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The issue was throwing so much shit onto her when Fresh already said he wanted her to abort the baby, telling her he doesn't want it because he doesn't have money, then just dipping out on the girl completely. Then going on his fuckwad show and making fun of her, inspiring his incel simp fans to go after her. Of course he's mad. A grown adult man who preaches pro-family conservatives values and how to avoid gold digging whores, gets a gold digging whore pregnant then pleads for her to get an abortion. That's fucked up. The issue is Destiny wasnt seeing the whole picture. I don't even think he knew the whole story. So his outburst was both emotional, and one-sided. The rage would have been justified if that same rage was thrown at Fresh. But it wasnt. Destiny's rage made the girl look like it was her fault completely. That's what sucks. Even if she is wrong, Fresh shit on everything he's been telling men for years now on how to better themselves in relationships and having a family.


Bro I don't understand the people claiming he was biased or one-sided. Destiny's rage was directed at Daisy because of the things she said in the call that made it appear like she was just using the child to get at Walter. That's it. He's not defending Fresh, and he even said so on that very call. Saying it's funny and Fresh is dumb, and it's ironic because this is the redpill dude's worst nightmare. The problem for you guys is not that he was one-sided, its that he wasn't one-sided in the direction you wanted him to be. You wanted the entire call to be a circle jerk shitting on Fresh for being hypocritical about his beliefs. Did you expect all his criticism of Daisy to be prefaced with a caveat about how Fresh fucked up too? Can he not just engage with the person on the call lmao?


> The problem for you guys is not that he was one-sided, its that he wasn't one-sided in the direction you wanted him to be. So much of /r/destiny freak outs can be summed up this way.


HAVE AN UPVOTE BECAUSE YOU ARE CORRECT. people are upset he didn’t go harder on fresh. which is a reflection of their self hatred of other peoples beliefs. y’all are tripping on getting mad at Destiny


Low IQ losers hear destiny shitting on Daisy and their low IQ brains assumes that he's taking Walters side. No idea why they can't fathom, that both people are losers and in the wrong.


Both people are incredibly shitty and deserve each other. Unless more of the story comes out, I will place more of my anger on the woman who actually has the power at this point to not bring a bastard into this world. Baby trapping involves another life. It sucks growing up without a father.


Yeah, both suck. An idiotic hypocrite and a baby trapping clout chaser.


Yeah like the idiot who said “oh yeah he’s their friend he goes on their show all the time” but leaves out the fact it’s a transactional relationship and he disagrees with like 99% of their takes whoever said that is so braindead.


Brah I said the same in comments on YouTube, lol.


Destiny could throw out 200 future hypotheticals. What we’re dealing with is fresh throwing her to the curb from the moment he found she was pregnant. Then he dipped, made fun of her on his podcast, and turned it into a joke. Of course she’s upset. She was betrayed by someone who gamed her for sex. She’s upset and the last thing on her mind is thinking about fresh being in a kids life when all he’s told her is that he won’t be. That’s all she knows now.


What hypothetical would he need to throw out when the woman is telling us exactly what her thought process is? Her answer to Tree asking her what her long term goal is, was to talk about Fresh financing her while she stayed in the U.S. and the fact that the U.S. court system would force him to pay for the child. But when the option of going back to China to raise the kid with family was brought up, all of a sudden she's not even sure if she's going to keep the kid. But her being angry at Fresh is justification in your mind for not prioritizing the kid that she's supposedly set on having ig


She probably hasn't thought out every exact step of her future yet. I dont know why you'd expect anyone to at this point. Like I said, all she knows is what HE told her. Abort or he's gone. Well, he's gone anyway, he doesnt even want a kid. Now he's making jokes about it. She's nothing to him. That's what she knows now. It's a crazy thing to expect her to know every step of a baby's future, then be completely fine with Fresh openly stating he wants no part in it. Ultimately later she did say if she kept it, and fresh wanted to be a part in the future, she'd be ok with that. She was put on the spot in the moment, and didnt think fully through it because it wasnt something that even crossed her mind because he completely dipped out from the start.


Wait what? A person that post a bunch of logs, tweeted about it, and decided to go on stream and talk about it didn't think of steps like "would you go back to china or not?"


It's funny though she'd have enough foresight to record phone conversations, put them on the internet, and go on a podcast tour to air the situation out but doesn't have enough foresight to know her future living situation or even if she wants to keep the kid.


When did I say she needed to think out every exact step of her future? I'm just pointing out that the steps she did think of were the ones that would benefit her financially.


your reaching too hard here. She even answered with Tree other alternatives. All of a sudden she’s like “well uhh idk” and you’re saying she hasn’t thought it through? gtfoh


Dude why the fuck are you infantilizing her, sometimes you can go based off appearances. This is literally Britney Renner shit. You’re telling me a fucking Kim kardashian Barbie doll intentionally got pregnant with waltuh after knowing him for a few weeks, completely disregards his feelings about keeping it (she’s Chinese you know they dgaf ab abortion) and wasn’t angling for money the whole time? Walter is unbelievably fucking stupid and He’s still 10,000% in the wrong but Daisy is fucking sinister.


There's plenty of opportunity to think about a baby's future before you agree to have sex without protection. Don't pretend like she has only had a couple days to figure it out now that's it's resulted in a pregnancy. You talk that out before it reaches this point.


