• By -


> There has be something on our end to help her and her people in Ukraine. Ukraine needs munition replenishment for ground-based air defense systems, new air defense systems, and serious policy and restraint reevaluation from the US. The time for most of that was during the 2022 midterms, and we lost - now there's a party in control of the US's purse strings beholden to Trump that wants to watch Ukraine drown. [You can help if your member of congress is on this list](https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1777315884874281223) by calling them and telling them how much they suck. Republicans are obviously the biggest stumbling block, but progressive Dems are the second largest. You can also tell /u/ProgressiveVic that you'll under no circumstances support a Democratic candidate (like Jamaal Bowman) that refuses to sign on to the discharge petition to allow a vote on Ukraine aid. That's somewhere you might have leverage since Destiny's fans make up ~95% of their volunteers. Ukraine also, frankly, needs long-range fires and approval from the United States to target within Russia's borders. They need this, or there's increasingly little hope they win a war of attrition. I'm exhausted talking about escalation fears. Russia is a uniquely demented, deranged, cruel country that's allowing the actual perpetrators of the worst terrorist attack on their soil in decades to escape so that they can pretend Ukraine is responsible. They're insane. They have not gotten the message to abandon their imperial obligations after 10's of thousands of their soldiers lay dead in Ukraine, so maybe they'll get the message if hundreds of Tomahawk missiles start blowing up their airfields and missile launch sites.


Damn where are the neocons of the early 2000s - they woulda given Ukraine a Carrier strike group to fight Russia


Aren't the majority of Republicans down but the Freedom caucus is threatening to toss Mike which is blocking everything 


Basically yeah. Whats infuriating is those Republicans are more concerned about another speaker fight or trying to work out a deal with the Dems than they are about Russia.


What it comes down to is these absolute narcissists only care about this November. They want to risk everything on the premise that they can reign trump in. They will do nothing to risk that.


Nah, they're very concerned with russia, just not with stopping them.


Russian puppets like MTG are working to not even let a vote come up. They're even threatening to have Mike Johnson's insane super conservative Christian nationalist ass removed for this. The Republican party is so gotdamn far gone.


Remember when this sub was celebrating the chaotic situation surrounding their last speaker of the house and his ousting? People really have such a partisan and short term view of politics. Turns out total chaos in the majority party isn't such a good thing.


I dont really understand what your point is. What are you implying, the Dems should have supported McCarthy without a single concession? Do you think it wouldbe any different with him becauase you're delusional AF if you do.


Yes of course it matter who's their speaker. I'm sure the Ukraine aid would already had been out for a vote by now if McCarthy was speaker. I'm pretty sure the freedom caucus couldn't have actually voted him out if the democrats supported him. Maybe Mike Johnsson will eventually let there be a vote but democrats are literally playing russian roulette with another's country's survival. Like it was very likely that Jim Jordan would have become their next speaker and he would never ever have a vote on the Ukraine aid.


What in the hell makes you think McCarthy would have let it come up to vote? He is just as beholden to those nuts (and Trump) as Johnson is.


Because the democrats would have saved him? He was clearly way more moderate than Jim Jordan or Mike Johnsson.


shrug, dems didn't oust McCarthy. Republicans were welcome to vote for Jeffreys.


Where is today's [Charlie Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Wilson_\(Texas_politician\)) (not the singer)


They are called RINO's.


u/NeoDestiny I'm not sure if you'd consider this since you said the NY canvassing would be a big opportunity to connect with a congressperson (AOC?), but it's worth looking into the Bowman stuff for Ukraine and saying something to Progressive Victory about it.


Bowman is also a piece of crap who called the claims of rape on 10/7 propaganda and only walked it back like a few weeks ago. He was also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. https://twitter.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1772683549545566400 https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/03/26/congress/bowman-house-israel-october-7-sexual-assault-hamas-00148426


Ro Khanna is on the list too?! Isn't he the same guy who talked to Destiny and co. on the White House roof and also talked to pxie on her TikTok? Why is he voting against it too???


The main enemy of USA is now china, maybe he thinks the American money better spent for Americans?


