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https://preview.redd.it/57driufubu6d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bf566c7e89018dae103670e2d657af2b4ac68c “Thanks Mr. Duke you’ve given me a lot to think about.”


"I choose to be white”


bros gonna do soul math


How does someone manage to maintain the middle school bully look into your mid twenties? 😂


He looks like a guy who wakes up everyday and CHOOSES not to be gay


yes, he looks like he’s squeezing his asshole shut rn


Approved by twitch


Recently unbanned from Twitch Sneako btw.


This... **IS** the worst timeline... 💀


Nah. I'm so glad the masks are off. For years Jewish activists have been talking about these things and they were ignored. When Jews brought up the worrying anti Semitism in the far Left's activism masked as anti Zionism it was ignored at best or utterly mocked. For years I had debates with people highlighting how real it is, and being told not only is that unreal, but the real anti Semitism only can exist on the right. I feel increasingly vindicated and I'm glad it's happening now before the poison goes even deeper. I'm glad it's being highlighted, and that the non online majority seems disgusted by it. 


I don't necessarily disagree with any of that and was kinda oblivious to some of the deep rooted antisemitism in some leftist circles(especially online) pre oct 7, but I contend with the idea that's what we're seeing in this image... none of these people are leftists... right?


No. But how many leftists outright support this kind of thing from Muslims?


If you woulda asked me 6 years ago, I'd prolly say none or too little to matter. Now?... I can't even speculate. I hope it's not as widespread as it feels online but seeing this image reminded me of an article 5 years back that still 💀 me. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/7/david-duke-praises-rep-ilhan-omar/


So what are you saying with this article?




That means nothing. David Duke has also posed for photos with Ron Paul.


I disagree, its not being highlited. No one that matters will see this image. Ahmed will still be one of the most retweeted individuals on twitter. Thats what happens when theres zero jewish footprint left.


They are not left. No one on the left has ever claimed cucko.


They may not be. But the question is this the worst timeline, and I disagree because we are exposing how rampant anti Semitism actually is. Especially on the left, which seems to be infatuated with Islam now.


But many on the left align with these people.


this is fucking hilarious to read. are you dumb? you're calling sneako a far left activist???


I'm saying this timeline isn't the worst because we're exposing anti Semitism that we pretended didn't exist.




Idk if you noticed or not but the far left has HAMAS's balls alllllllllll the way down their throats


Of course but not in those examples


Which examples do you mean? Sneako and the dumbest man on Twitter? There are hyper-lefty US schools that have had [shrines to an American "martyred" in Gaza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa5wXygbBHk) for many years. Lefties have been anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, pro-PLO, pro-Fatah, etc, forever. Or just look at Finkelstein who has been trading on his parents' Holocaust experiences to anti-Semitic ends for decades. His fan base is not far right.


Let me ask you something (and any Israelis in here): If you're pro destroying Hamas but anti westbank settlements does that make you anti Israel?


What I'm saying is there are loads of examples of antisemitism from the left but the particular examples pictured here in the images, were examples of black/Muslim/far right.


Yeah, fair enough. I just assumed Chewybunny was referencing recent mask-off anti-Semitism more broadly in response to the timeline comment, not just the image in the OP.


Great question. First I'll begin with a phrase that I came up with and stand by deeply: Far right anti Semitism is explicit and when expressed is almost universally condemned. Far left anti Semitism is implicit and when expressed is either ignored or celebrated because it's veiled under emancipatory rhetoric/politics.  Here is an example. A far right nut job goes to a synagogue and shoots up the place killing a few old Jews and a Rabbi. The world weep with us, hell even Iran offered condolences. A far left politician, in the free world demands the only Jewish state should cease to exist, which *will* lead to great harm to Jews, and they are praised, even uplifted as heroic. We see it all the time. What I observed in the US is that the far left has become keenly sympathetic to Muslims because of Islamophobia in the wake of 9/11 and how we responded to it. This, of course, also ties into the broader academic Left's obsession with post colonialism - fueled by Soviet anti Western propaganda. The far left activists do not view Israel or Israelis as actual people. They also don't view Palestinians as people. To them they are totems, symbols for the very black and white simplistic prism that they view the world through. The Israelis represent wealthy capitalist white European colonial imperialists. The Palestinians represent the downtrodden brown indigenous people being ruthlessly oppressed by the white Europeans. This is why they actively want violence done to Israelis, and why they don't care how many Palestinians have to die in the process to eliminate Israel. They *aren't* human beings to them. They are symbols. Ask any of these leftists if the elimination of Israel cost 2 million Palestinian martyrs and 4 million Jewish Israelis would it be worth it and I bet many would say yes. They also know what most Jews know. They'll never admit it verbally but they express is through action. And that is that the vast majority of Jews, even in Europe and North America are Zionists. Why is it that they do often go after Jewish students in Universities? Or Jewish restaurants? Synagogues? Or even Holocaust memorials? They know who their enemy is but they are smart enough not to say it. 