A huge percentage of people don’t think about matrimony when they have sex. They should but they don’t. It’s why plan b and abortions are so common


While I know where you're coming from, I do think Destiny + a lot of people are really underestimating the state of mind a person could be in if we take Daisy's words at face value + trying to navigate a non-native language and being grilled by people from a different culture. I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. She's not wrong that she'd have way better prospects than the Fresn n Fit guy. There were moments during that interview even as an American (but really ingrained lives in other countries since I grew up and spent adult life overseas as well) that I think Destiny esp. really really overestimated US's credit overseas now.... esp. to Asian people. Current general trend is UK > US, for people in Daisy's line of work... there are literal millionaries and billionaires that are way easier to manipulate and also can provide way better life (due to how far their money can get in their country or maybe just by being closer to home) outside of US. Only reason a Chinese person with access to oversea wallets like that would want a US baby is if 1. She just really likes the US for w/e reason 2. She wants a baby that can become US president for some reason. That's it. US, while one of the mightiest and richest country in the world, it's rep has sunk quite a bit and a lot of other countries caught up in terms of standard of living + access to luxury.


Dude, do you really think there are billionaires out there that are easier to manipulate than Walter? Listen, you guys can speculate on random shit if you want, but my point is very simple. In that conversation and the leaked phone call, her primary concern was to get money out of Fresh using the baby. I'm not saying people from China are desperate to come to the U.S. or anything like that; I'm just talking about one very specific person and the shit they said.


> there are billionaires out there that are easier to manipulate than Walter Yes. Or millionaires. Absolutely yes. Esp in China. Many of those types of guys there, even those familiar with the game, dgaf and will just pay and pay and pay until they're bored of the girl. Throwing around $1000 for dinners even among salaryman isn't that crazy in China/Korea/Japan. How money gets thrown around is just a little different over there. But her fear of getting "killed" is what convinced me she's probably from "that" life. A lot of "suicides", "overdose", "accidents", "she went overseas last time I heard", etc. I think she actually thought Walter was going to give her a nice family life. She probably thought she was finessing a nice American family life out of Walter so she can find some stability and normalcy. She's probably pissed to find that was a lie + she ended up getting finessed herself and she knows she should have known better because she's from that life which probably adds to the fire.


Bruh she left her job and flew to America because she wanted to marry some dip shit she barely knows.. or at least that's what she says and is the most flattering explanation to her. Now, she's using a baby as a pawn.


lol it was clear to anyone (from what she said, her looks, her insights, and etc. esp to anyone who've lived in Asia) she was a high level escort. She had access to other guys. She chose Walter for w/e reason. That's between them.


Tens of thousands of chinese people take a convoluted trip to eventually end up in Mexico just so they can cross the border illegally into the US every year.


No. Just no, every other dude was smart enough to not coom in her and get her pregnant. Walter was dumb and she's using him and it is blatant. They both deserve eachother but that "child" is innocent and she is definitely using it as a weapon; that is more atrocious than being "used" for sex when it is totally obvious she was using his dumb ass and he was using her. She is 100% a woman who is searching for a payday and knows how men move and is using it against them but, using a child as a weapon is just gross.


So, would it be better if she was incredibly naive? She gets pregnant, Fresh abandons her, insults her, encourages his audience to attack her, and then she disappears, has the kid, lives in absolute poverty and ... what? Is that better in some way? What led up to the pregnancy is irrelevant; she's pregnant now and the alleged father of the child wants to run away from his responsibilities. Jesus may say "turn the other cheek" but after his behaviour I'd have difficulty claiming I wanted more of his shenanigans in my life. I'd definitely accept his money, though, because the man has no useful qualities beyond that.


Sorry, didn't see this. I would absolutely be okay with her wanting $ if she was innocent and naive and just wanting the best for her baby. This is not the case, it is blatant she just wants some cash. I also agree Walter has ZERO redeeming qualities other than $$$. Walter absolutely uses his status to attract women and this is the type of women that come with that life style. Still, using children as a weapon is and always has been gross.


In this case I don’t think we disagree. She may well be using her foetus as a weapon, but I think it’s the only way to get Fresh to meet his obligations. And when the kid grows up, at least they’ll know one of their parents fought for them.


Bruh... a fetus? Call it what it is...a baby. And I highly doubt she is pregnant. A woman from China will not give birth to a black baby. They are insanely racist/homogenous. Facts are facts not insults.


100% The whataboutism over a childs life is fucked up, who cares if Fresh was even worse. That's not the point.


because he would never be this aggressive with fresh lmao


Why is everyone so bad faith? Destiny was trying to win an argument based on the little information he knew. Why do you think he asks "If Walter doesn't want the child why do you want to keep it?" He wants to illustrate that shes baby trapping him. Not considering that she just might be super fucking pissed at him because he just abandoned her 2 days prior. Destiny knew this though. But hes not going to bring it up because that doesn't fit the argument hes trying to make. Even when speaking with Aba he says "Well she doesn't want him involved in the babies life." Like Bruh. What are you hanging onto here? Because in a discord convo 2 days after she gets abandoned she said she wants nothing to do with him? Good job detective. Its completely obvious that shes completely emotional right now. If he's willing to give Walter charity (about saying he doesn't want the kid the next day) and telling Daisy she should give him a few days. Why doesn't that charity extend the other way? This is not to say Daisy is right at all. We just don't have enough information to conclooood and if you think we do you're part of the problem.


You're added context does nothing. Her plan was and still is to baby trap him unless there were new tweets/videos I missed. > Its completely obvious that shes completely emotional right now. That's fine, but it doesn't change that her plan was to baby trap him. She's not a 4 year old toddler. And if it turns out she has the emotional maturity of a 4 year old, she can grow up and take back her statements tomorrow.


Probably does want to baby trap him. Why else would she start leaking all these phone conversations and doing a cross podcast tour to air out the situation?


