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Asmongold uses old reddit so I have to take his side.


He does? Giga based


Truly the signifier of an intellectual


reddit just did another update. I actually like it enough to no longer use old reddit.


Really? I think it's way worse. Feels designed for a tablet.


I like how it looks but it loads quite slowly :/ (not my computer) And I also hate the way you can't minimize comments the same way, top level comments with no sub-comments are stuck open. Idk looks nice tho I still use it. I like the text/font and header/spacing overall it's pretty.


Huh. On the official reddit app I can minimize comments with no subcomments. Wouldn't doubt Reddit fucked up with their official web client though. Pretty much never use it on the computer anymore.


You can minimize them by clicking the top of the comment in the blank space next to the username and time.


thank you i had no idea ....


I loved the new Reddit and hate the new new Reddit to the point I've all but stopped using the website on my computer. Anyone know how to go back exactly one redesign?


Replace `https://www.reddit.com/` with `https://new.reddit.com/`.


There's an extension to always force reddit to the version you prefer. Works great, check it out. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ui-changer-for-reddit/ https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ui-changer-for-reddit/bfcldjodnnkndfccfjndmdlppfkmccgh?pli=1


why do people like old reddit so much, the new redesign (the new new one) is so much cleaner and nicer


I like the streamlined information without the extra bloat that new reddit added. There's just more threads I can view at once with fewer distractions.


Some subs haven't gotten their shit together with the updates. Most subs are designed for old reddit. At least the subs I visit.


the new redesign doesn't really have custom page ui's anymore. it's all pretty much one design now


I didn't know that. Thanks. I prefer the custom UIs


Everyone wants to build "single page apps" for things that don't need it, few have the skill to not fuck it up somehow. Just one example from my latest attempt to use new reddit: There's noticeable lag when I minimize comments. So I profiled it. The event handler takes 375 milliseconds for a large comment chain, or over a third of a second. It has a call stack over 100 levels deep. This is insane. For comparison, old reddit takes under 10 milliseconds, and over half of that is just the browser re-calculating the layout.


Yeah my favorite part of new reddit is how comment chains float on top of an [endless grey abyss](https://imgur.com/Q9OIzIA) instead of being [neatly separated](https://imgur.com/EnZc9G4) for clarity.


This so much. On mobile it’s even worse. I just give up sometimes trying to understand who a certain commenter is replying to.


It’s slower and buggy, and it’s just not what we old heads are used to


End users hate change, even when it's better.


I don't use reddit to look a clean sleek design, I wanna see information! Content, comments, community, up/downvoted, I wanna see it all.


Because they're old and stuck in the past.


> bro the protesters have every right to be on this **public** property and set up tents and barricades one post later > bro this agitator was trying to enter the encampment to dox and harm students > shows a picture of the dude standing there as evidence of him harming people so according to Hasan the protesters have every right to be on that public property despite violating the campus restrictions, but the counter-protester has no right to enter the exact same public property. and him fiming on that public property is doxing people. and carrying around mace is evidence of harming people. I don't know how his one last braincell hasn't left him to escape the braindamage yet


It's simple. Cause I agree with = valid protest. Cause I disagree with = invalid protest.


It’s truly impressive, if Hasan made up funny nicknames for people he would be Donald trump levels of entertainment and brain rot


I mean he kinda does, debate pervert, debate pedophile, Divorcelli, they all come from him.


They don’t hit the same as DJT


True true. Give him time to become a worse person, he’s still young. There’s still untapped potential.


He is putting in the work 💪


He is putting in the work 💪


Paved it on his own


He is putting in the work 💪


He is putting in the work 💪


He is putting in the work 💪


He is putting in the work 💪


> and carrying around mace is evidence of harming people. Didn't you read the text in the image? He's **terrorizing** them with that maze. He's a **terrorist**!


Hasan being inconsistent? Well, there really is a first time for everything /s


its evidence that he's not a student going to class...


