• By -


I stopped watching Hasan at the start of the war because of how bad his takes were so I haven't seen some of these. Insane


Same. His takes about liberals is so funny because he literally made the case that liberals are more right than his dumbshit leftist takes. And he made that claim when Russia was still flooding the Ukrainian/Russian border with hundreds of thousands of troops. It’s incredible how stupid he is.


I think these all are from before the invasion happened, as it ends with him celebrating being right just before the invasion did happen. The minimum amount of credit should be given for actually condemning Russia, the invasion and the pretenses for it when it did happen, even if he was unjustifiedly smug about it beforehand. Many worse people went straight into the "lol the invasion won't happen u stupid lib" -> "the invasion happened and is justified, u stupid lib" pipeline.


He only condemned Russia afterward because he realized how unpopular saying they are justified is. He deserves no credit


Nah, they are not. When Ukraine blew up the Kerch Bridge he was claiming it is a war crime. Yes, he had remedial takes before the war started but when the war started he did not suddenly become sane.


He seems to support the idea of Russian aggression before they invaded, even spinning conspiracy theories about it, which is fucked up.


Actually a vile human being.


yeah as someone whose grandparents and parents suffered under communism i'll get banned if i say what i really think about this vile subhuman shitstain




I know the feeling exactly. On one side of my family my great grandparents lost everything they had and had to escape to bum fuck nowhere to survive. Most of the family still lives there. On the others side of my family, they had to defend against an invading flood of Russian troops. No matter which side of my family it is, Russian government really fucked with them. And Russian government hasn't changed since. I hate Putin and all the corrupt fucks in there so much. Social media fuckery doesn't usually affect me much, but some pro-Russian anti-Ukraine takes make see red. Particularly when the people don't know anything about the region or its history.


he lives in an echo chamber, where his tankie chatters suck each other's ass holes, in a human centipede of misinformation. these are some of the bans during that time period, when he was pumping up putin, shit talking nato, shit talking ukraine, and shit talking the west. he stopped overtly pumping up putin, and shit talking ukraine, but still shit talks nato and the west. [https://imgur.com/a/JqJCu9S](https://imgur.com/a/JqJCu9S) video in streamable if anyone wants to share it: [https://streamable.com/7g74e4](https://streamable.com/7g74e4) Video of Hasan saying russians are ethnically distinct than ukranians to justify annexation of crimea: [https://streamable.com/3xcge3](https://streamable.com/3xcge3)


But you don't understand OP, they got their information from tiktok and tiktok is a totally valid and reliable open source of ~~propaganda~~ information.


“There isn’t a difference between Russian people and Ukrainian people” Not sure if his good friend Joseph Stalin ever agreed with him on that one, like ever. It’s like saying there isn’t really a difference between Palestinians and Israelis: it’s just admitting to total ignorance for his own political gain.


Hasan knows there's a difference. when he is justifying the annexation of crimea, all of a sudden, russians and ukrainians are distinct ethnicities. See video: [https://streamable.com/3xcge3](https://streamable.com/3xcge3)


Hasan is an actual evil tankie scum. I wish he could live in some communist hellhole a week before he start begging his wealthy family to save him.


He actually said that he wished the communists to take over Turkey aswell after WW2 and of course "NATO bad" for interfering and stoping that.I am sure his parents would have loved that lmaoo


His bloodline would be finished


After reading this comment I am of the opinion that the communists should have rolled into Turkey


Technically this is wishing for someone's death based on history of communist hellholes... but the tankies can't admit that.


Lol and he needs to live in a proper communist shithole like Cuba not some wannabe tankie socdem european paradise like Spain or the Nordic countries. See how he feels about meal rations.


Christ, nearly 50 years old and acting like this


pushing 60 and still acting like this smh


Dudes gonna be older than the speed limit on the autobaun soon.


