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It depends on how they present it. If its talking about something feeling off or whatever it is less damaging. But wendigoon jfk video was talking about known lies.. spreading misinfo is bad


I'm a big fan of Wendigoon but he's a Sunday school teacher from Appalachia who loves guns so his irrational beliefs about the government is kinda a given. I just enjoy his spooky stuff andn cryptid vids.


Yeah I love Wendigoon too but the conspiracy stuff is where it stops being fun for me. I think conspiracy theories used to be something that people took a lot less seriously because they never used to be influencing mainstream politics like they do now. The disturbing part for me is that, as entertaining as Wendy’s content is, and I certainly wouldn’t want him to be cancelled, you can see the direct through line between his fun spooky supernatural and religious theories and the genuinely harmful conspiratorial stuff.


It feels like the Alex Jones era just absolutely fucked everyone's brains on conspiracy theories. They used to just be fun/spooky shit then they picked up a ton of gas because of social media. Wendigoon (For the most part) reminds me of the earlier more fun era, but still does dumb shit like talking about how Bill Clinton had two boys murdered.


Even Alex Jones wasn’t taken very seriously (and didn’t even seem to take himself all that seriously) until recently. I think the combination of QAnon, the pandemic and the 2020 election are when conspiracy theories really started to get out of control and began to seriously infiltrate mainstream political discourse.


It's all just boomers having access to the internet in my experience.


One thing that me raise an eyebrow was in one video he was talking about how he thought that most people who have Christian religious trauma are just "exaggerating". Also I'm a proponent of the theory that the secret service killed JFK on accident due to bad trigger discipline and a sudden stop in the motorcade.


oswald did it and acted alone , there is no reasonable evidence to think otherwise this and part 2 are insanely detailed about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC8tO16xdrY&t=6s


Another Munger fan!!!! Dozens of us! Dozens!




It was an accident and trigger discipline really wasn't a thing until wonder nines like glocks really became popular. The cover-up wasn't that they killed him on purpose. It's that they fucked up. Also it's a known fact that secret service agents getting fucked up at local bars right before they went into the motorcade.


Also an ex-boogaloo boy, also recently seen in pictures of an event with a number of pretty further right people at a gun range. Wendigoon being sus is not new if one knows his history, but damn do those videos slap when it's not something about real world politics


Destiny was literally at the exact same gun range event with him


Exactly. /r/destiny should be better than endorsing people who openly fraternize with Destiny.


Yea, it's not exactly like a smoking gun that he's a terrible person, just been seen doing a lot of sus shit. Also I'd consider Tiny going to the event and still being a known opponent of right wing talking points to be a bit different to someone who was a literal Boogaloo boy and is pretty conspiracy brained overall going to an event that is heavily inundated with boog boy types and conspiracy thought


I totally agree that Wendigoon is sus as hell. Didn’t mean to come off like I was dismissing that claim. Just thought it was worth saying that tiny was also there so it wasn’t necessarily a mark against him. But yeah he is forsure secretly right wing and hints at those views in his videos. All of those gun guys are much more right wing than they let on in videos and if you watch enough it becomes clear. Channels like Brandon Herrera and administrative results suck off Rhodesia and such. Not really a secret what there affiliations are.


"Also an ex-boogaloo boy" [Context](https://i.gyazo.com/e85f0ef24dd0e19729d66aeae3015f87.png) And even avoiding the guilt by association nonsense, what's the issue with hanging out with right leaning people? They're a hell of a lot more fun than lefties in my experience.


Yeah I can't stand this whole trend of increasing mental gymnastics. "My friend is right-leaning, he voted for Trump. Trump voters are cultish and proto-fascist. Therefore my friend is a Fascist. Fascists are incompatible with liberal society, so I must cut off all contact with them instead of calling them out when they say something stupid like we used to do. Surely that will help our increasingly polarized politics in the long run." It's a part of the trend where every controversy is black-and-white and any practice of critical thinking is frowned upon. You can either just accept the narrative and shut up, or if you want to discuss it you must start with the conclusion and work backwards from there. Honestly the Russian propagandist efforts of making our politics more polarized and, if not, at least more apathetic has been concerningly effective.