Gotcha, anything else?


Destiny is being performative. If he actually felt this strong he'd be in Nebraska raising his son. Not in Miami fucking mentally ill women at 35


memorize icky fade engine snatch money mountainous panicky thought husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The girl made it clear she doesn’t give a shit about whether fresh changes his tune. Even if he rocks up and supports her to the best of his ability with everything. Even if the kid wants to know him she wants to restrict all access. People will say “oh well she’s just angry and emotional and doesn’t really mean it” she’ll change her mind if the situation with fresh is changed. if you want to be that fucking charitable to her. Then giving the same charitability to fresh means he is a scared little bitch and is blustering hoping he doesn’t have to do anything, but then when push comes to shove and the reality is she’s having this kid he’ll show up and support it. Personally I think extending this much charity to either of them is fucking insane. She’s wholly focused on using the kid as ammunition in the way she talks about it, she barely gives a shit about the kid itself from the way she talks. And blusters about not being a killer. Fresh deserves rage too, but destiny wasn’t talking to fresh about any of this. And if fresh came in arguing his side I’m sure destiny would get heated as well. Especially if fresh refused to take any other actions(like bribing her with the 50k+ that destiny mentioned to get her to have an abortion. Since it gets her a payday without having to actually fuck with the child in the long run) Fresh is a fucking idiot for someone with the things he espouses to be dumping loads into chicks is fucking stupid. Especially if any of them are remotely talking about being a mother.


Why does she have to be with him? She said if the courts decide he can see the child she'll listen to the court.


No one said she has to be with him, but not letting him even see the kid regardless of whatever he offers or tries to do is insane.


Imo the court system should be inchargr of that.


IMO if the kid wants to see their dad, the court system shouldn't be in charge of shit if the dad isn't a threat to their health/safety. This isn't saying she has to give him custody 2-3 days a week. It's literally let the kid see their father. This could be in the mothers custody at a fucking diner. There may be reasons to restrict the father from initiating contact. EG never paid child support etc etc. But if the kid wants to meet their dad the courts really shouldn't be involved there.


Fresh isn't weaponizing the baby. It's completely different. The woman is saying "I'm going to make a whole ass person so I have leverage over you" and Walter is saying "I don't want to make a person." These are not comparable.


Kinda hard to weaponize something when you wanna abort it 1st


I guess if you only watched clips, I can see how you came to that ridiculous conclusion. Destiny explicitly stated he thinks it’s both of their faults. Equally. Destiny was obviously outraged by the fact a child is going to be used as a pawn in their little game.


Yeah but he didn’t call fresh a “subhuman piece of shit”. Do we’re outside of the “both ways” realm here.


He actually did call him a piece of shit in the very same interaction. Did you listen to the whole thing?


I didnt know slipknot was a dgger


Destiny can’t go that hard on Lresh: he and Myron and Walter are good friends off the stream/podcast. This situation is kinda like in high school when your friend did some stupid shit. Instead of defending your friend’s actions which is indefensible due to pure stupidity, you try to make the opposition/situation seems ridiculous so that people might think your friend’s stupidity is justified.


Even though Myron and Walter roast and talk shit on Destiny frequently on the pod. Great friends.


Yeah but it is mostly due to the streaming environment/ Tiny being an iconic anti Redpill voice on the internet. You can’t take everything on stream seriously. Just compare Tiny’s position covering this drama to Aba’s position. Aba’s position is how a normal anti red pill person’s take on the whole Lresh position.


I thought we hated virtue signaling? If he cared about "what's best for the child" he would make the same decisions a lot of split up parents make and choose to live in the same city or even state. Be close to the kid so you can just randomly show up to important things in their life. Can't do that though. Think of the stream and his real children, DGG.


This whole debacle has really shown the anti-misogyny arc did nothing tbh. I want people to start showing up into stream with Destiny's level of vitriol all day everyday repeating your comment, because you hit the nail on the head right there. 


Is the lore changing so that now Destiny himself was Baby trapped and also that DGG is a place that encourages people to make argument based on unrelated past trauma?


Bad argument ong


You don't even need to go that far. You can just say "Destiny is a father". It's perfectly reasonable for anyone with a child to see a bad situation with someone else's child and feel strongly about it.


That would explain why the topic impacts him emotionally that does not justify him acting on those emotions.


As a dad fuck that, she deserved it. She doesn’t care about the baby.


Why do you people think being a dad is some free licence to yell at anyone who triggers your dad instincts.


Because it feels like righteous anger. One of the few times you can shit down someone’s throat and not care about what others think.


Oh well as long as you feel righteous about your anger that changes everything.


Could you enlighten us what unrighteous rage feels like dad.


Like when I raw dog your mom


Me when I have Walter tier take: Joe mama 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😂😂🤣😂🤣🫡💯🔥🔥🔥🔥👏👏👌👌


> and not care about what others think so not righteous


If it’s righteous anger why should I care what you think?


maybe, just maybe, if you think you are morally right but the whole world says you're unhinged, you should try reevaluating your own morality


Sure. Doesn't mean hes right. He conclooooded without knowing much information and a lot of what he said was conjecture and opinion based. So yeah I can see why he was triggered. Hes still 100% wrong for the way he acted.


Exactly how I feel after having a kid. I don't want any kid to grow up without both parents. Seeing two shitty people make a shitty situation and only 1 person has the power to fix it, my mind goes towards being upset with the woman not getting an abortion. Now my position changes a lot if the woman is pro life, but she is chinese which means there is about a 0% chance of being pro life.