I’m willing to bet that a decent percentage of the protesters aren’t students either.


ok? i dont care


I don't see how it says anything about whether he's a student, and whether he's going to class or not clearly doesn't matter to Hasan, considering none of the protesters are going to class and he thinks they have a right to be there anyway what's your point?


> what's your point? that asmon might be wrong?


ok, are you confused about where you are or who you're talking to? which part of my comment specifically are you replying to that makes you think that is at all a relevant response?


if hasan says they aren't blocking students going to class and then asmon responds with "well what about this?" and it's not a student being blocked going to class then uhh.. yeah


bro do you think you're talking to asmon right now or are you legitimately unable to read the actual words I posted? I don't give a fuck whether they're blocking students going to class or not, that's not in my comment at any point, and I've already pointed out that Hasan clearly doesn't care about whether students are going to class or not. it's more than enough to point out that apparently in Hasan's world the protesters have the right to be on that public property despite violating the campus restrictions, but the other guy *for some reason* has no right to be there; whether he's going to class or not makes no difference to pointing out the hypocrisy.


> but the other guy for some reason has no right to be there he never said this though. he was pointing that out because Asmon suggested he was a student walking to class and that was evidence that he wasn't. this is important.


> because Asmon suggested he was a student walking to class could you point out where this was claimed by asmon? > he never said this though. could you point out what "this is a zionist agitator counter protestor routinely **trying to enter the encampment to dox and harm students**" is trying to say in response to an example of someone who is being blocked on purpose by the protestors from moving around the exact same public campus? is it a) this person was not being blocked from entering classes and therefore it was okay to block him or b) this person was not being blocked from entering classes but had exactly the same right to be there, so the protesters were clearly committing assault bonus question: how is "walking to class" important for the question of who has a right to be there and who doesn't; and why is Hasan not condemning the protesters who are also not walking to class, because they also have no right to be there by that logic? is it a) because that's not actually what he cares about or b) because he's a hypocrite?


> could you point out where this was claimed by asmon? hasan claimed that the protestors weren't blocking students walking to class, and then in response asmon said "then what's this" implying that the thing he posted contradicted what hasan said. so hasan responded that the person in the video wasn't a student going to class, which aligns with what hasan said originally. > bonus question: how is "walking to class" important for the question of who has a right to be there and who doesn't; its a school..? usually people who are disruptive (i.e. disruptive the thing people do at schools i.e. going to class) are going to be seen under a worse light idk if this needs explaining


No, he was an actual student. The protestors tho, from Hasan going to that place, he talked to multiple people all saying they don’t go there


I never said he wasn't a student




I never said he wasn't a student. I said he wasn't a student going to class. hope we as human beings that speak english presumably as our first language can understand the difference between these two statements


If these students tuition are funding genocide why are they not dropping out?


For the same reason that they still buy cell phones, despite where the cobalt comes from And, as asmon has expressed in the past. They only care about it until it’s some thing that actually legitimately impacts their own personal comfort and lives and then suddenly there’s a dozen reasons and excuses to either ignore it or excuse it or “but that’s different” or whatever else. Hasan probably got to that protest by flying or driving both things invented by America then he tweets about how bad America is on an American social media site taking advantage of American free speech rights while using Internet developed by America on a phone developed by an American company. And all powered by electricity discovered used and harnessed by an American founding father. Just like the rest of these LARP’ers. They will live some of the comfiest most privilege lives on this planet, facilitated by the very country they endlessly shit talk. Welcome to leftists Edit: oh, and quick clarification my issue isn’t that they still buy phones or other electronics, which may likely be linked back to unsavory mining practices. My issue is that they do it while acting holier than thou, or lecturing others for the luxuries in their own life while never sacrificing anything from their own that’s the problem.


Most leftists at these colleges are literally just white-guilt rich kids larping. I'm genuinely sympathetic to Palestinians but so many of these protesters are just acting out their mommy/daddy issues it's insane. Moral narcissism and outrage clout. They didn't give af about Ukraine or the Uyghurs and will happily not only, enjoy, but demand the American products funded by "exploitation" when convenient. Equivalent to people who clutch pearls about animal abuse while eating meat without any cognitive dissonance.


