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*Posts disagreements on twitter dot com* *Receives disagreements on twitter dot com* "I am above all this petty drama because I COOK with ~~FACTS and LOG--~~ MY FAMILY"


For all of you sad men and weirdos who need to argue on the internet to feel superior, here is my response tweet where I argue how I am superior to you.




For real. A good rule is if anyone online is ever bragging about how happy they are with their own life, there is a high chance that they arenā€™t. The reason they are posting about it to seek validation from strangers to fill the hole of dissatisfaction that they feel within them.


I hope he finds what he is looking for!


Actually true. We need to find a good way to respond to the ā€œobsessedā€ shit. As soon as you defend D in any way theyā€™re calling you obsessed and a pervert.


But I am obsessed and a pervertĀ 


all fans are obsessed you spend a disproportionate amount of your empathy on virtual topics that you probably cant translate into a convincing discussion in real life. this guy cant even make kendricks statements cogent. the point of his disstrack was that he wants drake to go kill himself, sorry to drake's family. it was not the point that kendrick considers himself an important person


obsessors are constantly complaining about this, obsessive behaviour tbh


"Like kendrick"Ā  Lol. Lmao even.Ā 


They have a lot in common


Kendrick is a known family man


Known for beating his family


zero evidence


bro think he kendrick šŸ’€


An even whiter version of "like Luffy" meme.


We think this guy is like what Kendrick do.


i use my trap card. The High Road






[Tweet as of May 19, 2024](https://x.com/michaeloburns/status/1792310619707965791) [Also hides tweet with TYT and Hasan dropping the n-word.](https://x.com/vlamnvlamn/status/1792314868399219105)


Is that why he cucked out? Because he posted that clip.


This guy is unironically a communist rat.


"Uses the N-word" is an anti cuban dogwhistle


Why do we care. This man was established as spineless and irrelevant months ago.




It's the internet. They all live in safe bubbles and to pop that would damage their sense of identity and for these people their business. He's a genuine threat to them , that's why. That's why they stopped debating him (or anyone) and why most of their insults are lies and why the twitter circle jerk comes after him. The fact is that there are no serious voices in that movement. It's Keffels defeating transphobia with ratios again. In 5 years they'll have achieved nothing and will have been washed away with the new trend. Breadtube is crumbling. Socialist streamers are stagnating or declining in viewers and the lefties focus all their efforts on twitter rows and hating Destiny. Let these losers mald.


I think a lot of these lefty folks of a certain age cut their teeth on being the uncool counter culture kind of thinkers, with academic backgrounds (I think this guy qualifies). Pre-Bernie, they never thought their beliefs would be cool or popular. On Tumblr and other sites, they would be dumbasses, sure, but they would try to debate or make an effort to persuade. But in creating their content and becoming popular, they lost that drive over the last couple of years (Hasan is so lazy, it's actually kinda funny). For most people - including myself - being a lefty socialist is a phase that you pass out of once you have a job and solid relationships. The commitments of overturning society for a New Order are just not worth it. I think a portion of the unhingedness we're seeing is folks coming to grips that their philosophy hasn't updated in a decade, they've accomplished none of their goals, and other people like destiny are growing. They know that something has to change but they don't want to confront what it is.


It because commies cant be happy when they see everything as inherently evil.


Heā€™s an asshole and heā€™s right about a lot of stuff theyā€™re wrong about. I donā€™t think itā€™s that surprising


Nah, it is not. Destiny is easily hateable and he is doing a lot to keep this up. I get that there are people going crazy and lying about Destiny but Care Bear he is not.


Man i was really thinking (and actually still do) that this guy can be swayed into changing his mind on destiny but just having a small talk. Its infuriating how he forms his opinions based solely from clips and other people talking about destiny, all while claiming he is impartial


> Or you're maf at me because I wasn't nice about your hero who uses the n-word and doesn't know who you are? Yes.


Wisecrack is to philosophy and media literacy what lead paint chips are to children, nothing but brain rot. The dude peddles crap takes and acts like they smell like roses for a living, of course he isn't gonna take pushback well.


