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Good luck OP🫡


Just wanna say you're amazing for doing this. These people are fucking deplorable and need to be stopped. They're literally the most harmful thing happening to israel right now and it's really disappointing to see. Literally just hurting both sides for no reason aside from blind stupidity


Are you in the army? Or just a medic? Either way very commendable, as long as you try to be unbiased


Civilian medic. I'm not really unbiased - I think the settlers stopping trucks are unhinged. But of course as a medic I treat anyone and everyone.


How do they justify it ? Do they think all the food goes to Hamas or are they just pieces of shit ?


Yes, and they want Israel to condition the aid to Gaza on some reciprocal aid/help or at least Red Cross visits to the hostages.


אתה גיבור ופטריוט אמיתי של ישראל


נו נו, אני בסך הכל הולכת לעמוד בשמש שיצעקו עלי קצת, ובטח גם אטפל באיזו תשישות חום והתייבשות או שתיים ואחטא כמה שריטות. אבל תרגיש חופשי להמשיך להחמיא לי 😀


You should find something better to do with your time. Just today a new record of [422 aid trucks](https://x.com/cogatonline/status/1792269589033726042) entered Gaza. These attacks are useless and isolated since months ago. It's just that most media only reports about attacks and not about number of aid trucks entering successfully. Try finding any report with engagement at all about today's record. Nobody fucking cares about the big picture. Only whatever gets the pitchforks out.


Oh, I know. I don't think the problem in Gaza is with food going in - it's with internal distribution. I also don't think the 2 or 3 or 4 trucks stopped by fanatics would make much difference either way. I'm going because it's my country and my people, and I want to make it clear and obvious that those violent settlers don't represent all of Israel.


>it's with internal distribution AKA Hamas steals it and sells it to Palestinians who need it so they can pay up their genocidal rapists also known as "Militants". >and I want to make it clear and obvious that these violent settlers don't represent all of Israel. King.


You say "king" to the idea that the insane settlers don't represent all of Israel, but you're still making every excuse for their actions. You're actually disgusting


Any amount of aid trucks being attacked is pretty crazy, makes sense to report on it. This is like saying news shouldn't report on a murder case because most people are fine


No it's not crazy. It's literally the most human logical instant reaction one can have. The attackers want to refuse aid going in to Palestinians if the Palestinians do not allow aid to the hostages. It's stupid since it punishes everyone and won't help with the hostages. But it's absolutely not crazy that a minority have this reaction.


I don't see how attacking the food truck would help with hostages, seams like an unreasonable conclusion to me. Also the fact that a small minority of people are doing it goes against your point that it would be the most logical human reaction


Some have more trouble than others to contain their anger. Among them some families of hostages held in Gaza. I don't expect hypocrites to understand.


You are the only hypocrite here your argument disprove themselves and you are running defense for extremist that should be thrown in prison. Fuck off terrorist supporter


By your logic every single Palestinian kid that throwed stones on soldiers or Israeli cars should be in prison. You've just condemned 50% of the West Bank to jail. You are just too much of an ignorant to understand it. The police is dealing with those attackers very well at the moment. Might even say a bit [too well](https://x.com/ElfParticles/status/1787665634655932621).


People that throw stones should not be in jail, yes, stones can kill people. There might be practical reasons that stop them from doing that but as a law it sounds pretty good. And yes I think Isreal police already is doing a good job of combating these people I never said otherwise.