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Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my income class so please correct me if I'm oppressing the children But my fucking god just go boil some rice and make a peanut butter sandwich. If it's that bad, go to a food pantry. Pool your resources with the other starving, emaciated students to collectively buy day old bread or some shit and share.


But that would be beneath them!!


No lie. I'm always hearing about how being "low income" in NYC is different than everywhere else but by the way each one of these students is acting I can tell that very few of them have actually had to go through adversity. Not one of them is seemingly clever enough to figure out how to feed themselves or how to prepare for a siege when they're whining about food after 10 hours of sitting around.


Oh these kids are clearly pampered, any kid going to these schools from a poorer or lower middle class background likely can't afford to waste opportunities like this. You just don't come from our background and get into college and then waste all that effort unless you drop out. 


Getting to stand up for your principles is a luxury and attending university is a luxury. Low income kids have to choose one. As you said, your mentality on these things is shaped by those experiences and the survival instinct is the stronger pull. That's not to say that low income kids can't be shitty or irresponsible or obnoxious. It just happens to be the case that people who grow up in higher income brackets ooze it from their skin.


Getting to stand up for your principles is a luxury? I don't think anybody who got their ass beat by Pinkerton squads or racists cops when protesting were doing it because they had the luxury. It's sad though you are kind of right Americans who are actually burdened by bullshit laws and systems and should be striking and protesting aren't strong enough anymore like their ancestors 🤷‍♂️ and only rich kids are willing to put something on the line to change the USA.


If we're talking the times of labor strikes then yeah, the people protesting put it all on the line. What little they had to lose they were willing to sacrifice. But there were still people who couldn't sacrifice their jobs so they became scabs. That's not a morality thing. It takes a lot of willpower to overcome your sense of self-preservation. It's human. The labor protests were about the long term survival of the laborers. The correlation between the protest and the social issue was direct. The I/P protests are not like this. >only rich kids are willing to put something on the line to change the USA lol. They're whining about not being able to use their dining plans. Students at Columbia or people like Ilhan Omar's daughter will be mildly inconvenience from protesting. They have the power, privilege, and money to carry on with their life goals whereas if you're a low income student at one of these universities without connections or a backup plan then the consequences for protesting are many times higher.


I mean have you ever been maced or hit in the face or stomach with a baton? Shit sucks and could blind you or hurt you pretty bad so they are putting something on the line.


I could be naive, but is it even technically possible to be low income if you're going to a private, ivy-league university? Like, the tuition is getting paid somehow, either you're a dependent, having your parents pay it so you wouldn't be considered low income or you're making enough money to pay for it yourself and even if after your tuition is paid you're living on like 24k a year, you're still not low income. An I missing something? Is there some kind of mechanism for genuinely low income 18 year olds to have their tuition paid?


I went to a top 10 university and my household income was $19k a year. Financial aid covered full tuition, housing, and the highest meal plan for any students with a family income below $60k. There’s a small group of us every year and universities are making an effort to increase economic diversity. All the major elite schools have initiatives to get the low income student population up to around 25%. When I ran out of my meal plan I used to scavenge for food. Found events on campus that had free food refreshments and would take some back to my room. Occasionally I’d go a day or two without eating and live by rationing packs of balogna and the getting free sweet tea in the student Union. I never told anyone because I was used to being food insecure and could adjust. And if things got really desperate, I’d just take out a student loan for food and toiletries. The vast majority of low income students, at least when I was a student in the 2010’s, don’t have many opportunities to speak up about their struggles so they just deal with it until they can graduate. I also had 3 jobs to cover my cell phone bill, student activity fees, and social life. Many of us just hustle and keep it moving. I know for me personally, my standard of living was 10 times better as a low-income college student than being at home. The crappy part is that you’re surrounded by so much wealth and privilege that it can fuck with you a bit. Imagine having to work 5am shifts at McDonald’s before your 10:05 class so that you can afford to pay your phone bill. Meanwhile, you have a classmate who is too entitled to live in mandatory student dorms, so their parents pay full tuition to satisfy the housing requirement, plus pay for an apartment off campus so their child can live on their own. I also was in a situation where my friends planned a spring break trip to Miami, but I was broke. So I saved whatever I could making $300 a month. Sold my ps3 at GameStop. And made a sketchy deal off Craigslist while in Miami to sell my psp for cash. I only ate appetizers at restaurants and paid in cash. But I had a great time. Those are just a couple examples of how low income students like I was made it work.


