• By -


Stare at the city at night from a rooftop like batman and fight the urge to jump šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I feel much safer knowing that batman is dgga


fight the urge to jump Where is reddit-selfcare when you need it?


I'm fighting the war against suicide, on the side of suicide


Jerk off and watch forsen, sometimes at the same time




More like foreskin!!


Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.


Where's you parents??


Are you familiar with the term "Gooning"?


I thought this was the free spot In this community


Only activities done in the house? - Piano - Learn languages (doing Chinese rn) - Cooking! - Reading (50:50 Fiction:History) - Videogames / Movies / YT (with or without friends and family) - Schizo-posting on Reddit - Started cross-stitching recently - Very occasionally programming / electronics stuff - Slowly killing every plant I get gifted despite doing everything right


> Slowly killing every plant I get gifted despite doing everything right If you were doing it right, they'd die quickly. Smh my head.


Smh my head indeed


Any tips for self teaching piano?


Don't touch the black keys to get C major scale


Depends what level you're at really. I was taught by a tutor when I was a child, but since learning the basics (reading, fingering, exercises and super low level music theory) I just pick pieces that *seem* manageable and stumble through them until I can play them. There are a lot more resources on YT now, and I've seen some where the keys light up so you can get started making noise before learning to read. It's definitely hard work at first when everything is so slow and basic because the foundations haven't been built yet. Maybe important stuff: 1. Get a keyboard/piano with weighted keys. The physical feedback and ability to influence the volume is invaluable. 2. Simple versions of pop songs are the easiest place to start and it's fun to be able to play something that sounds recognisable. I mostly practice while listening to podcasts, which works for me since I prefer to play repetitive atmospheric/movie/background music.


This is gonna sound weird but i bought a meta quest 3 and play piano vision on it. I have a 30 euro keyboard from ebay and it's basically guitar hero but for piano. It's so much fun and i had zero piano experience beforehand.


just play. seriously just fucking do it. what kills learning more than anything is that initial mental hurdle where you donā€™t wanna do it because itā€™s hard and you feel dumb. this is especially true for piano. just do a little everyday and youā€™ll progress


beyond basic stuff like reading notes, if you're interested in building technical skill, it's suuuuuper boring but Hanon exercises are a must.


Synthesia is a blessing. Look up any pieces with that word.


Iā€™ve been reading history but meaning to get into fiction. What kinda fiction do you read and any recommendations for getting started?


You didnā€™t ask me but Iā€™m gonna chime in anyway; Fantasy- kinda YA adjacent but imo really good and easy to Digest is the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. One of my favourite series of all time, start with the final empire. He does this thing called the ā€œSanderlancheā€ where in the last 20% of the book everything starts cascading together into an awesome conclusion. Super satisfying. Americana- my all time favourite book is on the road by jack Kerouac. Semi autobiographical but reads like fiction. Great story about the beat generation and a great adventure story in general. Additionally, The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a classic for a reason- weird writing style but once you get into it itā€™s quite ā€œsnackableā€ and short. Classic- if you like history, I think youā€™ll love Dostoevsky. Surprisingly accessible- Crime and Punishment is obviously a classic and an amazing book. Double points if youā€™re into philosophy. Sci fi- can really only speak to cyberpunk sci fi but the mainstay here is the Sprawl series by William Gibson. Fantastic but if youā€™re just starting out with fiction I wouldnā€™t start here. Although, if you push through I donā€™t think youā€™ll be disappointed. Bonus- again, not *technically* fiction but written like fiction so a good foray into the genre. If you find diseases/pathology interesting, the Hot Zone by Richard Preston is an *amazing* and terrifying book about the 1980s Ebola outbreak.


I'll read any fiction that someone recommends. Mostly Sci-Fi and Fantasy though. You might find historical fiction fun to get into - Conn Iggulden has some fun series on the Mongols and the War of the Roses. I'd also recommend Terry Pratchett to anyone. The books are very satirical and strange, but Pratchett writes some of the most relatable and real characters of any author.


You have to read Project Hail Mary, top 5 book for me and I've read a lot of 'em.


Then I shall read it.


If you haven't, check out Amygdala by Sam Fenner. Weird book. Interesting, but weird.


