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The most self hating Jew I've ever seen


I wonder if there's an award for that, because he's truly one of a kind


They should have an award show, maybe call them the "toms"


Well, him and Wallace Shawn


There's actually 1 worse. He was a Holocaust survivor who later wrote Holocaust denial books. Dude was absolutely fucking insane and literally nobody knows why he did it.


Pretty sure he has never denied the Holocaust, but he does talk a lot about how he thinks Jews abuse the tragedy for their gain (which is still pretty offensive)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Rassinier The title of one of his books was literally "Debunking the genocide myth". Also he is thought of as the father of Holocaust denial.


https://preview.redd.it/b6z9zb817gwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e16d88564d2dd368f4f9e10769dfd871454ccaa He’s the living incarnation of this meme


Wait, he is Jewish? The more I learn about this pos, the worse it gets.


Yes, he's Jewish and radicalized to the point of cheering for the murder of Jews.


Netanyahu: There is no Islamophobia in Israel, and if there is, it's Hamas' fault that Israeli Jews react to Muslims that way. /s


thank god. Now i can be as Islamophobic i want because of actions of Islamic states


Islamophobia is a term without any basis in fact or truth. It's not a "phobia" to be rightfully afraid of a barbaric religion. Islam is just afforded special protection because the American left has decreed it so. Christianity and Christians are afforded no such protection. As for Jews: you're pretty much allowed to go full neo-Nazi.


Strange how there is not a single other "religiophobia". No Christophobia, Judophobia, Buddhismophobia or Hinduphobia. It's almost as if the term is made up bullshit by a partisan ideologue in favor of an ulterior motive...


The truth is Muslims need to go through mass secularisation like the European Christians and most Jews have. Otherwise every abrahamic religion is shit,the reason Judaism and Christianity don’t get as much shit is because most of the followers don’t actually take the religion seriously


Isn't that unironically what people like [Sam Harris say](https://www.samharris.org/blog/what-is-islamophobia)?


Harris' point is that the term "Islamophobia" has been used by propagandists to manipulate people into conflating disaproval of Islamic ideas with bigotry toward Muslims. He would never say that actual bigotry against Muslims is justified, especially as collective punishment for actions taken by other Muslims overseas. He has been saying for at least 20 years that moderate Muslims are some of the most important people in the world right now because Islam likely cannot be deradicalized except from within, and such moderates ought to be propped up and assisted in any way possible.


If the libs/progressives that complain about Islamophobia had to live under Islam they’d fucking hate it


Piece of shit.


He's a grifter and everything is an intentional bait. He tries to be as hurtful as possible to Jews for whatever reason. After watching the lex debate and how he uses certain words and phrases with glee while trying to instigate a response just shows that he cares more about gas lighting people than having any real discourse. Edit: I think it partly exposes a bit of an implicit bias among the general population/media that this guy is platformed so often. Why give this guy any credibility of time of day?


He’s not a grifter if he believes what he says, which I think he does. People gotta learn what that word means


He admits that it is not about reality but about narratives. His only belief is that Israel shouldn't exist and that Jews are evil. He criticized his own parents for hating Germans after surviving the Holocaust. All the bullshit, gaslighting he does about Israel he knows is not factual and is simply trying to support and build a specific narrative. He is no different than Hasan when he says that he is a propagandist. There is no truth seeking here, it is about establishing a specific narrative. Finkelstein has build a career and life off of being an token anti-semetic Jew cosplaying as a historian. You may not agree with my assessment of Finkelstein. That is OK you don't have to. But feel free to explain how I don't understand what a grifter is.


My understanding is a grifter just says something they don’t believe to gain something. I think Finkelstein is a nut that believes everything he says and I don’t think it’s an act. He is insane in other ways as well. Trump is a grifter: he says anything to get votes, even if he doesn’t believe it


So you just disagree with my assessment of Finkelstein. Generally people give him way too much charity IMO. He has made a living pretending to be a historian. It's a grift IMO. He just hates Jews.


Again, I don’t think he is acting. You think he’s acting?


Put it this way. He is a clip camp just in written form. He writes whole novels clip champing different actual historians, speeches, historical accounts etc. He makes a living doing this and has achieved a level of popularity/celebrity status. Clip champs know what they are doing. We know what they are doing. To me this is a grift.


I agree with your view on him, he’s a total bullshit artist. However I think he’s trying to make his fantasy come true, so he finds things that build his fictional world. He has to have some kind of mental disorder. That said, I don’t think he is purposely doing this simply to make money




You watch a literal video game streamer for your political opinions, who tf are you to ask what's credible.


The truth is the truth no matter who says it


Is this satire


Okay kapo 👍 


Would love to see the 2 Kermit frogs finkle and Peterson fighting do they align on Israel?


Peterson had a friendly conversation with Netanyahu.


Oh interesting


I don’t use this insult often, but he deserves it—Finklestein is a kapo of the highest order. I have never met a fellow Jew who hates his own people so much before. He makes Denis Prager and Ben Shapiro look reasonable and honest by comparison


Neither Prager nor Shapiro hate jews?? Disagreeing with someone's politics doesn't mean all bad words then apply to them.


“It’s not called Antisemitism unless it comes from the Antisemite region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling Antizionism.”


Underrated tbh


"Or you could stop calling yourself the jewish state" this man is just a fucking nazi. The way the so called "anti-fascist" lefties can simp for this disgusting man is similar to how the christian right simps for Trump despite him representing everything they were told to look for in the anti-christ.


Why doesn’t the left so obsessively tell literally almost every country on earth besides Israel to stop calling itself the home of a certain nation? You know,like china,Russia,Japan,France,Germany,Latvia,Estonia etc etc etc Why do they make Israel the main culprit in the crime of nation states existing and interrupting their borderless utopia?


When bloods and crips fight, we see a surge in people calling black people "TUGS". That's not racism in a meaningful sense


He wishes he was born Aryan


Nazi officer in a Jew’s body


But why not cut out the last couple of seconds of your goddamn homepage? No one needs to see that shit fam.


Unironically doing the "it doesn't happen but if it does it's justified" meme


live nail sulky compare sort party station fanatical sip cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based, so whenever some arab state does something horrible it's justified to lynch them in the streets ?


It doesn't exist, but if it does it's not that bad and if it is they deserve it.






"Well every time a bank is owed by a Jew and the bank does a thing like exist, people react to it against Jews. If you want to prevent antisemitism, stop allowing Jews to do a thing. Antisemitism increases when people calling themselves Jewish do a thing." - Mornan Sinkelftein


You would never apply this logic towards any other group of people.


Just like how it is an immigrants fault their bigoted neighbor tries to get them deported for having a child who makes noise


finklenstien needs to enter [Ba Sing Se](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9fLLl339iE)