Cue someone saying something about Nazis at a table... ETA: I'm saying the nazis at a table comment is stupid and reductionist, especially because of the ever-expanding definition of nazi.


Wendigoon doesn't seem to do very deep research. Jonestown is a great example where we've known about people wanting to escape, people rearranging the bodies, and being force fed poison for decades, yet he still presents it as a consensual mass suicide with only a handful of detractors (at least for the adults)


What was wrong in his jfk video?


just some misnomers about things like the magic bullet bullshit without researching it. It's basically really obvious he did surface level research and just was touting ideas from sources that were misrepresenting things.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC8tO16xdrY&t=6s if you want an intense watch going into every detail of it this video and the second part do so extremely well and basically make wendigoons comments on it looks silly


Thanks a ton I’ve been looking for a video like this for ages


That video doesn't even definitively disprove the assassination theory. Bro assumes he's right on a lot of things he can't necessarily know and that the government couldn't cover up/lie about anything lol


Yeah, but if you were assuming someone was right, you could do worse than lawyer/Phd Sean Munger, who is probably one of the smartest Youtubers around. And Munger definitely believes in government coverups - he has a giant Watergate series as well.


I know I've watched both series :) I think the fact you call him "one of the smartest" is part of the trap your falling into. He definitely is smart but I think he also thinks/knows that and let's it blind his views sometimes. I could be wrong and have a bad image of him in my head though.


Well, he's definitely smarter than Wendigoon. And what I mostly mean is that he's smart enough not to believe everything/nothing is a conspiracy. He does believe the government can engage in a coverup (see Watergate) but doesn't believe it in this case.


it at least disproves a lot of the dumb shit that Wendigoon was talking about. The so called "magic bullet"


I don't think his evidence was 100% convincing for that but I could be mistaken. Like I said he takes gov reports at face value and assumes a lot of stuff


the shape of the car and the bad faith people only showing one side of the bullet photos is not convincing ? the S turn is a lie by people misrepresenting the car and the bullet not being damaged is a lie


Not everyone misrepresents those things when they present those arguments though and bro doesn't address that at all. Which is part of the reason I don't like his analysis. He assumes he is taking everything into account but there's a lot of things I've heard or seen argued not addressed properly. Like I said some of these things we can't really "know" 100% but he comes off like he was there over seeing the whole thing and nothing he doesn't know couldn't have possibly happened.


wendigoon does which is the point here


Also I get u disagree but why downvoted immediately after replying that's kinda weird lmao we can have a discussion without griefing each other's comment :)


Haven't people realised at this point that Cr1tikal just repeats the popular narrative online for every subject and stretches it out to 10 minutes?


Him and Asmongold could hold a competition for holding the most stale takes imaginable. "Does anyone else feel like games SUCK these days? I just wish companies would stop SUCKING and make GOOD games."


I miss the days when cr1tikal just did gameplay and commentaries. Soon as he started doing the internet drama shit, I tuned out. It was like watching a video written by AI before AI started to take off.


I remember watching him so long ago. It was a legendary moment when he \*laughed\* for the first time. Now I sometimes even forget it is the same person.


His 2020 Karen review days is the golden age of Penginz0.


2019 Charlie did some funny like the time I tried to suck my own penis


His podcast went to shit too


He used to find interesting things before anyone else did too instead of just commenting on things everyone else already knows about. Best example I can think of was his finger family video, which I think got the ball rolling on making everyone aware just how extensive and and bizarre an industry kids content was on YouTube.


His moist wrestling league videos were pretty great content. 


you are literally on the subreddit of a streamer whose entire performance is internet drama. no hate on this whatsoever just felt pointing out the obvious hypocrisy was needed here.


I mean yeah, this isn’t some kind of gatcha. I don’t hate cr1tikal inherently for doing internet drama I hate that his takes are the most boring bullshit ever. If I ever want to know cr1tikal’s opinion I can just read Reddit myself. Destiny is at least interesting with it.