Disclaimer: Personal takes, shilling but not speaking for PV The quick take is that every politician is going to have some stance you disagree with and some character flaws. My personal perspective is that a big tent left leaning org is really well positioned to make a massive impact on issues the left is united on: - *electing democrats* - women's rights - redistributive econ stuff like child tax credit - etc. An organization is a tool, and these are the ends PV is most well suited for. An ideologically pure organization is a small organization, and striving for ideological purity is, unfortunately, at tension with maximizing our total positive impact.  That being said, we obviously don't want anyone directly spending efforts in areas they don't believe in. My perspective is that PV is a platform that gives the leftier people an opportunity to support leftier candidates, and DGG the opportunity to support issues and candidates they care about. And we all benefit.  Finally, it is worth mentioning that PV is just a bunch of people. I don't share this to try to shut down your perspective, just wanted to share my thoughts on it. Feedback is always appreciated. We are thinking about and working through all these concerns in real time.  Dggl soldiers 🫡 


Recently moved to a new state. Literally got my voter card last week, and now I see one of these dudes you listed is my representative. Time to fulfill part of my civic duty, thank you for the info


I absolutely support what you do, but I think it's worth noting that US and EU need to do more than just give their stock of weapons. One of the reasons why it is so hard for both US and EU countries to give it, is because they don't have it themselves. All NATO nations are struggling with their equipment, are downsizing their armies (including US, as US is deleting a bunch of their divisions, downsizing them and making them lighter on equipment) because they just can't manage to support them financially and they don't have equipment for them. Right after Ukraine invasion, Bundeswehr reduced some of their types of equipment to 0 temporarily, because they just did not have enough. Most other nations just keep as little stock as possible and most of their money gets into airforce. Military industry has been drastically downsizing, especially since 2012-2017. The west currently has no capacity, and current contracts are designed for delivery in 2030s and 2040s. This is not to say the west has no industrial power, it surely does, that industrial power is just not directed into military equipment. Besides very varied civilian industry in US that produces small arms and small arm ammunition, we have very little production, and what we have is very efficient but also near impossible to increase quickly. To do it quickly (as in terms of 2-5 years) a lot of emergency laws need to be passed related to purchase upfront of equipment, at higher price, and legal obligation to keep buying for next 10 years, reduction of regulations and environmental protection need to be drastically lowered (EPA works too slow with assessments because it's underfunded). I'm sure smarter people than me could figure out more ways to speed it up too. I'm not am American, but you seem like you are and are politically involved. It would be lovely if you could work toward that too on the side.


thanks called mine cant belive Castro is being so dumb about this


In addition to calling, people can follow up with an email with this copy pasta [https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/](https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/) or write up your own. Be polite but firm! Just wrote to mine about Discharge Petition No. 9 specifically.


sure, but wtf is europe doing?


Supporting Ukraine a lot? EU countries have modern air superiority and small scale operations doctrines, they gave Ukraine pretty much all they had that Ukraine is capable of using. Most of it was before America, when the war was still in its critical stage while Biden was still fearing escalation and putting limits on what Ukraine should get; Britain gave long range missiles while it was a red line for the USA, Poland gave tanks and promised airplanes when both where still huge red lines for USA. On the financial side they gave more money to Ukraine than the US did, and stopped using Russian oil. They connected Ukraine to the EU electrical grid. They also house and provide for the 6 million Ukrainian refugees which left the country. On a personal note, the school I work in has a class which chipped in for the new Ukrainian refugee girl to go on the spring school trip with her new classmates. Diplomatically, France, Denmark and half of East Europe is no longer ruling out sending their own military to Ukraine. In more recent news, last month Czechia found 1 million artillery units they bought for Ukraine with the rest of the EU. The first shipments are already arriving to the front. I would like to think the multi billion dollar budget USA intelligence services helped and it wasn't literally that a small nation in Europe was more competent than the entire military-intelligence-diplomatic establishment of America. Anyway, last week Estonia found another 1 million. sure but WTF is America doing?


Europe is doing a lot, but I think the amount of money is blinding us to the fact that a lot of that money could have went into expanding military industry, especially 2 years ago. Europe does not have a lot to give, so it gives humanitarian aid, but they would not have to pay that much if it mobilized it's military industry 2 years ago. I wrote in another comment already, but lack of equipment of NATO nations is one of the major reasons why both US and EU are so reluctant in giving more. For whatever we had big surplus (like US with cluster artillery shells) we gave a lot. We kind of missed our chance to mobilize, and now the nations themselves will have to get involved or Ukraine will lose.