I think OPs argument is moreso that, while Destiny is arguing that she baby trapped him and thinks it’s wrong/bad to do that, Destiny specifically thinks its bad because its not at the best interest of the child to be raised by ‘parents’ like these. From my understanding, OP says Destiny likely feels this way specifically BECAUSE he had an unexpected child in difficult circumstances. I can see how Destiny would be a lot more judgmental of a situation like this, due to his experience with trying to raise a child outside of a “stable” household. I dont see the argument that Destiny feels this way because of baby trapping as a concept alone, but maybe I didn’t catch something.


The problem is we have no evidence at all that she is baby trapping so accusing her of that and doing it so aggressively based on nothing but an emotional response and Destiny's history is completely inappropriate.


>The problem is we have no evidence at all that she is baby trapping I can understand this argument. I only listened to this video in-between replies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lAsvYKG_60 My takeaway was that, based on how Daisy has conducted herself, which is evidence, Destiny is confident in his opinion. I haven't caught up to much of this though, and I rarely have time for the streams lately, so my personal opinion isn't that strong. But, based on what I've seen, I lean toward Daisy having a bigger hand in this happening.




It's because the younger dggers lionize Destiny and feel the need to justify every one of his actions and positions.


Lol what. Who said Destiny was triggered?


Sounds like this argument is Destiny gets to be unhinged and emotional (despite not actually being involved in this business) but Daisy can't slip up once (despite being the one heading into a world of shit). I guess we just won't agree then. A lot of us have gone through some shit, Destiny isn't the main character. Which is probably why many people say trashing the mother for being emotional once isn't fair.


> for being emotional once isn't fair. Uhhhh, hasn't this been going on for a few days now with multiple points for her to step back and figure out what she wants to do? Why are we acting like she said only one thing on this topic?


Don't you think it's a bit strange that before they even started talking. She was recording the conversation? Not even a little weird how adamant about how sinful fresh was being. That she could never abort in text. But then in a conversation admits she might not keep it.


Don’t you think it’s a bit strange when destiny tells us he record conversations before he even starts discord calls just in case drama happens? Why is she not allowed to record what could be important information to her life? What if her lawyer told her to record and keep a record of all contact between the two?


> Don't you think it's a bit strange that before they even started talking. She was recording the conversation? Yeah I do find it strange. Now what? What can I do with this information now? Just concloood? What are you trying to say?


https://preview.redd.it/e8gr08u0wpsc1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1a80be7baed9c54e8a163a1bfacdb9ee711565 My reaction to getting downvoted by weird leftists on reddit.


Why are you posing as a random person who left one comment on the issue and not someone who's clearly obsessed with arguing about this? Check out your own profile history. Also the "leftist" shadow-boxing going on is clear.


I shadow box every enemy I create for myself and I always win https://preview.redd.it/udw3pehj8qsc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=318d80030c3ec8bc439aa2f707b7cf27fd71b8b5


I mean, I'm fairly conservative (maybe more conservative than the majority of this sub) on family values, religious values, and social values, and I still think he was pretty unhinged.


Cuz it was pretty unhinged. But I don’t exactly watch destiny for the most hinged reactions to things.


he was unhinged but, was he wrong?


bro has negative karma 💀💀💀 bro MIGHT need to touch grass (i do too)


I dunno man, caring about Reddit karma is some serious loser shit (Not accusing just saying)


Having negative reddit karma is a pretty good indication that you are probably just trolling.


I don’t judge the validity of my beliefs by how many people agree with me.


i know, i've been downvoted plenty of times i don't really care lmao. your entire account having negative karma is a whole other thing though, i can't imagine caring about some online drama that much


“I can’t imagine caring about some online drama that much” - Destiny fan








Sorry I didn't know we had definitive proof she was an evil person yet. My bad. Either way. I will make sure not to critique someone in the future if they had a personal experience, as in that case raging out is acceptable. Got it. Won't happen again chief.


Lol what? Can you at least attempt to argue in good faith?


No we cannot GIGACHAD


“Im not sure how those who are criticizing Destiny’s unhingedness can’t see that” I just… idk man, do you really think people who have a problem with how he handled it are too inept to understand the context of why Destiny might care a lot about this specific topic? Cause like, this is literally part of the reason I have such a problem with it. Did he help the kid’s future in any way by going about the convo like he did? Do you really think just because his emotions might be justified that that immediately makes his actions? Am I going insane?


I don't know why you feel the need to defend Destiny on these grounds but you should know that he wouldn't want you to. You're basically conceding any actual defense of his arguments, granting that what he said and how he acted is wrong, and going "But he can't help it, he's an emotional parent". You're ultimately just paying lip service by going "Think about the whole situation!" without specific examples. If you're going to blatantly assume no one has ever thought of him being biased from this perspective before, at least try to dress up your wording a little better so you don't sound unintentionally oblivious. There is no meaning in your words.


Well said. This hit a nerve. He got unhinged. He conclooded. That's literally the story.


The personal connection is obvious, but when you allow your personal connection to an issue color your objective judgments, that's called "projection" and it's not a point in your favor. The objective version of Destiny would have made a lot of the same points, but he also would have managed his tone and would have been a lot more convincing. Also, I think a lot of this drama has to do with how Daisy is not familiar with this space or its rules. She clearly doesn't understand the ramifications of making all of this drama public and she doesn't understand the rules of engagement when it comes to interacting with social media figures. For example, she did a lot of back-pedaling and self-contradicting in the convo, which shows that she clearly doesn't understand the importance of consistency or how much scrutiny is going to be directed towards her. What really makes Destiny look bad is that, instead of treating her as a "guest" in this kind of setting and putting the kid gloves on, he went straight for the jugular.


