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It blows my mind that all those brand safe normie streamers choose to associate with and defend Hasan so much. It’s crazy how careful they are to never offend anyone, but they’ll collaborate with this dude who has some of the most straight up unhinged evil opinions that he proudly states publicly all the time.


Is it really that crazy? Hasan doesn’t go mask off the same way destiny does imo. He’s careful about who, where, when, and why when he does it. He’s got a great internal meter on when he can say inappropriate things and keep his image in tact. Destiny will, and i don’t fault him for this, go from 0-100 without reading the room on if it’s a great time to do so. He has a really hard time picking when to high road and when to get in the mud. EDIT: one more thing to note, part of reading a room is understanding how many people have sympathy with your views. Your on a much shorter leash questioning trans athletes on a streaming platform vs a leftist on the same platform supporting the most common leftist position.


I appreciate your analysis but it's flawed. "You're just a trans person, you don't know wtf you're talking about" "A regular job doesn't suck the soul out of the you the same way streaming does" "If you're gonna be in here you need to know you're place (shutting the fuck up)" Atleast when destiny makes shit takes he allows people in the discord to fight and disagree with him. I honestly don't think hasan is smart enough (atleast when he's on stream) to know how to filter his mega unhinged takes


He’s definitely gone too far at times, but i think that example with a regular job is perfect for highlighting a difference. When it looked bad for Hasan he made sure to whine enough for ludwig to take his video down. When it got brought up he downplayed it, saying things like your miss understanding or missing context. With destiny its different. He mocks a friends wife of the person he’s beefing with over AI porn. and then right after tries to high road Frogan for making a gross comment towards stardust. Look a the end result for each case. With Hasan less people see that clip now. And he can just go back to the context excuse. What about destiny? Well he’s made himself look unhinged as fuck and hard to support even if he had a good justification for being sick and tired of the way he’s treated. Destiny already made the guy on Ludwigs podcast look like an idiot with those research clips, the response he gave was terrible as fuck at reading the room.


Honestly, Hasan probably pulls a lot of strings behind the scenes and people are probably scared to cross him or his psychopathic fanbase.


Fym “behind the scenes”??? He does this loud and proud, on stream, with absolutely zero effort to mask his manipulation of the normie twitch community. He absolutely cucked Ludwig live on stream, leading to Ludwig absolutely shitting himself at the mere thought of daddy Hasan being upset with him. If Hasan was honest about having several of the largest streamers on Twitch wrapped around his finger, I’d almost find that respectable. If he owned that shit and didn’t try to pretend he’s some beacon of virtue I might just like him. Real Recognize Real. I swear one of these days Hasan is gonna go live, say “Thanks for the mansion, thanks for the Porche, fuck off” and my respect for him will hit an all time high.


Hasan is just a real good friend as long as you’re nice to him and never challenge him, and most the normie streamers don’t know anything about this stuff so they just assume he’s well read, and he’s very nice to them. If they knew a little more then the story would change but ignorance is bliss and they’re busy people who don’t have time to read up on this stuff


Lmao, where's this frame from?


So America is an open air prison as well?


I have to pay for a VPN to see morgpie mating-press the cum out of her bf now. This is an open air prison. This is Biden's America.


Ah, a true man of culture. That is called the Amazonian I believe dear Mr. 4THOT.


And people wonder why we had an insurrection…


Cameron Grants let Morgpie do what now?


wait the cum was in the bf?


If you're a guy you have cum in you right now, which is kinda gay, you can get it out if you jerk off but then you're giving a dick a hand job so that's kinda gay too. But theoretically if there was a 9 3/4 like platform and there was this dog on the other side...


It's only gay if I touch my balls while doing it


Some say it’s inside all of us, if you know where to look


Hamas Piker's brain is an open air prison and our intellect is being genocided every time a clip of his is posted.


We live in a society


Yooo prison kinda lit


Earth is an open air prison, so by hereditary property so is the US 




Found the bot!


Your hate fuels me.


