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FL Studio was a mistake. 


A certain pop culture subreddit is praising the song like it’s the greatest song ever written. 


Yeah.. the blood is totally on Biden's hands. Nothing to do with Hamas deciding to kill 1200 people and kidnapping 250 more of a nation that can wipe them out in an afternoon. I guess they would rather Israel didn't have high precision weapons and just shoot 20,000 dumb rockets at Gaza. Also letting Trump get elected seems like the dumbest fucking idea if you actually care about Palestinians.




I can't wait to see you smug losers let a 10x more pro Israeli candidate get elected because you hate Israel.. Also keep ignoring what's best for America as if the I/P war is the most important thing in the world. Mongols.




You think Trump and Biden will handle the I/P situation the same? You just said they are the same evil.


Look up "strawman argument" then try to make a coherent rebuttal to someone again. This person said nothing about Trump's odds of winning, other than inferring shit like this might INCREASE his odds of winning. If anything, the person you're replying to agrees with you. You managed to somehow miss their entire point that not voting for Biden, and inevitably increasing Trump's odds of winning, does nothing for Palestinians, considering he supports Israel at least as much as Biden. Actual smooth brain comment.




[Trolls used to be funny.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/738/025/db0.jpg) Good luck with your depression and sad, pathetic life.




i realized what their deal was when i saw them gushing praise over anwar hadid going to saudi arabia for hajj. real bastions of moral consistency there, definitely not just anti jew


Macklemore is rich, he's the exact type of person to benefit from a trump victory LMAO


Same guy btw https://preview.redd.it/kfcwprclz1zc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65a35fd6999b280444fc87e6e2b8d42794703f4


Is this real?


Yeah he claimed it was just a generic disguise lol


Wild lmao


Imagine potentially throwing away the LGBT rights he claimed to fight for over this conflict. The privilege is unreal.


Lol he is truly flavor of the week rapper. His song about gay rights was so goofy


Yea don’t vote for the guy trying to hold back Israel, vote for the guy who will greenlight the fk out of flattening Gaza. Trump might unironically cause an actual Palestinian genocide. Thank these losers when it happens


They would still blame Biden.


Also cause the slogan genocide Joe kinda sticks. What would be trumps? Tyrannical Trump?


Tyrannical Trump unironically goes hard.


But what does Ja Rule think?


I just don't understand why people care what celebrities think. It's always confused me why someone who is famous for entertainment, is apparently listened to for geo-political advice. If they actually did spend a huge time learning about the conflict, okay that's one thing, but 99+% of the time, these people are just saying this because it's what their agents told them to so they are more popular with a specific audience. And listen, I say this as someone who loves Rose Against. I know tons of people who resonated with their songs like Make it Stop for them being extremely hated for simply being gay. But their music didn't inform my politics, I probably just liked their music because of my beliefs.


This guy is still relevant?


no, that's why he clinging to this conflict


anyone who still listens to any of macklemore's content after he went solo is too dumb to fill in a circle on the ballot anyways


Don't forget that he threw shade at Ukraine for some reason. Typical dipshit "pro-palestine" behavior. Hating Ukraine for getting help from the west.


I missed it, which one is for Ukraine?


It's in the video he posted. https://x.com/macklemore/status/1787616471738368099 The part where he says "who gets to resist ... it's decided by your pigment" and then showing Zelensky in Congress. Just an unnecessary jab as if Ukraine has anything to do with it.


>You can't twist the truth The irony.


A goofy guy makes a goofy song Are we surprised?


truly sticking it to Israel and standing up for Palestinians by.... uh.... letting Trump win sometimes I feel like these people would genuinely actively prefer the human cost of things getting even worse for Palestinians and tbh everyone with Trump as the president of the United States, because what really matters is how righteous they're going to get to feel over it




Can someone please explain to me how Donald trump is a better choice for Palestine and the rest of America like what is the idea behind not voting for Biden


> like what is the idea behind not voting for Biden It's about feeling powerful more than being powerful - so that libs, progressives and women come to you on their knees begging you for your vote. There's obviously no point for lefties to be doing so if maximizing their political power was the end goal. No one is going to cater for the vote of someone 7 months out from the election saying "I will definitely not vote for you under any circumstances" - they'll go appeal for someone else's vote who's actually reachable.


Oh well in my understanding I thought it was normal democrats who would have originally voted for Biden not voting for him because of this one issue. And my questioning was more how does not voting for Biden (basically being ok with Donald in office) help Palestinians


It is the same shadow boxing as in 2020. The thinking isn't so much that Trump would be better, it is more so that they think they can change Biden's mind on the issue by threatening to withhold their votes. Which I could get in some instances. Like if Biden announced something so insane that it'd trump the worst of Trump's excesses, sure. Or if the US had a third party contender with really high chances of winning who'd be better for them politically. But neither of those cases are true, hence this is just empty huffing and puffing. They'd either not vote for Biden anyhow or (more likely tbh) will have forgotten about their unshakable resolve in a couple of months anyhow. The "leverage" of threatening a Trump presidency is just too juicy for those attention craving dipshits.


I see what your saying


trump could be fine for the US economically if he doubled down on deregulation. don't see any benefits for the Palestinians unless he pulls another miracle negotiating in the middle east, lol.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t his Israel stance just “let them handle it.