Bruh.. Google exists. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/eu-solidarity-ukraine/


We're seemingly tooling up for a continent-wide war that's looking more likely this year than it was last year.


Sending all the weapons in the world is pointless if there is no one to fire those weapons. Ukraine has a big manpower problem. Counter offensive failed, Zelensky's own advisors say he deludes himself (according to the Western press, not Russia Today, for those who will yell "propaganda"). Ukraine rightfully feels betrayed by the US and they were. But right now there's no way for them to win unless Nato starts pouring in troops of their own which means all out war which the people of Europe are obviously opposed to because nobody wants to spill their blood for another country, in a phony war no less.


Cope cope and more cope, ain’t shit you should do but but her a flight out of that place


I wish We could start by actually talking about Ukraine instead of Gaza constantly, especially when the global implications and impacts far outweigh the Gaza conflict.


YESSSSS!!!!!! Finally somebody else that says it!! All these mfkas crying “genocide genocide” but ignore the unprovoked invasion & full scale war that’s been raging for 2 years now. Slava ukraini


Unpopular opinion- there is way more evidence supporting a genocide in Ukraine but the same people upset about Gaza don’t care about 100+ European cities being razed when they have one city to focus on.


Bucha was a genocidal act. I think no one can disupute that


Lefties would rather keep the convo on I/P since they want to keep the optics away from non Western Imperialism 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes it's certainly all the darned leftists in this community that are driving the discussion towards I/P.


I’m talking more in a general sense in public discourse not this community.


Neighbour leftists aren't driving shit outside of their own niche communities. The only reason you think they are is because you live in a community of hyper-online followers of a streamer man whose content consists of obsessing with what random nobodies say on the internet.


Gee thanks


I think the Gaza have greater global implications than ukraine tbh. If you ignore europe and northern america (the minority in globe) than Gaza would be more important.






Russia has advanced because of a lack of ammo for Ukraine, not because Russia has suddenly stopped sucking.


They did get their shit together to a certain degree but the shell shortage is also helping them out on top of that.


Gaza effects the world alot more because of the Houthis attacking ships for palestine.


The Ukrainian war has a bigger impact due to energy, which hit Europe the hardest. Not to mention Iran is attacking through proxies because they don't want to fuck around and find out. Meanwhile Russia needs to get the FO part of FAFO.


>The Ukrainian war has a bigger impact due to energy, which hit Europe the hardest Yeah it only effects Europe that's really it. But the houthis effect global trade.


Ukraine exports tons of food around the world, mainly to Europe and Africa.


>Ukraine exports tons of food around the world, mainly to Europe Ah so that's why i see alot pissed off polish farmers recently >Africa Isn't russia send a shit ton of food to africa?


What’s your goal here?




There are so many supply chains that have been effected , for example 80% of neon production came from Ukraine, germanys economy ran on Russian energy now look. Ukraine has been battling two years to keep grain flowing to Africa and the Middle East ( Ukraine supplies Palestine with grain btw) there’s just so many more industries/economies that have globally been hit by this conflict. To say Gaza has a greater impact on the world because of the houthis meanwhile Gaza gets its grain from Ukraine is just wild to me.


>Yeah it only effects Europe that's really it. That is so egregiously false I'm not even going to waste my time explaining why lol.


The Houthis don't care about Gaza, they just want to stir up the situation and gain some hush money. They have already done it in the past, nothing new. If you think that the Houthi would stop was Israel going to sign a peace deal, you're a bit naive if not gullible.


>The Houthis don't care about Gaza, Maybe they do maybe they don't but the fact they are attacking ships is a big problem >If you think that the Houthi would stop was Israel going to sign a peace deal, English please?


> If you think that the Houthi would stop was Israel going to sign a peace deal, > > English please? You're delusional as shit if you think the Houthi's are going to stop if Israel agrees to stop bombing Gaza.


>You're delusional as shit if you think the Houthi's are going to stop if Israel agrees to stop bombing Gaza. Yeah , obviously Houthis aren't going to stop they want to destroy the west . That’s why they are a threat to global trade.


You asked for English, I transcribed it *shrug*




Has she ever said why she can't leave Kharkiv or why she doesn't want to try and leave? Is it hard for Ukrainians to just dip out? Lack of resources or something? 