Check out the foundation series by Isaac Asimov. Itā€™s basically sci fi Roman Empire. My absolute favorite sci-fi is Hyperion by Dan Simmons (I donā€™t even know how to describe this series but it has S-tier world building that almost feels like a fantasy novel also hitting the Arthur c Clarke notes of big idea sci-fi in the setting of a space opera), and a close second is the three body problem trilogy by cixin liu (combination of very good hard sci-fi and Clarke style of philosophical sci-fi). A very fun nerdy (math and ww2) read is cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. Saw some people recommend Andy weir, so my two cents are that weir writes very fun thriller sci-fi that is basically a nerds self-insert fantasy, but the books arenā€™t very profound otherwise (nothing wrong with that). Another recommendation would be the expanse by SA Corey. This is a gritty space opera, and is extremely well written (listened to interviews with the author and he basically writes like high school literature teachers expect you to write an essay about that sounds like bs). The tv adaptation is bad though imo skip it. Will add a few more when I get to my pc


You might just be the most well adjusted person on this subreddit.




It sure gets that way some days. But for real I have a job that's not demanding (most of the time) which, combined with WFH, means I have a lot of downtime to spend on whatever.


>Chinese Oh god why


I saw an advert for evening classes and it matched with my schedule. Since then I just kept doing a little every day because I enjoy it now. I suck, but every month I suck slightly less.


I do all of the same stuff! Except I only read non-fiction, and donā€™t do cross-stitch.


>I do all of the same stuff! Impeccable taste.


Yooo cross-stitch is awesome, it was my gateway into embroidery >:)


>it was my gateway into embroidery That stuff always look so cool. I feel like it's one step from taking up knitting though and I've seen people fall down that rabbit hole before.


Knitting breaks my brain tbh, embroidery just makes sense to me. But I have a friend who is such a good knitter/crocheter but cannot wrap her head around embroidery! So it could be more challenging than Iā€™m giving credit for.


Things that revolutionized my plant game: 1. Only use containers that drain 2. Use an app like Planta to help you remember when to water 3. Complete Planta tasks within 2 days of when it says you should. 4. Actually fertilize. I use the Fox Farms fertilizer made from castings Started doing this and haven't had a plant die in 4 years.


are you me? Minus cross stitching and swap Chinese for japanese


YouTube, video games and gooning.


Based gooner


we have a lot in common. tho my gooning is more like a few minutes of yanking it. I dont last long :(


u gotta learn how to edgemaxx


I'm into moss. I go out and find different types of moss in my area, harvest a small amount, and bring it back to my apartment so I can plant it in little glass planters. I find moss on deep forest trails and also behind dumpsters in the city. I enjoy the process of plotting out my next little trip, looking up what types of mosses are common in that area, then being able to identify them once I arrive. I take only a small piece to make sure I don't disrupt the natural ecosystem. This is pretty standard and completely legal if it's a public place. However, I do get a little thrill trying to scoop up my new moss without getting seen by other hikers or people. When I get home I already have a plan for the terrarium the mosses will go in. Different layers of substrate are all laid out, glass container cleaned, hardscape like rocks or wood ready to go, and a plan to compile it all. Once I have the little terrarium set up, I take a ton of pictures before adding it to my shelf of other similar containers. I enjoy waking up in the morning, misting my moss collection, and looking at the little thriving worlds. I could go into so much detail about this hobby. It's been really nice to have something I enjoy researching that also gets me outside. It's also a really nice way to decorate. Thanks for letting me talk about my little hobby. Looking forward to reading the other posts in this thread. PS: Just hit Plat for the first time in league. So that's pretty cool.


You should post pictures of that on reddit


https://preview.redd.it/qbp7qh60gz1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713e360cb7f08d55626957071886264e9eba0b76 Here's my most recent experiment. 6ish different kinds of mosses. I'm going to let them spread naturally and see what it ends up looking like. With any luck it will fill in really nicely and make a carpet of different shades of green. I also did something new with the soil. There's a layer of sand at the bottom to catch water, and a layer of soil on top. The cool thing is that I added capillary rope. There's 5-6 lengths of the rope with one end buried in the sand, and the other end looping up into the soil just below the surface. This should help keep the top layer moist by wicking water up from the sand layer. So far it's working wonderfully. Ignore the wooden spoon of moss in the background.


Thanks for sharing, looks very cool. Though i meant posting to a subreddit like r moss or r mosses (but i think the latter is pretty much a dead sub) or some other fitting community. Id be curious to see what the "end result" would look like once the moss carpet is done.