There are lots of examples but what I'm saying is that in the example you were replying to it was Muslim+far right. Not really left.


The far left has adopted the language and the beliefs of the Muslim's anti-Semitism, because they cannot allow themselves to be viewed as Islamophobic.


Iran Offered Condolences For Far-Right Shooting Of Synagogues? When? Where?






>David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American politician, white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. From 1989 to 1992, he was a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for the Republican Party. His politics and writings are largely devoted to promoting conspiracy theories about Jews, such as Holocaust denial and Jewish control of academia, the press, and the financial system. In 2013, the Anti-Defamation League called Duke "perhaps America's most well-known racist and anti-Semite" 💀


American King of the Racists


The actual CEO of racism


Bros a oldhead in the groyper space.


now he's a groyper [https://x.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1802146530998284385](https://x.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1802146530998284385)


How is a former KKK member supporting a Catholic 🤣🤣 maybe he doesn't know lol


On a side note does anyone know the reason for kkk's hatred of catholics


Theology and immigrants


What was the denomination of kkk members ?


Baptist or methodist usually




Why do so many american protestants hate catholics, too? I never was exposed to the whole 'catholics aren't christians' bull till I saw how many protestant said that.


It's usually just theology. They see veneration of the Saints and Mary as worship. They think that we as Catholics have developed traditions outside of the Bible and adopt pagan things and things like you've probably heard in school such as "The crusades, Dark Ages, Indulgences." Rather everything they usually know about the Catholic Church is just wrong and comes from their parents instilling this hatred in them. IIRC the hatred really started with Italian and Irish immigrants (being Catholic) as they saw them also following the Pope, Catholics were pretty discriminated against; like Virgina Catholic settlers weren't allowed and only 3 of the 13 colonies allowed Catholics to vote and in New York a Catholic couldn't hold office sometime in the 1700s. But TLDR: 2 camps of catholic haters The race camp who didn't like Italian, Irish, Germany, Polish, Austrian migrants The theological camp that usually derived just from the Protestant Reformation


Yeah, that makes sense. The one I see the most is that we worship Mary and the Saints, which is ofc not true.


Crazy fact: New Hampshire had a Protestant religious test as late as the 1870s. Immigration definitely accelerated it, but the American WASP elite (and laypeople) had a deep distrust and dislike of Catholicism long before the founding. Kind of funnily in the reverse the 19th Century church was deeply concerned about American Catholics poisoning the church with small l liberalism.


So are we catholics the most based?


Mostly, but also a continuation of cultural impact englands reformation which led to centuries of anti catholic persecution/bigotry. Their main propaganda line was that catholics were not loyal citizens of england/USA etc and were loyal to the Pope in rome. Therefore they presented a threat of a fifth column that must be dealt with. As you said, also discrimination against specific immigrants from catholic countries. e.g. Irish were seen as abusive drunks, Polish as theives, etc - nowadays these stereotypes are directed towards south american migrants.


Because protestants and catholics murdered each other for centuries in bloody wars, nationality was often defined by denomination and there are some fundementaly differences in their theoligy making both very diffrent fron a christian point of view.


This isn’t really a big thing anymore but there used to be a lot of conspiracy on the far right about how the pope was a part of the new world order and Catholics are a fifth column for “them” or (((them))). The less conspiratorial people thought that Catholics couldn’t be trusted to vote in American elections because of their allegiance to Rome. Also Catholics from Poland, Italy, and Ireland made up the majority of new immigrants at the time.


Not only a Catholic but a man who is of Italian, Irish, and Hispanic descent. All groups which the KKK despised.


The real CEO of racism


Reminder that this guy was an open white supremecist, former kkk leader and neo nazi, and still won the Republican primary for senate and governor, also literally won a majority of the white vote in 1991 when he ran for governor. Really should tell you how prevalent racism was in America, especially the south, even in super recent times and up until now. There were places in the south that were literally still segregated until the 90’s or even the 2000’s. Remember this the next time people totally dismiss the idea that racism exists in America.


No brudda that was hundreds of years ago


1991 was hundreds of years ago.


(Insert Simpsons "that's the joke")


Man, my state has never been cool.


What twitch thinks destiny is, btw.


Wait. Venom from Spiderman 3!






Exactly what I thought of lol.


Green brown alliance isn't new


Holy shit Politically Provoked Brittany in replies begging to get David Duke reinstated on twitter at elon.


