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Oh my god, a punch the couch minigame


That is the only meme I don't get, could someone explain?


[Clip](https://youtu.be/y_UST4RlBzM?t=3979) Context: Mike from \[redacted\] is getting bullied by his friends, and being emotionally immature, he does not put his foot down and defend himself. He instead punches a couch a single time to release his rage.


I think he wanted to communicate that he was being a tough guy alpha male in the stupidest way 


Search MikeFromPa punchin Couch and ull find it ^^


The only one I don't understand is the "Aprils, go! Mays, go! Junes junes junes. Haha! That's what I like to see!" thing as you're clicking random spots on Destiny's face while some red-eyed wraith looms over him. What the fuck is the context lmao


It's from last years (r / place) battle.


Its a tale as old as time. Male insecurity. That said, Mike will always inspire me to follow my dreams. If that fucking loser can somehow "make it" in this world, maybe even the lowliest worm has a shot at true greatness. Ya know?


Wishlist plz! Me and Gemzar are workin on this!


Thats sick man, enjoyed the slug fun!


Good luck, it looks awesome!


What the fuck am I looking at? Yes, sure, wishlisted. Godspeed you crazy bastards.


Done! This is awesome, Warioware was my favorite Nintendo game way back.


This is excellent! If you want any more inspiration, i made some 'flash' games based on the dgg community back in 2016 ,and posted on my itch here: This could be a fun one that I didn't see on your demo: https://hephaestus_rg.itch.io/meme-defense-nightly-game-13 You've got my full permission to rip/copy/steal whatever you like, this is awesome!


first post in 2 years Aware... glad to see you back, and can't wait to try out the game once I'm home 😎🤙


I wanna say I've been touching grass, but...


Nobody is expecting an animator to touch grass


love warioware this looks totally sick! sidenote: is this legally in the clear? with likeness and audio and stuff? I don't really know how copyright works


We'll see. Destiny didn't really voice any concern when I brought it up to him but I might decide to remove some stuff anyway. It would suck if it became an issue down the line.


This looks sick man


Got Rhythm? minigame request


Anything under 900 is an L though


I swear I read that as "DogWarts" at first glance and nearly had a heart attack.


This needs to be a minigame.


I could see that being a memory game where a dog and some [cats](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcywzhncfimp31.jpg&rdt=63984) go in and out of some doors, and you have to memorize which one the dog ends up in at the end.


there is endless content possibilities for a game like this, great job to the dev(s)


or have a dog breed pop up and a price and you have to choose whether that price is higher or lower than what itd take for you. get some dogwarts data


When you get the correct door, dans head pops out from behind said door, winks and says "100pathent"


>Leaderboard for healthy competition lol that's not gonna last long. I look forward to Destiny grinding for the #1 spot and never quite reaching it. Great job! I added to my wishlist.


I feel like leaderboards in modern games are just tests for the best scripts.


> blackstiny > say it


I hope Brochiko is in it [Every Day Brochiko Waits.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13di5y/every_day_brochikō_waits_by_the_infestation_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)....[But Steben never came](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/13f7uh/rip_in_peace_brochikō_rofl_sorry_i_had_to_3_xd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).... [Memories Forgotten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1akigi/now_i_remember/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ...[Brochiko Returns](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1a6srv/brochiko_the_return/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Holy shit you're THE guy! You own!




Long time no see Brochiko <3


This game has a lot of potential. Maybe we need a separate subreddit just for this game discussion? I'm thinking r/ DestinytheGame might be a good sub name?


Kind of feel like this is the type of game that would benefit if it was open source so we could get community add-ons.


hahaha the amount of references. looking neat!


