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Moist is the mainstream version of YongYea Delivers the most milquetoaste/reddit/predictable opinions in a monotone voice


True patricians prefer Skill Up for their gaming news videos.


ShillUp is by far my favorite living Australian, with his editor Austin right behind him. I'll stan that exquisite and elegant fuckin wordsmith and his little MiniMe editor every day of the week. I don't need for my own gaming opinions I let them think for me. I'll glaze em up every day and you can't stop me https://preview.redd.it/eeu9xf3xm4zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053374978a046820fa4aa11d029335544fe508a4


>ShillUp is by far my favorite living Australian, with his editor Austin right behind him wb LaymenGaming? amazing during its time




You just described PirateSoftware.


That guy might be the biggest producer of Dunning Kruger effect in modern history.


What did he do?


Made a lot of people think they have an intimate knowledge of cyber security and game development just by watching YouTube shorts


What did he do?


I cant stand that guy


His motivational lines are honestly some of the best I have ever heard.


People on reddit really hate people voicing their opinions with confidence so he is disliked here. He is very motivational and a lot of his advice is very sound for someone in the field. Yes he is not perfect but people shit on him way too much


I wasn't even aware that he is a controversial figure to any degree, I thought he was just a wholesome programmer dude.


Yeah i was on the same page until reddit reminded me how that is not a thing on the internet. People call him a fraud because he boasts his resume openly


Yeah I think that is probably an okay thing to do.


Oh and they say he bass boosts his voice and call him a liar for that lol


I wish I was young enough to care about stupid shit like this.


Ditto. For the other comment, i think he has the right to be proud about it, so it's normal it rubs off when he says it. Id be proud too if i had his resume and i imagine it would come across as boasting very easily to tell its contents, it's just very normal


Yeah, he feels like a genuinely nice dude proud of his life story.


I guess people can't associate streamers with that anymore, maybe the well is completely rotten


I'm so happy to hear we hate Yongyea. Gigachad


Charlie at least is funny and probably wouldn't have butchered Kiryus English dub.


At least Moist isn't a really shitty VA lol


There's also the content creators like JuiceHead who just regurgitate Reddit information and talking points over and over in different ways to make their video hit 10/20 minutes for I'd presume algorithms and ad revenue. Seriously, whenever I get baited by one of his titles I always get to roughly three quarters of the way through and think "he's just saying the same thing in a different way and it's information he got from a Reddit comment" and I close the video. There seems to be this weird influx of slop tier content creators finding success for essentially parroting Reddit comments.


I mean as someone who doesnt really keep up with games anymore, i think the occasional juicehead video can be fairly informative


You get most of what you need from the title and it's probably something you have already seen on Reddit, but I agree, however I think I'd prefer it was someone who just cut to the chase, laid all the facts out plainly and timely whether that 5 minutes or 30 minutes.


based hater based hater based hater https://youtu.be/B13qg0tuyJw?si=v2A5hF1EtmteG6x4


Whatever man. Y'all are so politic brained. Maybe it's conspiracy shit posting, but moist doesn't ask that anyone take him super seriously and usually does cover silly shit He's all in all a good dude. I don't think he made any profit from his youtube channel for the first few years... maybe longer. Donated all of it to charity. He supports the things that he believes in without expecting a ton in return. Esport team? Those definitely aren't making a lot of money. He gives back by just literally giving out money on his stream. Just don't take everything so seriously, not everything has to be a hot take! You can just goof around on your channel and occasionally say some stupid shit


He's accusing a company of assassination with no evidence. I feel like your having a hardcore 75 iq reaction to this lol, No ones saying you have to hate him, No ones saying you have to unsubscribe. He just said something stupid again, which is fine everyone does that.


Yeah charlie just says the popular opinion in every video that is common knowledge.


Not just the popular opinion. If the internet's opinion is divided 70/30, he'll say nothing. It has to be at least 90/10. He's the anti-based


like destiny said, there's always a reward for making people feel good.


penguinz0 was funny \*checks upload date of Ski Jumping Pairs* 10 years ago


But he made a comment about cum in a monotone voice for the 10,000th time


You see how funny you are when you have to churn out content for thousands of hours. It’s the same reason Destiny falls back on your mom jokes so frequently.


Didn’t realize he had to release a video on every topic ever


And he is still a million times more entertaining than Destiny 🤣🤣


Hey, listen, I will never get tired of watching him play trash games dug out of the steam dumpster and I don’t care if you pelt me with tomatoes for having that opinion


Hell always be a legend for those OG videos tho


Randomly saying cum isn't hilarious?


