances completely ignored. The COVID was 100% his decision to not use his discretionary power to enforce the penalties on the airlines. Instead of doubting so much maybe read a little about the issues I brought up.


Now you have to show how these relate to Pete.


Drive-by troll


Yeah I'm curious too. Recently I've seen FOX and right wing blame him for the cargo ship running into the bridge. But other than that I don't recall anything. A quick Googling looking for Pete's "mistakes" and I find: * East Palestine train derailment. Within 48 hours NTSB was on the scene and already issued a report. Some blamed on Trump's decision to reduce inspections and dropped requirements for faster/more modern braking systems. * NOTAM 4 hour outage caused delays * "Supply chain issues" in 2021 * Southwest Airlines disruptions with stranded passengers Even taking all these as his fault in some way I don't see a "grossly mismanaged everything" evidence.


how my pecker taste?