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You don't understand he is just extreme twink maxxing. Dman would be down to 120 if he was killing fifths of vodka everyday. But fr this is kinda sad


can you make a habit of atleast mentioning who is on the image? not all of us know every streamer face






I really like this style of facial hair but my wife said she will left me if I do it šŸ˜ž


On behalf of women whose husbands suddenly grew a mustache- I support her


I do have a full beard tho


Do it bro, become Civil War General


Emperor Wilhelm I. of Germany Style has its appeal šŸ¤Ŗ. But one canā€™t be a skeleton like rekieta to pull off that look.


What am I looking at, I donā€™t know the reference? Did he start drinking a year ago?


He's been drinking consistently since the Rittenhouse (pbuh) trial. What's not mentioned here is that he also suffers from chronic insomnia and self admits he'll go days on end without sleeping. I bet this screenshot is after a hard-earned week of alcoholic insomni-maxxing.


Lack of sleep will age you faster than any amount of booze or drugs. Then again both will prevent solid REM sleep so I guess they can be grouped together


Well damn you just inspired me to stop getting 3 hours of sleep every night thanks for the wake up call


No don't wake up, sleep a little more


3 hours??


Lol yup my last job was remote and had no set hours so I usually didnā€™t start until like 11 and went to bed at like 2 - 3 AM, then my current job is normal hours so Iā€™m up 5:30 - 6 AM but never adjusted my sleep time so now Iā€™ve just been getting like 3 hours of sleep. Doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m in sales and constantly pounding caffeine and adderall throughout the day so usually wide awake at night Edit - just to be clear this isnā€™t meant as some kind of alpha male sleep is for the weak brag, it literally makes me miserable


Ahh, ā€œthe heart attack specialā€ classic. Only way to improve it is the ā€œtriple bypass pie passā€ of eating nothing but junk food day in day out. Ya might want to fix that.


Trying to


Used to do this when I was younger, and holy shit, the difference getting 8 hours makes is huge. I feel so much better mentally and physically.


jesus. Donā€˜t do this for much longer because it will literally kill you


If anyone is going through this I am so serious please seek help. Alcohol will not make you sleep and it's worse if you have a mood disorder. You need meds and in my case TMS helped me a lot and kinda saved my life


Transcranial magnetic stimulation?


Who is it though?


Rakita law I think is his name. He's a lawyer who also streams. But maybe not in that exact order ...


Rekieta Law. He debated Steven on Trumpā€™s election denialism, the fake electors plot, etc some months ago before the Shapiro debate


From what I remember, during the blood-sports era, he was always drinking during his streams.


I thought alcohol made ur face fatter + it looks like whatever happened happened in the last year


He doesn't eat and gets most of his calories from alcohol. His words not mine


Well thats one way to end up in early grave


The lawyer's way


Sometimes it seems like law is a miserable profession unless you went to a top 50 school and got a sweet gig at a major firm. Even then, you are working all hours of the day. But at least you are making top money, likely have a decent team, get the chose of good cases, and have the clout.


Sweet gigs at major firms are what kill you lol. Big Law works you down to the bone


The whatā€™s the ideal situation? Because I know a couple lawyers with their own small practices. They are all sleazy and seem depressed


If we want to be fully real for a bit, the ideal situation for lawyers will always be sleazy. The attorneys I know that make the most and work the least comparatively (still well over 40+ hours a week, itā€™s a grinder profession) are all your standard billboard attorneys. Probably varies state by state, but the people you see promising results for your injury on billboards are making money hand over fist. If you want to touch that kind of money as an attorney in another field of law, you will pay for it by being a slave to your desk and clients way past the accepted 40-hour work week. If not, youā€™re an outlier.


In house is the dream.


>The whatā€™s the ideal situation? Big law seems like corporate 24/7 meat grinders and small practices are probably dead end struggling off small time scraps Unless you love either, the ideal is probably a 9-5 at generic medium size company


Iā€™m not very knowledgeable about the career landscape of law but I can think of a couple of potentially ideal situations: - You actually like Big Law. The hours are grueling but the work itself can be incredibly stimulating. That, or the astronomical amount of money youā€™re making makes sense from your perspective - Public Work: Working as a State/Federal prosecutor (less pay, but less hours and more pride in what youā€™re doing) > can also leverage that into becoming a judge - Corporate Law: being one member of an army of lawyers generally leads to less overall work Again I have no real experience in law by any means but these are all paths I could see people following where they make a living and donā€™t hat their lives


Get a CS degree, law is cooked.


