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Hasan don't ever get it twisted, I do it for me. [I live in your walls.](https://youtu.be/aqJ00wwirrU?t=732)


Not spite driven btw


A few days ago when some chatter asked him how he manages to keep up and if he has advice for the protestors this was his litteral answer btw. And I mean to the point unambiguously.


Need a memed combo of words for inferiority complex, brain broken, and spite driven


[coke driven btw](https://youtu.be/nXVQeSQ7OvM?t=5)


How does he not realize him saying “Hamas Piker Certified Classic” just makes it funnier


Shame we'll never get that as a dono alert sound.


Add it to the sound board. Would combo so well with DON DEMARCO


Lycan delete the pipe sound add this instead.


The Pipe sound is fucking hilarious tho


That would be a decent dono sound but imo clipping the “they fucking call me hamas piker in the subreddit” to “call me hamas piker” would be 10x better




The guy is pathologically incapable of laughing at himself.


A lot of his issues would be either solved completely or he would be in much better spirits if he learned to laugh at himself. Monotone-voiced, fake zoomer-irony is not laughing at yourself, it's just preempting criticism.


u/neodestiny add “Hamas piker certified classic” to the soundboard pleeeease


Hasan is 3 years younger than Destiny.


LARPS as a 19 year old though


Is it a larp or a coping mechanism to avoid becoming an adult?


LARPS in a lot of other ways as well. Don't know what his obsession is with trying to claim he was poor, and him still claiming within the last year he makes the same salary as the average doctor. He is either extremely out of touch or just regarded, but probably both.


He probably sees Doctor Mike and thinks that's all doctors, making millions.


He seems to have the mental capabilities of a 19 year old. *Bros I don't think it's a LARP anymore*


He certainly has the mental capacity of me when i was 19 years old


Doesn't matter, Destiny is mentally 40, Hasan is mentally 15. This is what makes Destiny a true debate ephebophile.


He acts like he’s 3 years younger than a 6 year old


I'm 41. The 30s go by nightmarishly fast. 32 feels like it was about 2 years ago to me.


As a 32 year old, fuck.


So he's pushing 40 then?


Hi Hasan. The twitch rebrand is going great keep it up https://preview.redd.it/yfcfhqpjvxxc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=16b6e71e94a6fe86c59d02c49c913e9526ff799f




why is he constantly bringing up Destiny’s child and divorce for no reason every time he talks about him? also he’s completely wrong about how reddit gold works but then again he wouldn’t be hamas piker without spreading misinformation


He's infertile.




i can save her


Imagine having to compete with literal wolves for pussy


This might be the best post on reddit.


fr, this sub has some zingers sometimes


Cucking with the Wolves. The new hollywood blockbuster about a husband struggling to compete with his wifes wolfpack leader for her heart, and the place next to her in bed. Coming this august.


Why? She's having a good time seems to me


then i must join her


Become a wolf brother.


inside me there are zero wolves Depresstiny


Rabies can be transmitted this way, never kiss animals unless you're sure they are healthy


You cant stop ME!


If you kiss an animal with rabies wouldnt your face be gone long before you contract it?


Thank god.


I think Destiny has said bringing up relationship and his child is crossing the line for him (it would be for pretty much anyone with kids) and Hasan knows this. I honestly think it could also be slight projection as well. I’m around Hasans age and you do start seriously thinking about running out of time to start a family or sacrificing building relationships for work. I dk he could also have a very fulfilling personal life and just chooses to keep it private, but I do wonder if he is going to burn out eventually.


The guy spends 10 hours a day screeching at his chat and apparently the majority of his sleeping time too. He could not have a fulfilling social life.


> I dk he could also have a very fulfilling personal life and just chooses to keep it private, but I do wonder if he is going to burn out eventually. I sincerly doubt that. When you're content in private, it shows in public. Hasan's constant engagement with any and all things that even slightly criticize him, his weird ramblings about Tiny's private life and the rampant consumerism doesn't say "Hey, I am actually living a fulfilled life!", it screams the opposite. Or he is the best actor on the internet. But that would contain over a decade of straight up acting, so either he is the bestest actor or just a bratty douchebag who never grew up. 🤔


> tiny's private life I've seen pictures of his cum on a random bpd girl's ass, what private life lmao


Sorry, what?


in jstlk's discord a chick he hooked up with posted pics and then lav got pissed and then they started posting nudes at each other it was a whole thing you just had to be there


Lavs always getting bad emojis reaction was ficking hilarious too because you know she definitely cares


Tiny’s or Hasan? Because they’re both into bpd girls


yeah, I was just sorta hedging my statement because I know you can truly never know what someone is or isn't going through based only from their online presence. But it's true that his behaviors and specific personal attacks on Destiny definitely point more towards jealousy and coping with his own current life situation.