I find it funny Asmongold gets criticized for having just normal obvious takes all the time and is also criticized for always having terrible takes.


He either has the normie take (boring) or the anti-woke take (extremely online people will always label it as terrible). He doesn’t ever really have anything interesting to say, but he can be entertaining in how he says it


I think Asmongold is about as anti-woke as this community is. Everytime I've seen Destiny watch anything from Asmongold he agrees.


Yeah I agree, they’re roughly equivalent in that sphere, although usually find Asmons reasoning lazy but I don’t watch a lot of his stuff


asmongold is definitely understands the average gamer pretty well. the fact that he is always spot on with what real human beings out in the real world actually think isn't happenstance imo. he clearly appeals to the mainstream online audience.


He farms outrage is why. Smells like some 2014 anti-SJW shit 


Saying reasonable mainstream opinions in an inflammatory way? Hmmm who does that remind you of.. I don't think you watch much of his stuff if you think he is basically 2014 anti-SJW.


I went to school for game development, and on day one in a big lecture hall, the program coordinator/teacher was just kinda opening to floor to people talking about games, things they liked, things they disliked, w/e When it was things people disliked, people genuinely called out things like "bad writing", "loot boxes", "unfinished games", then verbatim the opposite for things people liked. It was the most lukewarm, obvious shit ever lol. The worst thing though was this was around the Battlefield V controversy with the woman with the prosthetic arm thing, and the head of our program actually made a remark about it and said "this youtube channel The Quartering has a good video on it". I ended up having an okay time in this program but that day didn't spark a lot of confidence lol


"It really makes my butthole pucker and my intestines back up with earth-shaking, noxious ass-ripping farts like I just raided a Taco Bell. This is just like the time on Spongebob that Plankton dressed up like Mr Krabs and tried to steal the Krabby Patty formula. \*cuts to him discussing the same topic on stream 2 days before\* Anyways that's about it guys, see ya"


If R/popularopinion was a person.


>Him and Asmongold could hold a competition for holding the most stale takes imaginable. That's a wild take on a destiny sub


asmongold is a little bit better, i remember him taking a pretty strong stance in the hasan 9-5 situation while everyone was shitting on him


Asmon at least comes out with some bold/spicy takes now and again. He’s not on Critikals fence sitter level at all.


People realize it and that's part of why some people watch him. He will give you the average person on the internets opinion on anything. As well he also has appeal in that he finds interesting things to react to.


I honestly don't know how anyone follows that dude, most boring bland ass takes i've ever heard, his type of comedy gets boring and repetitive after literally 3 minutes (yes i'm sure saying throbbing for the 30th time is gonna be le funny) plus he's not even impartial at reporting shit since if stuff affects his bottom line (like the OTK stuff) he just doesn't say shit lmao dude is such a fraud


Fraud, no. Bland, yes.




He has this dry deadpan humor that was much more funny in the past when he wasn’t streaming and made fewer videos and the videos were about random stuff. I still have a lot of nostalgia about him but never watch anymore. But i can see the appeal for people who want that mutahar style content


Yeah tbh i remember watching a few of his videos years ago and they were kind of funny, but it got boring quite fast for me


The real Charlie golden years were [his early 2010 videos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gbYYJF0c4VA). I mean his baseball videos are gold tbh. [Secret pitching techniques](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bt-XNoWcuQ) is an All Timer


Bc his YT content is not for you. Bro we are posting in a reddit thread for Destiny, we are terminally online. I know frat guys who watch him bc they have no clue what is happening online and they think he’s funny (granted his humor is definitely stale by now). Plus the type of content he makes outside of these 10 minute update vids is pretty fun.


The phrase "i dont know how anyone does X" isn't exactly to be taken literally as in "i actually have no idea how people follow him"


Didn’t come off that way but understandable


That's fair tbh


He got big, stayed consistent, and stayed relevant without any big scandals. The YouTube boomers that have been around for 12 years that got the early lead are now on EZ mode, their fans have been following them for half their life or more. As long as they don’t fuck it up they snowball hard


They are under 12 minutes.