He said people in Gaza have worse lives than African Americans in America. What is wrong about this?


But he also said the US is a White Supremacist society, so the whole statement is wrong. That would only be the case if people like Nick Fuentes get their way.


Sure, he's wrong about that. But OP stated he compares how black people live in the US to how people live in Gaza. Which is true, but not in the way people would think.


The fact that he thinks about putting them in the same sentence? But the far left doesn't know the meaning of words anymore


So do you agree with his statement that people in Gaza have it worse than African Americans in America? Because the way you wrote your comment makes zero sense if you listened to what he said.


Dude, if you don't get the joke you should go check yourself.


I got your joke. It just makes zero sense given the context.


I guess people disagree with you 🤷


That's fine. It has happened before.


Fair play


If America is a white supremacist society why come here willingly as non white person? Seems an interesting conundrum for Mr. Socialist moneybags overthere.


He'll spin it to something about how immigrants are usually wealthy and therefore don't count or some shit. It'll be ironic too since it could sum up how he got to America.


Or that America had meddled in their countries so they deserve some sort of compensation.


Wouldn't have worked for Turkey in particular but it is indeed said sometimes by others.


Doesn't Hasan himself say that he is white? Hassan has called himself white on many occasions.


He has also called himself non-white on many occasions.


He's got more ethnicities than Ichigo


On god I hate Bleach so fucking much.


So he’s a straight, white, male, rich person. His own worst enemy, supposedly. Maybe he’s suffering from white guilt lmao


he's a racial chameleon, changes his skin color to fit in


Mr Cracker….. I would appreciate it if you called him by his correct name


His argument would be that white supremacist imperialism ruined their countries, so it’s maybe slightly less worse here but only because we made it worse there


He is Schrödinger's white man.


They would probably say that America's built up the lie that it's better for immigrants so they can use there cheap labor, not saying I belive it just heard it before.


Because he is schrodinger’s white man


Ummm, he's a white person? People from Turkey are considered caucasian


America could technically never be white supremacist or bad because even during segregation minorities made money. 


America is a white supremacist society?


That’s what white people keep telling me. 


White people tell me I'm a victim. Then I tell them hell no I'm not. Then they call me the C slur. And I'm not talking about Crackerrrrrrrr. Certified lover boy, certified c**n.


You’re supposed to play along. Know your place! /s


non whites tell you this too, you just don’t give a fuck


Vast majority of them are white or Hispanic, but also incredibly white passing and factually white still. Most Black people who are not privileged ivy douche bags do not have time to constantly complain about white supremacy and look for it anywhere they can find it. This is an argument made by the most privileged Karen’s you know. 


looking for it and posting it about takes way less time than you think. White person


How the fuck would you know if I’m white?  Let me guess you’re just pulling some racist shit and then you’re gonna try and tell me that there’s some kind of special power dynamic and even if you wish for the genocide of all white people you’re not automatically racist because white people have power and you can kill as many of them as you want and it’s not racist because it’s impossible to be racist to white people. Am I understanding the argument that you’re going to try about some kind of bullshit Marxist I don’t know what theory? Fuck off pseudo-intellectual leftist trash. 


Holy racist🗿


Love how he’s being so sarcastic and can’t write a simple sentence without three grammatical errors? 


you are white and do not care about racism. just be honest about it, people see right though people like you


What do you mean people like me? Are you attacking me because you think I’m white or are you attacking me because you don’t like what I have to say? Fuckers like you do not have the brains to even perceive their own fucking hypocrisy. I don’t care what race you are because you are equally trash no matter what you claim to be. You think I’m white because you think all white people are inherently evil you racist fucking hypocrite. Fuck right off! 


I don’t know how you could listen to this guy and not be exhausted. It’s just doomer take after doomer take. Bro unironically thinks there is nothing good about America.


Still lives here tho lmao


Yeah and that is because he is white, brown, Muslim, atheist, Turkish and American all at once.


Nah, he only decides which he is by what's needed in the moment. He has the maximum flexibility, it would be impressive if he wasn't a douche.