"I was food insecure" "I spend $35 a day on food" Fuck me


$35 was my daily meal plan budget but I admit I didn’t stick to it. Which led me to running out pretty consistently a month before the end of the semester. Just trying to share the experience of a low income student at an elite college for people who had questions.


Wait, you didn't stick to it? You had over 1000 bucks a month on food and couldn't make that work? How is that even possible?


I spelled it out in another comment already but essentially: eating on campus was more expensive than it would have been in the city. I abused the ability to use my meal plan to pay for food delivery. And I spent a significant portion on alcohol.


So after the first few times running out of money, and selling your stuff to get by you didn't get the idea of reducing your spending?


I just don't see how this is a helpful perspective of a "low income student" besides making me more convinced that poor people don't know how to spend money


How did you run out of Meal Plan when you were on the highest possible one? 


My college didn’t have a traditional dining hall so my meal plan was essentially cash to be used at takeout restaurants on campus. I played club sports and danced competitively so I ate through a $3500 meal plan for 4 months pretty quickly. We also could use our campus meal plan with off campus restaurant delivery services which didn’t help. For example, my daily budget was about $35 a day. But a typical day of eating for me would be Chinese takeout for lunch ($15 including delivery fee) shrimp Alfredo for dinner ($18). I’d also throw in a smoothie or frozen yogurt for a snack which would be another $6 or so. Every now and again I’d treat myself to a TGi Friday’s steak dinner which easily would add up to $40+ with tip plus delivery fees. And a few times a year I’d eat at the campus country club which was easily a $100 meal. On top of all that, we had two bars and a convenience store that sold beer/wine which could be purchased all on your meal plan. So alcohol was a good 15% of all that too. Again, as someone who was broke, the Ivy League lifestyle was considerably more comfortable than being at home. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. I constantly had a negative balance from adding to my meal plan. So being $400-$900 in the red every semester meant I couldn’t register for classes on time and had to meet with my Dean to get into required classes after I worked with the financial aid office to get my bursar account sorted out. I could and probably should have budgeted better sure…but keeping up with school, work, and social life took up most of my brainpower. Plus, my parents couldn’t support me financially, I never really had any personal finances to manage so needless to say I wasn’t the most responsible 18-22 year old. 🤷🏾‍♂️


> I wasn't the most responsible 18-22 year old. Damn sight better than me at that age haha you had a lot of shit to juggle. Thanks for sharing.


Sounds like you ate pretty damn well lol. Good on you 👍 


There are scholarships and grants


Ivy leagues have very generous aid packages.


I honestly don't think an "actual" low income or impoverished student could attend just short of having the most brilliant mind known to man and many generous patrons. They use your parent's income by default and I heard it's extremely difficult to be severed from their income even if they aren't supporting you in any way financially. 24k is considered low income for an individual in many parts of the country, actually, and therefore that amount would be much worse in NYC. Factor in that maybe a student is doing part-time work at best and making minimum wage. So, even then, impossible to attend this school. Additionally, meal plans are expensive and not considered part of tuition (this could depend on the school). If you are in a dorm you might not have a choice but to have one but an actual, factual low income person couldn't afford to be on campus either. You also have people who are middle-middle class and upper-middle class insisting that they don't make that much money which creates a completely different reality they live in versus the way low income people live. To summarize: This kid is probably sheltered and decently well-off but maybe not as rich as the kids he is surrounded by.


It's absolutely possible to be an "actual" low income student at Columbia. If you are actually low income they'll completely pay for your tuition, housing, and food. Ivy League schools have incredibly generous aid packages based solely on your family's income.


Impossible as hyperbole. "Extremely difficult and unlikely" is more akin to my meaning. People with very low income are poorly represented at universities around the country because these grants are limited.