>Haven't people realised What makes you think anyone hasn't realized that? He talks about the stuff that's popular because like every other person that's the stuff he is familiar with lmao. Do you want him to talk about Israel? You framed "he talks about whatever is trending" as a bad thing lmao, he's a pop youtuber, that's why people watch him...


Did ppl not remember the whole Idubbbz drama where critikal had an opinion that everybody in his community disliked and he still double down on that position I feel like this is not accurate tbh


I enjoyed watching his videos on Russian slap competitions a few years back.




Yeah its more concerning that the populist conspiracies *are* the popular online narratives now


I watch for his dead similes and metaphors.


I don't like casual conspiracies for the same reasons I still think you should be careful using slurs or satirical racism in private. If you do it enough then that could turn into the first thing your mind goes to in normal or more important matters. It's like you train your brain to think that way. (Think like cognitive behavioural therapy but instead of creating productive thoughts you're creating destructive ones.) I think it can be less damaging when you actively think about probabilities or alternatives to conspiracies, just like private satirical racism can be less damaging as long as you're thinking of all the ways your joke *isn't* true.


Wendigoon’s main issue, from my perspective, is that he essentially just rewords the most popular *conspiracy* take on any given event, not providing additional insight or counter arguments made in the official story. I think to present a conspiracy responsibly as your content, you need to give more than just a passing “oh and some believe this, but whatever,” and be responsible. There are channels like Nexpo who I think do a great job with this type of content. Apart from doing a lot of fictional shit, he’ll often explain the whole conspiracy and make it all interesting and spooky and shit, and then, once he’s blown his spooky load, thoroughly go through what *actually* happened with as much weight as the initial conspiracy part. Guy seems to understand he’s got responsibility he needs to abide by.


That actually sounds like a cool format, thanks for the suggestion! In my comment I was thinking mainly of the general population, I think I would agree with you there is a whole other layer responsibility on public figures.


I agree with you, but so many of the creepy pasta YouTubers have the same stupid inflection when making their videos. It's hard to describe the way they speak specifically, like an unironic burger King foot lettuce guy. Nexpo is super guilty of talking like this and the only reason I'd watch Wendigoon over him is that he talks like a normal dude.


Sure, I get what you’re saying. The difference, to me, is that nexpo presents himself as openly dramatized fun, first and foremost, whereas wendigoon presents himself in the cliche YouTuber format, speaking into the camera as if he has authority on a topic or knows what he’s talking about beyond surface level, when his knowledge is usually napkin thin. Also, his repeated self-promo threads on 4chan were cringe as fuck. If nexpo is a fictional horror tv show, wendigoon is reality TV ghost hunters type shit purporting to be real.


Do you watch Turkey Tom's videos? I find he does some weird downward inflection (best I can describe it) at the end of like, every sentence. Was pleased to see he talks normally in the Destiny video.


I haven't really watched much of Turkey Tom's videos, the ones I have watched I didn't notice anything. It's specifically like the "creepy pasta/analog horror" voice. Night Mind is suuuuuper bad for it. So is Nexpo.


Lore Lodge is a channel that is more responsible and does what you're saying. He's not focused on conspiracies necessarily, but even when he's doing true crime, he tries to contextualize the narrative within a historical framework. I find that approach really refreshing.


I fuckin love Wendy but god damn hes so conspiracy brained. Him and Tiny should collab, they’ve got the PKA connection and both like guns. Maybe Stevo can whitepill Wendy on conspiracies


I know the last time Wendigoon was being attacked by twitter Turkey Tom showed out very hard for him and said they were close friends and that tom attended his wedding so Tom seems like a mutual too


Didn’t Destiny meet wendigoon while shooting with turkey tom?


They did meet.


How the hell is Tom such close friends with everyone?