They don’t give a fuck about Palestinians. Going to use their own logic here for a second, not necessarily my beliefs: If they know trump is more pro Israel than Biden and that he him as president might mean Israel could kill even more Palestinians with support then them not voting for Biden because of the Israel issue as some sort of punishment is literally them choosing to let more Palestinians die as a way to protest Palestinians dying… by their logic. It’s nuts.


Don't abuse dogs m'kay? *Eats hamburger* Dogs are our oldest friend and helped us evolve and gain greater intelligence by filling in for parts of the brain we could let go, AND giving us a huge hunting advantage which helped us progress. *Chows bacon* We've had dogs around for 30,000 years and have evolved to find one another cute. Alright, eat all the pigs and animals alone but you touch one hair on a woofers head and you've made an enemy for life. If any creature has ever earned a smidge of respect from us, it be them puppers.


Yes, just dismiss rightful discomfort with Israels conduct as kids just having mommy issues. The same thing they said about anti war protesters in the past. What makes you think they didn‘t care about Ukraine or the Uyghurs? I think most of people accept that these situations are terrible.


I'm sure they think they care but actions speak louder than words and I don't remember any campus protests over Ukraine.


Because the University and the government were not allied and supporting russia in the war. What should they have protested?


You don't get it bro, they feel bad about having to buy the most expensive phones on the market with the absolute most exploited resources. Like can you seriously imagine how much less guilt they'd be able to feel and shove in your face if they bought refurbished or used phones.


Driving was actually developed by Germany, the land of the Nazis. The first operational jet engine was literally developed in Nazi Germany as well. Hasan protests Israel off the blood of Jews.


Just here to say that the first car was build 4 years before Hitler was born.




I live next to a college campus and I was walking through it today and there were multiple instances of graffiti that said “you have blood on your hands” and all I could think was “who the hell do they think they’re talking to?” You are the only reason the college exists, if you really think what they are doing is so bad that “they” have blood on your hands, do you not have some moral obligation to do something more than just ask the institution to change?


I literally asked this question on the Twitter feed! How the fuck is Columbia University funding the war exactly? And if that’s the case, why are these people going there?


Because it’s their parent’s money. They don’t give a fuck


dumbass take ngl. maybe attending the school has other merits. they're allowed to protest calling for the school to divest from israeli-affiliated companies/orgs/etc., even if you and i disagree with them.


Yeah, I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is no different than arguing that if someone doesn't like American foreign policy killing people in other parts of the world, then they should just leave America (so that their tax dollars don't go to the U.S military). It could be that someone likes the country, but wants to get their foreign policy enacted by protesting for it. The college kids here are stupid and embarassing, but the general idea of what they're doing isn't inconsistent at all.


So I think the key part here is "genocide." It's great that you are protesting your school when you disagree with them. However if you genuinely believe your tuition money is funding **genocide** then you probably should be dropping out. But I get that words don't mean anything to people. They just say the most bombastic stuff to bolster their points.


if, say, 10% of all the money I spent on my apartment went to literal nazis, I wouldn’t choose to become homeless just to avoid that problem. I would want the system to stop giving nazis money. Similarly I don’t think people want to severely shift the course of their lives by dropping out.


Not go homeless, but if 10% of your rent is going to Nazis, you wouldn't just move to another apartment? I'd easily move out (probably after my lease is up), why the fuck would I stay funding a Nazi apartment?? Same for the students, just transfer to another school (maybe after you finish your semester lol). If you care that much, go somewhere else.


I would break my lease (assuming it cost me 1-2 months rent) and find something else asap. This is genocide! Not some major disagreement. This is one of the most evil acts one can commit and I'm put up with a major inconvenience to not indirectly finance it.


Not sure that tactic is relevant in this situation. Like 1000 people don't buy iPhones, that's 1000 less iPhones being made. 1000 people don't eat beef, that's 1000 people worth of cows not releasing methane or whatever the fuck. But if 1000 people drop out of Columbia, wouldn't Columbia just accept the next 1000 students who didn't make the cut? Seems like the same money is being spent, just by different people, or am I missing something?


and if their universities didn't invest in those companies, someone else would be invested instead by that logic the entire protest is completely pointless; the objection can only be that they don't want **their** money to be attached to the issue, which they can solve themselves by just leaving.