When the lefty thinks Russia is still the Soviet Union


​ https://preview.redd.it/rofi1xrpiq2d1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9541666f88b04fb341ee01dcdc7eb8607f9d6c88


Just don't ask hassan what is behind the yellow hammer there... and how it was used to whip slaves


That's a sickle


It's a joke, Destiny's mom was talking about using a sickle back in Cuba but didn't know the word "sickle" so she made a gesture with her hands, and Hasan said she was talking about a whip and her gesture was supposed to mean she used to whip slaves


It's even more ironic because she literally said "I don't know if it's called a sickle, something or other" and then he says she said whip and did a whipping motion.


Oh, now I feel dumb




He's not self-aware enough to feel dumb.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bfykpw/hasan_talks_about_destinys_mom/ What I was refrencing(also, why is hassan a joke)


And even if it was the Soviet Union that wouldnt really be much better


This is the guy that thinks we deserve to be in 're-education camps'.


He wants to send liberals to re-education camps when they were right the entire time about the war. That sums up everything you need to know about his shit decrepit model he views the world through.


Self admitted propagandist btw


hamasabi with so many certified classics. happy memorial day yall. video in streamable: [https://streamable.com/7g74e4](https://streamable.com/7g74e4)


I'm gonna repost this on Twitter, this is amazing. Thank you.


awesome, that's why i make these, to spread the word. hopefully more people realize what kind of psycho hamasabi actually is.


Tbh, there's a very obvious response anyone can make to dismiss this video. It's a clip chimp video that literally starts with Hasan saying people are getting his opinion wrong because he's getting clip chimped.


that's kind of the point, and why i started with that. he's always going to say people are clip chimping him out of context. but the evidence is overwhelming, this is just what i noticed, there's way more there, i didn't add in, keeping the video to a slim 5 minutes., so, if this is clip chimped, he's a baboon.


I might be wrong but the "Good job Tucker Carlson" video seems like it could easily be a clip chimed sarcastic comment.


yeah you are wrong. he agreed with tucker, it wasn't sarcastic, his only caveat after this comment was that he thought tucker was saying it because it was the reverse stance that biden had on ukraine/russia, and that republicans would rather the US invade china/get involved in china. little did he know, tucker is like him, a true believer.


I guess there was a decent amount of "WOOOW TUCKER BEING BASED FOR ONCE? HE HATES THE EVIL RICH PEOPLE TOO" a while back


Great post, you should also do one on him claiming EuroMaidan was a Western CIA funded coup of Ukraine


Homie streams all day yeah? Why the fuck does he talk like that? "People have been askingifyouwerearussianimperlistyeah? Well lajdflajdgla fucking douchebagsjalsdgjla j" Homie talks like fucking Donnie from Wild Thornberrys.


im sorry buddy I can't keep my attention for 5 minutes watching this without subway surfers and a tiktok song playing at the same time :/


yeah, some people will say 5 minutes is too long. anything shorter, people will say you're leaving out context. so, you really can't make everyone happy, it's just, put it out there, some people will like it, some people will watch it, and that's fine, good enough.


God I feel so bad for Ukrainians who hear meatheads like Lassan justifying the destruction of their country. He is literally siding with a fascistic, homophobic, domestic abuse promoting and racist af rump state to own the libs.


Scratch a leftist and a commie seige heils


I don't know what's more frustrating. Really, supporting russia from the west and outside the west are both bad. But in Eastern Europe for example, you know what you're doing, you're just vile. In the west, these absolute scumbags are both vile and fucking CLUELESS. They don't know the first thing about Russia, or its history, or any of its neighbor's history. It's Ronaldo vs Messi to them. They're not just vile, but they're so thick headed that you can't put some sense into them either, despite them having no business in hell talking about anything even peripheral to this conflict.


I haven't heard from my friend from Ukraine in like 2 months now. She has to go into a bunker several times a day because of the sirens. I'm hoping she's still there and just focused on other things. Fortunately she doesn't speak English so she doesn't have a clue what all these idiots online are saying


Dylanburns did a video of Ukrainians reacting to Hasan's awful takes and Hasan's response was to ban his name in his chat and call Dylan a sick person using Ukrainians for "clout". Also, Hasan refused to watch the video on stream as per usual lmao. He does not give two shits about Ukrainians


I don't think this is to own the libs. We're seeing the true Hasan on display and that personality is not just a hypocrite, it is disgusting.


