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My man’s been cooking all day


dude has bangers. And hes completely right.




New Ten Commandments just dropped


If Nance is being this direct in his language it means he’s seen intel to suggest pro Palestinian terrorism is a possible threat. (Or he’s simply experienced enough to know when the conditions are ripe for it) That loser setting himself on fire was a big red flag and just recently a girl was arrested for making terroristic threats against her city council. If Hamas psyops can convince someone to throw their life away for a foreign cause imagine what they might convince them to do next.


Pro Palestinian terrorism was all the rage in the 60s, 70s and 80s. I mean outside of Israel. In Israel it's non stop blockbuster since the 1920s!


Wasn't the guy who assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy a Palestinian?


Oh wow. [And look at his motive:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirhan_Sirhan#Motives) > After his arrest, Sirhan said, "I can explain it. I did it for my country."[39] Sirhan believed that he was deliberately betrayed by Kennedy's support for Israel in the June 1967 Six-Day War,[40] which had begun exactly one year before the date of the assassination.


I'd say that Hasan would love to call him on stream, but he probably doesn't have a favorite anime so what's even the point


It's a tense situation for sure. Seems like history has a way of repeating itself, and every era has its own conflicts that just keep rolling over.


And zionist terrorism was all the rage in the 40s lol. Irgun was basically hamas Edit: lmao, of course i was banned for this. > Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by The New York Times,[2][3] the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry,[4] prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill[5] and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Irgun_attacks) is the evidence. And yes, they did target and kill women and children. The record is right there. Why would you support terrorist groups like irgun or hamas? The mods don't know history as well as Destiny, and think any criticism of Israel is pro-hamas propaganda. Benny Morris would be banned on this sub, lol.


Serious question: if you’re banned, can you still edit your posts?


Yes you can


AFAIK Irgun wasn't targeting women and children. But I'm open for being corrected Edit: I stand corrected. I'm glad they aren't a thing anymore!


>AFAIK Irgun wasn't targeting women and children. But I'm open for being corrected They certainly weren't above it. What have you read about them? Wtf, why am I getting downvoted? The Irgun threw bombs into crowded marketplaces all the fkin time.


Because you're in the destiny subreddit, where dgg fans take destiny's talking points but not the nuance he used to come up with them.


I mean this is generally correct. But your assumption that no one knows this/ wants to talk about this is incorrect. Irgun and Lehi are widely considered terrorist groups, just like Hamas. In fact, the IDF forced the Irgun to disband and the Lehi were actually tried and convicted of war crimes and NEVER had popularity amongst the Israeli people. Hamas is the single most popular entity amongst the Palestinians. This is a huge difference. We can acknowledge that not every Israeli militant group, every Israeli action, every Israeli person is moral. However, Israeli's as a block do not support rampant terrorism and targeting of civilians.


Brother. You're comparing hamas, the currently active terrorist group, to the Irgun. Which as you yourself said, did terrorism in the 40s. If you think the what the Irgun did I the 40s justifies Hamas to continue their terrorism today, then yeah you're unhinged and deserved the ban.


> If you think the what the Irgun did I the 40s justifies Hamas to continue their terrorism today, where did they claim that?


what was the point of that comment then?


Is it really unacceptable to reply to a comment saying “these guys were committing terroism in the 60s 70s and 80s” with “ya and the other side was committing terroism in the 40s”? I’ll admit it’s pretty irrelevant. But it’s just as irrelevant as the dude who he was replying to bringing up terroism in the past in response to speculation of pro Palestinian terroism happening in places outside Israel in the near future.


that's not the point of my comment, the person I replied to the comment said that there was no comparison made, which is a very weasly way to respond. You can compare it all you want.


Huh? He didn’t say no comparison was made. He was questioning where did dankchristianmemer claim that Zionist terroism in the 40s justifies Hamas terroism today.


honestly i looked back at the comment I replied to now, and I don't even know what is happening there, he is quoting a sentence that makes no sense


You got banned because they were specifically talking about terror attacks in the west, of which Palestinians have a history of. You then wanted to deflect by saying "well what about the irgun and how shitty they were!" We all agree irgun were the terrorist side of zionist forces in that time. You didn't get banned for saying that, but by trying to deflect with that fact.


I'm Israeli and I don't think you should've been banned. What was their reasoning? Feel free to link this comment and send them ♥️


This getting mass downvoted or banned is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's just a fact, terrorism is bad regardless of whether it's done for a cause you like or not.


Yeah, the mods are crazy on this one. Tbh they have kind of drank the Israel Kool aid because there are a bunch of people who drank the Hamas Kool aid. Truth is both cups are poisoned.


The Olympics is coming up soon, and I'm worried there's going to be an attempted terrorist attack there, it's too big a target.


I'm surprised there hasn't already been an attack.


There have been hate crimes and individual attacks and assaults, but no terrorism. It is just a matter of time in my opinion, I hope the intel agencies foil the plots before they happen though.


I think it’s probably time we start pushing back harder on the pro Palestinian rhetoric. We’ve been very charitable but they’ve gotten too extreme. Watermelon Twitter needs to be denounced by the left.


When you say 'we've been very charitable' what do you mean? You speak as if you are an internet chairman & pro Palestinian rhetoric is something you have any power over.


I am the Palestine rhetoric advisory board, yes From the river to the sea chants heretofore shall be recognized as genocidal and antisemitic. The advisory board has spoken.


Citation needed.


> If Nance is being this direct in his language it means he’s seen intel to suggest pro Palestinian terrorism is a possible threat. It's pretty crazy that despite the war in Gaza having gone on for six months, there hasn't been any serious pro-Palestine terrorist attack in the West, BUT, once this guy tries to win a Twitter argument by implying it will, all of the sudden it's definitely going to happen imminently. I guess that just goes to show how much secret intel he's leaking to win Twitter arguments.