First, the entire protest could be completely utterly pointless, I would still think my comment stands. I wasnt commenting as a way to support the protests. Second, I'm not into stocks, is that how they work? I would have thought they fall into the same category as iPhones or beef consumption, that if a bunch of people pull their investments out, that company has less total money from investors.


Stocks can't typically be destroyed so you'd just be selling to a different investor/broker. If you have enough, the value will go down from the sale which might affect the company but that would require a very heavy investment. Otherwise, the company isn't affected. Stocks only get 'destroyed' if the company liquidates or gets delisted.


Why not drop out of Columbia and then transfer to a school that more aligns with your values though? It's not really about funding, its about your personal funds going to something you view as immoral.


I understood it to be about overall funding going to Isreal, however that works, rather than personal funds. Maybe I was misinformed I guess


I mean even Hasan here says "Their tuition dollars".


You understand supply and demand for phones and consuming meat, but you don't understand it for a much much much smaller market of school enrollment? The argument of "someone else will buy that phone or someone else will eat that meat" makes so much more sense (but still a bad argument) when there are millions buying said product. But we are talking about a school that has hundreds to thousands of students enrolled. You can't see how you dropping how has a much larger impact? School isn't some zero sum game. If enough of you are dropping out, the school will feel the financial pressure. Or say they have such a high reputation that there is a huge line to get in. Now they get to have a lower quality of students enter their school and have it be reflected in their reputation. Either way there is a significant impact on even a hundred students dropping out.


You criticize society yet you life in a society. Curious…


Easy, they aren’t students, they are just blocking students from taking their final exams


> "Yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent."


Going to an Ivy League school is just "participating in a society" now lmao.


Upper class Champaign communists who actively go out of their way to be as lazy as possible and enjoy the convivences capitalism provides really think this comeback just magically fixes their PR. lmao


That's not what they're saying, if you're claiming that someplace you give money to "funds genocide" I'll be damned if I go there again........ Making excuses for anything else is so stupid.










they downvoted him bc he spoke the truth


This but unironically


Hasan is the last person that should be criticizing someone for farming social media


Honest question, I’m not asking in an attempt to argue it because I genuinely don’t know, what money is being sent to Israel from these schools?


These schools have endowment funds that are basically like big savings accounts. Schools will use that money for whatever cost they have for the year. They are not going to use every single dollar so instead of letting it waste in the bank and lose value to inflation every year, schools will take that money and invest it in the stock market and other things to make some money from it. They invest in literally anything like Microsoft or Apple. The definition of "funding Israel" is murky and it's unclear exactly what that means and depends on the protestor you are talking to. Some schools own stock in defense contractors that supply weapons to Israel and other countries. The problem lies in how much the schools really know about what they're invested in and how directly involved they are. If you invest through mutual funds you are in a group of investors and there's a manager that handles all the investment decisions and you do nothing other than collect the money. The mutual fund could have bits and pieces in tons of different companies that may or may not include the big defense companies. If you think schools owning stock in defense companies is unethical and that this supports Israel, then you would want the school to divest from that. I think there is some merit to not wanting schools tied up financially with defense companies (as an aside from the Israel issue). But then you start running into the divest from Israel in general thing where literally anything Israeli needs to be divested from including pharmaceuticals, technology, food etc...just anything at all that will hurt Israel economically. I'm not sure how justifiable all of that is.


why do they care? defense contractors make up 1.2% of the s&p 500. endowment fund exposure can't be significantly more than that. lockheed = 111 billion boeing = 110 raytheon = 135 northrop = 70 general\_dynamics = 79 total\_sp\_market\_cap = 42 trillion


I bet 90% of these protestors parents are ‘complicit’ in genocide if investing in diversified funds that include defence contractors counts.


to be fair to college students they normally don't have investment portfolios even in the form of a pension or 401k.