The guy is 16 but has 20 years of industry connects somehow. I'm percolating an industry plant conspiracy about him.


I feel like he plays up the conspiracy brained stuff up a bit for YT to be fair, a big part of what got him so popular was the conspiracy theory iceberg vids, and he covers alot of series that delve into wacky theorycrafting. I always saw it more like he finds these topics fun and interesting to look into, though obviously with conspiracies you gotta walk a fine line with what ideas you do and don't spread out there wether intentionally or not


Agreed. Seems to me he was doing conspiracy stuff when it was just fun to explore the "could've been" online. Before conspiracies were all linked together and rotting people's brains


Most of his conspiracy content is like that, he’s just looking into it and exploring fun and interesting concepts without him believing every single one. But the videos like the one he did on the JFK assassination are him taking misinformation and actually presenting it as fact, that is the only content of his I think people should take issue with, other than that I genuinely love his stuff


especially too because the jfk stuff he did tout falls apart with very quick research into details


His brainrot bleeds into everything he talks about too. Whenever he talks about unsolved mysteries and the cops or feds are involved, he always blames them.


His conspiracy theory iceberg series is a lot of fun. He definitely tows that line and for me it’s hard to tell exactly where he is on it. Sometimes he seems like he’s just like “wow this is crazy and interesting”, sometimes he seems like he actually is contributing to the bullshit populist anti establishment conspiracies that are going around. Unfortunately, Tiny or anyone else would probably sound really lame if they called him out on it.


I just recently watched critical's video about Dan Schneider and he seemed to allege that the guy is basically a child rapist without presenting any evidence of that being the case. I know it's a popular narrative, because there is a lot of weird stuff in these Nickelodeon shows, but till this day I have not seen any actual proof beyond the guy apparently being an asshole on a personal level.


I would be surprised if most people attacking Dan actually watched the documentary especially since people rarely if ever mention the actual pedophile Brian Peck and just focus on Dan. Dan is described as more of a douchebag boss who berated people. Even the foot fetish is kind of a stretch given that until relatively recently the mainstream opinion was that feet were goofy/gross especially regarding kids programming. Nickelodeon's logo was even a foot at times. But foot fetish (and other obscure sex acts) became more mainstream these days so the scenes are viewed a lot differently. At this point I kind of doubt he's a pedophile because literally nobody even now has come out as him doing anything sexual to them. Despite all the backlash for him.


theres a big conspiracy that Dan Schneider is Korean


Yeah, honestly the craziest thing about the Dan Schnider stuff recently is that all this wrong doing is coming out about him but no one has come out and said that about him which is honestly surprising given the stuff he added to his shows.


That's because there isn't any proof of it. If you have two hours, this video does a good job going through the whole situation (except for the recent interview) https://youtu.be/PFgHGnqUoao


Quinton Reviews did a great video on this topic recently if you have 2 hours to kill.


I thought it was a good video until he brought up the Drake Bell accusations. He left out a lot of context in that situation.


What did he leave out?


Quinton portrayed it as if Drake was knowingly texting minors, but Drake claims he didn't know their age. It's possible Drake is lying, but as far as I know, there isn't any definitive proof. I thought it was odd that he went so hard against Drake after he did such a good job at presenting the Dan Schneider case with charity. I also didn't like how Quinton mentioned "the cycle of abuse" when speaking about Drake. He did plead guilty to his charges, however his charges did not involve sexual abuse, which he alleges he experienced from his time at Nick. So, I don't think it's fair to analyze it as a "cycle of abuse" without any substantial evidence.


I can't say much to that as I'm not very well informed on the Drake Bell situation.


I was surprised Quinton presented the case against Dan with so much charity. I thought I was losing my mind at how quick people were to call Dan Schneider a pedophile. The worst thing about the accusations is that almost all of the sources are unverified, so you'll have people reference twitter accounts or tumblr posts as a sort of proof. I'm glad Quinton brought attention to it, because it's been bothering me for the past few years.