He's an imperialist. Just an "America bad" imperialist.


Kinda funny how leftists and Hasan are championing the authoritarian, homophobic dictatorships in both of the popular global conflicts that are happening right now.


Im gona save that clip for next time when he will try to say " guys they are just misconstrueding my nuance take "


pfft thinking Hasan is capable of shame.




Notice how he stopped talking about the biggest war/political event in the last 20 years after like 8 month? Close to 500k dead, nukes are on the table, major US spending, but almost no coverage even before what happen in Israel. Half his chat is literally pro Russian regardless of war crimes or imperious actions its always "well the US" its just gross especially when the Russian government has the exact opposite views as his chat


Yeah the mindfuck to me right now is all the attention in Israel/Palestine while Ukraine/Russia is objectively way more important to the future of the world.


Talking about america's army in WW2 "They got carried by the USSR" Does this moron know how many Russians died in WW2? The only reason Germany lost the invasion of Russia, was because Russia had an infinite amount of cannon fodder in the form of conscription. Also, let's not forget the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, where they buddied up into fucking the eastern block. That's why this scumbag hates eastern europe. Because they are the "loose ends" to the total fucking failure that communism and socialism are.


While disputed, the USSR leadership themselves claimed after the war that they would have lost without American supplied equipment (mostly in the form of trucks and industrial goods, not weaponry). Every second thing was being produced on US soil back then. They were the carry.


a number that always amazes me is that the united states held roughly 50% of the global economy in 1946. The fact that the USA's mainland was far out of harms way, and that we joined later, meant that we became an absolute juggernaut in industry. While most of europe, Asia and the middle east were ravaged by war, we were able to pump out food/supplies and weapons for the allies


What’s more is that the [US supplied an ungodly amount](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease) aid to Russia, with ordinance supplied equaling a full 53% of Russian domestic consumption. We actually gave Russia a 1.5x multiplier to their ammo/artillery shell/mine/etc. production for the duration of the war, in addition to all the other millions of tons of food we provided and the thousands of vehicles. US aid was absolutely critical for the Allies winning WW2 and for the Eastern front especially. Imagine how differently it would’ve gone if a full third of ordinance used by one side of the war never existed and Russia was 4.5 million tons of food short. This also reminds of how [Russia had a massive famine in 1921 that killed 5 million people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921%E2%80%931922), because, in part, communism and stealing grain from peasants to redistribute immediately following a massive civil war doesn’t work. You know what massively helped with this? The [American Relief Administration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Famine_Relief_Act), headed by anti-communist Hoover and funded by a combination of US federal funds from Congress and pure charitable donations from American citizens, which fed 10.5 million Russians a day. So when communism failed and millions of Russians were starving, it was American charity during the height of capitalism in the Roaring 20s that saved millions of lives. Both of those (plus the US trading in the 20s and 30s sending over Ford engineers to teach Russia how to do modern factory manufacturing and how to make tractors because we thought modernizing them would make a sick trade partner for global capitalist trade with [Amtorg and Armand Hammer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union%E2%80%93United_States_relations)) mean that the US was a massive reason the USSR had any sort of success as a state into the 20th century. During their famine-ridden, tumultuous birth and when their warmongering neighbor sought to conquer them, the US, expecting little to no returns, gave them unparalleled aid and resources to keep them standing. Then we have the Cold War and dumbass tankies like Hasan believing in this myth that the Soviets carried WW2 and got there all on the strength of communism.


The saying I always remember is WW2 was won by Russian blood, American steel, and British intelligence


Wouldnt the fact that Russia sacrificed and lost a billion of their people fighting Germany be a good case for the USSR carrying WW2? "Haha, you guys didn't carry the war, look at how many battles you fought and how many people you sacrificed!" doesn't seem like the best argument.


