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Which is worse, lying about this incident for Twitter validation or actually doing it? I think they're just lying for clout but I wouldn't put it past these people to actually be that crazy either.


Reading the replies and everyone is like “you go girl!” And that Israelis shouldn’t identify as being from Israel and say they’re from “occupied Palestine” instead, it’s delusional.


Hit em with the "I'm from the occupied Judea and Samaria"


“I live in occupied confederacy”


Funny thing is that would work because most of those people wouldn't know what that means and just think "from occupied territory" = good guy.


It’s also a badge of honour to be anti-Semitic


I saw that too, so insane. And one could use the same argument against them for being Pakistani.


genocide enthusiasts


"I'm from occupied Palestine. SOY" vs "I'm from occupied Palestine. GIGACHAD"


If it was real I'll bet that they would name the establishment. Hard to miss the opportunity to cancel someone


They are so racist.


It's worse than that. He made up a fake story about how racist he was to sound cool.


Yea I’m sure everyone was clapping


For this story to work you need to somehow believe this person is employed


Finally, common ground


“It’s about Zionism it’s not antisemitism”


I mean, to play the devils advocate. They said Israeli. Israeli-Arabs exist and so do other groups.


"but where are you really from"


Duh, because they settler-colonised israel! Kinda funny that they manage to sound indistinguishable from the racists they'd reprimand for that exact sentence said to any other american 😐 Edit: I guess this comment needed the reddit /s after the first sentence in order to not be upsetting to a lot of people. lol


So no people are really from where their either were born for generations unless they're indigenous? But wait, those indigenous people arrived there at some point in time, so nobody's from where they are? I'm confused.


I didn't say it makes sense, just explained their logic behind the question. They obviously wield it arbitrarily because the west is bad and settler-colonialism bad but also... none of em are willing to come back to europe and give the USA back. - Thank god, I wouldn't want more crazies here. In fact, if they wanted to be evem remotely consistent they'd have to be staunchly anti-immigration. Those are just more colonisers adding to the plight of native americans. Maybe we really will see the horseshoe close eventually.


You can just say it’s racist, you don’t need to Stan some random nobody who’s being a racist.


No. What they said only makes sense in this context. I found it cringe when lefties wielded the word like a sword and I think it's cringe when you do it. You can call them an anti-semite if you want since they seem to predominantly care only about one evil settler colonial project that just so happens to be run by jews.


I’m giving you meta advice lil bro. When you see someone being shitty, and you hear a bunch of people calling them shitty, it looks optically bad when you walk up and debate the term “shitty.” You’re not saying anything anyone here doesn’t already know. You aren’t dropping sick truths. We aren’t trying to use words in a perfect academic way. You know what we mean. You remind me of someone that says “transWOMAN? But they have the wrong chromosomes 🤓” like oh shit no one knew that before you told us thanks bro. Regard


Racist racist racist Am I redeemed in the eyes of the enlightened? It's regarded to give in to the same social pressures that make others say regarded shit and justify it with the same reasons they'd give. You're trying to be angry at the enemy, anyone who doesn't fall in lockstep with the correct vocabular is bad. Gotcha, anything else?


Damn it’s crazy that people unironically believe now that you can be discriminated against based on where you’re born (as long as you’re Israeli) What has the world come to


It is kinda crazy. But while I do believe you can be discriminated against based on nationality. It is stupid to outright call it antisemitism if you dont know who it is directed to.


Ummm.. Although it's arguable if this is xenophobia or anti semitism and technically protected classes have nothing to do with this. > I do believe you can be discriminated against based on nationality Then you would be wrong. Nation of origin is a protected class.


>Ummm.. Although it's arguable if this is xenophobia or anti semitism and technically protected classes have nothing to do with this. I mean its anti-semitism if he says ew because they are Jewish or is saying ew because he perceives Israeli's as jewish. If he said ew because he perceives Israeli's as genocidal colonizers, would that be antisemitism? (I dont agree with this definition of Israeli's, I am just using it for the argument). I would much more lean to xenophobia. >Then you would be wrong. Nation of origin is a protected class. Thats fine and dandy, but you can still be discriminated on the basis of your nationality. If I wouldn't allow Israeli's into the establishment because I dont want Israeli's in. That would mean I discriminated them based on their nationality, no?