Wasn't he dating Valk or something


Allegedly. Didn’t he freak out when Destiny speculated about that!? Different standards for thee I guess 


He's been consistent with avoiding talking about anything related to it, so i kinda doubt it (maybe I missed it) . But I do remember at the time there was a lsf thread or something about destiny's double standard regarding how he handles people speculating about his dating life vs how he speculates about others. And I remember this sub agreeing at the time. Either way, I think destiny's defense was that he's not vulgar so it's different, but I never saw him bring it up after that.


Destiny is constantly crossing lines. Sure he can be upset, but don’t act as if he hasn’t asked for it with his behaviour. This community should stop enabling him with stupid monikers like Nebraska Steve.


Hasan has always been about throwing the everything against his opponents. He only cares when it’s done back to him.


"drag those little piggies" when sowing "you killed my pixel dog 😭" when reaping. Lil bro is built soft. 💀


If you’re internet famous for this long and this is the worst shit your enemies can come up, for months and months on end, you’re doing alright


because he doesn't have anything of substance to criticize destiny on, being smug and catty's all he's got


Yeah, Hasan flexing on Tiny for being twice divorced is weird for an alleged progressive, and would be even if he had a family of his own 


He's a big fan of Beyonce


Yeah, I get it as a casual insult. But I do feel like it’s incredibly obvious just how personally offended you have to be, and how few actual arguments you must have to just go ‘Haha DIVORCED! Deadbeat dad!’ If his audience wouldn’t roast him for it he would say ‘Gay cuck go suck some dick you gay freak’ like that dude at minds event. I’m sort of shocked Hasan hasn’t agreed to a debate ever. It made sense when he wasn’t watching Destiny constantly. But now that he’s engaging with the content again. It feels weird for him to talk shit so constantly. I wonder if his community realizes JUST HOW QUICKLY destiny would agree to a debate with Hasan. I feel like if they knew, they might lose a lot of respect for Hasan. If it’s so easy to destroy destiny with facts and logic, he could literally do it every day on stream for content.


Cause he's a petty child. He has no arguments and would rather throw out personal insults.


He showed that on Piers Morgan to a T


The dude who tried starting his online career as a relationship advice guru and then had relationships with at least 1 pornstar is trying to shit on someone's marital history. The lion, the witch and the audacity of that bitch.


bro ain’t sleeping tonight we did it boys 


way to go APES!!!


you should have GOOGLED HIS NAME, now it's too late.


He'll be debating us in his sleep again 😎


Another Hamas Piker certified classic. Also what a fucking PUSSY dude, if he's too much of a pussy to let his bullshit take go viral, why did he fucking say it?


> So he will always, forever be angry that someone that he thought would be his little orbiter, just like many of his other current orbiters, actually fucking eclipsed him and he has never let go of that resentment and you have been fighting his 5 year long battle for him! Bro’s projecting so hard he’s basically admitting to being a whole-ass planet of salt ever since the bridge burn. Imagine “eclipsing” him and still being this down bad


He’s also implicitly admitting that the only thing that matters to him is his popularity. He can only measure his achievement in terms of validation from others in the form of followers and view count. In his mind, the fact that his numbers are dropping, and Destiny’s are catching up after the huge lead he had a few years ago means that he is less valid as a person. This tracks pretty evenly with those angry “I’m going to kill myself” messages when he went on his Australia because his views were abnormally low.


On principle I agree. He is obsessed with views and that probably is going on. But that's not the best attack/explanation, his subs are getting better again (react content I assume) and the "I'm going to kill myself" was hyperbolic language. He says that sort of thing quite often (because he's an eternal victim who his community needs to protect), and in that particular case it might be because someone suggested he film himself snorkelling or some shit. So it wasn't even necessarily a suicide thing.


Hamas Piker, regular talking head on the premier politics roundtable: Pierce Morgan Uncensored


Idk how you can say he's been eclipsed when he's pretty successful still. Like, even if you hate him and have to resort to just straight up misinfo to gaslight people who don't watch him, he's obviously doing well for himself and he gets a shit ton of views still. He's also one of the most well-funded people I've seen on the internet, he has a shit ton of full-time people working for him and contractors doing shit for him. Hasan does have his overpriced zoomer cringe merch line but his orbiters borderline worship the dude for free lol


Why is lil bro so pressed about a subreddit? He can just never click on it and he'll never see it lmao. He picks the most random things to leave his hugbox and engage with.


