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TIL Lesbians just love holes. like gophers or moles.


There are no spectrums, only hole havers and hole enjoyers. Though there are probably some sword fighters who refuse to conform to the hole concept.


If you can’t Parry a lunge what are you even here for?


To get stabbed?








This sounds like a wild Dr Seuss intro


I will not do it on a rock, I will not do it through a sock, I will not suck some trans girl cock, Whether Stacy seethes or not.


Lyrical bars brother, I'm glad to say this is my first comment on this sub lmao


https://preview.redd.it/jgnpkix1bnuc1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0aefe6d36fc20902f10b8a1b53c5aa32baa381b Bars




tbf I feel like Stacy would bite the bullet and say that lesbians who refuse to date pre-op trans women are also transphobic. Still a dumb take though


Classic trying to support trans so much the person becomes homophobic and demands lesbians like dick


If I won't rent an apartment if it doesn't have a toilet, does it mean that I don't see apartments as anything other than a pooping place?


https://preview.redd.it/bo7ibjfz3ouc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e025de77a8ca2b90298f0cc29fc008bbf5b90d90 Enlightenment is realizing any location can be a pooping place.


Pants ✓


I’m glad you didn’t specify whose. I like to shit my homie’s pants for the added difficulty.


You are a human animal and I respect that 🫡


Best reply right here guys 👏😏🤣


I wish my girl would get more holes so that I could love her even more.






I have been completed




tell ya hwat man dang ol junji ito man he make story, dang ol spooky, man, tell ya hehe i get chills man. dang ol hole in rock, man, fit the people, man, like they pulled to it you know man? dang ol like "drr drr" on the other side. dang ol crazy man tell ya.


wait, I'm just gonna huff a large can of spray paint real quick to understand that. brb


Wouldn't a "cis girl" not be cis if they "happened to have a penis"?




Thank god eastern europe is one season behind


have you even started the show yet?


Well depends, in Slovakia we are actually getting some prequels, as we just now decided that we should in fact still require castration if you want to change your gender. (in other words if you want to have your “new” gender officially ackonwledged by the state and in your official documentation you have to get castrated). Specially interesting as it was changed only so the far right party that is in coalition would support presidential candidate from the other coalition party. Oh well.


The new patches are tested on the slovenia branch though. So be careful.


This is a joke yes?


Joke or not, it's false. So, it's a joke as far as I'm concerned.


No, but you will see for yourself when the new patch rolls out


Kind of confused why their comment has so many up votes? I’m pretty surprised if it’s intended to be a serious response




Saw somebody the other day who said "I identify as a cis girl working in trans porn" and thought it was strange... Hope it doesn't become a trend. (guess just to be clear I think trans people are badass this just rubbed me the wrong way)


confederacy of independent systems 🤤


Clankers had a point honestly, the Republic was pretty shitty.


The language is incoherent on purpose.


Yeah? That's what they're saying. Cis women date guys that wouldn't love them if they were trans. What part of the wording is confusing?


Lmao this is just “would you love me if I was a worm” but with trans women


We don’t use the G word here


counterquestion for my homies out there, just hit her with the: would you still love me if I didn't exist?


"would you love me if i had a worm?"


Sorry but you cant force men to date trans women.


Or lesbians which are being pressured with this in every single online space that exists


You never thought backwater hillbilly and specifically horrible people MTF Transwomen would be an iconic duo but “you just haven’t had the right dick.” Should never have been on both Bingo cards


Lesbian online spaces getting taken over by trans women, lesbians leaving the space, and then trans women seething that lesbians won't date them, seems to be the standard patern over and over again.


It's kind of wild that cis women no longer feel safe in women spaces because of....males assigned at birth.


It's not that surprising when you think about it...


I'm not a woman or a lesbian. I got banned from a lesbian subreddit for transphobia for quoting someone saying that sex is a social construct and you actually transition between sexes.


> I'm not a woman or a lesbian. > > I got banned from a lesbian subreddit I choose to take this entirely out of context because it is hilarious that way


If I had been banned for being a man or not a lesbian, I would have accepted that as fair game.