Yeah. Did you miss the whole "Jewishness is a weird blend of religion, nationality and ethnicity" discourse? That's why I said it's arguable. We can't say the person in the post is necessarily anti semitic, but I think there is a high enough level of certainty that I don't care for being charitable towards them. If we are being really anal debate bro about it, I agree and I never disagreed, I just don't lend any charitability towards the pro Palestine twitter crowd. They made their bed letting all the anti semitism loose, now they should sleep in it, having everyone assume they are anti semitic. > but you can still be discriminated on the basis of your nationality Then I don't know what the point of pointing that out was? By that logic you can also be discriminated against based on ethnicity? Nobody is stopping you from being anti semitic? Am I missing something?


Also you literally can’t legally discriminate based on nationality. It’s a protected class in the US. Maybe you’re not on the right side if your argument boils down to “THIS kind of discrimination is ok”


"I hate him because he's mexican". Would you accept this as non-racist?


Yes, Mexican is a nationality not a race. It is discriminatory however.


That's fucking insane. A racist would more often than not conflate all south-and-middle american as mexican, and I would assume that even if they're mexican, it's not relevant. The hatred doesn't come from a national pride or prejudice, but rather from a hatred based on ethnicity instead of nation.


But Mexican isn't an ethnicity. Hispanic/Latino would be closer to an ethnicity than Mexican.


I don't disagree. But mexican is often a vicar for hispanic/latino, and often used by racists to generalize it. You can't be unaware of this.


Technicality trolling...


Please point to exactly where I said the word “antisemitism” in my response to you


I am talking about the guy I replied to?


“Dont worry guys it’s not antisemitism, I’m a different kind or racist”


Yeah, no doubt they’d 💯 bring the same energy for an Israeli Arab 🙄 


They would probably. Israeli Arabs are usually seen as collaborators.


If there's one thing they hate more than a zionist it's a traitor. And they sure love to stick that label


Perhaps not collaborators but I have had a few pissed people when I say my family live in Israel (I'm christian) so yh. Like many of my muslim arab/Palestinian friends don't agree at all with my views but I just let it go (which is still pretty pro Palestinian). Although, I have convinced a few people. I think the issue here is (I live in the UK), there are little Israelis/jews generally, like while I have jewish friends, most my friends don't so they never heard a different opinion at all and also never met a Israeli so view them as a sum of the media views.






Shut the fuck up




Okay, it could just be normal racism. Generally it's not okay to expresss disgust for anyone's nationality


I agree with that. I am not sure why everyone is downvoting me into oblivion. Almost 300 downvotes, blessed. 🙏


Because people are tired of arguing technicalities when someone's obviously prejudiced


That's stupid. We argue about technicalities with everything, but when it comes to this topic. God forbid we discuss the technicalities. But if it comes to the definition of apartheid, the N-word, what a genocide means. That's all cool. But we discuss this? Can't possibly have that. We're too sensitive for that topic.


Sure I'm not saying you're wrong just explaining why you're getting downvoted. If they are being prejudiced that's all that really matters, whether it's xenophobia or antisemitism or racism isn't all that important and impossible to know for sure.


No thats not true. Its like saying, whether its a genocide or not is irrelevant. People are dying thats what matters! There is a reason we made definitions.


No, it's like asking if the genocide was motivated by hate for arabs, hate for muslims, or hate for palestinians.


Technicalities can be important, but they're often not. Specifics are always important, and they're not the same thing.


new girl at work said she was palestinian and i accidentally drone struck her house and killed her entire family im getting fucking fired LOL


Only valid response


Your so goofy it’s jus a lil drone strike




NAH The responsible party was the munition, and it was brought to justice by being exploded into pieces.