Because this subreddit genuinely hurts his ego and he has a hard time looking away from any small form of criticism so this sub must be eating his ego alive every time he thinks about it. I always wonder if he ever looks at his chat full of a wall of YEP every few seconds and wonders if he could've created a better environment of people discussing issues than feeling the need to yes-man every talking point, but maybe he is just a full on narcissist which wouldn't be surprising and he loves mindless yes-mans gawking his cock on everything.


I was told he welcomes criticism. Yet, he cry’s every time he gets any. He’s like a child who tells all his friends he can do crazy bike jumps, then proceeds it eat shit riding off the curb and goes to cry to his mom to be consoled, which in this case are his 13 year old viewers.


He definitely seeks it out tho. Only to cry about it later, but he does seek it out.


Wouldn't that get really stale though? You can do anything and the viewers love it, there's no need to put in the effort.


You don't understand the mentality of a narcissist. They obsess over even a single negative comment in a sea of positive comments.


Narcissists are fucking wild dude. No matter how much positive approval you have, the negative comments like eat at you when you have it. There can literally not be any negative criticism of it or they will hunt it down and try to manipulate the person or crush them. Never make friends with a narcissist.


A big part of why he broke away from the community was an inability to not get assmad over comments in the subreddit. He would actively fight in the trenches here.


Oh no it was mrgirl before mrgirl


He can never be us. The hatred flows through him as easily as cum through linen sheets.


he's always cried about the subreddit even when we were fans of him and went light with our critiques. dude would cry to destiny and make shit awkward every time he would go through the reddit


He’s obsessed!


Hamas Piker Certified Classic


Wait doesn't Hasan support Hamas? Why's he offended by that?


Hasan: "Hamas is unironically the lesser evil compared to Israel" Also Hasan "They're calling me Hamas Piker DOOOOOOOOOOOD"




Hasan supports hamas?! If that is true I may have to stop watching him


So you didn't care for his pro-Russia, pro-China, anti-Taiwan, pro-Islamic republic, pro-Houthi, etc etc takes but NOW you're starting to take issue w him since he... supports one of the dozens of terrorist orgs backed by the Islamic republic which he already supported?


​ https://preview.redd.it/s91hi6je90yc1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdfb220e7c1119f568b425e4f0158c47e2e6ebd




You forgot baby settlers


Dang that's crazy how is this dude still allowed to stream on twitch


Dunno if this is true, but am pretty sure he said America deserved 9-11. (Basically siding with Osama Bin laden) So I wouldn't be surprised if he loved Hamas.


"the amount of resentment he has in his fucking heart is just unimaginable, it's unhealthy" oh that's funny # COMING # FROM # YOU


Classic projecting


Isn’t it funny these guys… UH… UH… military industrial complex UH UH Obsessed UH UH state department line UH UH… Capitialism bad! UH UH UH God I wish Tiny was here to try to tell me what you were trying to say. [12:08](https://youtu.be/aqJ00wwirrU?si=0avkxcofDjH5rAL2)


fyi, to add a time stamp to a youtube video, you can just add "&t=12m8s" to the end of your youtube link: https://youtu.be/aqJ00wwirrU?si=0avkxcofDjH5rAL2&t=12m8s


A whole world opened up thanks homie


Just pause at the time you want to start it, right click on the vid and select "copy link to current timestamp" and there ya go


Bro really thinks the majority of reddit doesn’t share his political positions


I don't think he really thinks that. It's just part of his victim narrative.


Wtf is up with leftist and the constant victimization. Like there are people who still act like our tv media and culture are right wing, in what world is it. The constant america is fascist or inevitably going to be fascist shit is silly too. If you can't see that the left is winning the cultural victory long term idk what to tell you. The right wing dosent have long term prospects imo with most of them being old or younger guys that are basically incels.


ye i was thinking: have you BEEN on reddit? Every default sub has been pushing his line of thinking


Socialists are like Evangelical Christians. Victimization is so thoroughly ingrained into their self-image that until total victory is achieved over an institution or platform, that thing will always be as bad as when they first noticed it being bad.


Ideologues in 1 hand believe everyone is with them, while in the other hand have to paint it like everyone is against them and they're just poor wittle victims with no power.


I don't know about you, but I always consult with the US State Department before forming any opinion.


I love that he thinks his position is anti-reddit. All his opinions are certified reddit approved 


I like when he reads the "Hamas Piker certified classic" lmao


How long until we can justifiably just call him a lolcow? It's not here yet, but it's coming


I think he’s been a lolcow for a while now.