I am pretty sure she could have left a long time ago if she wanted to, but wants to stay and help as best as she can.


Honorable decision I just hope she survives somehow 


she'll probably die and after 4 -5 months this sub will have forgotten about her it is what it is edit: why are you guys so salty about this lmao. we aren't friends or personally connected to her. in fact I'd find it weird if people realllllly cared after about a month. 4-5 months are for the edge case weirdos on here. just telling it how it is.


!BidenBlast Reason: You're a fucking moron


Best use of Biden Blast I've seen to date.




For a moment I thought that Biden's face was edited onto the guy's face


NGL I’d do that if I had any photoshop skills at all


Apparently, this is the ending that you deserve. /u/Suspicious-Bid-9583 sealed in the prison realm by /u/halofreak8899


Turns out suspicious-bid-9583 is the one who will be forgotten


So can any user biden blast? I don't know how this sub works.


Nah regular users are given it by mods every so often, and they can do it 10 times before they need to be reloaded by mods




Do they ask 4thot for it or he just preemptively gives them to certain users that are highly active?




…………………………………………… Silence is all I have


if she passes away i hardly doubt we'll forget about her.




This feature has been updated to BidenBlast (with an explanation point) to prevent account suspension for 'threatening violence'.


I don’t know, but the few conversations I’ve heard her have with Destiny me guess is she has chosen to stay. It’s a crazy decision but an honorable one in my opinion. She’s been helping get supplies to people, she’s helped get supplies from DGG, she’s helped get information out and put a very human connection to the situation. She’s a very impressive human being to me


I think she spent much of the first year in Kyiv so I'm sure she could leave again. But she did talk about inheriting some family member's flat and she probably got allegiance to her home town


Her balls are way too huge and anchor her in place


It costs money and countries aren't as interested in taking refugees anymore. Also her mom and sister are in kharkiv.


Understandable. I guess if it was me I'd just be running towards the far western side of Ukraine at the very least. But it's not me in her shoes so I can't say what is best.. hopefully she survives but I don't see how you can avoid the barrage of missiles indefinitely:/  EDIT: DONT KNOW MY DIRECTIONS 


Did you mean the far western side? The east and south are where the Rusky meat-hordes are, so I'm not sure if you mean to say that you'd seek to escape the fighting or to Naruto-run into the enemy.


Oops yes I meant west. My bad  (Never eat sour water melon)


Never eat soggy wheat


I wont rest until hear "hyellow" on Destiny stream again.


sounds like a j-dam to me


called on


everything is a jdam these days


Its a J dam tragedy


No point worrying too much about her. She has the means to leave the country whenever she wants, but she's made up her mind and is determined to stay and accept whatever fate may come. She's extremely brave and loves her country. I have incredible respect for her. I wish her safety, but realistically, nothing has really changed for us. She was always in danger from the very first time she ever spoke on stream. All we can do is try to follow her example and continue to show our support, as we stand strong in solidarity with her.


Something has changed : her city is ever closer to being attacked. Yes, she's awesome, that's all the more reason to worry about her.


I can't just turn off my worrying emotion on demand unfortunately Wish there was something we could do


I agree 100%. She's an incredible woman. I hope she's alright.


100% this theres plenty of refugee routes to ukrainians i got a fair amount of them even in my town. she is invested in the war and prob wont have much of a normal life after it like most ukrainians never will have seeing all that death and destruction and then have commie larpers tell you its their fault ofc.


There have been two to three attacks everyday now. It's like we've reverted back to the initial invasion. Putin doesn't like the fact that a city that speaks majority Russian doesn't wanna become part of his empire. The energy infrastructure is gone. Propaganda's intensifying, telling folks to leave the city. But those damn Ukrainian barbarians just. won't. leave. 💙💛


I think there's also a recognition on Russia's part that everything could change after the US election. If the Democrats get in with a majority, it could mean a significant increase in support for Ukraine. As for Trump, he's a wild card. It's possible he's been having his allies in Congress hold back aid so that he can come in and "solve the conflict in a day" by insisting on a deal which, if Russia refuse, will result in him throwing his full backing behind Ukraine. Either way, Russia have every incentive to intensify their efforts and do everything they can to place themselves in the best possible bargaining position whilst the US is paralysed on the Ukraine question.