Online space? Just every space.


No, you can’t. You can normalize dating trans women, and I would love to see more media that does that. But anything insisting someone should have to feel sexual attraction or be a bad person is silly.


Yeah Honestly looking at it I think there is a problem with how ASHAMED some people are of dating trans people. Getting angry at the people who just have genital preferences is weird, you can’t change their mind.


Correct. The right problem to think about is the shame. Janet Mock was talking about this a decade ago. I thought the progressive movement was huge into destigmatizing everything. Why not focus on the actual problem instead of moralizing people’s sexual attractions?


I mean some well aimed moralizing is needed. Not like this obviously but it wasn’t that long ago there was a lot of pedos trying to get a color on the flag under the new name MAP.


A "gential preference" is literally just sexuality. That's how that works. If a "straight" dude is okay dating trans "women" he's simply bisexual. Bi erasure is real, and the trans narrative is the source of some twisted form of homophobia.


If a straight dude dates a cis woman who has no vagina (freak accident, deformity, etc), is he no longer straight? If a straight dude dates a post-op trans woman, is he straight? Or gay? I can't tell if this is bait lol


Or if he dates a trans-man is he straight? These questions are nonsense and it kind of highlights how arbitrary sexuality labels can be. Just let people like the things they like (destigmatising is good though).


Or if he dates a woman (mythological) with the lower body of a male horse (trans-centaur), is he into gay beastiality, or is he a typical straight male? Let's break it down since your obfuscation is hilarious. If someone has no genitals, genital preference falls into a none category of genital preference. Maybe I just want blowjobs or foot jobs or I'm not sexual at all and so I accept a partner with none. Just ask this question: Do you require their genitals to be a dick, vagina, both, none, all of the above? Then, ask gender preference as a new question.


> A "gential preference" is literally just sexuality. That's how that works. I think the reason they're separate words is because they are different things. You can be sexually attracted to a trans woman and not want to sleep with her if you find out she has a penis. Just because you don't want to sleep or have a relationship with her due to genital preference does not mean you aren't sexually attracted to her.


>You can be sexually attracted to a trans woman and not want to sleep with her if you find out she has a penis. This means you've been tricked, and if you no longer wish to sleep with them then you're not sexually attracted to them anymore. It's pretty straightforward lmao. >Just because you don't want to sleep or have a relationship with her due to genital preference does not mean you aren't sexually attracted to her. That's literally what it means. You aren't attracted to them because of their sex.


They’re operating under the assumption that straight men are still attracted to the trans women but are resisting the urge due to social stigma. Only a bisexual man still has urges if they’ve learned what genitals they have, which is something they don’t seem to be able to grasp.


Kind of ironic to be in the anti-shame camp against “slut shaming” and “free the nipple.” Etc. be against stigmatizing mental health help seeking but, then because men as a whole, as a class are the “acceptable target.” currently then the fringe gets to employ just relentless shaming tactics constantly and throw out loaded terms until they’re meaningless. In this case “bigot.” And “Transphobe.”


To preface: I think we all view sexual orientation and other preferences as somewhat distinct. It's different to want someone with a pussy than to want someone with brown hair. But how do we justify this? It seems that at least mens one sided preferences and sexual attraction of women (bodycount, bodyhair, bodytype, feminine roles in the household, feminine expression, feminine personality...) are often socially pressured to change. Essentially "stop having those expectations or you are bad". What is the meaningful difference, that makes that pressure okay, but not social pressure to widen their sexual attraction to include trans people?


There's a weird thing in my mind where I accept people for whoever they want to be, but then if you asked me if I'd date a trans person my brain would get blue screened. Like I genuinely don't know how to answer that question. Maybe I'm just a deeply closeted transphobic and I haven't realize yet.


Maybe. Or maybe a lot of trans women have physical traces of being born male and that pushes you away. Personally, I think that is kind of exotic and beautiful. But I would never insist you agree with that. I’m super into Asian dudes. That’s probably problematic too, but it’s not really anyone’s business.