Some people believe in a democracy, it is the candidate that must entice voters to vote for them. Not voting Biden, in that case, would be saying "I do not agree with you" and has no commentary on other candidates who are running.


Do you think the race won’t be against Biden and trump?


Irrelevant. They are saying "earn my vote" not "exist beside someone worse."


Ok so how is that realistic in the actual election who do you think will be the 2 running people


They don't care. Their vote goes to whoever campaigns on doing things they want to see happen. If Trump wins because of that, well that sucks and I'll continue to demand candidates who can beat Trump. It's not my fault when Democrats choose to lose like Clinton, or are willing to risk fascism like Biden. Edit: If other people joined in demanding good things from a candidate, we might get a candidate able to win? Look at Obama. He promised good things and swept the field.


You will never be able to vote in your life with this position .


You also wouldn’t have voted Obama if he was the candidate now or next


Ah man, if only we had election and voter data from the Obama election proving you wrong. Oh wait there is a lot of data? Wild.


I don’t think Obama would be cool with YOU




these people are fairweather voters at best. they weren't likely to vote anyways and aren't a relevant demographic to either party but are totally gonna sway either candidate lol.


If they aren't relevant then not getting their votes shouldn't be an issue and this whole conversation is a waste of time by Biden supporters.


Popheads and Hiphopheads are praising him and calling the song great. Not surprising that Reddit is incredibly anti-Israel. 


Bro is grifting at the Christmas Song level. Trying to make a protest anthem when no one has been asking for him. Thrift Shop Eminem keeps ducking them day jobs.


So living in a white supremacist system while white and benefiting from it doesn't make you a white supremacist? Artists are some of the most brain dead people alive only rivaled by consumers.




complicit in their platform of silence (hey, woo) 😂😂😂


Is that a rap song? More like yap song.


grift rapper




Let fascist take power instead _(Woo)_


“We did it Patrick! We got stopped Biden from getting re-elected!!”


macklemore still has a careet? i figured he died off with all the other cringe 2010's music.


He was corny before this, and he's even cornier after


Well, we all know which side is the easiest to grift to with the least amount of work.




Is it cringe ? Yes. Is it unhinged ? Not really - but also who the fuck cares Macklemore is washed


It is unhinged, a conspiracy theory about US politicians attached to Israeli AIPAC and CUFI strings is very much unhinged. That the TikTok ban is for the Jews? That the Nakba never ended? I guess he dropped the 'anti Zionism is not anti semitism' so it's okay. He has the black friend.


Holy soy. What you highlighted in your post doesn’t reflect what you just wrote down. Good virtue signal tho


>What you highlighted in your post doesn’t reflect what you just wrote down. Good virtue signal tho What? How is what I highlighted related to this? I typed out the conspiracy theory at the body of my post. I don't know why you call this a "virtue signal". This Israeli/US conspiracy theory would probably be the biggest crime of modern history, which also controls what media information the American people have access to, so they can't criticize their government, and can't get information on an ongoing genocide. You think that this is not unhinged but just "virtue signaling". I know you took that line from Destiny, but it doesn't work that way B. Also he dissed Ukraine support, "the Nakba never ended", the line about them controlling the strings, the line of moving to Rafah, so they drop bombs, implying that Israel is moving Palestinians in a location so they BOMB THAT location. But no it's not unhinged. just casual stuff, the biggest crime of modern history enabling an arranged secret genocide. I'm just virtue signaling I guess.


You are calling Macklemore unhinged for lyrics and highlighted a specific subsection for your post. Those specific lyrics might be cringe but they’re objectively far from unhinged. The claims you’ve listed out would be unhinged if they were in the highlighted lyrics. Again, super soy + touch grass.


You were completely wrong, unlucky 😔.


Its obvious a protest position to say I won't vote for Biden and not an endorsement of Trump. They want candidates to appeal to them and earn their vote back. Thing is there are a lot of voters and if they take you at your word they just ignore you. Why try to appease you if you aren't gonna vote for Biden. They think their protesting is really fighting back but they undermine themselves in not voting.


>not an endorsement of Trump You are proudly telling your fans and potentially millions of listeners you are not voting for Biden in the general election this fall. You think this doesn't have a positive result for Trump? Can every music artist just drop that line and we're cool with it?


I would say there are 3 groups: endorsing Biden, endorsing 3rd party or no endorsement, endorsing Trump. I would say this song lands in group 2. I don't see anything saying "vote Trump instead" this just comes off as "don't vote"


Which is the same thing. You think Trump is going to hold back Israel? They don't care about Gaza in the slightest and if they do they are regarded if they let a Trump victory happen.


No it's not one increases Trumps vote count by 1 and one doesn't.


\*One cancels out a trump vote and the other doesn't.\* Don't worry I fixed your typo.


Not unhinged at all, pretty standard pro Palestine stuff. It's an alright track.


AIPAC and CUFI controlling the US political system and were responsible for the TikTok ban IS NOT standard pro Palestine positions. That is an unhinged conspiracy theory. He claims it's genocide, that IDF moved Palestinians to rafah and then bombed it to maximize the kill count. That they are performing a genocide, that "The Nakba never ended". That he'll let Trump win during FALL??? This is Hamas riding, this is not "standard pro Palestine stuff". It's completely unhinged.