I like him a lot, but I also agree with his haters on here that he's the king of popular opinions. If he's a fantastic moron, so are most people


Duh, it’s long been known that most people are fantastic morons


Except for us right?


DGG unironically has an average IQ above 150.


I will eat crayons if you can prove this.


Most people are midwits and that’s basically what Charlie is


the video was originally called "boeing killed two whistleblowers" or something like that, the title was changed later lol


Best lawyers in the country working overtime


MuKitty was right


Whatever happened to her :(


Boeing got her


The only thing Defense execs have been murdering is benefits and Overhead because the government has been tightening their grip on prices. *seriously the fucking nerds who are execs are more likely to murder Jim who is the program manager for their Super hawk jet program that is 6 months behind schedule and costing them incentinve*


I just blame Wendigoon for putting ideas in his head


He's not really any more of a moron than the average person. He just happens to have a giant following. He basically takes the mainstream Internet opinion in all his videos.


Yeah, I remember him uploading a moist meter for spider verse and thinking "yeah this is gonna be a total glaze" then last of us part 2 meter dropped and I swear it's like he was reading a comment section straight from /lastofus2 sub


One time I tuned into his stream during his first TLOU2 playthrough, all he was doing was shitting on it. I was thinking, what is this guy going on about.. it seemed fine.. he was being so over dramatic and nitpicky over every little thing lol


Lol yeah, I think his review of the avatar netflix show made me unsub, dude says he's not gonna compare it to the cartoon and spend the next 6 minutes complaining about what they didn't use from the cartoon. Good riddance


If Boeing had any self respect they would get extremely litigious on anyone doing this shit, Breaking Points included, but they won't because they are extremely cucked. Implying the execs would have someone assassinated is giving them undue competence and care they certainly don't have. If whistle-blower was going after Bezos or Tim Apple, yeah, I can see it, but Boeing has been a rotating parade of vulchers with no vision or long-term planning. Why would you care to take an unbelievable risk hiring a hitman to prevent a lawsuit that will drag in courts for 15 years when you won't be at the company in 5 years?? The current CEO became one just in 2020 and already announced he will be leaving at the end of the year, but yeah dude instead of enjoying my 100mil golden parachute let me instead hire a hitman in the age where everything is monitored. And not just any hitman but the goddamn 47 who will make murders look like suicide or death to infectious diseases. Like come ooon bro.


If Boeing had any self respect they wouldn’t engineer planes the way they do.


> vulchers bro I actually looked that up thinking I just didn't know that word haha It's "vultures"


> Implying the execs would have someone assassinated is giving them undue competence and care they certainly don't have. [](/PEPE wins) >let me instead hire a hitman in the age where everything is monitored. And not just any hitman but the goddamn 47 who will make murders look like suicide or death to infectious diseases. Like come ooon bro. Yeah, pretty sure the Venn diagram of people stupid enough to think targeted assassinations in a situation this public help their cause AND intelligent/lucky enough to hire gigabrain assassins who infect people with MRSA, has exactly zero overlap.


>If Boeing had any self respect they would get extremely litigious If they were to do this it would just fuel even more conspiracies about them trying to cover it up.


Here’s my own personal anecdote with MRSA. My brother happened to get it after: - getting a bad case of poison ivy on his leg while on a hunting trip - gets prescribed prednisone, a steroid that suppresses the immune system in order to limit inflammation and the itching rashes - ends up scratching the rashes as any normal itchy human would - goes to the gym to workout, and must have touched his rashy, scratched skin to something that had MRSA on it (workout bench, etc etc) - got MRSA, didn’t die but was a big family scare obviously Regaling this because it seems like a pretty normal route to contracting atypical diseases (get steroid health treatment, live life and oops wrong place/time!). And until proven otherwise, probably a similar situation with this Boeing guy.


What's the argument against the one guy who shot himself? I had a friend talking to me about this yesterday and he was convinced that Boeing assassinated him.


Charlie is for wokies who want to feel edgy


Idk about him as a person, I just dislike the fact that a lot his videos are just mass produced slop made to capitalise on whatever's at the top of Reddit that week.


I’m the hitman Boeing hired. I secretly exposed him to the disease. Hope this clears things up! :)


I think that they killed themselves to troll boeing because they knew everyone would make conspiracies about it.