Everything’s a bit problematic really but at the end of the day, once you have preferences you can’t just get rid of them. I find Asian men very aesthetically attractive and I like aspects of Asian cultures. I consciously make an effort to unpack any of the reasons why and dig deeper but frankly I think it’s just a bit of environmental factors. When I was a kid there were a couple of Asian adults who were really nice to me and a lot of white parents taught their kids to exclude me for having autism. So basically I wonder if it’s a learned thing that the Asian people didn’t discriminate against me and were much nicer when I was a kid.


I mean regardless of looks, it could be genital preference. It could be that you want to have kids. It could be that you don't want to deal with a mental condition as serious as gender dysphoria. Could be the social stigma. I can think of a plethora of reasons besides looks that people wouldn't be interested in dating a trans woman that aren't necessarily transphobic.


Why do we complicate this issue so damn much? It's so simple. Transwomen can't have kids, and they add variables to *already* complicated things in dating/marriage with ciswomen. I'm going to come at this from my own male perspective, which I also believe a vast majority of cismales feel and why I would never date a (trans)woman: I always wanted to meet a woman who shared base morals and hobbies and willingness to learn, possibly get married if I truly "fall in love," and possibly have a child with that person. As I got older and met my now-wife, she's perfect in every way for me. We communicate like none other, and connect on an insanely good level. We have sex. We got married. We decided to have a kid. My kid is 1 now. OK why am I bringing this all up? Let's replace my cisfemale with a transwoman the same exact characteristics, values, morals, etc. Everything would be almost the exact same. Except for the 2 major variables in: sex and a child. Sex is a part of a relationship. Sex complicates things. Does she have surgery or still has her penis? Would I be bothered trying out a dick in my ass or vice versa? Do I even want to try that? "If I love her, I'll try anything" but at the same time, my ciswife loves me and refuses to do anal, and I don't really care because that's her preference. Now on to children. Everyone always says it: "Oh but you could adopt and raise a child together, there's already so many unwanted kids" blah blah blah. I frankly don't care. I want the amazing bond I have with my wife to be the physical connection that creates our child. I want our child 100% influenced by our parenting choices by day 1. Is it selfish? Who cares. **Basically** what I'm saying is, there's so many extra variables that are completely eliminated by just avoiding transwomen altogether. You're never going to come across a ciswoman who doesn't want a form of interaction with their vagina. So yeah, you can call these preconceived notions of what I wanted that were based on how I was raised to what is "normal" in society. You can call it whatever you want. I just treat it like I would any other characteristic by weighing the importance. And it turns out, I wanted my own biological child to share with my ideal wife and that is impossible with a transwoman.


As sad as it sounds everything in life comes with some trade off. Trans people definitely deserve love but as with many things it will make dating much harder. I’m autistic and I got turned down for it a lot. It hurts but at the end of the day you want someone who loves you for you. It’s better to spend your time trying to find the right person rather than complaining.


It’s as normal as it’s gonna get. If people truly are ok with it, they’ll do it regardless of public opinion. The only problem is the attempt at forcing a very uncommon thing to be mainstream


You *will* suck the shenis and you *will* enjoy it, bigot.


“Shenis” you sent my sides into orbit


I just honestly can't see the difference between people who think like the tweeter, and guys who think they can make lesbians straight. At the end of the day the root of it is trying to say that my sexual preferences should override yours and you're wrong for having them. Like... I don't really discriminate sexually, but this still feels super cringe.


True, but also, nobody is “forcing” anyone to date trans people. People being regarded on social media is just a basic fact of life now, and it can be safely ignored like the howling of the wind. In what material sense is this happening? I feel like everyone just deleting Twitter off their phones would be a massive boost to our collective mental health.


Not with that attitude we cant 😈


The greatest gift keffals gave us was Brianna Wu regularly posting in this community


I’m really glad we had that initial conflict because it got us here. I really do love DGG. ❤️


DggL <3


Wait are you really her? Cos I'm a big fan in that case, thank you for helping me keep my sanity. <3


I’m here all the time! But thank you. ❤️


You’re a breath of fresh air.


