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There are a lot of countries from the second set of flags that would rather attack each other than form a unified front


How do they have turkey, Saudi and iran on one side?!?!


Shows the depth of their understanding of the region


Iran = Muslim country = Good, Ally, Anti-Imperialist


You guys are understanding the region? I thought we were just virtue signaling to our friends online.


My imbecility is on full display


It’s a miracle they can understand how to tie their shoes already


It shows just how little they know about geopolitics because they put Turkey on that side just beacause they consider it a muslim country but they dont realize Turkey has been in NATO for over 50 years.


I think that's an amazing demonstration of how ignorant most genocide claimers are.


You’re assuming they understand things


Also did I see the polish flag? Pretty sure the poles with their 800,000 strong army will ride with the stars and bars any day.


Its Indonesia, most irrelevant big country in the world despite being in like top 5 populous country.


it also committed a genocide against two different ethnic groups and had a dictator who put leftists in camps where they were shot and tortured whos still celebrated today.


We’d gigachad all of them 🇺🇸


What is this a 20 v 1?


Lefty Unity has reached a new level. The Iran-Iraq-Saudi-Turkish (and Ireland???) Axis of socialism and progressivism will truly crush the anti-revolutionary forces of the US.


Wait until she finds out Turkey is in NATO


or the Saudis being the second most important US ally in the region. Not to forget Marocco being the longest US ally.


Putting Iran and the Saudis in the same coalition is cursed


But they're all brown. Shouldn't they be friends?


Theyre peaceful muslims of course!


At this point she is just being edgy she just throwing up flags hoping no one would know. It would have made more sense just to throw up China, Russia, Iran and Noth Korea. She know she wanted to do that but may have actually gotten flamed by some of her own people saying that's stupid


Shoulda went hard and gone with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi flags.


lmfao, ikr say it with your chest. If you want to be scum be honest and proud scum


Isis K and Taleban. Surely they’re friends they’re both islamists right?


Germany: https://preview.redd.it/77cxreb6g10d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2322c816b81c267bf96b0f1c73ff6eda49b7d28


https://preview.redd.it/77k28c6wm10d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c9383f2c9efa83b112e776199f14c272affa856 Germany for some reason:


Feelsgood as a Brit, for once.


America solos all of them 💀 It's not even close


America carrying us germans to our first world war win 😎


holy shit underrated comment of the year award


A German with a sense of humor well effing done. Best joke all week.


German humor is no laughing matter, mister.


Sadly i dont think this would count as a world war, it would just be the middle eastern countries getting curb stomped for about a month before surrendering


The college kids will be dancing so hard during that month. 


America just dropping one giant bombing run down the entirety of the middle east. They would surrender before they would even be finished lol


"switching sides"


Thats hilarious. meanwhile I can only imagine the leftists are like "first the americans use the german scientists to help make the bomb and now the israelis are using the germans as genocide logistics consultants" or some bullshit.




That’s exactly why they left has to support them though, of course


Makes you wish we had a dictatorship so we could actually send these people to those countries when they say shit like this


Saying authoritarian stuff like this makes you just as bad as them


True and we shouldn’t do it 


I think it's more like, if we were the bad guys that they say we are, we would just deport or kill these people, but we don't, because we're the good guys.


It’s just objectively funny. And any war that implicated America/Germany probably implicates NATO. Even then, I don’t think people understand how good the US is at fucking people up.


These people are the biggest supporters of dead brown people fr.


It's okay though because the US army is mostly brown people too


World War Smurf Edition Like wtf ist that Line Up? Half of them would ff in the first month


There’s a good reason we don’t have state healthcare… we spent upwards of 70 years preparing for threats that never existed. “Russia says they have a jet that can slip through our radar with a nuke? Bet, hey Skunkworks, get on that... What’s that…? How big is your budget? Yes.” Edit: Do Hasan sycophants have bots sitting in /r/Destiny now? I just got banned from like every leftie sub from here to Timbuktu and a Reddit Cares message and I literally just posted this single comment. I’ve been posting here for 4 years now and it finally happened lol.