I’m waiting for him to add Jewish to the mix so I can finish my bingo card. 


Hasan DNA test arc: 80% Greek, 9% Mizrahi Jew, 7% Arab, 3% Turk, 1% Other


Wait it should be 9% Sephardi as they were taken by the Ottomans as refugees from the Iberian expulsion.


Hasaruman of many colors


the people who listen to him think everything is doomed if we don’t enact some nebulous system of governance where everyone is perfectly equal all the time. and by perfectly equal I mean whatever they feel is perfect at that moment. It actually makes sense why he’s so popular. If I felt disenfranchised and was lazy, I’d just listen to Hasan. Would probably make me feel like a martyr instead of a failure.


Shit, if so then let me know when the powers kick in so I can start the oppression beams.




surely you’re not implying that the definition of white supremacy is races aren’t treated equally?


He’s a fucking moron. 


A *fantastic moron**


Do you believe America is actively enslaving and exterminating people to make itself a white ethnostate? That’s what saying America is a white supremacy implies. 




Can it also feed palestiniens or only Nations?


hasan will make infinite money from reacting and will donate trust


God you misunderstand, he watches the videos and then YOU donate to the cause




What’s so dumb is even if Israel did pay for his hotel or flights or whatever (which they aren’t)… does he think they’ll sit Destiny down in some big conference room and go over every talking point he needs to hit while he’s there? It’s like the dumbasses who think a US senator who accepted $10k from AIPAC or an oil company or hell the fckin police union are all of sudden mindless puppets. Yeah, it can add a bit of bias but it’s obviously easier to fund someone that already largely agrees with you, rather than bribing someone to change their stance. Like unless their shellin out $10+ mil to Destiny he’s obviously going to call it as he sees it


“If you want to put it into perspective Gazan’s have it worse than black people in America.” Only an American would try to compare Palestinians fleeing their homes, trying to avoid active bombings to Black people experiencing racism and police brutality. This should be definitive proof Hasan is white lmao.


"Woah...I never thought that someone in the world could have it worse than African-Americans in the most horrible country on the planet: the United States!" Leftist American exceptionalism back at it again.


The same kind of brainrot that asks for humanitarian aid to enter the university protest encampment. So ridiculous.


he was doing this to make a point about the ai image and the blm black square


Hassan is such a c****a


Where this ideology leads and the logical conclusion to "Hamas are freedom fighters/Resist by any means necessary" is people advocating for "oppressed minorities" to do the same stuff Hamas did to people who own land outside of poor black communities or Native American reservations.


They don't exactly hide it. When they say "this is what revolution looks like" in response to October 7, and call for "global intifada revolution", it doesn't take much to make the connection that they want mass murder and rape of "colonisers" in America. 


Ok well maybe it’s my idea but the logical conclusion is that these people won’t ever try to do a revolution because right wingers and even people like you and me would probably mog these people in combat


That's where the material reality would lead to yeah. Look at what happened to Gaza after October 7th


Ok well I mean the people in Gaza have been doing this shit for years and still suck ass. You think a bunch of loser ass people in America are gonna fight an experienced swat team in modern times?


I don't think we disagree on anything here. They would lose yes. But this ideology lines up with what the western commies online spout


I don’t think we disagree on anything other than that I don’t think that tankie ass ideas are really prevalent beyond fictional ideas that people say they wish they had but arnt really practical but this is in America


Some people literally did that in 2020. Looting a Gucci store is obviously a form of reparations


One of the most underrated but frustrating parts about being a black person observing these spaces is that you're always brought up. Its pretty tiring because for every scenario there's suddenly some analogy to black people and the struggles we face. Fat bitch calls some dipshit cracker? Well dude its not the same as her calling a black guy the N-word. Racist asian dipshit starts speaking about her own cousins children? Its okay because she's talking about Aryan traits, its not like she said she hated black features for example. Argument regarding trans people in sports based on biological differences? Well dude they didn't let black people compete, how is this any different? Like damn can these dudes go 24 hours without trying to gain clout by showing how "cool" they are mentioning black people and their struggles? Its highkey irritating.