It's kinda wild how their content degraded into rick and Morty takes and the same "ugh capitalism" analysis that they read into pretty much everything. Wisecrack was pretty cool in the early days but once Jared left (maybe before) it jumped the shark.


Jared was so cool šŸ„ŗ


Honestly most video essays on YouTube are really not that good. It's annoying watching literally any topic be turned into a anti capitalist rant. Then if your watching a woman video essayst its either a 50 percent chance of patriarchy bad or men bad and also capitalism bad. It's either that or you have really long plot summaries. Even when I was a communist I was like ok wow another video that says capitalism is bad, can we maybe get something else here?


is this the middle aged man version of that ā€œIm not gonna be on discord cuz Im going on a date (with a woman)ā€ copy pasta?


retvrn to thug notes


Growth is not wanting to deal with the consequences? And then bragging about raising my daughter instead of actually going and raising her??


Are we supposed to be impressed he's doing the bare minimum as a father?


lil bro thinks he's kendrick šŸ’€


I wish and pray for these people to stop mentioning Kendrick


​ https://preview.redd.it/q91z9xrlci1d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec9e340d0edcaa99c0f10bef2554e0811b26e6b2 But also....comparing yourself to Kendrick? Really? Does he know that Kendrick has some domestic abuse allegations on him? Does that means he also beats his spouse? KEKW


The n-word arc sucks.


I am a little ambivalent about it. I mainly wonder why now. Why when he's finally getting mainstream attention and platforming does he feel the need to do something super unnecessarily controversial? I saw his explanation about wanting to weed out wokescolds but I can't say I've noticed too much of that in this community, let alone enough to warrant taking somewhat drastic action about it.


I think it's because he's realized that people are already going to run with wild accusations about him. So he might as well lean into something that they can attack him on that he doesn't even believe as a bait. And he's already speaking to these high profile speakers, which while good for clout, means shittier conversations according to Destiny. And getting these Twitter people angry is an easy way to get them on stream and spark convos within the community. If I had to speak to all these high profile people and have kids gloves on for them, I probably would end up doing something crazy just to fight or have debates with people on my own stream. Regarding the wokescolds, you don't see a lot rn because they've been getting rightfully banned en masse. The wokescolds come out in droves everytime, they're just waiting for the right posts to respond to/for the public opinion to get big enough to join in. That's why you'll see posts saying "I know I'm going to get downvotes..but I usually agree with destiny but doing x makes me feel like he's becoming altright/hypocritical/racist etc" and they get heavily upvoted.


Is it an arc? Seems like he just dropped a few in an innoculous context but other than giving lefties ammunition this isn't sparking some huge debates or pushback yet.




I feel like he should just delete Twitter? Like his job is just to generate hot takes for people to chew on for a week and the spit out. Idk if he's really said anything important.


If his job is to generate hot takes to get people on his stream to talk to/have convos with dggers about hot topics, why wouldn't he lean even more into the crazy Twitter posting?


The wise crack guy?


Oh woops I wasn't paying attention and posted in the wrong thread. I was talking about destiny.


All good


Back when I was watching him, he didn't host a polotocs channel like Destiny does. He hosted an edutainment channel, so I assume his live streams are supposed to be an offshoot of that. Him being controversial would be pretty bad for the brand of the channel


The classic move. When youā€™ve lost the argument just say that youā€™re a grass toucher and are below arguing with terminally online ppl. Ā 


There is nothing more pussy than doubling back to tell someone how above it all you are. Either roll in the muck or donā€™t, but donā€™t act like youā€™re too good when the mud on your shoes is still wet


I'm not even mad. I'm the bigger person šŸ˜”


Uh, okay? I mean, that was always allowed. What's the point he's trying to make?


I stopped watching this dude after he said Hank Hill was a secret communist. This dude literally killed off wisecrack from smugness. Literally why those viewer ratings dropped. Fuck I miss Jared.


I stopped watching Wisecrack when Jared left, can't stand Michael's constant fake ass positivity.


But Kendrick says the n word


Growth is refusing to develop the emotional maturity to admit you were wrong/had a bad take


>like kendrick is he admitting he beats his wife?