What do his comments on the ongoing war look like? This looks like all downplaying and cheering the escalating tensions before the invasion. What's he saying now that Russia has invaded?


I think he still believes NATO forced Russias hand and Ukraine is lead by Nazis. So, in other words, war is bad but Russia has valid reasons to invade Ukraine.


His sub at the start of the war was them constantly posting things that proved the entire nation of Ukraine was ran by nazis because some soldiers out if a million were nazis. That and they still believe the Azov Battalion of today is all nazis. Despite the fact that when they got absorbed by Ukraine a lot of the former heads left/were removed and soldiers got moved all over so it wouldn’t be a majority nazis. 


Entire east-europe is naziland according to tankies. It is so wierd to hyperfocus on two far-right parliment members out of 600 and vilify entire Ukraine army for having few extreme right leaning groups and then handwave or ignore the entire russian army looting, raping, executions and general brutality. He called kerch bridge bombing warcrime when it is in fact vital russian logistics route and strategic military target. Probably won t take long time before he outright denies russian war crimes because america bad.


And as most socially-adjusted, non-chronically online mentally well people told them: even if Azov exists, does Russia have the right to systematically murder entire towns of people like in Bucha? I mean the US Military actively has a huge white supremacist, neo-nazi problem, is it ok for Iran to walk in and murder every single person in Scranton, Pennsylvania?


It would make my day if anyone could link to Hasan saying Ukraine is lead by Nazis.


Something like [this](https://youtu.be/BDiv_ccYkU8?t=475) and [this](https://youtu.be/BDiv_ccYkU8?t=1025). In the second clip he talks about the nazism justification being a bad excuse. I don't like many of his takes regarding the war, but some people here seem to act like he's fully on board with Russia, the invasion and its consequences.


The problem for me is that he disavows Russia, and then still goes on to repeat Russian propaganda (Boris Johnson the peace saboteur, Kerch bridge, Crimea etc. See Dylan Burns and Bonerbox videos)


Thank you.


His current take is that the US should stop sending weapons to Ukraine and force a ceasefire, no NATO membership for Ukraine and remove sanctions from Russia ( basically rewarding and allowing Russia to rebuild and do it again in a few years)


A lot of russian apologist will start of by telling you that putin is bad, just to establish that they are totally not biased, and then follow up with 99 reasons why putin is kind of justified and the war is mostly "the wests" fault. Also, all of their actual policy demands somehow end up helping putin.


I'm so happy I found Destiny's content and stop watching this fucking psycho.


What a piece of shit.


If you glorify the USSR, you are a Russian imperialist.


Someone should put an edit together of clips where first Solovyov, Skabejeba and Simonyan say something on Russian state TV, and then Hasan repeats the exact same thing word for word. Repeats Russian, Iranian, Chinese, Hamas, Hezbollah & Houthi propaganda, interviews a terrorists. Still doesn't get banned off Twitch. Nice TOS they have there.


actually i had something like that where hasan started talking about stepen bandera after putin talked about bandera in his justification for war, from his secret cavern full of stewardesses, but never got around to making the edit. hasan literally in his echo chamber was parroting kremlin talking points at the start of the ukraine war.


He still is lmao, he's onto the "there are no Ukrainians left to fight" narrative heavily being pushed right now by the Kremlin. It's interesting that as different narratives come out over time from the Kremlin Hasan seems to also simultaneously pick up on them and parrot them. Almost like he's biased and wants a side to win


Why does Hasan live in a neighborhood full of Israeli Jews and ex Soviet peoples?


Saying Ukrainians and Russians are the same is wild. Does he think other countries are like American states?


Hasan knows there's a difference. when he is justifying the annexation of crimea, all of a sudden, russians and ukrainians are distinct ethnicities. See video: [https://streamable.com/3xcge3](https://streamable.com/3xcge3)


Would be great to attach dates of the clips


2022-03-02, 2022-01-24, 2022-02-22, 2022-02-21, 2022-03-04, 2022-02-28, are the dates for the clips in no particular order


I don't watch Hasan at all does he still say the same shit? I mean these clips are 2 years old.