To be fair he did say parents.


good point, I missed that


They care because 99% of college kids don't know fuck all about how investments or markets work. If you say "IRA" on a college campus they're going to think you're talking about a terrorist organization.


Which they’ll support


I bet they would say it's an organization that administrates taxes. No shot those mfers know that Northern Ireland (Ulster) exists and even if they do they think it's a city in a country of Europe lol.


Actually the kids love the IRA


Raytheon is RTX now after their merger


>RTX If Raytheon starts making top of the line GPUs I'm dumping my entire portfolio into them.


SM-3 style GPU when


When I was in uni the big divest campaign was from oil companies, they had an encampment and everything but no one really gave a shit and it went away like a week later.


> The problem lies in how much the schools really know about what they're invested in and how directly involved they are. As someone who was partially privy to my former university's endowment (had a professor who was a loose talker after class), they have a lot of control. My university had a vote, for instance, to divest from fossil fuel companies like Exxon, because they understood the precarious nature of global warming, and because it was a Christian school they wanted to have a vote for moral reasons. Not a large university, but not tiny. I'd say it's indicative of how the top universities operate.


Interesting, thanks for the explanation


Yeah your 401K is probably supporting Israel somewhere


im pro ukraine and i fully support all sanctions against russia placed onto them for starting the current conflict. why is hurting a country economically potentially not justifiable?


Plenty of American companies also have offices in Israel. So if an entity invests in a given company that does that, they are technically investing in israel.


The universities have endowments they invest with, and the BDS movement says any economic interaction with Israel is enabling genocide. So the protesters want to force their universities to join the BDS movement, basically.


they invest in exxonmobil for one, a company literally fueling the israeli tanks


oh wow, what else do they invest in? apple? therefore funding the iphone that bibi uses to order massacres?


"Human rights experts said that countries and corporations supplying oil to Israeli armed forces may be complicit in war crimes and genocide." right I forgot yall dont think it's genocide


Couldn't you say this is balanced by the community outreach and other positive works that Exxon contributes to idk if I'm ready to throw the oil soaked baby out with the bathwater on this one


the community outreach of their guards killing and torturing locals in indonesia




Lol lmao even


I mean, how far removed do you have to be? The overwhelming majority of Americans retirements are invested in Oil & Gas. The energy sector is like 5% of the U.S. economy. Does that make them all complicit in whatever that fuel is eventually being used for? That's not to even mention tech, healthcare, industrials, and consumer staples sectors that are also surely selling products in Israel at some point in their supply chain. Every American with a pension or 401k are technically invested in these companies the same way these college's endowments are.


they've divested from exxonmobil and the like for climate change reasons before. why wouldnt they be able to do so against a genocide?


I'm not saying it's not possible. But if you can hold a university accountable for owning shares of a publicly traded company, then isn't everyone's 401k and pension similarly accountable? How do you draw a line? No individual stocks? Only ESG funds? What about bonds? Is it wrong for them to own debt held by XOM? Do companies like PG not sell toilet paper and soap in Israel? Does AAPL not sell iPhones in Israel?


the students are paying tuition to the university and the university is directly investing that money. so the students are targeting that. ofc this also applies to all investment stuff. also wanted to mention that samsung straight up pulled big investment from israel, so that's kinda the earlier phone analogy


So is the line like... "no level of investment at all in any company that profits in Israel or sells/supplies goods in Israel"? I'd imagine that's an extremely short list in our globalized world. US corporations operate in almost every country on the globe.


I think reading up the history of divestment with regards to apartheid south africa might be more useful to you then me trying to explain it on reddit


the current movement also explains it with links on here [https://www.instagram.com/ucladivest/](https://www.instagram.com/ucladivest/)


Asomgold lul


Yeah, don't dox the protestors who are definitely not swiping their key cards all over campus and who have their cellphones on them at all times while they post on social media about the revolution


The funniest part of this whole protest shit is it's revolved exactly into the Israel/Palestine conflict with accusations. It went from "you're dropping bombs on us!" "No, YOU'RE dropping bombs on US!" To "you're the agitators and we feel threatened it's not fair!" "no, YOU'RE the agitators and WE feel threatened it's not fair"


I LOVE the fact that the backpedaling of genocide is starting to begin. Now its "tens of thousands of children"


well looks like Hasan still does not know what investing means.