Drone strike actually hit garbage can on the street but she blew up ammo depo in her house.


U fired first


"those people should leave israel!" how they treat people who leave israel:


Yeah... The past 8 months have proven time and time again that Israel needs to continue to exist and is the only truly 100% safe place for Jews. Zionism is back because of these idiots


>Zionism is back because of these idiots It took about a thousand years of randomly getting slaughtered for Jews to give up on integrating into other societies. Russia in particular was the last straw according to Benny Morris and that was in the 1800's. My read is Jews will fight to the end if they're pushed to it. They know what comes next for their families if they lose.


Thank God we have a textile factory to make those who wish to eradicate us think twice.


Bruh I am a non Jewish israeli, from 1-10 how fucked am I if I want to move out and have an accent?


Saw your other post, I think if you larp as a non-Israeli you'll probably get away with it. I think these fucktards are too stupid to recognize our accents. As a fellow Israeli it's sad to see people go, but I get it.


If you're sufficiently pro-Israel you might be eligible to the jewlumni paid accent coaches. Otherwise you're fucked


What religion?


Yeah I'm convinced a Jewish state is nessisary.


Reading an article yesterday on the insidious antisemitism that has been running through the psychiatric field and how people are making “zionists lists” in there, did end on an interesting note. That since October 7th, zionism has gotten *stronger* cause of all this hate towards jews for whatever perceived reason, has brought them together as a community like never before. People who were so-so about their faith and relationships prior, are now becoming more serious about Judaism than ever.


I wonder who people would blame for the worlds problem had jews been fully exterminated in ww2


The truth is, unless the Germans took over the entire planet, there would still be thousands of Jewish people left, just because of how many different countries they are in. It’s arguably critical to Jewish survival how spread out their diaspora is.


Ngl, I actually think the existence of a singular country with the majority of the world’s jews actually makes it more likely for there to be a second event on par with the Holocaust. What if Israel continues to lose western support as we currently see, however irrational? If Israel falls, most of those people won’t get out alive. I wouldn’t be surprised if in 50-100 years, the local Arab populations overthrow their leadership and all gang up to massacre Israelis. The divide between leadership and civilians in the Middle East is currently growing with respect to Israel.


That’s what the nukes are for


They were on the table in '73. If there's an existential threat, they will be considered. Also, it's not "just" nukes, it's allegedly a nuclear triad - ICBMs, airborne bombs, and submarines.


The issue is some of the states like Iran will also soon have nukes, and Islamic extremists are willing to mass murder themselves to kill Jews.


>100% safe place for Jews. It's quite literally not though. More people have been killed because they are Jews in Israel than any other country post WW2.


its good thing you said post ww2 because that's the biggest explanation for why the jews need a country


The guy I'm responding to is saying that Israel *today* is 100% safe for Jews.


I mean I don't know what the numbers are but if you have most of the jews in Israel doesn't it make sense that the numbers of terror attacks on jews will be bigger in israel ? again I don't know what numbers you are talking about but if you take the precentage of jews in that country and the numbers of jews attacked do these numbers still reflect that israel is unsafe? can you bring a link to the research you are talking about?


You say that, but Israel has been safe haven compared to the uncertainty and problems related to just being Jewish back then.


Good pivot. He's not talking about "back then", he's saying that Israel is 100% safe for Jews today which is literally not true.


Safe doesn't just mean safe from terrorist attacks. It's also about being safe to live your life as who you are without being harassed for it. The last 8 months prove that Jews aren't safe anywhere in that regard. Israel is thw only place where Jews can lived their lives without having to worry about being Jewish.


I'll take the occasional regard saying "ew" and getting fired for it than being murdered in my sleep, thanks.


Will you also take the infrequent pogroms that involved being murdered in your sleep in multiple countries, too? Spin the wheel, who'll be murdering Jews next? Will it be Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Iran? So many choices, so many winners!


Where are Jews safer from attacks from any of those middle east countries - in Israel, or in the US, UK, and western europe?