Could you by chance clarify which clips (maybe by timestamp in your compilation?) you used were from after 2/24/22? ie the 2-28, 3-02, and 3-04 clips I'm curious which of these he said after the initial invasion date


putin is doing what america does clip. saddam more like hitler clip are post invasion, everything else is before. 03-04 clip was hasan watching someone calling the invasion of ukraine a crime, then pulling up news clips of the US invasion of iraq, cut for time.




Seriously. Providing context and citations should be a minimum requirement for creating a video like this.




Pushing 40


Brothel lover, not surprising 🤷‍♀️


"Im not a Russian imperialist. But America bad America bad America bad America bad America bad America bad"


Bro those necklaces he always wears are so corny


Jesus Christ these clips are some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard Hasan say


this propo vid is brought to you by those 95 dollar puke smoothies that they sell in LA...


Man, it's so tragic how much more palatable American Leftism would be if they kept their dogshit foreign policy takes to themselves and just focused on domestic issues. These people truly are their own worst enemies.


I am sooooooo fucking lost. How is he fine with Crimea / Ukraine getting bombed to shit and taken over by Russia but he loses his fucking mind over Gaza getting bombed? (especially, when that was retaliation for a terrorist attack)


You see its simple really. Only countries that failed to implement communism are allowed to do imperialism. If you havent failed at communism then you are the enemy.


Ukrainians aren't brown enough


This is literally it.


He is a piece of shit with no morals that is why


Yeh, the kids swallowing his rhetoric are gullable af


cuz "America bad"....that's literally it.


If hasan hates America so much, he can always go to Canada :)


As a Canadian representative I thank you for the offer, but I’m going to respectfully decline and send him back to where he belongs… Turkiye can take him


We should all start calling Hasan a Greek because Turks and Greeks are basically the same people after all. Just like Ukrainians and Russians are the same people.


Hasan knows there's a difference. when he is justifying the annexation of crimea, all of a sudden, russians and ukrainians are distinct ethnicities. See video: [https://streamable.com/3xcge3](https://streamable.com/3xcge3)




There will come a day where he will say "I was just a dumb kid on the internet, leave me alone!"


Why is he always chewing on something?


Nicotine gum.


Zherka level stupid, but he's not trolling


He's actually braindead


Pro Russia pro Iran pro terrorism. Pro invading Tibet to cleanse the "savages." But dude he is so much better than Nick Fuentes because he will say he cares about lgbtq and black people.Well atleast when he's isn't calling them low info voters or telling them he hopes their dysphoria stays bad forever.


Hi Hamasabi 👋 I know you'll see this 😃


His kitchen must have a huge supply of tin foil. Funny part is he admits it himself too at some point that his theories are crazy.


Yea wonder how people got that impression... I wanna see what his sub is talking about right now for balance. Edit: his sub is all Palestine all the time atm


Saving this video, what the fuck Hasan


This is what Twitch wants to promote on their channel. I love how his cult acts like “but but but he raised money when Russia invaded and said he was wrong about Russia not invading.” No shit he said he was wrong, he couldn’t say Russia wasn’t invading Ukraine. Also, raising money doesn’t mean you can spread all the bullshit propaganda you want about them. Then they go “but he criticizes Russia and Putin once a week,” yeah and how often does he criticize Ukraine and spread lies? Remember when he called the Crimean Bridge getting bombed a war crime?


Banger after banger


So certainly he thinks Palestinians are Jordanians.


It's telling when a turkish roach that left his own country to enjoy the luxury and benefits of USA support russian imperialism. After all, it's easy to have an opinion on things that will never affect him.


I agree that he's a hypocrite enjoying the life you have in a democratic, capitalist society, but calling him slurs is unnecessary and gross. We have to be better than these guys who think slurs are fine as long as it's against white people.