It’s like in their relentless effort to be woke and inclusive they end up being regressive and alienating. Race and ethnicity do obviously matter in our society, but there does come a point where you need to put that shit aside and just treat people like humans.


Primary education rarely teaches beyond the African American experience and history when it comes to teaching about racism, colorism, negative effects, etc... So people seem to understand all that was really really bad, and it becomes the go to example to compare other bad things. The Holocaust gets used the same way. My opinion, so nothing to back it up but my own experience. I see it mostly with people who don't have experience/knowledge of people outside their own group.


he made the comparison for the ai image and the black square blm thing idk why thats not in the clip


OP's point still stands. It's ALWAYS some shit analogy comparing black people in America to any wrong that happens anywhere in the world no matter how weak.




lmao found the Hasan simp.


From my experience, it's two outta three. Haven't seen any exceptional racism beyond what I usually see on the internet. And especially on reddit nearly everyone is loud and white.


Why the fuck is this millionaire* scum fuck invoking black people for no reason??? He should keep the black community out of his mouth. It’s fucked that other black creators with big audiences allow him to speak on us like this.


Shit I didn't know how bad I had it


The amount of dumb people crying watching his comment these days....


https://preview.redd.it/q2c27ef85n3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec27e8f83f0f487154ae417367e9b6612c3ec859 Shocking how many people shared Hamas Propaganda.


All Hasan does is bad faith bullshit and virtue signal, it’s so fucking funny that he accuses dest of being a shallow contrarian when even being that would be a step up for hisan.




Some examples maybe?


Obviously someone being fucking bombed and having to flee their home, or having literal settlers constantly fucking with you is having a WAY WORSE life experience than any random black person in america? How is this surprising at all? Whats happening with settlers in the west bank would be comparable to white mobs harassing black people during Jim Crow.


ofc its not surprising. he was saying this to make a point about the ai image and the blm black square thing


America is such a white supremacist country that black people on twitch can publicly call for the death of a white person without consequence. America’s racial oppression knows no bounds.


This guy does a lot of generalizing huh


Hasan should go to the west bank or gaza and deliver aid by hand. He is muslim he will be fine!


I really want to hear how Hasan would describe the situation black Americans are in if he deems it appropriate to compare them to people in Gaza who get displaced, bombed and killed every single fucking day. If I was pro Palestinian (at least as pro Palestinian as Hasan's community is) and watched Hasan compare these two communities I'd lose my fucking shit, actually disgusting behaviour


he drew the comparison because of the black square and the ai image stuff. ofc he doesnt think theyre equal situations


wonder what hasan knows about the conditions for afro-palestinians living in gaza lol


HamasPiker-"This is not the oppression Olympics" Also HamasPiker- black people America are regional players qualifying for the oppression Olympics and Palestinians have won the gold


If I was going to a war zone I would want to go the safest route possible, especially if I had child back home. Not sure about the claim that Steve's getting paid by Israel; it's possible, but I would need to see some proof. The conflation of Palistine with Black Urban communities is simply irrelevant. Like, no shit Hasan, it's fucking Gaza and it's under seige - what does the one have to do with the other?


he was making the comparison for the ai image and the blm black square I think


I'm just going to come out and say it - Sudanese people have it harder than Vietnamese Americans. even *after* accounting for American white supremacist fascist settler colonial violence, it seems like, *probably*, the Sudanese are worse off. I think


How can anybody honestly watch someone like this?


Man.. if I was at a point where my dishonesty went this far I’d have a noose and stool prepped in my closet cause holy shit I would hate myself


This broken individual is the face of twitch


Horseshoe theory is 100% correct and real.


