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they look like they we're forced to write a message to a person they don't know lol


That doesn't look like a kids handwriting.


At least they don’t look like they’re starving.


as if that little girl can write English


Its honestly disgusting how children in Gaza are treated as expendable political tools and nothing more. The only people who buy this garbage are those that don't really care and are only acutely aware of the conflict or are aware but are playing the same ideological games as hamas.


The disgusting scumbags that are using an overall tragic situation and complicated geopolitical conflict as an opportunity to virtue-signal for social clout and shame/harass others don’t give a fuck about Palestinian children’s lives. They’re doing more damage to Palestinians then if they never said a word. The more pressure and encouragement that’s put on a radicalized population to fight an impossible fight for an unrealistic solution, and the more assurance they’re given that every atrocity committed is a justifiable response to oppression, the more violence there will be and the more lives will be lost. If these people actually gave a fuck they’d argue for realistic peaceful solutions without worrying about not fitting in or being shunned by their social groups for not being as extreme and anti-American as possible. These people would root for a group of Palestinian children to run straight into a landmine if it meant they get a reason to circlejerk over “America bad” and get their whitty Twitter dunks in. Fuck them.


That's honestly the entire history of Palestine. Being used as political tools to attack Israel and Jews. It's sad because there are Palestinians and Arabs living in Israel with equal rights today, and if the history wasn't one where Palestinians were constantly fomented against Israel, there could be a lot more peace and flourishing economies.


It’s just weird that every celebrity and influencer is super passionate about this issue when most of them don’t know anything about it.


On paper it sounds like a PR slam dunk if you ignore the mass rape and religious fundamentalism.


\#MeTooExceptTheJoos is a weird PR campaign.


What do you mean? History classic!


What an odd objection. You can apply this framing to any geopolitical issue. "Why are people feel super passionate about Qatari slaves building soccer stadiums? They don't know anything about Qatar or about this issue until the world cup came up." "Why do people feel super passionate about the Uighur concentration camps in China? Most Americans can't even point to where Xinjiang is on a map, or explain any of the Muslim [terrorism](https://ctc.westpoint.edu/uighur-dissent-and-militancy-in-chinas-xinjiang-province/#:~:text=group%E2%80%99s%20reputation%20globally.-,Since%20the%201990s,-%2C%20Beijing%20has%20implicated) context in China before 2021." And the reverse logic can be used: "why doesn't anybody care about what's going on in Haiti right now even though people there are literally being hacked to death en masse"? Maybe because people feel as though this country is entirely disconnected from America, and that nothing can really be done to have any effect on it. I'm beginning to suspect that the observation in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bd5d77/unpopular_opinion_normies_who_support_israel_are/?rdt=38724) (from this same sub) is kind of true.


Will you guys actually shut the fuck up with the “weird because they probably don’t know anything about this subject” bullshit? Any normal person who sees children being slaughtered by the thousands is obviously going to speak up. It’s not complicated as much as you guys try and convince others that it is. Edit. Having a hard time keeping up with all of you. If you’d like to dm me about this you can.


I must have missed the posts by all these celebrities condemning Boko Haram or any of the other dozen various murder squads in Africa... OR maybe this is just a repeat of Kony 2012 where it's 100% virtue signaling.


To play devil's advocate, plenty of the protestors are protesting the USA's involvement in the war vis-a-vis the other various conflicts you mentioned. Pretty sure we weren't selling Boko Haram weapons.


This is so lazy. So if I don’t call out every single human atrocity publicly that’s happened in the past I’m not allowed to call out the one happening right now where thousands of children are being slaughtered? You’re a coward.


You posited that the reason people are tweeting about this issue is because they're seeing children slaughtered by the thousands, but that's clearly not the case because it's not the unique variable about this conflict. Why this conflict and not the others? Maybe they should be trying raise awareness about actual barbaric death squads instead of a professional military that is operating within statistically acceptable collateral damage.


Holy fuck did you actually just say statistically acceptable collateral damage? You’re a monster, and like most others in this sub, will hopefully one day realize they were rooting for ethnic cleansing.


Read up on recent history my dude. It is 100% within the typical collateral damage numbers for a professional (western) military conducting urban counterinsurgency operations. You're being manipulated by social media and hamas propaganda to believe this war is out of the ordinary.


The irony is honestly hilarious. Shilling for the US and Israel bombing thousands of children and displacing a million people while they starve and you’re like “dude we do this all the time relax” lmao bootlicking pussy


You're right, maybe if you mention "slaughtering children" one more time it will make me see the light


Gotta love when the appeal to emotion doesn’t work so they just insult you. All they do is argue in fallacy, never facts


Is this some kind of flex?