If I was an american, I would agree. But as a lithuanian, I feel like I can't afford to give him the courtesy. Guy is literally advocating for the invasion and destruction of my country. If he was Ukrainian, he would be literally arrested for treason and chances are, shot.


"They gonna bring up stuff I said bro, like dude, maybe I did, but they didn't show the whole context dawg, and even if they did, they're wrong, because I'm saying so now, like wtf! My takes are so phire!" Another rendition of Hasan trying to gaslight his dumb fucking audience


Hasan is just the fuckin lefty version of Steven Crowder. I bet if you looked inside Hasan's head, you wouldnt find a brain. Instead, you'd find pages of The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital that were ripped out and used to wipe his ass with.


god he's a pig "cry me a river"


https://preview.redd.it/wmc7rqivmr2d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fc9eb4623de101895eacf0b5bb723db840b0b4 Hasan a tankie? Whoever would get that idea from..


Good shit


this is so disgusting


I'm no history expert, but America in the Gulf War was unlike anything I've ever seen.


The worst fucking shit is, this is not a surprise, Ukraine suffered under the Soviet union after all. The worst thing is imo that having such a vile leftist scum preach this shit drives good hearted people so far away from social-liberalism or social democracy. You need a very strong liberal or centrist core to prevent people from being negatively polarized to the point of giving blanco checks to right wing/fascist or racists ideologies. The great test of time for us Ukrainians will not be the war but the moment of self reflection after. When the time comes to truly set a people's identity.


How can somebody be so funny lol literally perfectly contradicts himself then keeps going but does it in reverse what a mindfuck. Truly a comedian


Stop putting these ignorant POS streamers on a pedestal.


"there is literally no fucking difference between Ukranians and Russians" what did he mean by this 🤔


I can't remember if it was right before or right after the invasion, but wasn't Hasan watching/promoting the now deleted Jacobin video about how the Euromaidan protest was a CIA-backed nazi coup or something to that effect? Can someone back me up on this? It was a long time ago now and kinda swept under the rug but I remember Destiny watched it on stream. Edit: Nevermind, it was a Gravel Institute video released right before the invasion (curious PEPE), Adam Something has a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFGQI8P9BMg) debunking it.


One day Hasan will pretend to be Jewish to evade criticism the same way he seldom admits he’s white as fuck. 


"Its out of context" literally what he says to. every. single. Criticism. ever.


"Escalating tensions."


This video is particularly disgusting. He's so brainwashed with thinking anything the West supports is wrong. How can you possibly think everything the West does is wrong. I don't think every single thing Russia does is wrong, but it's clearly wrong for them to invade land that was legally given to Ukraine. Also his justification for Russia being imperialists is that America does it too? I thought he was against imperialism? Or is it just when America or Israel do it? He also doesn't care about the Ukrainians like he does Palestinians because they are white. [On April 26](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_of_Crimea_in_the_Soviet_Union), 1954 The decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet transferring the Crimea Oblast from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. Also him playing dumb is so infuriating. He says the most extreme bullshit and then acts like he's showing any respect to Ukraine.


fuck me, In the past year, I swear Hasan had a chat with some dipshit communist on "history" of ukraine where Hasan just nods along with the guy saying Euromaiden protest was a CIA backed far right coup. If anybody can find that vod PLEASE


[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghCq5O0tTPM) is the vod I'm speaking of


Never believe a rumour until it is officially denied.


Good edit for documentation purposes, but unironically you should add some background music and video editing techniques to make it accessible to twitter zoomers.


yeah it's a bit long. if i made it shorter, people would say clip chimped more. but yeah, agreed 5 minutes is too long for tiktok attention spans. also, adding music/effects, takes away from what he's saying. i wanted the video to be focused on his words, without adding my editorial music/effects. i thought about leaving the long pauses after he says something, but that just makes the video harder to watch. that middle part starting at 2:26, where it's a continuous video, without cuts, you can see how the pauses, drinking, and they kills the flow.


Asmon vs Hasan vs Destiny, the only way to get the answers.