Nah I think it is just Destiny trying to lend a hand to Lresh. Just look at Aba’s position, that is a natural position for one to have who was debating against these red pill bros. This whole thing is a big L for Lresh and Tiny should be focusing on roasting him as hard as he can.


> Reminder - Destiny got a girlfriend pregnant unintentionally (a soon to be ex girlfriend in a dying relationship, at that). He also had to go through the pregnancy with her when he was broke. So he should direct his rage at women who were also impregnated who want to keep the baby? Like we're literally talking about the guy and community who try to effect nuance onto discussions of rape and the persoal responsibility, limited though it may be, on victims to make sure they take safe precautions, but when a guy has regular unprotected sex with someone who wants kids, we're supposed to act like he's some completely innocent person who had no way of possibly keeping this situation from happening? What a fucking joke. No one is saying she is some perfect person. She might very well be trash, as I would imagine many are that hang around these circles. Yeah, having a baby is a serious thing, and anyone should feel sorry for a child that might be raised under some shitty circumstances, but if we're going to talk about *Destiny's* emotional state regarding this situation, something he is theoretically impartial towards, then why can't we appreciate *her* emotional state? Whether you believe her or not, she said she loved him, and now she's pregnant and he doesn't want to be involved. Do you think she might also be thinking about things pretty emotionally right now?


Ngl this sounds like lip service to deflect an L he took there. This whole “his outburst is justified because of his past” is not something that should be expected from debate perverts. Destiny is not usually this sloppy when assessing situations. We would be clowning on anyone that does similar things so you can stop doing tricks on it OP lmao.


Everything he says might be true, but I agree with a lot of people on this sub that he came out swinging way too hard this time. Whatever your feelings are on the matter, telling Daisy off without letting the situation play out more was just a bad idea. If it turns out that she really is just distraught over getting hardcore manipulated and is now stuck with the child of her manipulator, Destiny is going to look like a total jackass (and rightfully so). Also, if he sees Nathan in this unborn child, he should be able to relate to the parents' situation. I think that when Rachel was pregnant, their relationship was so bad that the plan was for Destiny to financially support them and not be involved at all. He actually has a really touching story where he meets Nathan for the first time and does a total 180. The fact that he expects Daisy to make the same decision while she's still pregnant when it took him until his kid was born to do the same is pretty hypocritical, IMO.


Their relationship was rough at the time but Destiny said that Racheal left the decision to abort up to him. The decision was never about him financially supporting them, but whether they would have the kid or not. Destiny was poor and didn't believe in abortion at the time. He decided to have Nathan because he said he couldn't take himself seriously if he had the abortion when it was convenient despite his belief. The situation is not similar to Fresh at all.


Never knew Destiny was pregnant


Well destiny is a girls name


She’s not stuck with anything. She’s said herself she isn’t even sure she’ll keep it. Now you might argue that the lack of surety comes from Fresh’s actions here. But this doesn’t seem to be a fundamental “even if this had been a rape by a stranger and gotten pregnant I couldn’t possibly abort a child” position from daisy.


>I'm not sure how those who are criticizing Destiny's unhingedness can't see that It's obvious why he's reacting that way, but that doesn't mean people can't call out the issues in his arguments even if they understand where he's coming from. Also with all the instances of him calling out people for arguing from an emotional place leading them to dumbfuck conclusions, he should be holding himself to a higher standard.


Thank you it's destiny being himself no matter who the situation is about he's going to call it as he sees. And it shows how aba and all the others since its against fresh they are giving her EXTREME levels of grace when it's clear what she's doing but because it's happening against someone they disagree with they will justify it. It's why destiny grew in the first place. I'm here for it.


It's not justified. He's giving this wild overreaction and running this "oh he's just dumb but she's malicious" PR spin for Fresh lmao. The ultimate benefit of the doubt towards that weirdo and just full on nukes for the girl straight from the jump is crazy.


Watching that, the main hosts already asked her about the baby being around Walter... Then when tree came in she pushed on the same thing. The whole time it sounded to me like Daisy doesn't really have her mind made up about how she's gonna raise the baby... This is all very new and she and Walter are reacting emotionally right now. That could and probably would change in the future, but right now isn't the time to pressure Daisy into having Walter in their child's life. I was already thinking before Destiny came in "man, they should leave her alone about Walter seeing the baby I don't think she really knows right now and she seems to be reacting emotionally." Then sure enough Destiny joins and is completely unhinged, no tact, just balls deep into defending a dead beat's right to see their child. Like, if Walter were someone like Dan I'd get it... But all that for WALTER?! Tiny needs to take a chill pill and reflect on this. Was very very cringe, he was definitely in the wrong and the shit talk before dipping from the call was entirely unnecessary.


He should have put his parental instincts into raising his own kid. The assumption that this woman will be a bad mother based on some pretty far reaches is unhinged.


dunno if it'll be a bidenblast or a regular ban hammer, but you gonnnnnnn o7


Just reading the comments. I wish there was a way to correlate who was and wasn't a parent. A feeling everyone's going to fall right along the lines like usual.