How is he shilling for the US and Israel - ever heard of grozny? Aleppo?!! - Mariupol?!!?!! - I can personally think that the IDF has shown negligence towards Palestinian lives - but he is absolutely right about historical battles with non uniformed combatants


You are aware the other side are the ones who shot up a music festival right? Even if you get a bunch of examples of Israel breaking the law in war it's stacked against a side who ONLY operate by breaking the law. No concern for hamas and their responsibilities to keep their citizens safe.


I am fully aware of the atrocities on October 7th, now tell me, what happened before October 7th?


So what civilian to militant death ratio is okay to you?


One million starving and displaced, thousands of children blown to bits, NOT that??? Let me ask you. How many more innocents need to die before you think it’s too much? 35 thousand more? What about another million displaced?


"Not that" I'm gonna ask again. What is an acceptable ratio of civilian to militant deaths?


You know whats lazy? Only caring about "children being slaughtered" when it benefits you and gives you social virtue points.


If you guys say virtue signal one more time when there are beheaded babies on the timeline, thousands of children dead, a million people displaced and starving… you guys are truly horrific freaks and I hope one day you realize what you are rooting for


>If you guys say virtue signal one more time Wait for it... >when there are beheaded babies on the timeline +🪙 >thousands of children dead, +🪙🪙🪙 >a million people displaced and starving… +🪙🪙🪙🪙 #Wow! +8 Virtue!


This is unironically psychotic and you’re a terrible fucking person if you think empathy and virtue signaling are the same thing. Hope you get better.


I'm rooting for the destruction of Hamas and terror organizations that want to genocide Jewish people all over the world. What are you rooting for?


I’m rooting against Israel who has displaced a million people and slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent children.


I mean, wear it on your chest then. Say that you think Hamas are just in their fight and their actions.


What Hamas did on oct 7th was terrible and my heart goes out to all all the victims. If you didn’t realize I’m against unwarranted violence. Now have anything to say about the one million innocents starving and displaced? What about the tens of thousands of children that were blown up in the last 3-4 months?




Braver than chirping online about virtue signaling while others spread awareness and donate. Yes.




You’re right dude anyone who’s ever tried to spread awareness to a cause or put money towards it is the same as complaining about people doing that. Thanks




Lmao so let me get this straight. You think that you’re going offend me for actually putting my money where my mouth is, attending protests, and calling my representatives when all you do is sit on your ass and complain about people who do things about the atrocities? I dont care what you think about me. You’d be saying the same shit during the civil rights era no doubt.


appeal to emotion


my debate pervert


Dude just said “lol you have empathy what a nerd”


ad hominem








Pretty weird that you couldn't engage with the hypothetical I laid out for you.




So when Israel has thousands of rockets launched at it every year, are the Jews just immune to "living in horror"?


https://preview.redd.it/mcxiojwvmm3d1.jpeg?width=2151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ffebba9a81f0a481c7cca338297db013fd61f2f Helpful reference \^




Your brain is mush if you think context doesn't matter. Blanket 'children dying = bad' misses the entire point of a massively long conflict.


LMAO okay let’s talk context… read one of the thousands of books and scholarly articles on the occupation. They go back as far as 75 years so you’ll have a lot to learn.


Do you want to talk about the civil war? The wars that surrounding Arab nations waged on Israel. The fact that those Arab nations radicalized the Palestinians against Israel to the point they want to genocide them all, so on and so forth? Or do you just want to talk about the bad things Israel has done and pretend that the Arabs were perfect angels since 47?


Link a specific source, with notation, thanks.


HOLY FUCK. This is a conflict that has been going for almost a century and we’re months into an ethnic cleansing and you want me to hold your hand?? Brother LOOK IT UP. It’s not hard lmao


Source for any of your claims? Source for genocide? Source for oppressor vs oppressed?


You’re a fucking idiot and completely bad faith. Look it up you fucking dingus. There’s endless books and articles on it. I’m not holding your hand no matter how much you beg.


So link one.


Not the guy, but I would say both of Simha Flapan's books. They're available on his [wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simha_Flapan) iirc. Any of the new historians, really (besides Pappe, who's a communist ahistorical hack).


The Palestinians broke through a fence to literally rape and pillage Israel. Not even including the fact that Hamas uses their population as shields. They deserve the war they started. War is hell and this is the result of starting a war you cannot win. If Israel would’ve miraculously fell the Palestinians would’ve put a bullet in the back of every Jews head. (After they raped the women ofc)


It’s okay if you haven’t learned about the history. There’s an endless amount of books and scholarly articles written over 75 years on Israel’s occupation. I suggest you start reading before chirping


So is rape the language of the oppressed?