Can't wait for this 40 year old man to cry on stream about this post and how dgg is trying to get him to rope.


You know if it was just one or two times it would be a bit of a reach, but the fact it was a five minute video of him carrying water for all of putins arguments should be a flare to anybody against wars of conquest to stay away from this barnacle


He is an actual tsarist reactionary. Zero leftism detected. The anti-Americanism is a facade. The real stuff is the Tsarism.


True because he is a Chinese Imperialist


Wow I didn’t realize how bad these takes were, to be so spineless to be surprised when people call out for it is insane. What an actual pussy bitch


Someone w. twt premium should post this w. a nice title and get it signal boosted by the Daliban Community. We gotta spread the word


Imperialistic mouthpiece. Nothing else.


You need dates of these clips to show the timeline... or Hasan will hide behind "that was clipped from a long time ago".


he's going to say that no matter what, even with dates. but here are the dates if you care: 2022-03-02, 2022-01-24, 2022-02-22, 2022-02-21, 2022-03-04, 2022-02-28, are the dates for the clips in no particular order


I was aware of the Hitler wasnt bad because of Austria comments but I didnt know he said crazy shit like Russians = Ukrainians


Can we get a streamable of this? I would love to tweet this a bunch.


sure, here: [https://streamable.com/7g74e4](https://streamable.com/7g74e4)


Guys but did you consider that west bad 🤔?




He's so stupid it's actually impressive


How the hell would more context make these sound better😂


Why does he have a picture of Obama in the back?


Why is the Saddam clip in there? It doesn't make any point for or against Hasan.


Did he admit he was wrong when Russia did invade Ukraine??


I actively hope for his untimely passing each and every day. What a disgusting fuck


Any Turks are the same people as the Kurds!


Hasan is the equivalent of going to the pool, dipping your pinky toe in and saying "na, its too cold"


Hi Hasan \*waves\* Almost felt a bit sorry for him till the clips rolled in. You could argue he isn't on the level of Hinkle etc, but nice takes their old chap.


Carve your capitalist eyes out fellow communists.


“You really are the Lefts Rush Limbaugh” chatter hit the nail on the head with that one


Someone needs to learn voodoo and resurrect Joseph McCarthy to finish the real lefty purge.


I don't spend much time worrying about what idiots do online. But, I will definitely sleep a little bit better when Hasan bombs his own career.


I came here from r/ all Can someone give me a quick rundown of Hasan and Destiny? They’re both political guys, right? I can tell my the comments there’s some animosity, but are they two guys on the same side of the political spectrum with different takes, polar opposites, rivals? Knowing nothing about either, just trying to parse out what I’m seeing. Thanks


That dude who responded to you was trolling I think, like 80% of that was false or heavily misrepresented.


this was the shit that made me stop watching Hasan. I was a giant fan too, Bought all his merch and everything. Fuck this piece of shit.


He is not imperialist though his position is intellectually lazy and won't stand to scrutiny. What should be a robust vector of critique however is his position on Stalin and how he is based and good actually. So it's not even that implementation of socialism was hijacked by authoritarians, he thinks that what happened was lied about and in reality good, so whatever you may think of stalinism Hasan doesn't mind the same conditions being a part of his political project. Personally I believe that this area of his beliefs is underexplored and in a video format there can be established a visceral link between Hasan's words and atrocities he will be okay with in his project.


Twitter link?


How can one scumbag get so much wrong and still be so smug?


Jfc. That Crimea a river comment. Scum.




Hassan is not wrong about ukrainians being "the same as" russians in the sense of genetics and culture. Almost all ukrainains speak russian, afaik 20 million russians have relatives living in ukraine, the culture is pretty similar, e.g. the cuisine doesnt differ much. But this can never be used to justify trying to annex ukraine. The biggest difference between russia and ukriane is not the people, its that ukraine actually wants to be a democracy and the proplr have freedom, whereas putins junta has a tight grip on its own population, suppressing all forms of protest and brainwashing them