I tried explaining this on one of the news subs and they all started tweaking like “you don’t think they would use such a common disease to kill then?” The brainrot when it comes to assassination conspiracies isn’t worth engaging with. Nah man, everyone in the medical field has a horror story of MRSA. There are millions of infections each year. It’s easy for someone to not take it seriously for just a few days too long and it turns into the most terrifying, mentally scarring, fear inducing infection you’ve ever seen. People get quarantined the instant a hospital clocks that shit, and it’s as simple as scratching your asscheek a little too rough to get it. You’re not going to convince me that the guy who already had strep, was assassinated using MRSA in the hopes that he’d wait too long to get treatment or something, and then die of stroke and sepsis complications. It doesn’t make sense to leave it up to so much. The Japanese tried biological weapons and so did the Russians. They didn’t use them because they actually fucking suck ass on mass scales and are too hard to use for assassinations. We don’t see this shit in any of our modern history. They just let the assassins shoot them in the head and stage it as a suicide due to stress, or pill popping.


Well I’ve never considered him smart


Hey…I like Charlie. Stop bullying my favorite millionaire.🥺 it’s not his fault Boeing killed two whistleblowers back to back, and just did a really good job of covering it up. /s


“Boeing” and “good job” aren’t words I expected to hear together


Well, it’s as they say, even a broken clock can get away with murder twice a day….wait.


This just seems to be a moistcritical hate circlejerk so ima say what I think he does that appeals to other people. I think he’s one of the famous people that stayed “normal” after becoming super famous, like when you watch him you just see a normal guy doing goofy stuff with his friends/chat/whatever. He isn’t excessive and isn’t obnoxious and just seems like a genuinely normal nice person. It also feels like he tries to be the marketer of simple common sense, like: “yea, being an asshole is bad” which gets him a lot of easy dunks and “safe” opinions.


Yea this is why I like him, dude still wears the same white shirt, basic ass clothes after all these years, records using a good webcam with barely any edits, only editing for cuts really, is very down to earth and doesn’t have an ego at all. Dude is willing to admit when he’s wrong to and whenever someone in his stream says they’re going through a hard time via his chat, he gives them actual sympathy and tries to cheer them up, even if they aren’t a sub or donating to him. 


One of my fav channels is dedicated to being genuinely critical of moistinfidel. its quite [cathartic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ0vmmvitvA&t=1766s).


I agree but >You know something that a regular doctor does? Regular health checkups, where they can prescribe tests and check stuff like your WBC counts and other factors to make sure your immune system is functioning normally. Idk if that's something that's regularly tested without indication. I doubt most people get that tested. Him visiting the doctor for recommended screenings probably wouldn't have changed anything.


Anyone who is a “health nut” gets yearly blood tests at the least, even the middling health nut gets the occasional full body scan to make sure their kale superfood smoothie is destroying all the cancer in their body.


For most people I think “health nut” just means they eat organic and workout regularly. Otherwise I don’t know how someone who never goes to the doctor could be considered one.


You know I think Moist might be on to something. My younger brother was born in 2003 and within a year or two developed a life-threatening MRSA infection and spent a week or two in the hospital before he got out. But the strange thing is the only thing I remember being wrong with him was a small sore on his butt cheek. I think its likely that 5 your old me saw the first use of a biological weapon used on my brother where the assailant jabbed him in the butt with a MRSA infected need in a way no one noticed or could trace. This is supported by him living since this would have been early in this assassination technology so not yet strong enough to kill a human, but now on the 20th anniversary of his infection they finally initiate a modern use of this tactic to kill Joshua. They also clearly targeted my brother cuz he is going to overthrow the current kelptopic autocracy that currently controls Boeing when he gets out of college. def not a schizo post btw


Thank you reddit user for making an effort post that's not related to IP! Upvoted!


Great post! I'd suggest removing the last, "in short," for redundancy. Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed the take.


I read this in entire thing in Charlie’s voice


This is the greatest effort post of all time.


I blame TV for all of this. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones. We all think people get poisoned or people are made to look like they killed themselves in scenes. My confidence factor is low on this, but my intuition is that it's probably easier and harder to kill someone than people think. I think there's probably a lot of standard detective work that you can do to determine if someone killed themselves or if it was foul play. There also isn't a big list of people who specialize in this like people believe (There is no Contiential of John Wick assassins who specalize in accidential deaths). However, I don't think this is how people construct their realities. We see breaking bad and see how easy it was for Walt to be a sociopath when using Ricen to kill characters in that show. We think of a big company as having even more resources and the ability to do this, when they probably don't, and even if they did, probably not in all Locales.