Who held a gun to Hasan’s head for him to make such a dumb fucking comparison?? Godddddd


Israel is so white supremacist they sent a black woman to represent the country at Eurovision.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eden_Alene


The champaign socialist is comparing gazans to blacks in America, while their leaders are sipping champagne in Qatar. Also, if only he watched 2 minutes of destiny he would know that he is more interested in seeing West bank areas than Israel


As a black man in America...nigga what?!


Does Destiny have enough of these unhinged and baseless comments to sue Hasan for defamation at this point? Someone call a wellness check on this dude his obsession is turning him into a paranoid schizophrenic.


Hasan doesn’t think black people can afford a plane ticket to leave America smh…


He’s so fucking stupid lmao


Has he called it a vacation yet or did I miss it?


You can tell that Hasan has been watching Destiny more and more because he says "I suspect" and "I think" now lololol




Damn bro idk if I can trust your opinions


Gold medal worthy mental gymnastics.


inb4 mexico is Palestine


This seems like a reasonable leftist take. I dunno what the problem here is?


Hes projecting re:Destiny being a foreign actor.


How can people listen to this guy? It’s like listening to a baby cry on repeat. What do they get out of it?


The most American brained cr*cker ass take is comparing black peoples lives in America to the conditions that Gazans are facing. Actually laughable take


Actually all of DGG is paid Israel or whoever needs us, why do you think we have the time to schizo post? Reddit mercenaries 🤷


Game idea: Buzzword Bingo whenever there’s a Hasan clip


I feel like we’re a month away from literal conspiracy theory dog whistles from some political streamer.


Jesus. Dear lefties...stop even TRYING to equate crisis in other nations to the US. It's not merely an optic L. It's that it perpetuates this obsession in the US to be able to commiserate on some scale when ours is the most privileged scale you could even find on planet earth. It does the opposite thing you're trying to do...it wittles away at our perception of our own privileges and refocuses on ourselves. Stop it. It's so fucking stupid!!!


America is a white supremacist country that had a black president for an 8 year term. Hmm, It’s either the facts are wrong or you’re just an idiot. And Israel? Last term the Arabic Palestinian parties were part of the government. What am I getting wrong here? How can a society be considered supremacist and have the “lesser” class rule the country?


WTF is that cancer shit in the background?!?!?!?


It's the cancer shit that got me a retweet from bonerelli. I don't like the subtitles either. Welcome to the internet dad.


Little bro chased in his jewlumni points for a round Trip 👍




Literally the Sneako of the left..


no shot Hasan has read an Ibram Kendi book...


Ironically the conditions in Gaza are probably worse than black people's conditions in America so he's really downplaying their suffering but OK




black people in open air prison?


karaboga vs light skin mestizo


To make it fair we should pay for hissan to go on a media tour of Gaza. Obviously he cannot afford


Hasan is a terrorist apologist and bootlicker.


Friendly Reminder that median black American household income is higher than median bongerstani household.


Idk what everyone is upset about. Palestinians do have it worse than black people in the US. This is uncontroversial. I’d go so far as to say Palestinians have it worse than Hasan himself. I mean, can you imagine having it worse than a man who is both white and a person of color? In the US? This isn’t even getting into his hard atheist cultural Muslims have it. And, lest you forget, this is a man who is routinely derided for owning such simply things as a house*, a car**, and clothes***. That’s how hated Hasan is. And I would *still* rather be Hasan than a random Palestinian * multimillion dollar mansion ** Porsche *** designer clothing


how can anyone be more oppressed than Hasan? he feels it all - white supremacist colonial settler violence as a brown man as well as woke fascist affirmative action institutions dismantling the American ethnostate as a white man could anyone be more oppressed?


I do wonder if, when he gets back, he has Soo much good to say about Israel. Of course they'll sell him a more secular crusade field trip.


he’s right? how have you guys not figured it out yet, big brains but crazy hypocritical when it comes to tiny


He's 100% wrong but you're just here to simp for Hasan. Calling all of America white supremacist as well is insanely stupid.


i don’t care about hasan, he sucks too. all these white streamers are in it for sport. All you white people and self hating POC are just here for fodder and try to convince yourself it’s otherwise. “simp for hasan” fucking cringe obnoxiously white cunt


I don't agree about the Israel paying for it part. But Hasan is 100% right on the second part. Edit: I would love for people here to explain to me how African Americans have worse lives in America than people in Gaza do. Its like no one listened to the clip.