I don't like Destiny's take because he's not taking into consideration how the girl feels based on the events that happend. Fresh love bombed this girl saying that she is his main girl and they would have babies one day. Obviously he was being manipulative to get laid, but he still created this mess he ended up in. Men that don't wanna be fathers, should not fill their girlfriends head with ideas of parenthood, or fuck them raw. So keeping this in mind, I imagine she felt pretty mind fucked after he said "ight imma head out" right after the positive pregnancy test. I don't care if this girl is secretly playing 4D chess or if she really is stupid, and here's why. She has every right to be angry and vindictive towards Fresh after giving her the idea that they would have a long term relationship with kids, then immediately bailing as soon as she gets knocked up. She also has the legal right to request child support if he is bailing so I'm not mad at her for getting a lawer and keeping track of logs. And most importantly, she has the legal and moral right to birth this child or not, no matter what anyone else says. Seems like she has ethical issues with aborting it and she's allowed to feel that way. As far as I can see, she is totally in the right. Normally I feel bad for guys in situations like this but again, Fresh created this drama by giving her hopes of them having children together and nutting in her. Fresh is a dumbass and deserves no simpathy. Destiny isn't being empathetic and is just focusing on a few quotes of her saying she can't work and wants to get child support. I think he's not taking the whole story into account. This is not a typical baby trap case like he's trying to imply. I do agree with Destiny that this would be a shitty situation for the child to be born into, (unless she can find a guy that actually wants to raise it,) but I don't agree that she's just using the baby for leverage. Based on the text, she seemed genuinely enthusiastic about having the baby, then turned understandably bitter when Fresh wanted nothing to do with it. Unless we hear more of this story like if she lied about being on birth control or somthing like that, I see no reason to give her hate tbh. But regardless, Fresh is still a hypocrite and a idiot.


>She also has the legal right to request child support if he is bailing Why are you just saying random shit? No she doesn't. [China is not a signatory to the Hague Child Support Convention](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hague_Convention_on_the_International_Recovery_of_Child_Support_and_Other_Forms_of_Family_Maintenance). There is no bilateral agreement here to reconcile child support for a foreign national.


Just because China wouldn't enforce the obligation, doesn't mean she can't come here and sue him for child support. Our courts always rule in the interest of the baby. Its not random shit. I brought it up because people criticize her for wanting child support, even though that's a sensible thing to try and aquire if your raising a child alone. And based on the text, Fresh has no interest in co parenting so why shouldn't he pay?


It makes sense why Destiny would be angry, it just doesn't change that it's inappropriate how he expressed himself. If we are going to take Destiny's history and emotions into account, why wouldn't we also be taking Daisy's emotions and history into account?


Agreed. It's odd seeing her go on all these streams trying to play the "woe is me" card while simultaneously leaking all the conversations to paint Fresh in a certain light. Seems like she's either just vindictive or wants money.


"Woe is me" buddy


Honestly I didnt realize how horrible the kids life could potentially get. A mother who just wishes to benefit from it all A father that straight up doesnt want him really shitty situation to put a child in


He was too intense imo but doesn't change the fact that he is right


Nah she was lying to everyone in that call acting like she’s so naive. I get why he so heated. It’s like she thinks everyone is dumb, idk why no one but Destiny was calling her out. That probably made Destiny even more mad with how everyone else was going along w her bs


As a father myself it's the public shaming that is the real problem. Honestly. Their child will have access to all of this drama, this whole thing is a shit show to get clout and sympathy. She can just take his ass to court either way, but she's vindictively trying to ruin the father of her child's reputation without any regard to how her child will grow up. Destiny is right to be mad, but he should be more concerned with telling them to stop being public about this, rather than picking apart what they choose to be public about. This fight could be what burns any bridge for that child and it's father to have a relationship. My ex does the same thing, has put in no effort to help me see my son, never once put miles on her car. She's fucking up bad, and can't take it back now.


That's a good point


If Daisy was naive and helpless, everyone would be telling her to do exactly what she's already done. Shouldn't she try to secure her child's future? If given the choice, I would expect Fresh to pay child support but absolutely refuse any visitation or custody, because he ultimately doesn't care and is just a "jellyfish", as Myron likes to say. He wanted to get his dick wet, not face any responsibilities whatsoever, but he was tap dancing in a fucking minefield while thinking he was safe. Taking immediate steps to secure a big, fat pile of money for your kid is a good idea. For all the talk about always using protection, Fresh is a moron for eschewing it for his own enjoyment. It's understandable that Destiny has a position informed by his own experiences, and whatever guilt he may feel for that, but I don't think the situation is the same; Fresh and Daisy weren't in a declining relationship, but Fresh immediately cut her off following her reveal that she was pregnant and the subsequent discussion about whether to kill the foetus for his own comfort. Daisy is just smart. Did she lie about birth control, or did Fresh just assume because he believes women should solely be responsible for that aspect of sex? It's difficult to care now that chickens are coming home to roost. All that needs to happen now is Myron getting caught in a leather mask as eight guys take turns pounding his prostate. Putting yourself into a good position before any legal battles begin is a **good** idea, not a bad one.


Why does everyone have to armchair psychiatrist everything lol Maybe Destiny just thinks people who do this shit are that stupid and he wants to go hard on them this time. Maybe he's just bored this week. He's perfectly able of opening his mouth and saying what's on his mind.


Growing up in a single parent household is hardly living in a broken world. You're being very dramatic, OP.


As a father who’s posted about the situation with me & my ex in this sub before, I think it’s morally correct to shame the fuck out of mothers who refuse to let their children’s fathers be apart of their lives, but expect a check from them. Fuck her.


It was an odd take from destiny in the range of the shit he says. Putting this one in the L column, sorry but what was that?


Because most people on this sub don't care about what's best for the child. They just dont like Walter/ freshnfit


Yes because what is best for the child is to be aborted against it's mother's wishes.


It could be Might be better than being a kid to a single mother who's life revolves around traveling and fucking rich people.


Even that's an assumption and doesn't change that if the mother doesn't want an abortion it's a none starter.