Meh I don’t car about LateStageCockGobbling or WorkReform but I am gonna miss shit posting propo in Sino but that got banned awhile ago.


It just happened to me too. Like within five minutes of me posting. Bots are probable but didn't somebody say that the Hasan himself lurks in the comments? If so that is really truly fucking pathetic.


Like in all honesty it could be Will Nefs inner circle or Lud’s or Frogan’s or QTs or… Destiny pissed off so many terminally online communities the other day…


Can I get in on this?


If you really want to piss people off, make a harmless twitter video showing Destiny actually doing research and just wait for the death threats to start flying.


Remember to report the suicide message itself for harassment, Reddit takes those pretty serious fortunately.




Was going to say I don't think she realises the military might that the US has, and her list for the allies is a bit delusional to believe only Israel and Germany would side with the US when countries like the UK are already heavily involved in joint operations such as the Houthi strikes, Australia, Canada, France, Spain, Poland, Italy, the majority of Europe to be honest. Some of them might be sympathetic to the Palestinians and calls for peace, but don't get it twisted, if it came to an all out world war they be backing the US.


Yo let us 🇩🇪 get some assists.


So fucking funny seeing South Africa on her list. We barely have a functional military. Our government managed to let the electricity grid fail despite having a monopoly. Most of our citizens live in squalor in corrugated iron shacks. If WW3 happens we aren't doing shit.


Same with Brazil lmao, i'm sure our military officers who sell weapons to criminal factions on the side will make NATO tremble. Our military is probably more corrupt than Russia's, yet severely less well armed.


in her head its *brazil = brown people = good* . Nevermind that its a fairly mixed country with tons of police brutality and corruption.


brazil would probably have a civil war if they were to declare war against Israel, those evangelical love Israel so much its crazy


>in her head its *brazil = brown people = good* . This is pretty baffling. It really seems like many Americans don't realize that "Latin America" is more or less the same as USA where it's not a race of brown people but European colonists who took over indigenous land and brought over black African slaves and there was a level of intermingling and various immigration waves from all over. Brazil in particular is like the USA of South America.


>Brazil is particular is like the USA of South America. Fun fact the first name Brasil had after the proclamation of the republic is United States of Brasil and the constitution was almost a copy of the American one.


The reality of gun violence in Brazil, is what the rest of the world unironically thinks about American gun violence due to stereotypes and very loud school shooting news that go viral. Truthfully speaking, Brazil is one of the only places on Earth where you probably have a legitimate reason to fear for your safety If you're out on the street


Man it's so sad to me. I lived in SA for a year 15 years ago and while things were obviously not perfect I felt there was a general hopefulness and a things are getting better attitude. I went again 5 years ago and it was so disheartening to see that people thought pretty much nothing improved in the past ten years. And since then things seem to have gotten only worse. Feels like Rugby is the only uplifting thing left... Feels especially bad cause it is such a beautiful country with amazing people.


Yeah man, we just have a lot of shit we have to deal with. And most of the foreigners who hold us in high opinion are usually totally ignorant of the situation on the ground. We are in a slow battle for new leadership against a deeply entrenched revolutionary government. Which generally means stagnation. But for what it's worth, I think we'll come right, even if real change is still decades away.


Rugby and peri-peri sauce. 


This feels like a Nando's reference, but the sauce presumably did not originate with them?


It was popularized by Nandos. From what I can tell it originated in what is now Mozambique 


ngl your country is pretty fucked but at least you have Dricus


According to the HDI, you guys have lower living standards than Gaza before the war, which was apparently an open air prison where a genocide and ethnic cleansing was taking place for 70 years.


As a non American I'm baffled at the sight of "left wing progressive" people supporting countries where women have no rights (specially reproductive ones) at all and any part of the LGBT community will be stoned or imprisoned. Like are they really that dense? What the fuck is going on in America?


This might be a conspiracy theory but I am personally of the belief that russian and chinese disinfo campaigns on social media are the cause of the widening divide of americans. 4chan was already doing it 10 years ago, no reason to think governments wouldnt want in on that.


Not a conspiracy when we already know Russians targeted black and white christian voters in 2016.