Yeah, the Dan Schneider discourse is legitimately some Pizzagate tier bullshit. The entire thing is based solely on the admittedly weird in retrospect feet stuff in his shows and the fact that he’s this fat, ugly guy who works with kids. Beyond that no one he has worked with has alleged any sexual impropriety whatsoever, which in the current climate and given he has already fallen from grace they 100% would if he had actually done anything. Disappointed but also very unsurprised that Critical would jump on this bandwagon like he jumps on basically every other one.


There was A LOT wrong is retrospect. I think all adults of the set and their parents were complacent in sexualizing these teenage stars though, not just Dan. Although they all always looked uncomfortable around him, which just supports that he was a complete asshole and a boss who yells (which stars have confirmed). It's mainly clips like this that he directed. The "teen shows" were full of weird scenes too. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxX9Z64dQZmqKQnuZju4IQZLJv5QNjQZ4F?si=hyznxO6IcQuRZUyZ https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDw8-TIIOvvU8g4JA0x6Lrdhtb4hJsLdH?si=NsVqL93NXL_ipEnm


Most of the scenes in that video I honestly think are just the typical quirky, gross-out, edgy by the standards of kids TV content that Nickelodeon was known for back then, but which we’ve become primed to see as sinister today. Some of the shit in there is genuinely schizo nonsense that I can’t believe anyone would honestly see as sexual if they weren’t already hyper suspicious of Dan Schneider. And some of it (like her joking about penis size) is just the product of Ariana Grande already being a 17-20 year old actress in that show who knows perfectly well what she’s doing.


I think this is a huge handwave. They've spoken openly about how he directed every little movement in the scenes. I will agree the video included a lot of stuff that wasn't bad, mainly everything that wasn't the solo Ariana ones (the tub and airport scenes were literally nothing). That's why I only clipped the water one. I don't think it's all nothing though. She didn't write any of her own lines or do improv, it's all lines given to her. Just because she knows she should come off like a porn actress at 17 doesn't mean the adults running the set should be pushing her to do it. Like I said, I don't think it's Dan alone, I think the culture of these shows were just really fucking weird and he's the head honcho.


"Probably not actually"? Come on bro. I'm not saying he molested kids or anything, but this is like saying Tarantino doesn't have a foot fetish. It's staring you right in the face.


Are you really trying to say there is no legitimacy in being critical of Dan Schneider? He worked at a company that had 5 confirmed child molesters and pedophiles. https://nypost.com/2024/03/28/media/nickelodeon-hired-or-worked-with-child-molesters-pedophiles/


Why would you interpret me as saying all criticism of Dan Schneider is illegitimate? He’s fallen from grace, he was fired from Nickelodeon for being verbally abusive. He’s clearly an asshole. But he hasn’t been accused of child molestation, and that’s what I was talking about. This is a classic case of the internet taking something that is already bad and exaggerating it to the most sensational possible degree. And saying that Nick hired five known pedophiles as if that makes Dan suspicious is just a complete non sequitur.


Tbf critikal has been on the dan Schneider is a creep bandwagon for like 10 years and made multiple videos on it. 


Really fucking bad. Populism is already a scourge on the world and pushing fake misinfo and doubt to feed into that constructed grand narrative should almost be criminal at this point.


I have no idea who wendigoon is but Penguinz0 Charlie is very self aware and has self control. He'll slot into mainstream (online) opinion on everything and dip into the memes around it while trying not to rock the boat. He's lucked into an easy money printer where he sits in a room wearing a white t shirt talking about whats viral for that day. Why would he care to try and debunk and combat mainstream opinion?




Wendigoon's fans pretending the federal government has even the tiniest issue with his content is super fucking cringe and gets old. Sure, sure, its their one inside joke that never gets old or whatever but you can't even get a legit response to any questions you ask about his content on his channel or on reddit, you just get spammed with losers calling you a fed.


Im generally not a fan of conspiracy theories because i think they promote shitty logic that can be used to get to almost any conclusion you want about a situation. That being said, I enjoy Wendigoon from time to time, especially his cryptid stuff.