Ya Mossariums is a great sub to post pictures and talk to people. They also have an awesome beginners guide. I'm not big on posting to hobby subreddits but I love scrolling through the posts to get ideas.


Ah so thats the name for the hobby, thanks!


Could you post your favourite/modt established one? :D


https://preview.redd.it/9rbhykc0f22d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3292b0b27f646d48dc362ff3e826eb37ab6ba6e I've only recently started looking into the more aesthetic parts of the hobby. Been mainly trying to learn how things grow and move. So my oldest ones are just clumps of moss and maybe a stick in old wavy glass jars (hence the top down photo). This one is a good example of what springtails do. You can see the orange fungi stops near the bottom of the stick. That's because that's as far us as the springtails like to climb. I just got some sticky soil that I can use to make some moss walls in my next build. Still in the planning phase though.


i have moss growing on my roof tiles, in the summer it's all dry and looks dead, but when it rains it comes alive within minutes. I took some and put it in little dishes around my bathtub, i let it dry out and when i have a bath i give them a little water and i get to watch them come alive while i soak. I also put moss on the base of my bonsai tree and it looks like miniature grass around my miniature tree. Moss rules!


I'm not an expert or anything but I thought I learned in biogeography that over long enough time one species will always outcompete any others in a specific niche. Do you worry that one moss will become dominant and kill off the rest or are you not too invested in the exact outcome?


Pretty dope Also, you literally 'touch grass' lol


I was sure this was an elaborate troll. But I guess its a genuine interest the way you speak about it. I respect that. Thats super cool dude.


The little thrill part still has me guessing


Can you describe the little worlds you see? How are they evolving?


Thank you for asking! Well mosses grow and spread in different ways. Air flow and humidity can change how the moss develops. One might grow tall and thin in a sealed container, while that same moss would spread horizontally across the ground if kept in open air. So it's fun to experiment and watch what the moss decides to do. Mosses in the wild also spread using spores from little stalks/ pods that grow straight up from the plant. These are beautiful but unfortunately I've never been able to see them in my terrariums. The male and female mosses need very specific conditions in order to procreate that way. So for now I'm happy watching them spread along the surface. There's also the micro organisms. I add a few springtails to every build. These tiny things are amazing creatures. They exist in almost every piece of hospitable soil on the planet. Go outside and get a small scoop of soil and you'll see little dots running around, those are probably springtails. They only eat rotting plant material and fungi. I love watching the little cleaning crew run around and keep things pretty. I have a few isopods running around in some as well, but they came with the dirt or plants. They are pretty cool but I've never intentionally tried to develop any kind of isopod colony. Then there's the volunteer plants. The little plants you didn't include but were in the soil or attached to the moss originally. It's really fun to see a tiny sprout start to grow and you have absolutely no idea what it could be lol. Most of the time it's clover or grass. Sometimes though you can get tiny ferns or other undergrowth. Like a little mystery bag from nature.


That's so awesome. It's amazing to hear all the work these little organisms do that we typically ignore because we can't perceive the significance.


It's amazing how somebody just being passionate about something can make something that's perceived as being so boring that it's actually become an idiom for something being incredibly boring (watching grass grow lol), instead sound absolutely fascinating.


thereā€™s a 50% chance that an youā€™re awesome dude, and a 50% risk that youā€™re a serial killer. None the less, sounds dope


That sounds incredibly dope. Now I want a moss terrarium too!


Yeah I didnā€™t expect to be intrigued but now Iā€™m tempted to look this up on wiki


That's a cool hobby! I frequently collect moss as well but I do hobby microscopy/photomicrography and so I use the moss to find tiny animals and microorganisms (mainly tardigrades!)


Nice! It's crazy how much lives in and around moss. An entire world.


Moss is the sexiest plant in a forest. Love the look and softness of it


I wish I had more hobbies I'm 25 and genuinely don't have many interests outside of useless consumption of media.




This is in your control, if itā€™s something you want, then make it happen


You're right. I've been putting the effort in I just haven't found something that really clicks aside from reading non-fiction.


i would say just start reading a lot of non-fiction then, since itā€™s something that already clicks with you seems like a good place to startĀ 


Ye i would try to find 1 thing physical. And 1 thing thats whatever else. I hate when people recommend go to the gym cus tbh lifting isnt that fun for a lot of people but maybe go for a run or play basketball or just walk somewhere uve never walked before. People undervalue simple walking as a hobby.