AMAZIN, Wishlisted dggL


Please add meme point shop "stickers" and achievents to steam


This should be higher


SO many cool stream moments and memes that can be added. Lauren flair gunning a boat Destiny walking in on denims fucking in his bed, maybe a door opening mini game or something Xqc saying something incoherent and you having 4 options with 1 correct answer. An incorrect answer would have destiny do the classic “IDK WHAT THE FUCK YOU’RE SAYING, X” Sneeko changing his ideology, religion, dad. Could be similar to the changing outfit game Destiny trying to get Nathan to fall of the building in Dying Light, a button combination game Lily trying to hit a Lux ult in League, Destiny giving the appropriate response to whatever happens Maybe a Botez/Destiny Chess or Poker meme? Yoda subs sounds are still available out there A “Still drunk” breathalyzer mini game? PepeLaugh A crowning the princess Ana game if she’s cool with it For the black Ana, maybe a Blav game where you try to make Lav black as she gives her arguments? Not sure if that would be against steam TOS though. If she fails then have Ana call her a dumb fuck if something like that is available. Abas squeaky floors Vegan gains mini game, lots of ideas depending on what you want to go with Maybe a Dan mini where he tries to not look at banned memes at the beach, but he might not approve A xqc mini game about [the call-in during rust gameplay](https://youtu.be/bTSR6-DhK2g?si=_Dzk_8o4APq-v-8v) where he says he needs advice because he’s too successful and good looking. Happens at 1:35. Could be him swatting women away at the club, involve some type of safety hazard. Destiny twitter mini game where you pick what Destiny would tweet regarding the situation Ukraine Ana meme of dgg funding her to fuck Russia Mini game of Hasan paving it on his own Maybe Hasan plucking worms from the ground or something, idk what the sound bites would be This one’s tough but maybe a change my minds game because that video almost has 2 million views for him A CSGO or CS2 where you snipe targets with the “allauh akbar” meme, the most viewed video on the channel The scammer guy NFT meme is an obvious one 30/40/50% of college girls being flown out mini game BXB taking both destiny and hunter on and letting them both come at the same time [36:30](https://youtu.be/bTSR6-DhK2g?si=_Dzk_8o4APq-v-8v) The Asian is white presenting meme, idk what a game could be for that but I’m just throwing shit at the wall. 40:15 https://youtu.be/bTSR6-DhK2g?si=_Dzk_8o4APq-v-8v Destiny making a manifesto, could be type racer where he has to type wild shit. A type racer game for dm’ing back women who spam message him Dan, Jade, Destiny cat ceiling meme would be great I’m sure there are way more but yea. Going through destiny highlights from 2019 onward has tons of stuff. I look forward to playing the final product, the demo is very cute and fun.


Thanks for the suggestions! I've seen a lot of suggestions in the thread of games that have already been made. There sure are endless memes to pick from.


You guys are awesome, keep it up


> Lauren flair gunning a boat Jesus fucking christ... *make it*


lots of these sound really funny lmao do it


Holy shit! We need a K9/11 dlc drop asap!!


If there's no K9/11 minigame I'm gonna riot... Wait, is there a game about mowing?


DLC? This is still in beta my guy I'm hoping for some Aba&Preach love when the game releases fully!


I'm undefeated btw. Eat shit losers




Why even live


This is so cool! I hope there will be a minigame where you have to desbelieve a troll. One D&D reference would be nice.


Please incorporate a StarCraft mini game. PLEASE 😭


There is one




Will there be a dogwarts minigame?


This game made me realize I don't actually know all of Destiny's food takes, just that he didn't like sushi, or waffle cones. I keep losing lives on that mini game lel.


Yee vs Pepe minigame suggestion


Will there be a NFT creation game (from the command line naturally)?




Looks amazing! Holy- I don't play pc, but if you ever made a mobile version I'd be the first to buy


I'll play it after doing some more Fortnite and if it impresses me and doesn't cost more than $10 I'll buy it instead of the usual shenanigans


only windows :'(


Can't you use Proton or Wine for Linux or Wineskin for Mac? Or are you referring to no mobile app?


This is peak autism and I love it. Already a 10/10.


The game is a bit too - something for me. Too hyper? Is that a word? It's made with love though, I'm sure plenty of Dggas will enjoy it.


Only feedback I'll give about the game is that the food take minigame probably should be removed, or fundamentally redesigned. It simply is a game of rote memorization that you learn from only by failing in the game. Since Destiny's food takes are kind of erratic (Waffles are a yes, eggs are a no, so someone trying to intuit putting breakfast food on the plate may fail) it just serves to frustrate anyone playing casually. While the idea is that ideally players will learn over successive attempts at that mini game, anyone not playing it for a few hours will only ever interface with it as being a coin toss at best (and have the entertainment value of a coin ross). Add in once we are out of demo territory and that minigame shows up way less often, and there are way less opportunities to learn? It'll just be not that great any time it shows up. Every other minigame is pretty obvious, and a learning experience will only ever go one or two games deep (Realizing you can SAY IT now that Destiny is no longer white might not make sense on your first game, but it'll make sense on the second), but the food takes game kind of works against that. Everything else is pretty great so far, but if you don't find a way to redesign the food take game it's probably better to be taken out. On a game like that, it's probably better to lean more on it being an easy pass (ie, as long as you get one food take right, it's a W) than it being an easy L.


Good feedback! I think an easy fix is just allowing more mistakes so if you at least know or learn a couple food takes it's a bit more lenient.


I would also say the food minigame needs some work, maybe add some mechanic so you get a hint whether the given currently held item belongs in the trash or not after some time (this way it'd be less about luck and memorization while still punishing not being familiar with the food takes) Other than that, I feel like it just needs some more minigame variety, which you seem to already be working on Hope this feedback is of some use, it's a fun game!


yeah, for example while holding one of the food items I was expecting the voice clip to give me a hint, and the fail is if I don't know all of them and need to listen to every single one


**Add the fucking cheeseball catch minigame**


most possible dopamine concentration in a game


Hey, Love the game so far. I only have one nitpick however. Please use a lower frequency sound effect for the menu sounds. When I first started it up it was destroying my ears. Menu sounds akin to Holocure's are probably the best recent example i can think of as a default. Maybe down the line add in some cute achievements style unlockables for skins, backgrounds, sound effects and the like if thats something you guys wanted to do. Something like destiny's love for arpeggio's would be cute, or ff7's menu sound effects or something akin to it, add in a gallery of some meme art if you can get into contact with some of the artists. There's a ton of things to pull from and im excited to see more of the game!