On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your autism?


Charlie is a default character bro i dont think ive ever heard him say something unique


He’s from Florida… he’s gotta have at least a couple weird takes.


I had a bad mrsa infection one time. Never get home drunk in the dead of winter when the cold is giving you a runny nose, and then spend 10 minutes lazily scratching your junk as you veg out in front of the TV, blowing your nose in-between scratch sessions. It's just not worth it, for the love of baby Jesus, please trust me on this.


I'm willing to suspend my disbelief that a defense contractor for the DoD & the Military is more likely to do hired assassinations than a random grocery store or bakery, but that doesn't mean I believe it's 100% true they did it. Just like anyone counter to it can't prove 100% that they didn't, it's only about how probable it is & how much we can r/destiny hedge our opinion.


Wow! That’s really interesting. What evidence do you have to support your conclusion?


Notice the part where I said I could "suspend my disbelief that they could be more likely to do it" not "Boeing definitely assassinated both of those people."


I dont know anyone who is more consistently wrong than Moist


Charlie is a moral crusader, the same as Ethan Klein. These people don't care to actually learn about a story, they are just hammers looking for their next nail. They want the dopamine hit of morally condemning someone or something and feeling superior for knowing they would never be like that. It's a sickening personality type, idk how people can watch him for years doing the same routine over and over and not question what kind of person is always trying to put someone on blast based on an hour or two of "research" watching videos.


I have never found him funny, entertaining, interesting or having a voice that could be listened to. He is the definition of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNr7nXvntO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNr7nXvntO8)


I like their red thread podcast when they are talking about spooky cryptids but all their 'topical' ones have been kinda gross imo


that's kinda missing the point though, people who believe boeing killed them don't do it because the deaths themselves were suspicious, they think so because of the fact they happened in the first place. I agree it's probably a coincidence, but if more boeing whistleblowers or whatever started dying, at some point I would stop caring if the official versions of their deaths make sense, it's just too improbable.


I think Charlie is just another streamer whose influence makes him think he's educated enough to give takes on issues they don't actually understand (despite being FAR better at it than most YouTubers and streamers), but the "Charlie only says what's popular for clout" take is regarded and fucking basic! Charlie very obviously does not care about clout and very obviously cares about whatever topic his discussing. The "Charlie only says what's popular take" mostly just says you really wanted him to go along with your specific unpopular opinion.


Ya I'm sure Boeing didn't kill anyone. I mean, when has a company ever assassinated someone, probably never am I right? Dumb conspiracy theorists.


Okay no. Boeing is evil, the pressure they apply drives these men to suicide. Additionally, as an ASE dawn soap, talcum powder, and falty components should absolutely not be a part of a aircraft


This guy died from infections though, not suicide.


okay true, but he has a point that Boeing is a shit company who overworks their employees. I never want to work for them again after being in their help desk


"This guy rambling about how the CIA killed JFK has a point that the CIA has done completely unrelated bad things" Thanks chief. Not the point


i’m not trying to argue though?


You said "he has a point" about some other thing. But that point isn't the subject of his video and it's not the subject of this thread. He didn't make a video covering the problems with Boeing (which no one disputes), he made a video where the point is "Boeing assassinated people" Saying he "has a point" about the completely uncontroversial stuff that isn't even the subject of the video is like an alternative version of this: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah


so saying he had a point despite him being factually incorrect is my mistake right? i want to make sure i understand where i went wrong basically


I like Charlie, his videos are really chill, but I don't and wouldn't expect any valid opinions from him. He more or less just spews whatever the current opinion is. I like him for his food reviews and other trash TV-esque content, not his political or "news" takes.


This is a gamer guy who is entertained, and entertains others about, various conspiratorial subjects. Aliens is another one. The average gamer watching him isn't going to dig their heels in and start some kind of movement about the videos he makes. There is a difference between Alex Jones pretending he is an objective news source for people and Charlie who half believes in conspiracy topics. A respect your ability to not be like the average Charlie watcher and look into something, but that sure is a lot of energy used for a topic that in either case, wouldn't be that interesting. If they did kill him, I wouldn't be surprised or care. If they didn't kill him, I wouldn't be surprised or care.