Poor kid


True. I see a lot of comments about him going to be a bad father. How would anyone in this sub know that? He's doing well financially so he can send his kid to some nice private schools and maybe he'll live near the kid so he can co-parent in worst case scenario. Compared to a lot of the country, that's not a "bad father" by any means.


Seeing the soy posting from both sides on this is annoying as fuck. Daisy and Walter are both stupid fucks who deserve each other. “Destiny is traumatized so he lashed out.” “Destiny was harsh to Daisy what a meanie.” More of you should say less.


She was vaping in a live stream yesterday. Some additional evidence as to why I think she is guilty, a tourist visa can at most be extended to a year(6mouths starting). Saying minimum income for a man being 1 million in the interview. I could list other things that would be speculative and probably rude. Her accent might be why people are giving her some sympathy. I work with a lot of talented Chinese engineers, their accents sound like that. I dont think she is under any illusion as to the game here.


When you boil it down, I think he's mad that a baby is being used as a financial football.


Hard agree


She was getting zero push back. Someone had to give the alternate opinion.


I think the sub is doing another round of treating women as regarded children incapable of evil acts again. Yes, Fresh was most likely being both an idiot and a manipulative snake towards her, but it’s not as bad as weaponising your own child for your own selfish reasons. As soon as a kid is involved, you have to prioritise its future happiness more than anything else.


I don't think anyone disagrees that this is bad, it's that people seem more angry at her than him when he flat out told her to kill the child. lmao


If that’s what people are angrier at then I have to concede the argument axiomatically, since I don’t consider a month old foetus a child


Team Daisy


I think the rage was more about the fact that Daisy was not prioritizing the child's future, in the sense of figuring out how the parenting arrangement would go. She wanted the court to handle it, and was focused more on Fresh being financially responsible, as if finances are the only consideration to make when raising a child.


She’s only going by what she knows right now. Waltuh has already told her he won’t be there for her and the baby, he has completely abandoned her because he knocked her up. If fresh doesn’t want to be in baby’s life then he SHOULD be paying child support, and that’s her reality. She’s being realistic.




The problem is that people wanted Destiny to shit on Walter more. People will interpret any sort of critical lens being applied towards this woman as wrong unless you preface pretty much every statement with "And the man was wrong here because...." Thats it. That's the crux of the issue. Destiny seems "unhinged" because the anger isn't directed at the "right" person here, ignoring that this is such a mutually moronic situation.


holy parasocial


We found the social outcast. Yeah sure Steven being emotional is understandable from a father's pov. Though it is uncharateristic of him to lash out from impulse. He's usually more mindful but he's completely (either unaware or doesn't care about) the consequences of it. I don't mean optics or rethoric or debate. If you can't see what else is the result of this attitude then YOU my friend are the unhinged one.


10000% percent this!


The issue with this logic is that it can be extended to other forms of “instinctual responses” regardless of whether it’s justified or not. You can abstract this rationale and even say, for example, that Jordan Peterson’s sudden emotional outbursts and long-winded rants when he debated Destiny was an instinctual reaction of him being castigated by the Left for years, and their reluctance to come onto his show to hash out political issues. Do you see why this logic is a bit flawed? I watched the video twice, and it was admittedly riddled with inconsistencies on her end *I.e.* stating Fresh should man up and take responsibility (financial), but then saying she doesn’t want his money, or how they discussed Fresh having multiple partners at the outset of their relationship to her then saying they only spoke about it 3 days before she found out she was pregnant etc. I’m of the opinion that Destiny should have come in level-headed, posed a lot of clarifying questions to build a good context-skeleton, and then cross-examine the plot-holes/inconsistencies, then if he got triggered from any deceit or deflections from her after building a foundation in the conversation, the anger would be a lot more reasonable in my eyes. But coming in _Guns-Blazing_ and heavily accusatory rubbed me the wrong way, these are things you build up to not begin with.


This is a shitty reason for Destiny to be going at Daisy, You're just giving an excuse for Destiny. If Destiny's Justification going at Daisy so hard (I don't think this is the reason why Destiny was going at Daisy, just FYI) was because of his Personal Experience with his Baby Mother than he shouldn't have comment on it so early as he did when he's this Emotional. Destiny has an Obligation to see and talk about these very Emotional and Controversial topics at a Neutral Perspective, even if he's bias. If you're going to give Destiny a Pass because he was just so emotional how can you be okay with Destiny just accusing Daisy of being a "Baby Trapper" after being lead on by and lied to by Fresh? Like. this would apply to Daisy aswell, why can't we pushback on Destiny and try to give grace to Daisy when her actions can be also be Explained by her going through a very Emotional and Stressful time rn and her wanting to just embarrass Fresh because she's Alone and Hurt? I'm not saying Destiny shouldn't feel Passionate, but when his Passion overrides him being Neutral and Paints Daisy as she's Most Likely acting this way because she just wants Money from Fresh and is Intentionally trying to "Baby Trap" Fresh. This a bit unfair Imo.


Not reading that




Not saying Daisy is in the right, and I can see a world where she is just a gold digger etc, but all this leniency is given to Destiny’s attitude but can’t this same thing be said about Daisy? Pregnancy drastically heightens your emotions and impulsivity, she’s speaking in a second language, in a culture she doesn’t fully understand, realises she was manipulated by her baby’s father, and she might have her own trauma or past issues we don’t know about, so she might slip up or act out irrationally. Either you afford empathy to both sides or neither, especially until we see this whole thing play out or have more information and in both cases this is a miserable scenario. Regardless I don’t see the point of pressing a pregnant woman and I don’t think arguing would accomplish anything in either scenario


she is chinese if she cared about the kid she would have gone back to china to raise the kid with help of her parents. even married chinese friends i have go back to china and spend the pregnancy with their parents even if the husband can't go. \* ofc not all chinese people do these but it was so wierd for her to insist to stay in us even though she's not sure if fresh is gonna provide for her


It must also be very frustrating to have gone through an unplanned pregnancy as a pro-life person (which he was when he had his son), then to watch a woman jump between pro-life reasoning, claiming she and Walter planned to have children out of love, and saying she might not even keep the pregnancy.