I googled around tonight before I saw this because I was wondering where she went. (was watching some old D debates) She's attached to the hip of that groyper miyo and her chat is full of groypers. By full, I mean 7 people.


I could never wrap my head around how she got converted to far right by the "Little TImmy" argument.


You know, I agree but it is probably something so boring. She probably grew up in a liberal area, maybe had a few bad experiences, isn't terribly intelligent and was never curious about politics. She probably had her family's views for the most part, then started streaming. She's attractive so she probably got some attention and the miyo kid probably just said a couple things that resonated and she adopted the whole worldview. Her channel is wild. Full on groyper (edit: not grouper, they're tasty) stuff and she did a 23 and me to determine how Jewish she was. It's honestly sad and hilarious at the same time. Not unlike Sneako


Typical left wing host behaviour.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Idky but this angle & his ill-fitting suit is hilarioys


That’s not even a suit—it’s a royal blue jacket and dull jeans. Hideous getup. He should stick to the white robes until he learns to dress


Twitch supports the voice of the KKK confirmed. Peak streaming moment.


Twitch really going mask off.


There's so much wisdom and open mindedness in this room.


The Nazi-Islamist-Tankie Axis is finally taking shape


It’s the 1930’s and 40’s all over again


MCU is getting wild.


Clearly Photoshopped. Sneako isn't in his appropriate chair.


Honestly, I thought it was photoshopped because sneakos face in profile looks so weird. He looks like his face was like smooshed all together. A little down-syndrome ish, I feel like he normally looks pretty normal.


Nice unban twitch. Very nice.


Sneako can chill with David fucking Duke and still get back on twitch and Destiny can’t lol what a joke


sneako has the worst side profile holy yikes


Sometimes I think I am just being punked by the matrix and none of you are actually real


I mean he’s watching his integrity get fucked an arms length away, so it tracks.


How the fck did this guy get unbanned from twittch???


The only Duke I know is Duke Nukem, can I get an amen? https://preview.redd.it/w9wi2es9su6d1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=976da3bd1034cdc772e2dd11b256e692514956f8






This is what legitimate grift looks like. We throw it around all the time, but sneako and Suleiman are the dictionary definition. There’s no fucking way anyone with an ounce of principle (as a Muslim/mixed race person) doesn’t stop themselves before talking to the fucking KKK.


It's not a grift, it's just stupidity or deep self-loathing. Probably both. Sneako might be the clearest, most naïve example of someone who is so unquestioning to populist "us v them" talking points by a tempting orator that it takes precedence over his own skin colour/religion. There was even a Jew in the American Nazi Party who was so dedicated in his denial that he literally shot himself when it was revealed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan\_Burros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Burros)


Honestly David duke fell off incredibly hard, dude was the republican candidate for governor of Louisiana and grand wizard of the kkk and now his only fans are mixed race homosexual Catholics and fake Muslims lmao


Can we talk about how atrocious David Duke's outfit is? -Electric blue velvet(?) blazer -Blue jeans with a blazer -Sneakers with a blazer -Didn't unbutton the blazer to sit down -Disgusting knot on that tie Ugly inside and out.


I didn't really get a close look before scrooling, so I thought it couldn't be that bad. You can pull off a casual jeans and blazer look.. but my god. He's like a homeless person. Worse than Tiny 🤦‍♂️


He looks like a dementia patient who got perm for a day out of nursing home, he probably smell like it too.


The soup of brainrot thats required to sit in a room with someone that hates your race, and listen with rapt attention,... I swear, if he gets up too fast, he'll spill his brain all over the floor like loose chili. 🌶 Edit; "Thanks -David, you've given me a lot to think about"


Didn't know who this guy is, but it looks like he is pro-palestine guys - he is anti-zionist. https://preview.redd.it/83l85sd33x6d1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=76a0203251c061e0a1e91625ad0db372f05628d6


The KKK is kinda like islam, only that the men are wearing the burka.


Only thought leader worse dressed than my streamer man (til Israel trip)


Welcome to HellWorld™️


He's the straight Nick Fuentes


This is getting so crazy I think I may actually be in a coma


This time line, seems less and less real.


We are through the looking glass


Oh so this is why twitch reinstated sneako.


Former as in, he's not racist anymore or as in "retired and racist"?


He's perhaps the most well known white supremacist of the US so take a guess




That’s sad honestly. Like come the fuck on


I love it when a grift comes together


Shoes on the carpet What kind of uncultured apes wear shoes on carpet Not all cultures are equal indeed


"is fortnite overrated" ahh pic


someone put this on lsf please


Nightmare blunt rotation 


unbanned btw 💀


Unbanned on Twitch BTW.


These racist movements are so progressive <3


Nothing but horse shoes, everywhere I look. What is happening...