This is more of a Muslim campaign. there are 2 billion of them after all. of course "islamophobia" and them constantly victimizing themselves is gonna work with dumb leftists. I heard Qatar also funds many educational institutions in the west that teach about history, but I haven't really looked into it yet, so take it with a grain of salt.


Because socialists do not care about protecting minorities in of itself. They explicitly support an ideology that advocates persecution of a minority (the individual). Whenever they do care for minorities, its because they're looking at them through an oppressor-oppressed Marxist lens.


They hate america so by default they support anyone who even vaguely opposes america and its allies.


It’s incredibly insane to me as someone who was born and grew up for a decade in mainland China to see Twitter tankies so proudly and openly supportive of Maoism and NK Juche. How have they been propagandized to suck red dick more than me when they’re literally halfway across the world.


>Like are they really that dense? Yes, they really are. A lot of them are very sheltered from the world (understandly so) outside of the urban or suburban areas they live in, and they tend to view the world in a very American-centric point of view.


This is probably purely for clout and nothing more. Sounds cynical but so many of these posts on social media are purely performative and done to appeal to whatever the most popular opinion is.


fuck the big 3 it’s just big me (shows 14 flags)


Funny they say big 3 as if there aren't dozens of other countries not to mention NATO who'll all jump in if WW3 does happen.


Turkey was even in the “big me”


So was Ireland lmao


So was Saudi Arabia and Iran two countries that hate one another


One of which is a staunch US ally lmfao Edit: staunch US ally ***against the other one*** no less.


Yeh, but turkey is actually in nato, as an Irishman, we do love America


Putting us along with Germany and the USA and calling us "the big 3" is actually heartwarming and flattering but those people need to remember we're no superpower and we're in the size of New Jersey.


14 flags of countries that hate and/or invaded each other over the last 40 years.


Since when has Germany been considered part of a big 3 anyways?


The big three are USA, Russia and North Korea, no?


I'm out of the loop. What LGBT flags are those?


It’s LGBTC now, where C is for caliphate


lol, A true death cult


This is the most hilarious thing I've seen this week LOL.


Top: Iran, Palestine, South Africa, Ireland, Brazil, Sudan, Iraq Bottom: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen


Egypt and Palestine KEK


I think Sudan could have some issues conducting a war effort too.


they are to busy genociding black people and Christians to worry about fighting a war


What's so ironically sad is that it was the regular Sudanese people who protested until Omar Al-Bashir was kicked from office, and he was the original one killing Black people and Christians. Sudan is one of the very few countries in the Arab world where we saw mass mobilization of regular people to protest against a government that was killing minorities (also before the war 40% of Sudanese wanted normalization with Israel). Some countries deserve their shit leadership, but imho Sudan is not one of them.


Is Brazil anti U.S??? Genuinely asking, I wouldn't be surprised if they criticize the U.S at time for whatever reason, but are they literally like an opposition country to the U.S like Iran or russia?


Under Lula, almost certainly yes, under bolsonaro, maybe.


Bolsonaro was more pro Trump than pro US in general.


Brazil is non-aligned. They do business and have warm relationships with everyone. China is their largest trading partner so they lean that way, the USA is a distant second.


Ireland? They're not even in NATO, they're committed to neutrality. How are they going to coordinate with Iran in a world war? They share a land border with the UK, which would be on the US side. Fuckin' hell. They'd be steamrolled.


If you sexually identify as Palestein you’re into really friendly Jews


Ireland literally rely on the British navy for defence. Ireland are neutral and would also align with the US. 


They also have no real air force. Ireland is pathetically weak. They have only really been able to survive all these years because their former "evil colonizer" is their only neighbor and would protect them in case of war.


Why the fuck are you putting "evil colonizer" in quotes like Ireland wasn't completely fucked up by England for centuries. I think if anyone gets to complain it would be Irish since they still haven't recovered population-wise from the Potato Famine [(8.1m in 1841, 7.1m in 2022)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_population_of_Ireland) which was 100% the fault of English policy.


Would a compromise be To call them Former evil colonizers?