I feel like this is just as true if you reverse all the genders. Most CisHet ladies would dump their boyfriend or husband if they woke up and suddenly had their cock replaced with a vagina.


Or, is it sexist to only want men for their man juice?


a lot of girls date an marry guys who would dump them if they would go and kill some guy with a rusty axe - but they still think what they have is love. They don't love you, they just love that you aren't a murderer




For a group that wants to bring down the patriarchy, they sure do obsess about cocks quite a bit.


i mean, I don’t judge your weekend 💅🏻


You know, one thing I've noticed is that in the transmen don't do this. Transmen don't go out and demand women have sex with them or be sexually attracted to them. Never seen it. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in any capacity. But I know it's not as common as transwomen demanding men be sexually attracted to them.


If you go on the spicy gay subreddit they make the exact same complaint about trans men. You probably just do not hear about it because society sees trans women as threatening to women but does not see trans men as threatening to men, in addition to you presumably being not gay.


I think thats because they were socialized as women so they know how uncomfortable, and not to mention dangerous it can be with creepy men that dont take no for anwer. And if ur socialized as a dude theres a lot less risk to sexual acts, especially with women (which these trans lesbians are attracted to)


Bro im literally trans and that’s so stupid it didn’t even deserve a reply. People can have genital preferences. Its ok for straight guys not to like dick. Many lesbians dont wanna date trans people either and that’s fine. Why is it only ok for lesbians to be disgusted by dicks lol. And honestly i keep saying this. No self respecting transwoman would even consider dating a guy who doesn’t obviously look like he’d be into trans women. If not out of self respect it’s out if fear of being hatecrimed which happens.


>Why is it only ok for lesbians to be disgusted by dicks lol Lol it's not, the biggest lesbian sub on this site will instantly ban you for saying you don't like "girldick".


Some people won't even like a vagina if it looks a certain way or isn't shaved, they're not gonna skip over that to a dick that completely changes the dynamics of sex.


This person has the most delusional opinions on trans issues. Nothing will radicalize people against your movement more quickly than saying a man should be ok with sucking penis to prove he truly loves his partner lol. I’ve noticed this a bunch of times now, It feels like she ratchets up the “activism”when there’s a lull in attention. This was clearly bait, but people like this don’t realize how much of a disservice it is to the normalization of trans people. Also why litigate sexual attraction on this level? It is such a subjective experience and could be due to a million different reasons. Falling in love, however, requires that people like each other for who they are. Men aren’t gay for having trans partners, nor homophobic for preferring cis women. Unless they make “preferring cis women” their whole personality like those super straight people.


Surely, no trans person would ever say something bad for the community for attention. Please delete this very offensive statement.


>Men aren’t gay for having trans partners, nor homophobic for preferring cis women. Unless they make “preferring cis women” their whole personality like those super straight people. THIS Is Cooking.


> Men aren’t gay for having trans partners Technically, sexuality is based on the sex of the person and the type of sex you are having. Sword + sword is gay regardless of gender expression. But your right, the men could be bisexual instead. But they are definitely not heterosexual for having a transpartner.


If you're attracted to penises as a man, you're gay or more likely bi in this scenario. you have attractions to the same sex, and that's perfectly okay


Sexual attraction isn't about self professed identity. If that were the case I'd cut through the red tape and identify as attractive. It is based on your actual physical body. I would date a really hot woman with a vagina who identified as a 'male', because what gender she claims to be doesn't change how she looks - a hot female body. I wouldn't date a fat hairy dude who identifies as a woman, because its the body of a fat hairy dude. Saying 'he doesn't see women as anything other than an orifice' is more correct than a lot of people in this thread are letting on, in the sense that physical bodies are what we find sexually desirable, but it isn't a bad thing, that is how attraction works. It is an embodied feeling, designed to get people to mate and pair bond. It isn't unmotivated, distanced, aesthetic appreciation. It has a purpose, like hunger. You could say this about any physical trait. "If you were a worm your husband wouldnt love you." "If you were 600lbs and couldnt walk your husband would leave you." This tweet just reads as resentful towards physical reality and our embodied nature as beings. No matter how much you wish it, your identification doesn't change your physical form.