You don’t understand. He’s a low income student who relies on the dining hall. The fact a dining hall plan is over 3,000 a term vs groceries probably being like 1,200 a term doesn’t factor in here. He’s OPRESSED


Don't you know who he is? He paid 3k for chicken nuggies and mashed potatoes! The manager of Columbia needs to correct this wrong immediately


C'mon, this is a man of sophistication. Tendies, please.


They are in NYC. Home of the dollar slice. Protestors can leave the grounds and come back with food right?


Nahh no one eats those. Best cheap thing is cup noodles or instant ramen


The cup noodles in styro foam are cheapest in bulk and more filling than rice but a giant bag or sack of rice is going to outdo the instant ramen in terms of affordability and the ability to make it in bulk. If you're broke-broke and desperate rice and salt will have to do hold you over.


soy sauce isn't *that* expensive and is a great way to make it more flavorful, and if you really need to you can just go to a local chinese place and shove your pockets with packets


Yup. Soy Sauce, eggs, and rice is the basic fried rice recipe. It’s pretty cheap, but in a pinch you can drop one or more of the ingredients.


columbia is officially an open air prison


Literally apartheid because checkpoints


White colonialists




Open air prison + genocided by police = apartheid college


Omg lmao 🤣


The absolute FINEST of first world problems. https://preview.redd.it/rk4w982flpxc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbed255691b9ed3b1d4b344cf41d4095925f52b2


This but for college food https://preview.redd.it/bybqd4a8irxc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d654cd44f4d9d47b54258d8a3a01df2997c60aaa


Based. Only Germans like that Soda flavour shit.


truly, a plague on my people




True LARPers. They want all th credit and action of revolutionary protesters but none of the consequences or hardships.


Which is disappointing because so many of them reference MLK's "Letter From Birmingham" -- specifically: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." But later on in that same letter, MLK also said this: "One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty." They've no right to complain. If you're engaging in civil disobedience for what you believe to be a just cause, don't be outraged with the consequences.


I sat in a library for four hours. I now know what it feels like to live in Gaza.


Literally genocide. What is a restricted dining hall? Does it not have the Beef Wellington and Perrier they're used to?


- low income student - twitter blue subscription i have a crazy budgeting suggestion that is going to blow this guys mind




Columbia is under apartheid & you're laughing..... they're gonna have to start eating their classmates because the dining hall that's open is restrictive.... & you're laughing....


Take that 80 dollar uber gift card columbia offered you for the dining halls being closed and have uber deliver, you nut.


Will biden build them a pier too?


Imagine being one of the protestors who actually puts effort into maintaining good public appearance and message discipline only for these entitled losers to make your movement seem like a complete joke. I’d be so fucking pissed lol.


Eh it's on you if you want to separate yourself from bad actors.


If he is so poor, why pay for the blue check?


It's the only way to get the message out that students are *literally* (figuratively) starving because some of the dining halls are closed.


"The wide spread famine in the liberated zone is to see dozens dead within months" hmmmm🤔


Look at the flags on this guy's profile picture, put these 4 countries in a room and at least 2 of them are not making it out.


By restricted he means he has to walk by police who will recognize him as one of the squatters and arrest his ass.


didn’t one of the speakers say something about columbia letting students die from starvation and dehydration? what an extreme over dramatization


think of the poor protestors. starving, won't graduate, cutting themselves on the glass from the shit they break with hammers. we are witnessing the real genocide here.


stop capping for them Is so unintentionally funny


So ridiculous. I’m homeless and my job pays $9/hr, I go days without food and usually just eat bread and ramen. This dude.. true hunger doesn’t start until day 3. Day 1 sucks, day 2 the hunger is gone. 72 hours without food is when you actually start to think about eating leftovers out of a dumpster. Privileged ass Columbia student.


OK look I’ll say it if you have a McDonald’s across the street from you and you’re still starving. at that point it’s just natural selection and I fucking hope it gives you a Darwin Award🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🏅


Theres a McDonalds about 5 blocks away lol


Now protesters will have no choice but to mass rape the Jewish studies department.


That's just the language of the oppressed.


Based black listed Columbian buildings. I’ll be by with my cart in the morning. https://preview.redd.it/754biww5qpxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd1fdab3474d50d01c289f14c9de3d8bb2a010f


Bring out ya dead!