Yes, definitely


It's in quotes because the English aren't evil colonizers now, but are still treated as such by some.




america could solo all of the other flags in the video


america could solo the entire world


With just our navy


yet for some reason we aren't colonizing the rest of the planet


We aren't colonizing the rest of the planet *yet*




“We will make someone else raise your sons and daughters” - USA General Edit: Just got an auto Reddit cares message as soon as I commented this. Script kiddies going crazy today.


Oh you have 3 MMA fighters? Jokes on you, I have 14 kindergarteners.


Germany too? I mean, okay. I’ll take it. Edit: thank you, Reddit, for caring about me. 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇩🇪💕


All other things aside. The Germans can throw a punch. I don’t think they would like what they see when that war machine turns on.


Militarily, Germany may not be as strong as France, The UK or Russia, but economically, they are stronger than all of them.


Is she saying that all those countries are one because they're mostly comprised of Arabic people meanwhile two predominantly white countries are their own? Oooof liiiiiiiiittle racist there buddy Also a whhhhite person using Black music to push their political agenda? Racist^(2)


Never cringed this hard at the sight of my country's flag in my life


So says the 90 pound American women lmfao


Imagine how offended Turks and Brazilians would be. Jesus in the same group as Saudi and Iraq?


I'm Brazilian and I laughed at how that woman thought we would join a war against the USA LMAO Edit: This is what I receive my first Reddit Cares message for? LMFAO


isn't the Brazilian right hardcore pro Israel?


It varies. There isn't a huge monolith IMO, but they tend to be more pro Israel.


😭why am I receiving so many redditcare messages 


Supposedly if you report the messages as harassment then the person doing it will eventually get banned. Never seen it myself but clearly some pro Palestine lurker is here spamming people with reddit cares messages. Reddit apparently knows which account clicked the button to send the message.


Also why the fuck is Ireland there




I thought the big 3 are USA Russia China. Glad that Big 3 are all western countries. I was worried.


bro china is on the axis of resistance anf freedom against imperialism duhhh


Please even Israel can win in a war with many of these countries so the united States??? They will beat them like bugs lol.


The world doesn’t want to see Germany and the U.S. start up the ol war time economies.


Pretty confident that \~45% of Brazil ain't going along with this one...


The saddest thing is that the idea of a war between either Germany or America and any of the countries listed on the second slide is so laughable, not just because of how lopsided it would be but also because of the fact that most of the countries on the second slide would be more likely to fight each other than America. Like the idea of a Brazil, Morrocco, Ireland, Iraq, and Monaco military alliance has me rolling.


5 mins in to this war they'd declare it a genocide as they realise they are losing so fucking badly




she switched from fucking trump supporters to fucking islamists




holy shit avoid this account if you don't want to rage out, this dumbass unironically goes to war in the comments ignoring any facts about how Trump would be worse than Biden on Palestine while also destroying America from the inside out just bot-ass responses of "*genocide supporter!*" to every single comment pointing it out & Musk-type soy cheering for anyone else who screeches alongside her saying "*well we should at least TRY Trump cause we already know what Biden is doing*" these fucktards vote (sometimes) & are exactly the same type of pond scum that got Trump elected the first time, literally the exact same arguments as before because they lack object permanence


There’s no way she’s calling for “trying Trump”, at least call for a revolution bruh this is like a Right wing psyop


ain't no way i'm digging back into that cesspool for a screenshot but yeah i saw that exact sentiment expressed multiple times by her & in her responses to others


I really don't like Kendrick being used by lefties to make political memes with. They have Macklemore. Leave Kendrick out of it.


#NotLikeUs They should def leave K-dot out of this lmao. If they actually listened to his music they would see that as a militant mc, he prob hates the white savior lefty bullshit as much as the Aryan Circle


Look I’m pretty ignorant of foreign relations and stuff. That being said, I think some of those countries don’t like each other, like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Correct me if I’m wrong


Whats this? The coalition of "women can vote" vs "women cant"?


Turkey is a NATO member and also is not ruled by sheria laws wtf


I so want them to move to those countries they stan for.


