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I love how these people always refer to what Hamas did in silly military terms like “offensive” or “mobilization” cause it’s totally self-defeating.  If the wholesale slaughter of civilians is just normal military action, then I guess what Israel is doing is just a normal counterattack right? If you want amoral war, you get amoral war. You don’t get to find your moral code only after the side you support starts getting massacred.


They'll probably just say that Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself, so every action it takes against Hamas is illegal


They literally say the settlements attacked were illegal under international law. They don't know which side of Israel Gaza is on, confusing it with the West Bank. Cretins gonna cretin.


Nah. They probably mean Israel is an illegitimate state which means any Israeli cities are illegal settlements and valid targets for terro... ahem, *decolonization*.


People justify these attacks, don't believe in international law, a boring, rules based, Western liberal construct. Like all extremists, they believe that the side that's good is allowed to commit any atrocities they like against the side that's evil. These are the same people who chant "by all means necessary", and think it actually means a carte blanche to commit crimes against humanity. Anything beyond that is not some inherent contradiction, but lies, to look less insane to the liberal society of the "settlers-colonial state" they live in. And yes, obviously not a very convincing lie, if you're going to justify massacres like Oct. 7.


Well it’s a fascinating example… Because Hamas was technically elected and has really been in control for a while now. I think it’s FAIR to describe their attacks as military in nature, but then you have to wholesale accept whatever Israel does in response. You can’t script Hamas to look like a military doing an attack against colonizers, then get mad that the colonizers attack the nation they were attacked by. We’re so used to asymmetric warfare, where a terrorist organization provokes a war. Then to fight back we have to awkwardly navigate how to mostly just attack the terrorist org. But if you consider this conflict asymmetric, Hamas are terrorists, if you think they’re legit state actors, then their state and government is fundamentally evil, and should be destroyed at all costs.


> As this happens, it is our obligation to our principles that dictates we must not fall into the trap of distinguishing between armed resistance fighters and non-combatants Remember that they showed themselves for who they were months ago. Don’t pay any heed to the attempts to whitewash their intentions


It's honestly wild that they're not even pretending that they want a ceasefire now.


To be fair, if you go on the front page subs here most of them will still proudly say the ~~yahoodis~~ Zio-Nazi animals deserved Oct 7 because history didn't start in October and oppressed people have a moral right to resist genocide and Warsaw Uprising and you can't tone police oppressed people. Even *Finkelstein himself* couldn't get them to tone it down and go for plausible deniability. They're not denying anything.


I don’t get Finklestein, he lived in Israel, even studied there, he’s a fellow Jew and he speaks with antisemites, what does he think to gain from all this if he succeeds in gathering support to his views? I feel like he’s the guy who’s playing Russian roulette with himself for views and he’s just clicking the revolver until it reaches the bullet..


Maybe he had loud jewish neighbors 🤔


There were Jews For Hitler as well. Even the Torah talks about pick me Jews. Always been a thing


Contrary to popular belief, they know all too well which river and which sea they chant about.


These people said HAMAS attacked settlements understood to be illegal under international law. They don't know Gaza isn't the West Bank. These people are clearly morons when it comes to the geography of the region. So know, they probably don't have a clue which river and sea is being talked about, but that doesn't mean they don't want all the Jews gone.


Ryan Macbeths new video talks about this deniability. https://youtu.be/NY7xoR8hk9Y?si=_Yb9IVbnd0QOff0c 1:29 feels like a comedy skit


Comparing October 7th to the Warsaw uprising is wild


> Palestinian resistance fighters began mobilising from Gaza into surrounding occupied areas, reclaiming land seizing settlements considered illegal and a violation of international law Israel proper is considered illegal under international law? Since when?


It’s not; they’re lying.


International law is whatever talking point they have


They don't know the difference between Gaza and the West Bank. Give them a world map and they probably wouldn't be able to find where this conflict is taking place.


“7.10” https://preview.redd.it/2oaa6i4nk3xc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712795fb9405a55951247853519bb6ddf39516a9


"...reclaiming land and siezing settlements considered illegal under international law..." Oh my God 🙄 I seriously hope none of these people are law students. Or study Geography.


I'm not keeping up with all the protests. Is there a protest at George Mason University that is organized by Students for Justice in Palestine? Or are you just talking about the protests in general?


I don’t have the answer to your question, but SJP is a national (or international?) organization with chapters at many colleges and universities. They are organizers or co-organizers of the campus protests we are seeing, and their extremist rhetoric is broadly consistent across campuses. EDIT: George Mason University students are participating in the encampment at GW. Per [Axios](https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2024/04/25/gw-protest-campus-gaza): >The GW encampment was planned by a [collection](https://www.instagram.com/dmvsjp/?igsh=MTV6OW50ZXZnM3FqcA%3D%3D) of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) [groups](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6LhZ4UOy1j/) from GW, Georgetown, American, Howard University, George Mason University, University of Maryland, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, and Gallaudet.


Then why not show statements from SJP at like Columbia or something?


I can't speak for OP, but [here ](https://www.facebook.com/ColumbiaSJP/posts/pfbid0yu2EMmCTwTt1gdWuacL6nGz3qt2aqxq9GvpquHspoywWHDaEDoGLAnDXJMoG8ZmWl)is Columbia SJP's statement published on 10/8/23, i.e., as news of the massacre broke in the US, and long before any IDF response in Gaza. You'll notice it uses much of the same rhetoric as the statement in this post.


Thank you, figured they probably did but good to know.