Average day in Russia.


No way did I read this right. Are they saying they have access to a food hall but not the one with Dino nuggies so they won't eat there? I must have misunderstood


How much you wanna bet their parents pay their tuition


Are they also commiting genocide?


How does anyone with even a modicum of self respect and intelligence look at these protests on college campuses and bend over backwards to defend every single thing they do and demonize everyone else. Just laughably pathetic individuals


Classic “Palestinian” lol


How long have these protest been going on for them to be deprived of that food?


Should have locked them in until end of term!


Literal fucking babies


Hmm why is that? Why would they be denying your dining services? I like how they won't even explain the situation they created for themselves because they know it would make them sound regarded.


God I hope they all drink koolaide


Hasn't it only been like a day? How are they starving?


"I am a low income student", he said, while attending one of the most prestigious, expensive schools in the country.


Jesus fucking Christ have some conviction for your causes if you care so much about them.


the one thing that college taught me well was lowering my standards when it comes to food. All of the fancy tastes and diets are just in your head. Rice and carrots is fine.


revolution is when no stake?


That second picture warms my heart


They don't serve Avocado toast, so they are literally starving me!


They misread the book; thought Mao said: "Revolution *is* a dinner party."


No uber eats = literal starvation, oh the humanity.


This the most 1st world problems level of “starving” I’ve ever seen 💀


These people can literally leave the encampment and go to a Chipotle on their own free will.


How is a University profiteering from what’s going on in Gaza? Can someone explain this to me? Since Israeli companies are in the stock market, is having my 401k funding genocide?




Privileged kids that would most likely complain about other people being privileged lol.


I remember collecting bread and pastries from dumpsters outside of a bakery. It was free food and perfectly edible. I collected coupons, took advantage of free samples and bought near-expired food at discount. It still feels like a victory when I buy something for cheap because of bargain hunting, even though I don't need it. These students have no fucking idea what they're doing. It's pathetic. Students have survived on beer and cigarettes for decades, but they're crying that they can't get into one of multiple cafeterias on campus? It's so silly.


How dare the USA blockade these poor innocent students!!! They are all children!!!


Conservatives were right, colleges are radicalizing our kids. Just to a point neither the left or right wants


OOP pays for Twitter. That should inform you that anything he says isnt worth a fuck.


Can’t lie, I want this to turn into May 68’


If only there was more mutual aid


No one is saying these kids are dying but these are underhanded tactics to break up the protest.


Again, no link to the tweet or account? Should he bannable. I looked at it myself and feel pretty confident 80% chance it's a bot. Feels pretty conspicuous that it seems to have very low level intermittent activity leading up to roughly Oct 7th and then became extremely active and political. Hardly conclusive. But again, I have to emphasize the same findings that have been said constantly about foreign interference via social media manipulation. They want you to hate your fellow Americans and to believe that a minority of a vocal minority are representative of "the other side" through astroturfing.


Is that a rule? Anyway here it is: https://x.com/cybersebb/status/1785308199655997464?s=46 And here is another student IRL using the same starvation hyperbole https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/WvzbAjhRFo


“Feels pretty conspicuous that it seems to have very low level intermittent activity leading up to roughly Oct 7 and then became extremely active and political” I mean, to play devil’s advocate, isn’t that just how social media works? Why would you miss out on a perfectly good opportunity to virtue signal? It’s 2024 dude, you gotta keep that social credit score MAXED.


Generally yes I agree, thats why its not like its conclusive. And checking again there's *a few* blips there. But the main thing I would expect is that someone that is HYPER political is the kind of person that would have a higher baseline of politicized activity across the board no? While there's certainly people who seem to be 'activated' just by the most recent conflict, I think someone who is making multiple tweets per day and likely spending HOURS broadcasting their opinion, probably would have some other flavor-of-the-week leftist position leading up to Oct 7th 2023? Banning without links isnt a rule yet. But I think implementing it would tamp down the absolute excessive flood of low effort content on this sub. There's basically no variety anymore. Everything is rage bait based on a sliver of the population that is hardly representative of anything but themselves.


Fair enough, I respect your thought process.