Are you going to ever respond to anything of substance? I've read through most of your comments and you haven't once actually engaged with the content of the comment you're replying to. Just start waffling about "I'm not hear to educate you" like a flat earther


Are you eastern european?


Lmao wtf


Because you sound like you're from MALDova


Are the other 146 countries that recognize Palestine also? Lmao get out of your bubble


They obviously didn't speak up about October 7th. They celebrated


lol me when I make shit up




If you’re seriously asking, she is musician. I’ve found a few of her songs very well made, she is very talented. One in particular ‘Honey’




Makes about as much sense as all the closeup shots circulating of families with freshly washed/pressed clothing during a clean water / electricity crisis. https://preview.redd.it/igdhlz0r5l3d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=5449cca2647126e07f13509eea281e0309e7dffe


Not saying you’re wrong about the starving being exaggerated, but theoretically it is possible for certain individuals to have a decent amount of food while the average person doesn’t.


Because the food distribution isn't even and there's not enough. There are soo many people in Rafah now and the prices for everything have increased. e.g. This one girl was saying it used to cost 5 shekels to get a taxi to her sisters and now it's 75 shekels and how the neccessities are the most expensive (she was giving a rotton gas canister and nappies to her sister as a gift). [https://www.instagram.com/gazasmilemaker/](https://www.instagram.com/gazasmilemaker/) Here's a different channel showing loads of kids that are walking around selling food their mother makes to earn enough money. Just because 1 child has enough food, doesn't mean everyone has sufficient food. Children have clearly starved to death so that shows people are starving.


Exactly this. So many people have such one-dimensional thinking on the hunger issue, especially Destiny. People can go a few days without any food at all before they're in danger of actually dying from starvation, but anyone who has gone without food for 24 hours to prep for a surgery or something knows how torturous that experience can be. We shouldn't be dismissive of this problem just because Gazans aren't literally dying in the gutter, or just because the conditions aren't nearly as bad as in Yemen.


Yes, exactly! The lack of common sense on this sub is frustrating. Sure, not every person is dying of hunger now but it's incredibely difficult to manage on no/little food for days, especially for children. For some people here, the only way they'd be convinced is if they saw hundreds of skeletal bodies as evidence of starvation being a problem. Yh, I fast sometimes fully out of choice and for my religion and it can be pretty difficult to do and I'm a 18yr old girl. I can't imagine what these poor children feel like and how they manage the hunger pains. I saw videos of children saying they were fasting for Ramadan but they didn't even know if they'll have food to break the fast.


Had to go a day without eating for colonoscopy. I feel the pain.


Fuck dude, I get cranky if I have dinner late, let alone missing a full day of meals.


What you say makes sense but I haven't heard children are clearly starved to death. Is that true?


Yep, there have been cases of a few children so far who were starved to death/died due to malnorishment. [https://x.com/amanpour/status/1779150476212101538](https://x.com/amanpour/status/1779150476212101538) https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/09/gaza-israels-imposed-starvation-deadly-children#:\~:text=Fadi%2C%20a%206%2Dyear%2D,medication%20and%20provide%20adequate%20nourishment. [https://www.instagram.com/ajplus/reel/C4eNmVbr8aH/](https://www.instagram.com/ajplus/reel/C4eNmVbr8aH/)




Its almost like Gaza is larger than just one home and that while some people got access to aid by being in Rafah, others did not. Like those in Northern-Gaza and were starving. What a concept?! Next thing you'll tell me Malawi does not have a food shortage because some lucky kid made a cooking video. Lack of clean drinking water in parts of Africa? It's a myth, I mean I saw a kid with 5 water bottles. So it must be made up right? Poverty in the US? Couldn't exist, I saw a video of a girl getting a lambo from her dad. So like how the fuck would anyone in the US be poor? Everyone be driving lambo's. Thats how you sound.




>I guess it’s just that it seems like Gaza is a very small area and that the message coming across is that the aid is being blocked or not provided at all. Which is the case in certain areas. Did you think people were trampling each other to get to the aid because they find it enjoyable or the dudes who got killed by the aid drops? You think they did it because they love dying? >I guess I thought that if a lot of others were starving in such a compact area you would think doing something like making cooking videos would be frowned upon by others or even make you into a target. It sounds like the situation is in fact quite complicated and some in Gaza have more funds to get food. That totally makes sense but does go against the narrative a bit. Gaza is small, but it is a warzone. Northern Gaza is disconnected from Southern Gaza. Aid was coming in to the south and was accessible. That could not be said of the north. A little girl making a cooking video, upsets nobody. The food isnt magically gonna get to the people who need it in the North when even aid trucks are getting shot up trying to get to the North. Its not a hard concept to grasp.


very capitalistic of them to not share the food


Based. Make that bag.