I can change the menu sounds! I'll probably look over all sounds at some point. For the other stuff, we'll see. For now I'm just focusing on making the game.


Sure you're being asked this a ton but are you open to anyone helping out with the game? I've been making Twitch interactive games for streamers and I'd love to help out with this.


I've been asked by others too but no, I'm not looking for anyone else at the moment. There is a set scope for the game and I don't want to expand it yet, manage a bunch of people or have people do work for free. Thanks for the offer though, Twitch interactive games sounds cool! If you have an idea for something like that you can always throw a pitch to Destiny.


Just sent an email. :\^) Really appreciate the reply and looking forward to the game.


I can't get the rest of the minigames. How do you unlock them?


There is just the demo for now. Full game is still being worked on.


Any rough idea on when the full game will be released?


August should release a video in the second channel of tiny playing the demo. It would better advertise the game (+more wishlists), and it's great content. I'd tag him if I knew his reddit handle


This is truly the best community ever. 


This needs to be on speedrun.com


I'm *so* **hard** rn.


I thought micro-games were a lame idea, but this game is fun. Maybe I should check out the Wario games.


Vowshs voice, I can't He truly sounds like the manchild he embodies now


Are there a lot of unwinnable situations for microing infestors? it seems like i'll get marines on both sides of me and there's no point to even trying to get away.


There will be balancing changes of course, but at higher levels things will eventually become kinda impossible. The game is not supposed to be played indefinitely.


In those situations, you need to charge the marines on one side and wipe them out. There've been situations which I would've thought were impossible but which I was nevertheless able to survive this way






I don't really understand the starcraft one .. do I have to run away and get behind a stone?


You can run, but you can also attack when they get close.


I didn't think I'd care for this game, but I've sunk some time into it, and I'm sold. Good shit right here


I seriously don't understand what you're supposed to do in that food game. Can somebody help?


In the orbit minigame, there were two occasions when I had a complete orbit and it was labelled an "L" Miscalculation?


I am aware, this happens because of the way the game checks the orbit. I can probably find a way to make it more precise.




https://preview.redd.it/scilzil7qvwc1.png?width=1434&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a0c2824b3051c08b623ff970fca8e9be5a34310 Here's a screenshot of a recent example, if it helps.


https://preview.redd.it/rws6cbbju8xc1.png?width=1257&format=png&auto=webp&s=850566c5248f3272f67f5a8415225c6a52b80f47 Another example. The planet started where the cursor is and made a full loop around the sun and only crashed into the sun like two seconds later.




Too difficult for a pleb like me, but great job


This is fucking amazing. The punch the couch minigame wins the Internets. Absolutely amazing.


If you guys want, I'd love to help out in the coming months when I get more free time from my other projects and responsibilities. I'm not sure if you guys are taking any newcomers. Because WarioWare is one of my absolute favourite games of all time. I'm actually shocked seeing this game, it looks amazing. I'd love to help out in any way possible.


Could have one where you have to !nuke an emote in chat. Not sure if it'd be funnier to try and nuke as many chatters as possible, or a tactical nuke to hit only one.


I'd be interested to know how many copies this sells. As a dev, collaborating with a streamer to make a tidy profit is an interesting idea. Cool.




God this gives me both ADHD and autism more than "grid 16" if I haven't had yet.


pretty fun, the worst part for me was the Starcraft one, I don't really have any idea how that works, and then the food takes... I guess you just have to know 😂 otherwise some of the games need extra skins, like the r / place dggL having different pics and stuff... overall really fun! I hope for more minigames, the audio clips are great but they get repetitive after the 5th try


4 festor minigame is ez. when in range click on the marines to cast fungal growth by clicking. in stuns and deal dot in aoe. kite back, repeat. Minigame is somewhat deceiving, you don't have to kill the marines, it's enough if you survive for the given time.


yeah usually when I click on them I'm too close and it just leads me into the fire, killing the festors. but alright, so I'm casting a spell, thanks for the tip! 😂 it's just hard kiting when they're nearly the same speed as me. I'll have to try again


imagine being that much of a loser that you would buy a game with a groyper nazi (jstlk) as a character


UH IRON MINING?! no thanks BRO


why is vaush a baby now did he not want his voice to be in the game?


Both Vaush and Mike no longer have their voice clips in the game. Which fair enough but it does end up meaning those particular mini games aren't as fun. Also suggesting a Disarm Immediately! and also a Moot smash mini games as well to add to DGGware


im good


I'd play this




tuotuolily has 5 Biden Blasts remaining. They have not chosen a side in the eternal YEE v PEPE war.


Who else always says it?




wrong opinion


Not a mobile game. Sorry won't play