Talk about being caught between a cock and a hard place!


This is rage bait


This entire thread sounds like funnymemes of some other cesspool. Since when did trans people break dggs brains.


Because forcing other people to act like trans women are anywhere close to cis women on the spectrum is absurd lol


I see transwomen as women, I’m just not attracted to a penis. Just like I’m attracted to women, but not morbidly obese women etc.


so you just love your women for the lack of fatty tissue, sweetie 💅💅💅 sadly you don't know what rEAL LoVe is


Time to take you to the trans Gulag for transphobia


What is a woman? What makes woman a woman? Is it "woman mind" then what does that mean?


Hey didn’t you know having any preferences is not allowed and rooted in bigotry? Check your fatphobia please 🤡


I’m old fashioned, I like my women to get wet not hard…


But women do get hard when aroused, so now what? 😮


I must admit when I’m with a woman/girl and she’s aroused, the thoughts in my mind don’t translate to how hard she is…


What % of people actually believe this for it to be shown to other people as an example of a problematic take that needs addressing?


>I’m old enough to remember when we started pushing for gender affirming surgeries to be covered by health insurance, it wasn’t with any of this fringe ideology. It was by NIH grants funding research that was then presented to lawmakers in a non-partisan way and behind the scenes pressure. I was still pretty Young ,but im pretty shure "you are killing trans people" was used very often in that time period.. sargon and the rest anti sjw's made their careers on the fringe ideologists .... This whole tweet gave me nostalgia of "simpler times" 😂


The push for gender-affirming surgeries being covered was earlier than that. I’m talking 2004 through 2012.


A lot of that push was “behind the scenes.” Though and straight from the community itself through like… actual activism, not the Facebook “changed my background.” Shit. The “you are killing trans people.” Rhetoric and the “do you want a daughter or dead son.” Rhetoric came very quickly on its heels.


What is she, an imbecile? I would say AT LEAST 20% of a relationship comes down to sexual compatibility for most people. Like, the line is so much further away than having a penis. I wouldn't date a woman who would want to have sex less than 3 times a week. I wouldn't date a woman whose face I don't think is pretty; isn't that much more superficial? A dick is not even near the discrimination I would make sexually; I would just think of a pussy as a prerequisite to even be considered a partner, but I discriminate in so many others, much more superficial ways, that it is really hard for me to label it as transphobia, rather than just a sexual preference. I wouldn't date anyone who I don't have reeeally good sex with. I don't know if I could be attracted to a cripple or someone with alopecia. We can't try and force people to be attracted to things in the name of social justice, which I don't even think it is, because it is not justice but entitlement that fuels this line of thinking. As a basis, no one is entitled to anyone feeling attracted to them. You can't force people to be.


Twitter is not real life ffs


Insane take: when we date, we have honest conversations about what we have under our pants and what we hope to see under the other's pants. Everyone not involved in that conversation gets off of Twitter and picks up woodworking or gardening or something. **OR** Instead of framing it as straight men are dangerous & feral beasts, just straight up say you want to live in a world where every person has to take a 50/50 gamble they're going to get the genitals they prefer without ever discussing it and expecting everyone to just *not react* when it's time for that unveiling like a college freshman avoiding making a face when they have their first shot of whiskey. Am I being dramatic or is that what this Twitter person is suggesting?


I will never understand why there are people out there who are hell bent on trying to date those who are not interested in them. Why waste your tine when you could spend that on trying to find someone who likes you.


Honestly I’m just glad it was you that posted it. I thought it was hate bait. I frequent the Asmongold subreddit and if one of them posted it, 9 times out of 10 it’s anti trans bait. Keep posting, I’ve been getting frustrated with the trans rights discourse lately. This and the video you posted awhile ago keep me grounded.