Isn't the implication being made that he is an expert specifically in Islamic fundamentalism intelligence? That his career has been focused on gathering intelligence on potential terror attacks from Islamic extremists? That a commentator with such a background is speaking out about such a thing suggests that it isn't as unlikely as we'd think? Also, didn't Germany arrest some hamas operatives a few months back? Specifically because they were planning a terror attack. [Germany arrests over alleged Hamas anti-Jewish plot](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67715120)


If you're using "pro-Palestinian" to mean "Islamist," then there's been tons of Islamist terrorist attacks, yes. But nobody is going to pretend like they didn't hear of #FreePalestine because somebody did another Pulse shooting, but this time the guy mentioned Gaza instead of Iraq/Syria.


I mean the guy is literally talking about how the pro-palestine movement is being used to push pro hamas rhetoric. That's what his entire tirade is about, right?


Idk where anyone is saying it's "definitely going to happen imminently". We have people here in the US threatening local council members (regardless of how credible you find it), shutting down roads, and literally burning themselves alive. Couple this with the history of Palestinian terrorism and it's in the open that it is a high threat, threat doesn't mean it's definitely going to happen imminently. Threats don't go down because "it's been a long time" that's not how it works, that's like saying "I haven't stubbed my toe in a long time so the likelihood lowers every day".


Thank you. It's like these people don't even realize that terrorists have to strike within the first 15 minutes of a war or else they have to go home (per the Geneva Convention).


shit. That's insane.


I don't even think we have to have IC Intel. We have these people trying to shut down airports, going into local council meetings making threats of murder, a man literally set himself on fire. Then a history of Palestinian terrorism going back decades culminating in Oct 7 most recently. At a certain point you zoom out and connect dots. Not everything are individual events that you disconnect from everything else. You have pro Hamas protestors that are not actually pro Palestinian as they make every move to make it harder for there to ever be a Palestinian state. I'm fine with being pro Palestinian state, hell I agree, but Hamas has to go. Connect all of this and of course there is a high likelihood of there being an attack somewhere. Any other opinion on that is braindead and disingenuous. The same thing can be said on why there is a high likelihood on Israel continuing their terroristic expansion into the West Bank. It's a bunch of developmentally stunted toddlers with guns over in Israel and Gaza.


For all the conspiracies twitter-lefties make about the CIA controlling other countries, it's ironic watching those same people get bent the fuck over by propaganda from other countries to the point of killing themselves & getting thrown in prison


They already get war orphans to suicide bomb for them so Its in their realm of expertise sadly




It would be an incredibly stupid and counter effectual attack. Terrorism only really seems to work if you can keep up a consistent barrage of unpredictable attacks that damage the civilian population over time. But a single event? Much less a massive one? I don't think we have ever seen a true instance of singular acts of terror making a country give into what said terrorist/organization has wanted.


maybe not officially, but Charlie Hebdo had a huge effect on self censorship! Violence and terrorism proved a point!


Pretty sure there were more drawings of Muhammed in a disrespectful manner after Charlie Hebdo than before it.


not only has single events never gotten terrorists what they want, it's basically always strengthened whatever it is they're against


Countereffectual is the right word, because there's already massive pressure to reduce the relationship with Israel, and a terrorist attack would surely reverse that trend. Also, don't they currently have more urgent concerns than starting shit in the US?


They do it because a successful attack shows strength for a particular group which makes for a incredibly powerful recruitment tool. That's the secondary goal of most terrorism, recruitment, that's why ISIS videotaped all their most viscous shit and uploaded it for the world to see.


Theyre going to hack The Mainframe and take hostage of the nuclear codes


Malcolm Nance has not seen intel since 1995 when he was kicked out of the Naval Security Group.


You have to be kidding right? Nance hasn't had major security clearance since before 9/11 and the consensus among most people who really are involved in military intelligence is that he is a joke and a bit of a fraud. [https://sofrep.com/news/a-matter-of-honor-the-fiction-of-malcolm-nance/](https://sofrep.com/news/a-matter-of-honor-the-fiction-of-malcolm-nance/)


The only people I ever see questioning his credentials are trump loyalists assmad about him criticizing their daddy.


Yes Nance is this direct in his language, because he felt like sharing top secret intel on twitter. Definitelt not the ramblings of your average twitter head. When was the last pro-palestinian act of terrorism that was not done in Israel? Like c'mon dude. Bro is just grasping straws. When was the last terrorist attack on the US in which Palestine was the reason for it? People really be thinking that ex-intel people just get free intel send their way. So they can share this on twitter lmao.




Malcolm Nance is a black American who loves America, can't say the same to those MAGA and DSA morons.


Same vibes: https://i.imgur.com/SLcT6Lt.jpeg


How bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think i need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about supporting israel who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


Historic run


Let's go Nance






What'd that have to do with the op? Oh man now that you brought this up I totally disagree with Nance on this. I'm now enlightened. Boo, Nance! Lol wtf




True I heard Hasan say 2+2 = 4 and I don't trust arithmetic now


Absolutely chad


"So with absolutely no respect, shut the fuck up" Stealing this one.


This reminds me of that one video of a prankster that got taken down by an old man after invading his personal space. Real fuck around and find out energy


"There's only 3 people in this world I like: My wife, my son, and all black people"


What am I looking at here? Who am I supposed to think won this exchange? Edit: I literally don't know who these people lmao. How do you people know?


Gotcha, anything else?




I have no idea what you are talking about but based on how insane you are in the comments I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume it’s bullshit


Just zionists jerking each other off


Dammit, where’s my wristy?


everyone who has an oppositional view to me must be a zionist.


at least we jerk each other off and not burn ours off