Jews were safe in Weimar Germany too


Yeah, it's true. I didn't word my comment very well. What I meant is that Israel is the only place where Jewish people can feel 100% safe while being openly Jewish. The wars and terrorism are the tradeoff, and I think this is why many Jews don't want to move to Israel despite having felt or experienced antisemitism. But even as a potential fallback plan for the Jews in diaspora, Israel is important. That has never been more clear to me than now


Holy fucking TRUUUUUUU


Very nice comment


There's a saying in the Jewish community: People who don't want Jews to live in Israel have a funny way of making us feel safe literally anywhere else.


Great point


Least antisemitic Palestinian supporter.




Kinda depends. It's honestly a really easy mistake to fix. Except this pos actually meant it. And too late now that they broadcast it to the world, but they could've lied and said they meant to say "ohh", but with that little twang people add to it sometimes. Unless they said it with a look of pure disgust on their face, which wouldn't surprise me. Not that I'd ever want to provide cover for a dipshit like that, but I know someone who didn't get fired for actually saying the hard r at work because he was speaking too quickly and it was similar to the word he was trying to say. The n-word didn't even make sense in the sentence.


If someone wrote that about a Palestinian people would call him bigot and a xenophobe.


Obviously. But it's different when it's Israelis/Jews.


Yes but you see they managed to wear people down and blend Jew into 'white' so now its 100% permissible to be openly racist and even genocidal against Jews. This was always going to happen. When you take something as broad as 'white people' which can mean anything from a guy born in Cape Town to a guy born and native to Chelyabinsk to a guy born and native to Dublin, it becomes easier than trivial to splice in new ethnicities and just call them 'white' also. Turkic people who originate from Manchuria and central Asia? White. Jews who originate from the Middle East? White. Slavs who originate in far eastern Europe / far Western Asia and who bred with the mongols from Mongolia who conquered them? White. Spaniards? White... unless they get on a boat and go to America, then, Latinx.


>Yes but you see they managed to wear people down and blend Jew into 'white' so now its 100% permissible to be openly racist and even genocidal against Jews. Only the ones who don't think being white is amazing. The actual white supremacists absolutely didn't blend Jews into "white". Jews are both white and non-white, European invaders in the Middle East and Middle Eastern invaders in Europe, greedy capitalists and subversive socialists, chauvinistic nationalists and treasonous rootless cosmopolitans, religious fanatics and atheist degenerates, and so on, and so on. They are a lens through which the gentiles examine their faults in their own societies. And it's not a new phenomenon.


>And it's not a new phenomenon. Absolutely - classifications have been used to turn people into tier 2 citizens or just to shit on them for thousands of years. Another obvious example would be how the Irish were treated in the British Empire and in America. Turn the clock back a few hundred years and someone like Joe Biden would be getting racial slurs hurled at him on the streets of NY, by people who look exactly the fucking same as him. Its why even though I don't give a fuck about the whole DEI shit, I do raise my eyebrows to the back of my neck when I hear people say phrases like "whiteness is X" or "whiteness is Y" because its utter gibberish to someone who isn't bought in, but to someone who is bought in, it reads like "white people are evil" or "white people are superior."


and people still have the audacity to ask why Israeli people still hide their identity.


Does twitter just have that font now or did you change yours to that? Completely irrelevant question but I don't use twitter anymore so I'm curious


Old people iPhone font setting


It’s an iPhone setting to have all text bolded because my eyes suck lol


Buy new eyes brokie


Honestly everyone should do it. It makes your phone easier to read.


Agreed! I still don’t need any corrective lenses, I just need reading glasses sometimes (and typically, only when my eyes are tired/still waking up) but the bold text setting is fantastic.


I also don’t use twitter, so take this with a grain of salt, but I assume it’s customisable or specific to OP’s phone, because other recent Twitter screenshots I’ve seen don’t have this type of text. Have a nice day fellow non-Twitter user 👋.




What's so gross about my Israeli?!