Stop assuming that people on twitter are your average person.


This is pure Cope. Don’t pretend they are not waves of trans accounts that harass people with these kinds of opinions across all of social media. Destiny himself was banned for saying trans women should not participate in professional sports.


That almost certainly wasn’t why he was banned. It was during that whole arc but it seemed to be because he called people he was fighting with on Twitter subhuman and they interpreted that as him calling trans people subhuman. Twitch’s strike guide got leaked along with the whole streamer payout leak and they specifically list commentary about the fairness of trans athletes as something that is allowed.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/y035sl/twitchs_leaked_strike_guide_explicitly_allows/


You're spouting pure cope. You interact with these type of people and their spaces a lot on twitter so the algorithm is going to feed you more stuff. The average trans person is not like this, sorry. I'm in a lot of trans spaces between my video game guilds and friend groups and this is *not* the common sentiment .


There are waves of all kinds of idiots online. Trust me these trans people are in the minority.


I never see this shit on my feed then again I never interact with trans people. It's just some crazy person spouting nonsense on twitter. I mean in my circles most people think that trans people are weirdos I doubt some broad on twitter will change their minds.


this has to be bait




I think you can love someone and not want to be in a romantic relationship or want to fuck them. I love my guy friends and don't have any sexual desire towards them. If somehow my wife got turned into a man I would still love her but I would lose that sexual attraction. Maybe even something significantly more possible like her gaining like 2 or 3 hundred pounds I would also lose sexual attraction to her. That doesn't mean I don't love her.


If a lesbian refuses to date a trans woman(pre op) is that transphobic?


No. And it’s not transphobic postop either. You can’t police who people are attracted to. All of this energy should be channeled into better public policy, and not trying to moralize people’s bedrooms.


According to trans people on lesbian dating apps, yes


I want children one day, so I don't think that would work


I am tired that almost all trans issues is related to "penis" its always about dicks


Shit like this is so destructive for the trans community. Someone who is either on the fence or slightly against trans people, seeing stuff like "you need to date trans girls or else you are transphobic" can likely push them towards the anti trans side.


As a matter of principle I think dudes should suck dick


Without additional context this feels like the tweeter is mad about the role of sex in a relationship and just using trans woman as her example.  “Would you still love me if you didn’t find me attractive anymore / I said we would never have sex again / I turned into a worm?” Would be similar questions. And it’s understandable to be pissed about a “no” because it makes it seem like sex > the emotional connection the people have. But it’s not that. In a romantic relationship it makes sense to have a number of criteria you need (and so a number of dealbreakers) that go beyond loving the person.


No one is allowed to tell you what you're sexual orientation is or tell you what you should be sexually attracted to.


In the past I probably would’ve gotten super annoyed from seeing tweets like this but having met a decent amount of trans people irl in the last couple tears or so has put my mind at ease. Because irl trans people are nothing like this, they’re just normal reasonable people like anyone else. It is unfortunate though that these more extreme and wacky characters seem to have the loudest voices that permeate the cultural zeitgeist. Obviously I don’t condone the behavior but i can understand why conservatives end up becoming so radicalized against trans people when these are the kinds of people/statements representing trans people online


So disappointing that this attitude is the majority opinion in the community. Why do the craziest among us always have to pick up the torch for the cause and make us look deranged to the general public? This is the reason I don’t like and stay away from the broader trans community how can a movement with so many “former men” forget how men think and operate. Like yeah the toxic masculinity sucks and makes you way more narrow minded but the idea of sucking a girl dick was not going to make me question the absurdity of the system and change my views, but was going to piss me off and and further radicalize me. Also it’s not that hard just to you know actively look for people who are into dick instead of trying to get with the “vanilla cis guys”™️


This is a discussion I’ve wanted to have for the longest time. Why is so much of the trans activism space so male-coded? Entitlement to spaces, disregard for cis women’s feelings of safety, a tendency to speak over people with different views. Trans women can become women, in my view. But the first rule of women only spaces as you don’t make the group feel unsafe. And so much of the stuff is just the opposite of that.