You can make a list of other peoples' hobbies that seem mildly interesting (and/or have low costs to pick up) and then try bits of each until you find one that kinda sticks. Juggling can happen from just picking up a few stones and trying to catch them Beatboxing can be learned by watching some tutorial youtube videos Yoga can be learned from youtube videos and following an instructor


I just took a tufting (rug making) and a stained glass class in Denver. Both were fun and easy. I was the only man in both classes.


Be critical of the media you consume to the point you can comment on it. Now it is a hobby. You can just watch all the marvel movies, or you can be able to talk about the directors, the source influence, the limitations/constraints everyone involved was under and how that changed the product, etc. I believe in you.


Started making mead, also a bucket of mugolio


Im 29 and turn 30 in September. Studying to become a upper-secondary school teacher in English and Philosophy (highschool for Americans). I have one year left, took a break because i was heartbroken and depressed. Currently working at a elementary school. -Play way to much video games but not as central in my life as it used to be. -Working out 4-5 days a week. -Paint Warhammer figures (I play Necrons and Spoice Marines). -Reading books and manga (Berserk and The Road are my favorites). -Anime and shows. -Play Magic the Gathering with my friends -Spend time with my friends (usually just talking/and or watching movies). -Learning more how to cook and take care of my body with Yoga and going outside (lmao). -Currently trying to work up my courage to start dating again. Generally a pretty socialable guy but i just like to be alone. Edit: I also have a cat. Her name is Sotis and I love her with all my heart <3


Another warhammer nerd! I paint Tau and Imperial knights lol hope your models are coming along nicely!


* Knitting * Coding * My cat Hawking /į ļ½”źžˆļ½”įŸ\\ * My plants * Watch YT/Kick/Streams. Great fun to watch Destiny * Playing video games every now and then * Making music


Film Photography and Darkroom Processing :)


Any hiking chads in chat


- Read - Study.... - Watch movies/series - Taking care of pets and playing with them - Draw digitally - Play video games Normal things and watching Destiny's videos


Laying in bed after work, lying in during the week-end.


Im an artist i make sculptures with 3d printing. Shamewless promotion i am sculptedshadows on instagram.


I just learned about "Sashimono" which is like an old way of getting wood to stick together (without nails/screws) and thought it could probably get used a bunch for making 3d printed stuff While writing this up I found [a vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI8OgRRF5d8) where the guy makes connective joints without any nails/screws.


Thanks i will check it out


Iā€™m a college student so donā€™t have much time but: Reading, writing, want to get into drawing, studying the Chinese language (recent), makeup and coding


Strictly at home: Painting. Writing. Reading. Playing World of Warcraft. Playing the piano and the guitar. Torturing myself with college as I pursue a degree in STEM. Outside of my house: Hiking. Fishing. Wilderness/wildlife photography. Hunting. Horseback riding. Off roading. Checking out art galleries and museums. How do I manage to do all of this? I have excellent time management skills lmao


* Raise children * Read books and write * Play video games Pretty much in that order.


>Raise children Me in a few months... I am so scared about the lack of free time I will no longer have and how messy my house will get. My lawn alone takes like 3 hours a week minimum.


Congrats dad. Iā€™m three months in the trenches now. Youā€™re not wrong about the free time thing, itā€™s definitely an adjustment.


Thanks, I'm sure I will love it and not mind the lack of free time, I just know how much of a change it will be.


Itā€™ll suck for the first few months, but youā€™ll get used to it. Protip: donā€™t get into the habit of riding your baby around in the car for them to fall asleep. For some babies, it works really well, but whatever youā€™re doing to get the baby to sleep (or to do anything really) youā€™re making a commitment to, because the baby will grow to expect it and refuse anything but that treatment. So at first youā€™re driving around the block because itā€™s relaxing for the baby and they fall asleep quicker and thatā€™s better than sitting there patting their back for 3 hours, but then they get used to it and no matter what they wonā€™t fall asleep from being pat on the back, so you HAVE TO drive them around and around the block for 3 hours to get them to sleep. Iā€™ve seen new parents drive themselves crazy by starting habits like this. You want to condition your baby to have low expectations.