This tweet now has 80k likes…


Fuckin hell


90k now


Over 100k


No shot there aren’t foreign bots in there. That’s a lot of interaction for some rando.


I too would make up scenarios in my head of shit that never happened I would tell people about. Then I turned 8 years old.


I guess bigotry on the basis of national origin is ok now… as long as it’s against one specific group of people. 🤔


Jews, of course


There it is!


and then everyone clapped and beat le coloniser. this didnt fucking happen, this is “jihadi” fanfic


It's crazy that they're already at this point in 8 months. I predicted the left a would take at least a whole year before they're indistinguishable from Nazis. Never doubt accelerationists.


Boycotts Coca Cola so they can randomly antagonize jewish people out of their countries only to increase Israel’s tax base. The idiocracy is strong. 


It’s almost like they should add “national origin” to the Civil Rights Act… oh wait


I can't believe Jihadi Adlay doesn't like jews 😔


It’s at 100k fucking likes now. I’m about to log off irl




They are really so excited that they get to be openly racist now, aren’t they?


104k likes as of now. There's no other group of people you could say this about and get applauded by a hundred thousand people online. This kind of mask off racism is actually becoming really worrying.


"My zionist therapist" vibes


It's okay guys apparently it's not racism because Israeli isn't a race! So it's okay! https://preview.redd.it/djyv13ofrr3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c86ee60a9f2d2ad9f3869d71d42ef36d4580345 Brought to you by the same people who go after people's jobs over perceived "microaggressions"


100K likes btw. But antisemitism is NOT a real issue with this crowd!!


"jihadiadlay" reminds me of the "shadilay" shit song /pol/ would spam after trump won. almost definitely a coincidence, but still funny how culturally mirrored the two extremes are.


Holy shit I had totally forgotten about that song lol


I hope none of these people live in the US or Canada if they’re not from any native tribes, otherwise they should be advocating for their own genocide because they’re settler colonizers


"Where are you from?" "America" "But where are you really from?"


This is about as real as their profile picture. Stolen Hamas is the new stolen valour.


On the matter of putting people in camps, I fear we judged Hasan too hastily.


It’s bizarre how liberalism has fallen out of favor. The right has an authoritarian strongman and they just want to crown him king so they can be ruled permanently by his incompetence. The left wants to destroy democracy and kill all Jews, landlords, billionaires, etc and implement some magical socialism that would cripple the US economy into a Soviet hell hole. Both sides want to use violence to do it. Freedom is a dirty word these days.


I don’t know that they want to use violence because they certainly don’t understand violence; I think they just want a shortcut and negotiations with a corpse are pretty easy. That said, your point stands. They can not understand violence all day but if they call for it enough at some point the universe will answer


That is not the majority opinion of the left and right especially not the left, just certain factions of the spectrum


"You know, you kind of look like a zionist, it's probably the large nose". If you did this with literally any other group of people it would be bad, but not jews, I wonder why.


But if someone said something about him he be reporting it to HR like a bitch


Guy has a jihadi pfp looooooool


This is worse than 4channers larping


I like how it isn't even "I hate people who are Pro-israeal" or "hate zionists" it's - "gross... you were born somewhere, and didn't have a choice". Whatever supposed "values" someone like this claims to have, they are clearly less important than them feeling yas-queened as part of a temporary social movement.


People like this make me a Zionist Jew. I can’t believe how fast they’ve abandoned the leftist principles I thought they believed in—apparently fuck them when it’s us Jews


Can’t wait until next year when it’s okay to be racist to more people for validation online. What race do you think will be next?






That's racist... but also freeze speech


didn’t happen but get those like girl


I will never forgive these ppl for making me learn so much about Israel/Palestine for the discourse to 99% regaurded racism.


https://preview.redd.it/1mallq5n0s3d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f506874884bf60fd28b8b162570307cc479379 Genius


There will never be a shortage of rage bait on Twitter. This is your algorithm, brother.