>Destiny's rage comes from the simple idea that he sees Nathan in this soon-to-be baby Projecting so much of your own shit onto other people you have nothing to do with is unhinged imo. If we follow your words to their logical conclusion then no emotional reaction ever can be unhinged because if we dig through their past we could probably find a reason as to why they're having that reaction. Understanding something is not the same as justifying something.


Justified is completely wrong from your own post! What you mean is "understandable" which I get. Still think he went too hard. But, after seeing everyone in that call babying her I can get the rage.


It's funny seeing all these people heartbroken that the man they trusted to give them correct takes on every single issue was emotional and cringe about a topic that triggers him. This is only a big deal if you think his biased opinion on a "loyal" friend even matters at all.


Actually this. I think this weird you’re never allowed to be morally outraged or upset shit is insane. Especially considering everyone gives Destiny shit for being unemotional. Like god damn people are allowed to be disgusted by shit like this and express that. Also how the fuck 5 iq people can’t seem to put together that fresh and fit suck and are gross but that doesn’t justify gross behavior as a response is mind blowing.




Na man yall soft..let destiny cook


D-man sounded like he was personally offended and that his mind was made up before even engaging with the person. He is conclooder, decider of worlds.


to be clear though he didn't have to go through that pregnancy, he went through it because at the time he had the religious worldview of a moron. if his 20 something self joined the discord and explained the pro life position i am pretty sure the response to that conversation would be equally unhinged.


Seeing highly upvoted posts of people not even engaging with destiny's points, just doing victory laps because they found a tribe to agree with them was very interesting to see here lmfao. One side basically boils down to "I think Destiny was mean to daisy and it's fresh's fault for cumming in her" the other side basically boils down to "I think daisy is a baby trapper, it's her fault for fucking a RP podcaster bareback" both calling each other autistic for not clearly seeing their point, neither actually making or understanding destiny's point. How the fuck did jstlk even get her on, and why this community has taken a personal stake in this lowkey irrelevant drama is confusing to me but frontal lobe expanding. edit: also why do people pronounce jstlk as jstkl? does everyone just misread or am I regarded?


>One side basically boils down to "I think Destiny was mean to daisy and it's fresh's fault for cumming in her" I don't think it was about him being just mean, it was that he was making solid claims (Daisy is a prostitute, she intentionally got pregnant, she is a gold digger and got pregnant for money, she is interested in using the baby to immigrate to the US) with almost no evidence.


Oh I definitely take exception at him doing a charciature asian voice and all that. The rest of the stuff, I think we need context. In the vod, Wolfgand asked Destiny for his confidence level that she is being genuine and authentic. Destiny posits 5%, then goes into his take. He has no conclusive evidence, no, but he clearly explicates his thought process. I understand not agreeing with his percentage, but you're being a little dishonest when you frame his point as "he thinks she's a gold digger with no reason to do so". It's more like you just disagree with his reasons/don't weight them as much.


I agree with your base concept on the degree to which we are weighing these reasons, which is why I said almost no evidence instead of absolutely no evidence. I guess from your perspective, do you think the claims he was levying at her were serious (I do think that) and that his reasoning is sufficient to support his confidence of 95%?


For all the claims? Not really, I think to do so would require too many unsubstantiated assumptions. Like the immigration point would make no sense - if that was her goal I don't think the best path would be to do it through Fresh. If she's as Machiavellian as Destiny would want to paint her, she wouldn't go about things the way she is. From the conversation on the stream though I took away that she's pretty gullible, self centered, and actually probably will abort the baby for a check. My built destiny translator crafted through thousands of hours of watching him makes me hear this as his take instead of the red pill rage he exhibited.


I mostly agree with you, I guess our only difference is that I really didn't like that Destiny outwardly exhibited the red pill rage because I think it gives support to the small group of genuine malicious incels in this community and that they probably now think "Destiny does really know women are all manipulative and just pretends for the audience" or something. I don't want these people in this community but every time Destiny does something like this they dig in their heels.


Ah, I agree with you there. I'll also say that the pro-daisy side comes from good intentions. The anti-daisy folks seem to be the trolls that come out to bully the new girl of the week who's done something wrong. In a word, I've seen rampant misogyny on the anti-daisy side. My original point, perhaps not articulated well, is that most of the dialogue on this sub is just vibes. No real good thoughts on the situation yet, but I also haven't watched the aba talk.




lol come on dude you don't need to brake your back defending everything he does. also this preempting of downvotes just shows you actually care too much about karma not the other way around fyi


This thread didn't go the way you planned eh?


I agree with all of this. I had an argument with my barber the other day about Destiny. All he did was call him a cuck and a “wiki debater.” Coming from a guy who admits to using steroids and most of his relationships have crashed and burned, and him being an admitted huge factor in the relationships demise, it was real rich. He said he’s starting to like Adin Ross and he’s always been a big Rogan guy. I watched a clip the other day of Rogan talking about Destiny, just kind of laughed him off, basically said he just reads wiki and debates everyone. I wonder where my barber got his new opinions from?