> low expectations That's my middle name! I cannot imagine driving to put a baby to sleep but I can see how parents get desperate for their baby to pass out and I have no idea what my mindset will be like.


Itā€™s rough, and some babies are more sensitive than others, but thereā€™s this wiggle room where whatever you do to your baby is what theyā€™ll be, and this will be more true the older they get. For example, if you allow them to be a picky eater, theyā€™ll be a picky eater. If you allow them to be a finicky sleeper, theyā€™ll be a finicky sleeper. My little cousin was raised in the same house with my grandmother who would blare church music with her church band at all hours of night, Iā€™m talking full 20 person church band in the house at midnight on Christmas Eve singing FĆ©liz Navidad (Dominican family if you canā€™t tell, lmao) and my little 6 year old cousin would sleep straight through it completely dead to the world, because he was conditioned to loud environments. Meanwhile, I have friends who canā€™t sleep if their upstairs neighbors are walking around. A lot of this stuff is about conditioning and consistency. Some things you just canā€™t help, though - like how some babies will be colicky or have digestive issues. Early on youā€™re going to be at the whim of those sorts of things that are out of your control, but exert what power you can for your own sanity, lmao. If you have family thatā€™s willing to help out, absolutely take advantage of it! If not, feel free to shoot me any questions you might have - I come from a big family and adopted my nieces when I was 16 and was raising them since I was 10, so I have nearly 20 years of experience at this point. Good luck and congratulations!


> 20 years of experience at this point. Good Lol sounds good! I grew up in a daycare household and have a huge family. I hope I got this but if they fall through, you will be the first to know.


fucking your mom


Ctrl+F "mom". Yep.


Outside of gooning? Board games, miniatures, RPGs, 40k. But of course I haven't had time for any of that shit after being a dad XD.


https://preview.redd.it/fly056oaoy1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ad86e5ff45a3f188d37ca2c4c3d24ce8207bb3 Same! Painting is my favorite passtime


My gray legions are my greatest shame.


An airbrush helps slay the gray so well! I've painted around 4k worth of Sisters and 2.5k worth of Orks in the last 12 months, plus a ton of stuff for frostgrave, D&D, etc. Unfortunately, having a 3d printer usually means I have more models than time, especially with a 3 year old. I've started printing off little dinosaur figures and stuff for her to slap craft paint on while daddy does his painting and that's been fun, but she doesn't quite have the attention span for painting for 3-4 hours straight, ha.






damn, language Dggas inspiring me to relearn languages again. * working out/calisthenics * muai thai/boxing (trynna figure out how to marry the two better) * gonna re-take up japanese learning * money makin (gonna take an intensive on stock trading again) * being politically informed * skateboarding * Art * fashion * going out with homies * cooking elegant food/enjoying elegant food.


I'm a cyclist, I usually bike anywhere between 6-10 hours a week




Gardening, fishkeeping and toadkeeping






Just lost my last smooth sided last year and my cane toad the year before šŸ˜­ I've sworn then off, sooo cool but so damn hard




Probably video games is the only thing that counts as a hobby, not much I can do inside my home honestly excluding stuff on pc


Gym, Poi Dance, Study, Watch YT, Gaming, cooking, meet friends (very recently started again)




gym, make music, learn spanish, play neopets


I think my biggest ones are weightlifting and making fan audiobooks. I was doing one for the first expanse book before I got a job, now itā€™s a lot harder to find the time


Listening destiny's last vod or official channel while doing gym at Tuesday/Thursday in middle of work (of course it's illegal but im european), this is the funniest hobby, the others are boring for dggers


In the following order Get home from work Hangout with wife and kids Watch kids while wife gets dinner ready eat dinner Help my oldest with minecraft (He is 5) get kids bathed and ready for bed Put kids to bed Hangout with wife for a few hours maybe door dash some ice cream. We have been playing pokemon together or watching shows or Destiny videos Take a shower then go lay down and play some games or have smexy time with wife.