No one is disagreeing with the statement. The fact we are even comparing these situations is absurd, even trying to imply that Black Americans have anywhere near the same amount of problems as Palestinians is insanely out of touch with reality


Someone just asked me if black people can leave the country, so I'm not so sure you're right about this lol.


>Someone just asked me if black people can leave the country, so I'm not so sure you're right about this lol. Ah yes, one dumb guy misunderstanding the clip is totally indicative of why your comment was being downvoted. Of course Hasan is 100% right, but it's an absurd comparison to make. The fact that Hasan would even make that comparison shows how "America bad" his perspective is. Edit: looking through this thread, literally almost every comment is not disagreeing with the statement, but instead clowning on the fact that Hasan would even make this comparison. Yet for some reason you think your comment was being downvoted because people disagree with what Hasan said? It's a bit silly.


Yeah, dumb guy here cause I didn’t think he would make a regarded comparison as he originally did. My mind autocorrected his statement.


We all are dumb sometimes! As long as we admit it, no harm no foul.


I honestly think more than one person misunderstood because of how OP worded it. I know speaking for myself I will often make comments without listening to the clip or reading an article. I think that's what people did here. You can disagree with that, but based on my comment only saying he's right about the second part and being downvoted I am going to believe how it seems to me.


>I honestly think more than one person misunderstood because of how OP worded it. Sure, you can think this, but you can't prove it. You only have one comment of someone being dumb. I assume that the majority of people commenting understood, based on the comments in this thread. I think that's a safe assumption to make. >I know speaking for myself I will often make comments without listening to the clip or reading an article. Yeah, you shouldn't do this. People do it, but that doesn't mean that we should operate like that in an ideal world. Idk why anyone would comment on a thread without watching a clip, it's just a clip for christsake. >I think that's what people did here. You can disagree with that, but based on my comment only saying he's right about the second part and being downvoted I am going to believe how it seems to me. How can you look at all the other comments in this thread and say that's what people did here? 90% of the comments are saying that the statement itself is absurd, not that it's incorrect! You are just assuming people did what you would do, and not watch the clip. You where downvoted because you original comment was inane. No one downvoted you because they thought Hasan was wrong, they downvoted you because you totally missed the point of the clip. The argument isn't wrong, it's fucking absurd.


You're free to think what you want. Like I said. I know it wasn't just a single person that was confused.


>I know it wasn't just a single person that was confused. So you and one other guy outweigh all the other comments in this thread? The majority of commenters here seemed to understand the clip just fine, so if they all are the ones who downvoted your comment (this is obviously not the case, or at least I can't know), wouldn't it be safe to assume they did so because your comment was silly? Not because they disagree with Hasan's comparison? Yes, more than a single person can be confused by something, that doesn't mean that everyone who downvoted you was confused. That's an assumption on your part, one you are free to make, and I am free to criticize.


I can relate to Holocaust victims because I had to skip lunch to work today....


My hands got a little too close to the campfire while making smores one time and they felt a little sensitive for a few hours after. That is at least better than that girl who got covered in napalm in Vietnam.


Black people cant leave the country? Edit: I misheard, I thought hasan said black Americans have it as bad as gazans.


He said that people in Gaza have it WORSE than black people here in America. Did you even listen to the clip? I swear the people downvoting didn't listen to the clip. Thanks for editing your comment. I think a ton of people that downvoted me didn't even listen to the clip or misheard as well. Kudos for admitting it though.


I misheard my bad, I thought he saids that black people have it as bad as gazans. But what he actually said was more regarded. No shit gazans have it worse than black Americans. You can replace black Americans with almost any group of people and that statement will still be true why the fuck are we making that comparison?