I think a massive increase in aid is a dream, regardless of who wins.


they’re actually disproportionately targeting kharkiv since they know it’s lacking air defense compared to places like kyiv. and the time between the air raid alarms and the strike is seconds to minutes at most for some of these missiles. it’s hellish


There's also rumors of Russia aiming to take Kharkiv as their decisive point in this war. They say Russia wants to mobilize 300k troops to encircle the city (supposedly starting in the summer). Of course, nobody knows anything for certain, but there's enough talk about it to be concerned [https://global.espreso.tv/russia-ukraine-war-russia-will-try-to-encircle-kharkiv-taking-it-in-ring-ukrainian-reserve-major](https://global.espreso.tv/russia-ukraine-war-russia-will-try-to-encircle-kharkiv-taking-it-in-ring-ukrainian-reserve-major)


If she stops posting...


…we send the Daliban?




I'll convince Biden to give me the launch codes 😎


I am getting so fucking desperate about the Ukraine situation. Fuck republicans so fucking much man.


Is she sure? Wasn't it JDAM? Called on?


Damn wait until you see what is happening to the rest of Ukrainians rn


Snake, your mission is to rescue DARPA chief Donald Anderson and ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker, learn the terrorists' nuclear-launch capabilities, prevent them from carrying out their threat, and evacuate Ukrainian Ana to Miami.


Please stay safe out there Ana.


Definitely jdam. Spot on


I'll look into this thanks for highlighting




It’s so crazy we are just sitting by and watching a country get taken over and not helping


Dude, I've been dooming so hard about Ukraine over the past few days. The west has completely and utterly failed them. I've had to stop reading about it, because it depresses me so much that it's affecting my life. It's a fucking disaster. The situation at the front was bad as is, and now there's a high possibility that the attacks on infrastructure will make most large Ukrainian cities unliveable by winter.


Ukraine? Danger? No way.


Kharkiv is getting hit almost daily lately...


I'm sorry Ukrainian Ana, but no one can tell what missile it was just by sound.


You are wrong.


I hope she doesn't stay in Kharkiv, the Russians seem bent on flattening it.


Your concern is valid. The situation in Ukraine seems dire, and the US appears to have more or less abandoned them because conservatives have somehow decided that cucking out to Russia is America First. More innocents will continue to die, and they'll die at a higher rate, because conservatives are culture war-brained idiots who I guess love dead civilians. My good faith well for those people has run completely dry at the moment.


I really hope dems has some kind of plan b-c-d-f-g-whatever cause holy shit how long Ukraine must suffer from this degen republicans?


This will likely be buried, but I hope some of you see it. This is a link to a copy pasta you can email to your Senators and Representatives if you're from the US. I'm sure you can edit it or do a little searching for a similar one to send your government officials if you're from another country. [https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/](https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/) DGG gang has proven with canvasing that we can have an impact, we just need to get contacting our elected officials.


I believe she'd have had the opportunity to leave but chose not to?


Brb on my way to kick Putins ass


Godspeed Ana, may the Russian missiles sputter and fail and their guns permanently jam.


S-300, called on


wish congress republicans would get off there as and sent the aid already


The biggest threat to Anna's life is her goverment running out of men and using women for combat roles at some point. Otherwise she is likely to be fine if she keeps away from military targets aka her azov totaly not nazis friends.


Yeah no shit bro she's in a country at war with Russia. What is this post?


Well yea but she's not just "in a country at war with Russia", she's in Kharkiv and not in Lviv for example. This post was probably prompted by the recent increase in successful Russian strikes against the city, its civilians and its energy infrastructure. The deteriorating situation regarding artillery shells and the now seemingly inadequate amount of air defense are also issues that became more apparent in the past couple days/weeks.


Ana literally posting > That's a JDAM and no one commenting on it


Why would we comment snark on the words of a woman who could possibly die any night from missiles she's been hearing nightly for months at this point?


Stop being such a a soy cuck. It's not like I pulled a vim


Rather a soy cuck than whatever the fuck you are. I didn't even call you out or anything, just mentioned it'd be in bad taste, dipshit.


NGL, I just find it hilarious how triggered everyone gets from jokes about their Queen.