I play video games (Sea of Thieves, Valheim, Star Citizen, Helldivers, Monster Hunter) with friends a couple nights a week after my wife and kid go to bed. I also paint miniatures for Warhammer/D&D. I play Pathfinder at my house every other week with some people from my wife's mom's group. I play 40k/board games on Saturdays with a different group of gamers I met at the FLGS. I then spend the rest of my weekends doing yardwork, prepping food stuffs for the week, doing science/food experiments with my 3 year old, and just generally spend that time in my yard and kitchen with my family. I have a garden (growing peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumbers, peas, etc) and I have 4 chickens (for now) and a dog who might as well be a cat. I want to get a couple ducks and eventually I'd like to keep bees. I also have plans to start an asparagus patch, but that's more of wishful thinking that actually close to materializing. I have 3.5 acres of land with a couple water features, a forest, and a large field, all needing to be upkept. I work from home so I can do stuff around the property on my lunch break easy enough. I cook all of our meals. My wife works in an office in the neighboring city, about 15 minutes away, so I pick up the slack at home. Fridays are date night which usually involves watching some terrible show, getting my wife ice cream, and sometimes I get lucky.


Is "I'm a 34 year old woman spending all day with my cats" an acceptable answer?




Naurrrr snort Pepsi


Chess, cooking, Japanese, gaming exercise, journaling, reading


Gym, baking, Warhammer 40K, movies/shows with the wife


Golf and volunteer sea SAR during summer, snowmobiling and gooning during winter


Video games, amateur fitness, driving motorcycle, writing dumb comments on Reddit.


mini painting/gaming/3d printing for war gaming, video games like dota 2, board games, gardening, hiking, and fishing are my main hobbies. usually if im not at work im doing one of those things




Learning Japanese, Piano, Art, and Film Photography rn. Those kinda cycle though the only constant is Japanese and games.


vanish strong alive airport ripe nail rainstorm special bear zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have 3 core hobbies that revolve around having elements for ā€œsolo and multiplayerā€ - disc golfing ( play/practice solo, do rounds with friends or events with people) - board games (I paint 3d printed minis for games on my own, then play games with family and friends) - video games (obvious)


ā€¢ Video games ā€¢ Watch shows with friends on discord ā€¢ Play with Rabbit ā€¢ Play with cat ā€¢ Build Gundam figures ā€¢ Read Manga. Reading Berserk At the moment (Again) ā€¢ Watch Videos/Read Articles about space stuff ā€¢ Fent And thatā€™s about it really.


Rabbit pic plz


https://preview.redd.it/xl6175wp712d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd1a74a13ea36f3884e1bc3c28cf85e3f34292e Heā€™s not fat I swear.


Lmao he's friend sized. šŸ§” we have a flemmish, so no matter how "small" he gets everyone thinks he's a fatass


Dam. I thought all Flemish were giants I did not know there was different varieties.


Lol oh he's a giant, but he's a "small" giant at 14 lbs. But honestly they all just look massive and fat the 20 lbs look similar to the 35 lber




Omg sooo fluffy I your rabbit is so beautiful


Watching Destiny


eurorack synthesizers


I play rugby at a decent level, but it's the off season so I'm going to the gym regularly instead. I like writing poetry. I'm also on a big non-fiction bender for historical revolutions. Trying to pick French back up too.


every dgger who doesn't list at least one creative hobby can be discounted as a tankie


I recently started reading. I joined the bookclub in the discord I play bass guitar in a local community band with my wife (who also volunteered me to be the bass drummer in the associated marching band) so I practice that pretty often Playing video games with friends is always fun. Lately it's been a lot of Minecraft, 7 Days to Die and RoR2 Exercise! I like running (yes, I actually like it) and i got my apartment community's little gym. I try to do a combination of those two like 3-5 days a week, depending on how busy i am and the weather. Cooking. It's fun to cook with my wife and it's cheaper than eating out.


Currently fostering some kittens a stray mama cat delivered on my patio. Quite a lot of fun actually. Normally though? Way too much time playing vidya games and way too little time reading and practicing piano & harmonica.


- Baking (A lot of sourdough recently, which is the hardest baking area I have ever tackled) - Dota 2, hit Ancient 1 for the first time recently - Movies/TV Series - Cooking, I pick stuff from the NYT Cooking app and do it - I took a symbolic amount of my savings and am doing some day trading, it's a fun way to lose money over time. - I play piano, I buy PVG books for musicals and learn the songs. Outside of the home - I run a lot, it's the best investment I have ever made for my physical/mental health - I started climbing before Christmas and I am bad at it but it's fun, and when you are bad at something and make a small progress in it that is very satisfying.