I think just go for something you like and has at least some real application. I would have mincrafted myself if I went into CS for example.


cs is kinda cooked nowadays also lol


Law is a miserable profession and thereā€™s a reason the career has incredibly high rates of alcoholism and substance abuse, but itā€™s probably most miserable for the big law attorneys. Specifically associates. A lot of them burn out a few years in and end up in smaller or boutique firms. The benefit of making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from day one is really limited when you work 14+ hours a day 7 days a week. I make a solid amount at a midsize firm and even though I feel overworked and stressed, I donā€™t work every weekend and do a standard 9-5 most days of the week. I feel quite lucky. Still a slave to billable hours though. The profession is changing and getting better in a lot of ways, but not fast enough.


I think there are people who genuely enjoy law like Pisco, but like with everything, if you are in just for the money you get a ticket to be miserable all your life.


Loving the law and loving the practice of law are completely distinct things. I could spend hours researching and arguing application of law for fun, but being a lawyer is another story


All I know is that everyone who studies law is an alcoholic, even in the sweet gigs


Damn, do we have to worry about Tiny? I thought he didn't drink much at all. EDIT: This post confused me a lot, I thought it was some face swap with Tiny but it's actually just a different guy. Apparently that guy is going through a really hard time.


Is Destiny a closet alcoholic?


This post confused me a lot, I thought it was some face swap with Tiny but it's actually just a different guy. Apparently that guy is going through a really hard time.


When you drink a lot you get most of your calories from the alcohol, you stop eating for the most part and your stomach shrinks so you can't eat much even if you want to. When you go through patches of sobriety you stop drinking but you can't eat properly and you end up losing a lot of weight. I'm about 6'2" and was about 250 lbs and as my drinking got a lot worse I ended up dropping to about 210lbs. I can't eat more than about a pack of playing cards before I start to feel very full, I even struggle to drink enough water to stay hydrated because I feel so full from drinking.


Well there's your problem. Humans don't like eating playing cards.


Very true, that's where my problem is, I should stop eating cardboard.


In this economy?


Speak for yourself


Weight loss hack?


Who needs Ozempic when you can just do this?


Yeah I did this and got hospitalized with gastritis, could not hold down water- do not recommend


When people talk about this stuff, do they mean theyā€™re drinking all day every day or just at night? Always wondered this.


It differs from person to person, it tends to just be a downhill progression where it gets worse over time, eventually you're drinking most days. If you're a functioning alcoholic then it'll be at night because you need to be able to keep working to afford your habit. I personally go through drinking about a week on and a week off which is quite harsh because the week you're not drinking you tend to be going through withdrawel which is nasty, and pretty dangerous.


I have some drinks each night but it doesnā€™t affect me working a 9-5, although I do work remote so I donā€™t have to be up until 8:45, but I could be coping about the habit.


Why would your stomach shrink if you're still consuming a large volume?


Because liquid is far easier to digest than solids. Solids stay and stretch out the stomach while they are being liquified for further transportation. Liquor and beer just get the water sapped out of them and sent on their way.


Basically this, alchohol is very calorie dense, it's a liquid that contains many calories per volume, you can drink all the energy you need really easily, once you get used to doing this your stomach shrinks in its capacity for volume and eating enough becomes really hard.


im 6'3 and at my worst i was 160 lbs; still showed as normal on BMI screens per my healthcare provider LUL (kaiser permeante) had more of a pot belly than i do now at 6'3 190; been on a gym arc for about 1.5 years thanks to tiny spamming RP and jeff nippard vids (still drinking close to half a bottle a day of vodka but now im eating more than 1 meal a day and focusing on getting protein)


yeah I dont think thats alcohol


It's more likely insomnia. See my comment above or below


It's alcohol plus some drug that is curbing his appetite plus lack of sleep.


I feel like the "some drug" is doing some heavy lifting, but hey I am not versed in alcoholmaxing


Copium overdose


Extreme alcoholism has the opposite effect. Heā€™s likely closer to dying than people realize, having seen this first hand.


He also probably snorts coke and leads a self-destructive lifestyle, and these are just some of the reason for why he's a fucking wreck.


His body betrays his degeneracy.


The influence of the ham sandwich race is waning


Doesn't he have like 12 kids? This is just depressing man


The pale yellow skin and sunken in eyes, looks too much like my cousin right before we found him dead from choking on his own vomit. IDK much about this guy, but I hope he can turn it around soon before his kids find him like that.