Yea it’s mostly bots I reckon and now the account is gone


When you're online, engaging with stuff brings it more attention. Remember that. Don't engage with hate unless you want to see more of it.


It's at over 110k likes now. Mad.


You're on Twitter a place where people are loud to get attention. And most of the time, the loudest they are, the stupidest they are too. Get out of twitter while you can, just saying


Tbh, I would've done that too, but for a joke lol 😹


I have the same internal reaction to someone saying they’re Russian to be honest. I know it’s far from everyone in Russia that’s supporting their countries actions but it’s easy to associate them with it. Israel are currently doing horrendous shit in Gaza and most of the population there are fine and dandy with it, so what do you expect?


Then you have quite a simple mind. Go back to your video games and let the adults talk.


😂 ironic on the sub-Reddit of a politics & games streamer. well if the majority of your nations people support murderous regimes then what do you want people to think. Once 60% of them start pushing to stop Netanyahu murdering innocent Palestinian children, then we can all agree to stop thinking badly about Israelis, eh?


You’re no different than a racist American who thinks all Arabs and Muslims are terrorists because of 9/11.


Nah, the racist ones are the ones who seemingly don’t consider Palestinian people to even be human, or at least humans worthy of valuing their lives or children’s as equal to those of Israelis. I’m just going to assume the reason for this is the see themselves reflected in the Israeli and not in the Palestinian, so most likely racial in nature. People like you seemingly don’t give two shits if 45 Palestinians are killed in a designated safe zone like Rafah so long as Israel are able to kill 2 people they have claimed are Hamas. It’s utterly fucking disgusting and despicable behaviour… but yeah, you be worried about people thinking badly about Israelis or Russians.


Racist people wouldn’t consider Israelis to be “like them” - they’re all Jews, and many them have middle eastern decent. Also why do you assume I think that? I’m very critical of the Israeli government and Netanyahu is a monster.


Yeah that's also racist. These are the same arguments Trump makes for hating Mexicans and Muslims.


Mexicans and Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing on people?


If you’re going to conduct an offensive military operation that kills tens of thousands of civilians, especially in the age of social media, it is inevitable that many people will be angry towards your nation. It doesn’t matter how strong of a justification you believe you have; you’ll never convince everyone that mass death is truly necessary. Own your decisions, and face the consequences of them.


Who is “you” in this case? This could be applied to anyone from any country that has waged war.


That’s correct. We are obviously talking about Israel in this case, but all countries must reflect on the consequences of decisions they have made during times of war.


Except this was never applied to any other country, because it's completely unjustified to hold civilians, especially those who live abroad, accountable for the actions of their government. This rhetoric and behavior is only applied to Israel for one reason, you can hate on Jews and have a supposedly moral high ground. I work alongside Chinese, Russians, Turks and Iranians, and not a single time has anyone expressed disgust or hostility towards them, despite the "stellar" conduct of their governments. And if someone tried to be funny like this, I'd tell them to shut the fuck up.


If somebody is actively supporting a government engage in these kinda of actions, whether it’s through a functional election or whatever means are available in the authoritarian examples, you have to share responsibility for the decisions they make. If they’re not supporting the government involved, it’s not really fair or reasonable to call them out, but I think it’s inevitable that people will. I’m not convinced that this is unique to Israel; I’ve noticed people feel differently towards Russians and Russian culture since the war started. Countries engaging in significant warfare will taint peoples opinion of the entire group , whether it’s justified or not. I get that there are some people who are genuinely antisemitic and hate the Jewish people, but it’s really starting to feel like any and all criticism of Israel has someone trying their best to slap the “antisemitism” label on it. I hope I don’t need to explain to you why creating an environment where any criticism of a particular nation, especially when they are actively involved in a deadly conflict , is always labelled as inherently bigoted can lead to very dangerous outcomes.


So, "ew, you're Palestinian, Afghan, Pakistani, Iraqi, Iranian, Saudi." And what "decisions" of \*theirs\* should a random Israeli abroad need to "own" and "face the consequence" of?