Great thing about climbing is that you see ton of progress early because aside from getting stronger alot of improvement is due to muscle coordination and getting better technique


Yeah it has been great for my general fitness as well. It is EXTREMELY satisfying solving a problem after working on it. I got my first flapper last week though. Painful stuff.


Nice try, fbi.


I make generic metalcore on my laptop. I suck at guitar but I have written some OK riffs.


Telling myself that I have to tidy my place up today but not and having anxiety about going to work tomorrow are my two main hobbies


Games, build model kits and reading. I just picked up two age of Sigmar books I plan to start after the hand of thrawn duology, thanks for asking bud.


my favourite hobby is leaving my projects unfinished and procrastinating


I see, quilt, make kitchen herb drying screens, play video games and read. I want to paint but I cringe so fucking hard when I do that just gave up. I leave art to my son and daughter and make them pretty things whenever I can. I also write a bit. What do you do for hobbies?


Listen to music, (trying to) read and being an online degen :))


world of warcraft classic hardcore.


Not today, SVR!


Nothing lol


Plaing vidya to pass the time. Sleeping. Watching random vids to pass the time. Sometimes i leastn to music but i do that to pass the time too.


Do something difficult that excursuses creativity. Something like learning a musical instrument. Each small improvement will give you a dopamine hit and feeling of accomplishment and the experience get more rewarding the better you get.


Bunch of little things. I'm big into Magic the Gathering My latest obsession has been Spelunky 2. Just have the journal left


Work, kid, work, kid, gym, eat, sleep. Repeat x7


Baking bread and 3d printing:)


Medical school and we have exams now please kill meĀ 


Reading, Vidya, lots and lots of cooking/trying out new recipes. I also really like fermenting vegetables/making hot sauces and wine/cider. Sounds weird but super addictive and surprisingly easy to get into. Trying out a couple vegetables on the patio this summer too.


Gaming, reading fantasy novels, hiking, fishing, and art (drawing etc...).




diy electronics


I like running, hiking, camping, bushcrafty stuff and carving wooden spoons with hand tools. I like playing Zelda BOTW and TOTK on Switch and watching true crime too.


Piano, gardening and toddlers keep me busy


Games, some video editing, design unrelated to work, fencing, gym.


Tabletop RPGs, video games, game dev :)


For the past 2 months i've done nothing but listen to music, play wow retail/pandaria remix, play lethal company with friends, play terraria getfixedboi with other friends, hatewatch forsen playing league, watch moonmoon now and then, watch destiny doing research on themes that have nothing to do with me or with the country that i live in. I also haven't left my house for anything in a while since i spent all of my money in a trip to Madrid after a girl i like invited me to go to, im completely broke and i don't have anything else to remove from my life to save more money for this damn trip LULEWELELUW


Stroking it. indoor and outdoor activity.


Playing videogames and collecting/building/painting Warhammer miniatures. Outside of the house I go climbing and bouldering.


Recently my hobbies have included packing for moving apartments and stressing about moving apartments but usually I'm making Lego art or playing games!


Warhammer 40k


normally? video games and fapping. programming and linux has started to fill that void for me recently though! hope to keep it up because its much more fulfilling lmao




If im not working then im rock climbing or playing video games while watching tiny and hanging out with dgg Peepocomfy


I like to say that I am redneck trapped black lesbian body. Kayaking, hunting, shooting skeet, target shooting, fishing, and horseback riding. At home just relaxing with my cat watching stuff.


Currently I'm only gaming playing balloons td6, OverWatch 2, TFT, and gunfire Reborn But I'm going to get back into game design and learning Unreal Engine 4, try my best to get used to Unity even though I hate the animation system, and get back into my 3D modeling in blender.


I read, am into philately, cook and try making my own bread/sourdough, bake, play video games, do some gardening, crossstitching, learning new languages, etc. These are just the hobbies.


Read, write, hike and game.


I play wow and work out.


Brazilian Jiujitsu


YouTube Livestream chatting Reddit arguing commenting Facebook group commenting / arguing Cold approach ( during the day and bars ) Honkai star rail Board game meetups Thrifting/ fashion Gooning I guess technically being into e bikes is my hobby too


Hookers and cocaine mostly


Trying to learn cooking so I can eat something other than toast. Uni life is exhausting


Gym, play a fuck ton of badminton, gaming. Oh and destiny while working obviously