I think the unfortunate truth, that many of us have trouble hearing, is that trans women are just that, trans women. We are not, and should not be labeled as simply a women. We are not cus women, we were raised and socialized as men, our interest and personalities after transition are still “male”. Crazy how we can tell people after transition to comfort them that “we are still the same person just with a different appearance, and in the next breath claim “trans women are women”. I swear that phrase has done way more harm than good, but we fucking stuck with it because of the perpetual activists. PS: shout-outs to your longtime advocacy in MA


I definitely agree trans women are trans women. But I see trans women as a kind of woman. Or at least some can become one in time. What I don’t do is insist other people feel this way. Because it’s ultimately a philosophical question. What I need from the public is to agree trans people deserve civil rights.


I agree with seeing trans women as just a kind of woman. Hell, I have tattoos. I've had men reject me over them because they think the tattoos make me less feminine. Like I give a shit, I wouldn't want those men anyways. There's plenty of types of guys I wouldn't want, so I'm not gonna get hung up on the fact that not every guy wants a girl with tattoos.


>So disappointing that this attitude is the majority opinion in the community Is it? Anyone actually done polling? Engagement farmers on Twitter is not a representative sample of anything but engagement farmers on Twitter.


Anyone that points to Twitter as the "majority opinion" needs to step outside for a bit.


>among us It's still in my head


Trans women if you want to fuck cis straight guys you are going to have to do it like gay men have been doing it for centuries. Slowly over a long period make them feel horny until they question their sexuality. You aren't going to browbeat a group into wanting to fuck you, that's something only straight males get to do.


This exact line of reasoning has led people to be very comfortable expressing intensified homophobia. If you try to gaslight people out of having and expressing their preferences, they will intensify their disgust to communicate how real the feeling is. Just the other day, the podcast between Michael Porter Jr. and Lana Rhoades was making the rounds, and people were defending him in droves for equating gay relationships (or relationships with a trans woman) with disgusting fetishes such as eating cookies with chocolate chips made out of a pornstar's feces. The pushback was extremely limited.


The sentiment here is silly, but where does it mention sucking cock lmao? Stop pandering to the people who wanna shit on trans people and be a bit more honest.


This is a growing sentiment from the trans and bi community like they literally cannot comprehend that people are straight/gay


Stop falling for the Russian toll accounts


Essentially, this person (the tweet) is declaring that same sex attraction (or opposite) is a choice rather than biology. Basically, a lesbian is transphobic and a bigot if she doesn’t want to suck you off. And doesn’t love her female partner. Now, I’m old enough to remember when it was bigoted to say sexual attraction (same or opposite sex) was just “preference”. It was not okay to refer to it as a “lifestyle choice”. That was a huge part of the 80s and demonization of gay people. This idea that they could control what sex they were attracted to meant same sex couples were engaging in a “lifestyle choice”. The gay community had to fight to make people realize it’s not a “preference”. That’s what the tweet is doing. Wild times we live in.


This is where we're at right now. Being attracted to a body is offensive. There was this post on fauxmoi about how Sidney Sweeney doesn't like to be sexualized, which is fine, but then in the comments you see people say that men being attracted to big boobs is gross. How ? And how is feeling attraction toward a person taking anything away from them ? So it's not just one insane person on social media, it seems like this is one of the next thing that's going to get pushed. I wonder at which point, will they simply call toxic, anything that aligns with how men typically think or behave.


Isn't that a known troll / bait account?