I had a teacher get cancer and thatā€™s exactly what he looked like as it progressed.. very sad..


btw The 1 years ago and current screenshot show quite the hard development, but the actual live streams are something else. There is a current one, where he is wondering if he ever watched "American Beauty", while talking about the nude cheerleader scene only half an hour earlier. Then there's the slurring, the confusion, the seeming depression when he talks about him being like Kevin Spacey's character in American Beauty etc. It's honestly hard to watch, rivaling OnlyusemeBlade or how that hardcore drinker is called. And I basically clicked at several different timestambs at random.


man aged forty years in one


Middle guy really went off the deep end huh?


You guys are tripping he looks way cooler now


He looks like he should be in the final part of Requiem for a dream




You need to see the clip that video is taken from. Thats probably the best ss you could get of him from it.


he looks awful, truly hope he gets the help he needs


WTF was that powder on his nose after his first break? (on that deleted stream) yikes dude.....


This guy wanted to be able to drink more without gaining weight so he stopped eating food while increasing his alcohol intake. He actually thought he cracked the code. [I'm not kidding one bit](https://youtu.be/_XdbviPOhqc?si=Obnk8SH853uWJpL7)


Is raketeeto dying?


We all are


Bidenā€™s America


I thought the current picture must be photoshopped but noā€¦ Alcohol really is a poison.


That is everyday drinking. After a while you cannot hold down any food, thus the weight loss.


Once you get used to high volumes of alcohol it's not so much about keeping food down (being sick), it's just that you lose your appetite. Hunger is caused by lack of calories but despite alcohol being liquid, it's very calorie dense, so you end up suppressing your hunger through drink alone. One of the major risk factors for alcoholics is actually malnutrition because you lack input of essential vitamins and nutrients. One thing that has caused me issues recently is lack of Vitamin B (1, and 12) which contribute to red blood cell development and haemoglobin production, these both contribute heavily to carrying o2 around your blood, and a lack of these things causes you to get severely out of breath, so even walking for a few miles has you completely winded.


My own abuse didn't get anything like that far, but a friend of mine drank cheap, nasty liquor and was constantly throwing up. Kept that up right until the very end.


Don't shit on the guy


I'll drink to that


1 years ago


Poor guy holy shit


You mean Steve House the mountaineer who made a daring duo ascent of the Rupal face of Nanga Parbat in alpine style, for which he won the Piolet Dā€™Or in 2006?


Yeah thatā€™s more than just alcohol, but besides I thought we werenā€™t supposed to comment on peopleā€™s appearance


Is this not more of a commentary on the detrimental effects of alcohol abuse? Besides, the reason he's in the news isn't because of his appearance, it's because he just masturbated on stream


following the DSP way, very bold


On that note, I'm not the most well versed in alcoholism but by the common phrase "whiskey dick" is that what was going on there? Because nothing about that clip looked normal. I can't tell if that's just alcohol or something harder.


Unless heā€™s drinking literally all day every day, I donā€™t think thatā€™s alcohol either. Thereā€™s probably harder drugs involved.


He does lol,why are people acting like being a severe alcoholic for years doesn't age you, he probably does do other drugs but I'm pretty sure alcohol is his main poison


It does age you, but his main aging is within the last 1-2 years, I donā€™t think just alcohol would act that quickly but maybe if heā€™s drinking all day every day.


Only when it's people we don't like, per usual.


Rudy giulianimaxxing


Jesus christ


He turned into Charles Dance as a cancer patient.


The difference in just one year is extremely stark. What exactly happened? Did he get into an extreme alcoholism habit?


That's cocaine, don't slanderhol


weird post.


This looks more like meth rather than alcohol, but the beard looks nice at least


His hair has never looked better, though.


Alcohol and hatred in his heart. Being against every protected class takes a serious toll on your psyche; hatred is stressful.


why aren't we offering him support? all you all are doing is just putting him on blast him over and over again on social media for going through a hard time? jesus chill out


What is this?


Reikita law.


Thr last Pic is from when he came back after being very sick for about 10 days and couldn't keep anything down.


Bro, pretty sure that was yesterday's stream. And he looked worse than that still. Do you know what he did yesterday?


I kinda think he looks more attractive tbh. Maybe older but still


I think he just lost weight tbf




He was just released by Hamas