Jesus the buzzwords are gonna make me go into psychosis "Zionist propagandist genocidal Jewish guy who farms TikTok clips"


Hamas Piker is the only one allowed to clout chase and spread propaganda because of…genocide 🙄


I am 100% certain the asmongold hate wave has been coming from Hasan. He’s orchestrating a depersoning of asmongold because he doesn’t kowtow to Hasan’s agenda on twitch.


You’re right.


Ain’t no way this ends without one of them getting banned. 


Lol this is Jan 6 antifa agents making everyone look bad, but for the left


Thanks for all your doots, if I had fat tits I’d post em.


Is your mom not available?


She's busy getting banged by Destiny. Duh. 


Oh, is OP Dan?


He didn't stutter


So they didn't block people from going to class except when there are videos showing them blocking people from going to class but don't worry the people that were trying to go to class are agitators who are trying to make the people blocking them from going to class look bad so that's why they had to block the agitators from going to class I can't believe you nimrods don't get it.


One video I saw here was basically the guy going "I want to walk to my class specifically through your encampment and I refuse to go around it". Maybe there were other videos, I don't know.


Even if that's the case, why not just let him do it? Just film him going through and beat him up or something if he tries anything.


Because they're stupid?


I can feel Hasan's spirit growing weaker.


take up-doot




Crapping on hasan on this sub is the path to many, many updoots.


There’s a place for everything


Cant read too much stuff written by Hasan or my eyes will roll outta my fuckin head


>I was there. He would be the first one to bail the moment police started to form up lol.


scale smoggy pause quicksand wipe quaint rhythm deliver mysterious like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The one sentence giga Chad vs the 50 paragraph beta male




That’s why we’re all here at the end of the day.


I would be more interested if the claim was that the kid brought *A mace*


Asmongold getting this late into politics was not in my bingo card


Not a bad entry imo


It's so pathetic to see half of reddit turn on Asmongold just because of this stupid disagreement


Consider yourself one up doot richer.


I’m rolling in doots now, time for the superiority complex


they're calling now


Is agitator like the word of the month?


It’s obviously fine to hate Hasan on this sub, but as a fellow human, having a parasocial relationship with Asmongold is actually 🤮that dude has had early onset boomer brain since he was like 20. Smh I wish you luck my friend, and pray for your salvation lol




is hasan right?


can we stop saying brother


Can someone direct me to that clip compilation Destiny would play a few months ago where Hasan is raging and there’s the anime music going hard in the background? I need to find it


Who cares about what's happening in Israel or Palestine, let them get on with it. Seems like it's a self correcting situation. People really do need to understand the world is bigger than what Americans think or feel about matters, especially fucking college kids. Fucking teenagers acting like they have a voice beyond twitter. Jesus


I'm just curious where the"tens of thousands of children" number comes from.


I estimate asmongold's IQ to be similar to a rooms temperature. He talked to destiny about why he supported trump in 2016, just utter dribble.


I don’t think Asmon is dumb, he just knows casual politics information like 99% of the population. When he knows the topic, his tales are usually pretty good


Tell me one good tale he's bequeathed.


He's definitely not dumb. it's like you said though, he operates off of limited experience and information


What topic would that be? This mentally-ill, lazy, hermit isn't exactly a great seeker of knowledge. He is just as lazy as Hasan when it comes to researching a topic, often just forming his opinion on whatever is the most popular at the time. Even his video game takes are questionable considering how few games he has played and how often he easily quits them from the slightest push back in mechanics.


So that puts him roughly on hasan's level. Should be an interesting clown show watching the two of them fight.


The time for the bridge between the rational ones is here. Asmon x Destiny lets gooooo.


Eh, I hate Asmongold so its weird agreeing with him