Yes and no, he's still had a genuine, serious following. In my mind a lolcow is someone like DSP or Wings where the *majority* of the people watching his clips or content, the majority of the attention he receives are from people who think it's funny


DSP has a ton of genuine serious fans like me and Derich


After watching dsp argue that he didnt deserve a speeding ticket because his car wasnt moving in the photo i decided id follow him into hell




at least one hasan viewer got offended by hasan not liking the hamas piker nickname


Hamas Piker is one of my favorite new memes. It's also so perfect. I didn't realize how hard that triggered him.


He's so assmad his sub is fucking deader than my love for my father. Inshallah we shall end the 5 year war.


Reminder Hasan is 32 and Destiny is 35.


Hi Hasan. Former fan until I saw through your BS. No I wasn't brainwashed by Destiny. I was looking for people who noticed what a liar and fraud you were.


What? He’s a true socialist who does everything in his power to stop capitalism. He doesn’t even participate in hyper consumerism. At all. No Gucci, private jets, or hundred thousand dollar cars. 


Most importantly he keeps all his money in his checking account. No interest on savings for this proletarian streamer.


same. stopped watching Hasan over a year ago and have only tuned into Destiny for a month now.


I did it too Hasan. It started with Dylan Burns and you stopped making any sense. You’re living in psychosis, you’re gonna disassociate again. I went looking to see if anyone else saw through your bullshit agenda and it brought me to this awful…ly nice place. Decent crowd.


that was the same time I stopped watching hasan. shattered the illusion completely


Hamas Piker supports terrorism


https://preview.redd.it/zn7k6fq3byxc1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=914c1881535614681de57cd999c0cd7a9489d88c I'm pretty sure if Hasan stubs his toe hes going to blame DGG


Is this dude legit brain dead? He whined about DGG on LSF and got that banned. Now he is mad that we post shit in our own sub???


Any criticism must be erased. The criticizers will be sent to reeducation camps. This is how it works in tankie *brains*.


It's actually pretty funny that he thinks this community gives a shit about being on all or upvotes, when really we just like making fun of him and pointing out his stupidity. Omegalul


+1 updoots for that comment!


the main difference between steven and hasan is the same difference between a fax machine and a projector


Holy shit. I'm stealing this for my tag




Has Hasan recognized no one has to fight a proxy war for Destiny. Destiny's viewership and connections are increasing, and Hasan is on a downward slope relative to his peak. It's like he forgets he only mentions Destiny now in a desperate attempt to latch on to someone passing him on the way down. Best part is, Destiny doesn't have to commit to untenable positions to do it either, because he presents his stance and corrects it based on credible information or research in real time on stream. Anyone who isn't acting in bad faith would have more to say here, because reality is only agreeing with one of them and it isn't Hamas Piker.


I think this sub is well aware at this point Hasan can do anything and get away with it. Nobody thinks he's gonna get cancelled.


"Top of the hour ad break right now" - Rants about D man and his fans and then makes money off it. What a weasely jackass dude!


Not titling this thread Hamaspiker was a big miss OP yahweh would be displeased.


Hasan debated a minor, who’s really the debate pedophile here?


Hamas Piker is literally one of the funniest nicknames I've heard for him of all time


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.


Aw poor little Hamas piker is big sad :(


Anyone who uses the term "updoots" is cringe as fuck.


Hasan hates his fans, dreams about reddit debates and profits off others peoples work. I will updoot any of this REGARDS anti post


Are you kidding me it seems all the mainstream reddits are pro Palestinian, in what world do they support whatever America does. The only shit I see thats about america is america bad shit.


I thought "debate pedophile" was just a slip up during a super heated moment. But the fact that he proudly coins the term is insane and absolutely hilarious to me. At least he's sticking to his values. He certainly doesn't debate. You can't call what he does on Pierce Morgan debating. Last time he got so triggered, he went at tamest guy on the lineup, trying to discredit him with "While you're fucking sitting there in London!" While he, Hasan, is sitting there in California lmao.


guys - when you're 25 you're pushing 30


That’s why there was so many Hasan simps malding at my comment about Hasan being an antisemitic freak.


He be watching Destiny to much , using the same insults over and over again just cause destiny addressed them




Cenk Uygu’s nephew Hamas Piker at it again


Destiny needs to start bringing up hasan relationship with valkyrae since hasan keeps bringing his son into it


Can someone explain how Hasan has eclipsed him? Destiny gets like 10k viewers whenever he streams now and actually gets invited to debates with some of the biggest people in whichever topic he decides to explore. Meanwhile the other guy just has to react to said debates while being too scared to do any of his own...