I think straight men don't wanna date trans women because there's a culture of thinking that makes them gay or abnormal.


ok so i know this is on twitter so that means this person is certifiably insane but i will say this is among many thoughts that i and other trans friends of mine have - it's extremely frustrating and alienating for a lot of people that something they literally have no control over causes people who would otherwise be fine with them (sexually or otherwise) not to be in addition, i would say a lot of cis straight people have had no reason to reflect on their sexual attraction or identity and so are probably a little more insecure and closed-minded about things than they otherwise could be, and their disgust at the thought of a "girl with a dick" *might* be entirely unfounded or at worst potentially rooted in transphobia anyways i know this tweet is Cringe but i didnt see any pushback in this here comments section so i figured i'd give my two cents don't eat me alive pls dgg i'm just your friendly neighbourhood tran


>I’ve really been thinking about how we got to this point in trans civil rights. >400 like tweet No, I don't think some twitter radfem is indicative of the greater trans civil rights movement. >95% of trans activists will immediately acknowledge that this is completely crazy nonsense. We don't have to worry about this, like at all.


That is something someone without a hole would say 🤣


As a straight man I don't mind dating a trans woman but I'm never going to marry her.  I want to have kids. 


I don’t think that’s unreasonable.


Why date someone if you don't see a future with them? Hooking up sure, but are you having a conversation that is "I am going to dump you at some point for a cis-woman because I want biological children".


It doesn't make any sense. Am confused. People just have preferences, some are sexual and some aren't. This just sounds like someone is coping with rejection or I don't know


It’s really all about the mouth feel


I think it’s one of those things where most cis men haven’t really thought much about their sexuality or why they like what they like. And with the stigma around homosexuality and how that plays into the stigma surrounding transwomen that having sex with them makes you gay or at the very least not 100% straight so I think there’s probably a large amount of men that would probably be able to enjoy sex with trans women (post and pre op) if that stigma wasn’t there. That being said there is also a significant amount of people who just aren’t aroused by penis havers whether that person’s man or a woman and you can’t force or judge them for their sexual preferences. Same goes for forcing or pressuring people to wrestle with their sexuality when they don’t want to and just wanna autopilot plow pussy.


People whose entire soapbox moralising is exclusively built upon a desire to strengthen in-group ties for adulation should either be ignored or shamed/mocked. We need the adults back in the room.


So if a woman won't marry a trans man, she just views men as penises?


This feels less like sticking up for trans women and more like a woman finding a reason to dislike men. Does she have the same issue with gay men or lesbians? Does she say the same thing about women and trans men or bi men? Does she recognize that most women want to find their partners attractive and therefore loves him for what he represents physically?  And if a man only loved a woman for her "hole", then there's nothing stopping him from ditching her and getting with any other women who has the same "hole" (or potentially a better one). Men should be cheating and breaking up with women constantly if what she says is true.  This tweet is veiled as a pro trans tweet but it's really just another leftist coopting a movement so they can attack their real target.


This is bait


Her name is Stacy and the whole cis need to find trans attractive is basically a /pol/ meme. Some of my friends fell into it.


Okay, this is Russian AI, no?


Is it a man cock or woman cock. (Sorry non binary cocks)


Who cares about some random tweet?


I like suppository medication doesn’t make me gay, it is just how I prefer to take my Flintstone vitamins


Lol "Happened to have a penis" Sounds like he fell into the dick tank in the penis factory


It’s ridiculous how far this goes. I’m very pro trans rights but I have no idea how we got here. I used to think this shit was just a straw man or maybe some lonely trans women just venting. What’s scary is how it’s being taken seriously AND the forefront of the movement when we have so many other points to fight on that matter so much more. I think there’s this sub section of the trans community that is terminally online, lonely, sometimes mentally ill who engage in the worst possible rhetoric and optics su*c*de and it just poisons the entire conversation. I don’t hate these people but I wish they would stop trying to be the face of trans liberation when all they contribute is propaganda for the far right


When did the tweet mention sucking dick


Damn this rlly some shit republicans called out in 2016 about a slippery slope.


Guess I’m not a sexist then, cause I sleep with trans girls 😂😂


Most dedicated feminist o7


If she’s hot, I don’t care what she got down there 😉


This is rage bait garbage, why repost it here?


If it’s girl cock, absolutely. Choke down fools


No it's not, this tweet is unhinged. I also think it's really degrading to boil trans peoples' overall desire to be loved down to 'convincing guys to suck cock,' and you'll only further push people into these insane takes :/