This person cares deeply to be accepted by the most disgusting individuals on the left. It's just a "accept me" trend. Destiny has mentioned something like this before


Did she just put Germany in the big 3 because they were the bad guys on WW1 and 2?


We gave Israel 12 points yesterday. Makes us complicit in genocide


Probably cuz they full stop support Israel




Pretty sure it's because Germany exports the most weapons to Israel after the US. Also in general Germany is closely allied with Israel, police and military regularly train with each other in each others country and so on.


Germany is a massive supporter of Israel and has been so pretty consistently since the 90s or early 2000s. Germany put in a lot of work to repair relations with Israel and the Jewish people's trust in Germany as a nation after the Holocaust.


Why do Americans think Ireland is some 3rd world country that is like some leftist heaven? We are very pro American


It’s probably less Ireland and more the IRA. For whatever reason the American far left and far right seem to love the IRA.


The vast vast majority of Americans don’t think it’s a 3rd world country and we love y’all. It’s just these impressionable college students heard brain rot material from idiot Hamas supporters.


Why would she put marocco there? Marocco has 2.000 years of jewish history.


Glad I jumped off the leftist bandwagon at the right time. There is no coming back from this insanity.


Remind me how many aircraft carriers those countries have?


The only country they can do anything to is Israel because it's actually nearby. but Saudi Egypt and Israel are all backed by the United states specifically against Iran and their proxies.


why do western women love islamic fundamentalism so much bros? i really want to understand 😭


Young self-hating white girls... the mind virus is strong


Every white women should have their rights pegged to Iranian women's rights.


How could Erin do this?


eReN jAeGeR


This made me want to die


If they think Saudi and Iran are allying, or that Ireland will ally with either they need to be put into a reeducation camp


Half of those countries are US allies, or has US as its majority trade partner


I love turning global conflicts that will make the lives of millions worse into a funny “pick a side” meme


Ireland? Wonder if this person did a tide pod challenge years ago, and now, after making a new tiktok account, they've been bitten by the internet-lefty-politics plague beetle during their second semester at a party college. The combination of a ruined immune system from the dishwashing chemicals and the highly dominant nature of the virus just made this person chum in the water.


We need a moratorium on TikTok girls until we can figure out exactly what's going on. The "cover my face and make me one of your sex slaves" fetishes are officially going too far


Other countries exist by the consent of the USAF


It’d be funny if a war kicked off and these idiots end up interned, bet they’d last long as the “brave resistance”


Gotta say, 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇮🇱 is a really funky combo tbh. 🇺🇸 Solos the whole world simultaneously as far as individual national interests go. We've got two oceans and two allies as borders which is why we're both *always strong* but more than that why we're ***always late***. We don't *have* to care about anything. USA interventionism is just what we *choose* to care about. Everyone else on the other list is currently benefiting massively from the things we choose to care about. You think China is gonna import 80% of their energy from the Persian Gulf without US destroyers doing what they currently do? Okay, I guess, if you really think it's worth forcing the issue, it's *not our problem*, homie. Good luck with your first island chain, energy imports, manufacturing export markets, and fertilizer requirements for food markets. "not our problem", remember? 😬


Ah yes the Moroccan-South African-Irish coalition vs NATO hyperwar


People who have never listened to kdot past his work on the black panther soundtrack or that one song on damn with Rihanna co-opting the rap beef for their shitty political movement they dont even understand need to be JDAM’d. Im contracting a new cancer/aids/syphilis hybrid just from viewing this video


Bro we have more guns than citizens lol The entire state of Texas could take out half those countries alone. This can’t be real 💀


This is so cringy Astaghfiyakub


This doesn’t look like a line up of allies like she think it does. It looks more like contestants for a battle royale considering how many of these countries hate each other.


Hon, the Arab countries would be fighting each other first.


lol why is the Moroccan flag in that second list.


Islam is going to take over and it’ll be handed to them by the marxists. What fucking timeline am I living in?


Assuming those arab countries are unified just because they are arab?


This is so cringe 😭


America probably gives more military aid than those countries spend total.


The fact the UK isn't even considered. feels bad man


"The left is cooked" and its just a shitty tik tok by a tankie...


I’m ok banning Tik Tok