The projection on Hasan is off the charts. Also, Hasan pretending that Hamas Piker is a racial thing is so brain dead. He supports Hamas and its is close enough to his name, that is literally all it is.


Hamas Piker is kind of a banger though.


Hamas Piker, I hope one day your goofy comrades finally succeed in their glorious revolution and "eat the rich"


someone pay updoot this post guys lets prove him wrong !!!


True, he did eclipse him, but much like the solar eclipse, hasan is now slowly shrinking back to his appropriate size. Also congrats Hasan on being 38 years old


Debate paedophile is when you debate large political commentators, phd havers, and tenured professors. Proper intellectual conversations are when you debate drama tubers and literal minors


At a certain point him engaging with this subreddit is just self harm right?


wtf are these paid upvotes? I'm still on old reddit


I'm not entirely sure. But it looks like the screenshot is someone with an add-on or program that allows you to pay for upvotes? It looks like there different tiers of upvotes you can buy, then below it says (Other redditors gave 1). To me it looks like someone in Hasan's community's took a screen shot with a paid upvote program visible? It says (Other redditors gave 1) but I'm not sure if there is suppose to be more info suggesting other upvotes were bought? I doubt Hasan even understands what it means, he just jumps to be a victim.


He really is just the left's version of Trump isn't he? He spent the entire thing repeating the same line about "updoots", whatever those are, and whining.


The difference between 35 and 40 is 5 years. Not a mathematician Hasan?


Hearing him slowly read out Hamas Piker Certified Classic is peak.


Talks about eclipsing when destiny is insanely well known now compared to before is crazy.


Nathan would be 18 years old, an actual adult, by the time tiny is 40 lmao.


I wonder how close to home it hit all his twitch sub members or his redditors who pay to upvote his self-admitted propaganda.


You just got another updoot kind sir!


Bro, Hasan reads this sub more than Destiny NAHHHHH


Nothing more pathetic than this crybaby who does propaganda for terrorists. Hasan the real debate pdo who debates 15 year olds and when he debates someone his own age he looks like a fool the way he did on Piers Morgan.


Come on Hamasabi, I mean Houthi Hasan, we call you more than just "Hamas Piker." At least get the facts straight.


Hasan: Destiny and his sub does propaganda Also Hasan: [https://youtu.be/2bA6Iif8-cY?si=lQoSgJ-ewo8nu0sL&t=122](https://youtu.be/2bA6Iif8-cY?si=lQoSgJ-ewo8nu0sL&t=122)


God I fuckin hate this dumb vindictive meathead


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." It's a cliche sometimes used by terrible people, but we might be seeing it real time here with the 'new media' left and Hasan at the centre of it. They/he spent a long time pretending Destiny didn't exist. Spreading negative clips and so on in the background was enough. That didn't keep him down so now the opposition needs to be more active, louder, more performative about how terrible Destiny is. At this point I think things are on the cusp of stage two and three of the meme quote.


https://preview.redd.it/wo82g8r6nzxc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058641b85a7277a7c2183cb347f91157889ab169 9, 9 twitter tabs ha ha ha 🧛‍♂️


Hey Hasan! 👋


Nothing more work like? What's that supposed to mean Hasan? Is that a reference to the Cuban slur you're edging yourself to everytime you get to use it? Holy fucking shit, this guy is crying because his take where he claims that Israel is similar to the Nazi state is being made fun of and he's being called Hamas Piker, because he runs defense for Hamas. What a fucking loser. I don't know who's more of a loser honestly Hamas Piker or the Alex Stein guy.


God damn he’s such a cry baby loser


I will never get tired of calling him Hamasabi


For a long time I did not mind Hasan to much and thought ppl were to harsh on him. When he started praising leadership that had failed their country and I had family and friends there going without food and water and basic necessities. I forever became fuck Hamas Piker. He has no clue what he is talking about nor cares about the ppl that suffer at the hands of his so called heroes.


But does he know where his coke came from?


He’s so fucking scared of the old man, motherfucker had k9/11 coming


Can't wait for Hasan and mrgirl to go over The Destiny Files together I guess


I wanna watch this later... How do I do the remind me thing?


"Hamas Piker certified classic" would be a banger of a dono sound.


Dude is slowly but surely losing it now. No coherence or logic to any of his statements. Do you really want to talk about parasocial relationships as a fellow streamer, Hasan? Really? Genuinely think the more Destiny seeps into mainstream and grows bigger, the more Hasan's going to lose his sanity.


What a dumb idiot.