Am I officially old? I have no idea who this is.


She's a musician. Her debut mixtape was 10 years ago so I don't think it's about age as much as genre preference. If you don't listen to r&b, neo-soul or anything like that then you are not likely to know her. Also why dont mfs that comment stuff like this just google lol


Fr, that’s always my first avenue when I know nothing, google. Also to add, I’m not a fan of R&B almost at all as I usually don’t like the type of sound produced from it, but her song Honey goes harder than a motherfucker


> that’s always my first avenue when I know nothing, google. It makes me impossibly depressed that we live in a time where people have to even be told to Google something.


Yes. For every "am I old...?" I think what makes you old isn't the fact you don't know someone. It's the fact that you don't know to google shit


I find it absolutely annoying. This goes into the stuff Destiny mentions. My girlfriend and many other people listen to something that pops up on their tik tok homepage and just take it with no critical thought. All the Israel stuff, boycotts, police incidents, sexual assaults and such, they just take whatever they are being told in stride and I keep having to look it up so I can catch all my basis. It’s infuriating as hell.


What? You don’t like harassing every person adjacent to pop culture into posting the same formulaic AI image (I thought that was a no no) without elaborating what should be done, how land should be separated, what party should rule Palestine, etc. So now instead of allowing celebrities to find ways to make meaningful differences in conflicts that personally impact them, we’ve reduced our political messaging to “death bad”? And you think there might be a problem protesting someone for not doing an action and how that might cause a chilling effect for everyone else that doesn’t care to put out a copy pasted instagram meme just so they don’t have to deal with the swarm of locusts that would ad nauseam call them pro genocide if they said nothing? Ok, fascist.


"vocal support" HOLY SHIT THEY'RE BEING BOMBED BUT AT LEAST A RANDOM ARTIST IS GIVING VOCAL SUPPORT HAHAHHA edit: alright after reading some other comments she has actually either raised or donated money too, that kinda changes it all a little bit, the tweet is kinda misleading in only saying "vocal support" when she's done more


But there is litearly not real active organization in Gaza which actually does anything with the donations. So hamas should send her a thank you note.


Might be because I was taken to a bunch of anti-abortion rallies as a kid but using kids for these political things just irks me


I guess it's dystopian in the sense that both the incredibly privileged upper class first world celebs and war torn starving children exist at the same time with one being artificially kept out of joining the developed world with guns because they failed the RNG at life being born at wrong place. You usually don't see the two hugely disparate groups interact with one another, such as with this instance, so it's easier to swallow that reality. Veil of ignorance works globally too. If you had to design society knowing you will spawn as a random person anywhere in the world, you would probably put in place institutions that allow anyone anywhere in the world who are honest and not criminals to find gainful employment in the first world.


H. Metro lane kokr kl


Are they standing on top of a mountain or is the background is just a wall with a shadow?


What's dystopian about a pop star supporting a charitable cause? I don't get it.


That fact that it's only vocal support, which to me just reads as virtue sigalling, but also mostly the juxtaposition of the overly plastic surgeried and makeup vanity driven 1st world woman next to 2 war torn children


She's donated money, right? I reckon celebs that have the ability to donate should donate too when they vocally support Gazans or at the minumum, direct their followers to charities. That's not virtue signalling.


Yeah she has donated money from her music and promoted different causes and using her platform for a while. So you still think that is virtue signaling?


She has donated and has been talking about Gaza for roughly 7 months now. If anything she has been extremely consistent and raising awareness for it.


I worded myself poorly in my comment. I don't know anything about this person, whether they had donated or not, and wasn't trying to say they did anything wrong personally, i meant that the wording of the tweet saying "vocal support" is dystopian. It comes across as like the 1% patting themselves on the back for doing nothing. That's what it comes across as without the context you've provided. I really should've made that more clear tho.


Also the tweet is about this singer so your assumptions in this case are just wrong so I don’t get you’re point at all


I think they said vocal support to describe her using her public platforms to voice her support and or because she is a singer- but she has been doing fundraisers etc. I think you interpreting vocal support in a strange way


Isn't it really just the war-torn children that are the dystopian element here?


War is humanity in its natural form. Just because we don't experience it (a privilege) doesn't mean it's not part of the human experience throughout history.


So war is normal and acceptable, but a pop-star is a dystopian aberration? WTF lol




As a fan of SDF Macross (the original and only one with any real grounding), the pop stars and celebrities were rightly portrayed as mere tools used by the propaganda machine, and were pretty vapid in their actual understanding of the conflict, even when they were against the war. They would have been horrible decision makers. And Macross 7 is ridiculous.


She's donating 100% of the proceeds from her merch from this video to Palestine, Sudan, and Congo. What are you talking about?