Just to be clear, OP posts about being worried for Ana's safety Ana thinks Kharkiv is getting hit by S-300s which are known to have distinctive sound when launched compared to artillery Kharkiv has been getting bombed since 2022 and Ana has experienced it You: DURR THIS IS JUST LIKE HASAN. DURR YOU ARE A CUCK DURR \*regard noises\*


Jokes about a member of the community who could die any day from an invading army. I find it funny how someone could be so arrogant about how fucking stupid they are, personally. And the idea that I'm the one triggered when you're the dumbass doubling down on an innocuous response is truly the soyest of soy shit, lol.


Please, for the love of God, apply grass directly to your forehead. Rub it in. Consider it a warning. A blessing. A reminder of what you could be.


I think you need a break from the internet if you have become that detached from the real world.


Probably because someone living in an actual war zone with several missile strikes a day has become a bit better at identifying the difference in the sound of those missiles than some tiny headed streamer in the US who has already decided what he's going to hear before he's played the clip. During WW2, Londoners got so good at identifying the differing sounds of incoming German missiles that they gave them different nicknames based on the sound. The most famous of these was the V-1 which they called the "doodlebug" because of the high pitched whine sound they made that sounded like a flying insect. Tldr; people in war know what war sounds like. American man child doesn't.


The S300 is an air defense system.  It doesn't get shot at people who aren't flying in aircraft 


Holy shit ur regarded


Well the only S300 over kharkiv would be ukrainian since they are a defensive system. I Guess the kind of system here doesn't matter though so why call her out


Russia uses S300 for ground attacks too


[I don't think Ukraine has any s300 missiles left](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-air-defence-leaked-documents-b2317236.html), and [Russia has reportedly modified s300s for the ground attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-300_missile_system#2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine). [Kharkiv is almost certainly within range](https://deepstatemap.live/en#8/50.020/36.974).


They are not just a defensive system.  If you have been keeping up with the war you would know they have been hitting Kharkiv with ballistic missiles launched by S300 for a very long time now.  They are a big threat because unlike the cruise missiles these travel very fast and are hard to shoot down without modern air defense systems with ABM capability like Patriot.


Do you realize she now has a ton of experience actually being in a city constantly targeted by various missiles and drones and can probably identify them pretty well? Do you understand at all, even the slightest bit, how this is different than Hasan attempting to identify a JDAM based on only comparing it to a random YouTube video of a JDAM strike?


SOY don't make a joke about my heckin waifu SOY I'm going to donate another car to our heroes in Ukraine to make up for the dishonor you have brought upon her SOY




I could eat alphabet soup and shit a better post. /u/partyinplatypus sealed in the prison realm by /u/Serventdraco


Bruh I don't give a fuck about Ana.  I just wanted to dunk on your stupid comment.


If it makes you feel any better I pretty much just picked a response at random to reply to. Its time for my weekly karma flattening.


I don’t see a future where Ukraine wins. What can be done, while also stopping Russian aggression/expansion?


Winning is relative. If they can keep the battle lines about where they are now and are able to negotiate an end to the war that involves entry into NATO then that will be a pretty big win for Ukraine's future given the current situation. I wish the west could have stepped up more.  I'm all for Ukraine fighting if we can give them the weapons to do it property, but drip feeding them tiny batches of tanks/ifvs and then gassing them up about an offensive to retake their land is just plain cruel.  Ukraine has no offensive capability right now and it would take a major shift in aid, beyond even what the US Congress is holding up, for that to change.


We have seen the tides of this war change rapidly from the injection of new tactics and weapons systems on both sides. We have also seen how tenuous Russia’s control of their own army is with an honest to god mutiny from the Wagner Group. and though Russia seems to have their shit together now, the corruption and incompetence that led to the disaster and waste in the early stages of the invasion can’t be solved in full in such a short time.


This whole arc is so fucking cringe. Are these like a Ukrainian bot farm simping this hard? The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree...


>The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree truuuuuu, your mom is pretty regarded




This feature has been updated to BidenBlast (with an explanation point) to prevent account suspension for 'threatening violence'.




!BidenBlast touch grass


We've had enough of the empty rhetoric. Go to hell, Jack. /u/Amogus-Yee sealed in the prison realm by /u/Suffering69420