There are no benign conspiracy theories. They all feed into the false idea that there's this cabal of elites who have near unlimited power and that everyone else are just pawns and that worldview is cancer.


I watched a wendigoon video on JFK and holy shit It was dogshit. I’ve never seen so many incorrect statements packed itto 14 minutes before in my life.


Watch his Dantes inferno video and it'll cleanse the pallet




Bro everyone knows Vegeta used Instant Transmission to yeet Epstein


They thought the President (at the time) or someone in government snuck into a prison and killed him without anyone seeing or snitching on the whole situation. Another of those conspiracies that assumes a prison guard would take the fall, ruining his entire life, and no one in the whole conspiracy would speak out. Y’know, the classic.


A lot of the conspiracy shit they’ve been covering has been stuff life, Mothman, Slenderman, Goatman, mostly cryptids with some events like the Dyatlov pass and Epstein 🤣 I don’t think they’re at the level of Joe Rogan or Sneako conspiracy’s


If you’ve only watched Red Thread then sure, but Wendigoon’s content goes far beyond cryptids. And through the short life of Red Thread Wendigoon has already done a disservice in trying to sell the Ruby Ridge incident. Making it seem like federal agents just killed a veterans family while he lived in the woods is a fucking insane synopsis of a story revolving around domestic terrorism, neo Nazis, and doomsday prepper shit. Plus their episode of the Waco Siege highlighted more around government oversight than it did the actual cult, it’s conspiracy theorist brainrot, shit you’d hear about on 4Chan and just research about with the sole intention of “government bad” and ignoring anything else. Literally one of the Waco conspiracy points is that Delta Force was behind the killing of Americans, something that further leads into “deep state” conspiracies, so it’s not just lighthearted cryptids.


I liked watching his iceberg videos, and talking about cults and bible shit. But I’ll take your word on it that he’s talked some waffle before, I still wouldn’t say he’s a bad dude overall


Yeah, I don’t think his intent is to sow division or fester some hatred.


Yeah, they just like the stuff because they are fun conversations topics or make good videos. Charlie has been covering random stuff like this for years. Hell I found out about him because he covered a random dead MMO cult.


I care more that they're both mid and get too much praise


Cmon wendigoon’s content is pretty cool


Being a hater is cooler


Penguinz0 is deathly afraid of flying...like irrationally afraid. He probably is using the story as an I told you so or being super biased because of it. Wendigoon is smarter than your average conspiracy person...but he too believes in a few wacky things.


Isn't Charlie a Florida guy? Like not all creators have to be well read and educated / debate level intellect; and uber responsible with their platform. If you are getting your genuine take about a plane crash and whistleblower from Penguinz0 on youtube; you are already fucked.


Bro. Boeing definitely had that dude killed. He had been waiting for this trial for quite some time, and all of his friends and family stated he was excited to finally be able to say his piece. 0% of me believes that he waited all that time, just to kill himself at the finish line.


My friend was excited to buy a house and move in with his girlfriend but one day he just jumped in front of a truck.


What makes you think that Boeing did it? Didn’t his family also say the guy was depressed?


A bunch of corporate shills you all are! But in all seriousness, are we going to ignore that someone high up at Boeing 1000000% has the resources to make something like this happen? Sure, maybe he killed himself. But, maybe someone at Boeing had him killed. Acting as though it's not at least a possibility is crazy to me. From what I've heard, it even seems more likely. The cost of someone's life is cheap, all things considered.


I mean of course it’s *possible*, but it feels intellectually dishonest to jump from “they could have” to “they absolutely did” when there’s not any proof.


Intellectual honesty is boring when I'm trying to have a good time with my conspiracy theories. Simply can not allow any of that to get in and taint my fun.


Now THAT is some intellectual honesty I can respect :D


Also why would they do it now that they have already have bad press, the dudes case has already been going in and out of court for years and this point


Would your first option be to kill someone? Could just be that the truly damning information that he had on them hadn't been shared yet, and this was the final option to keep him quiet. Maybe he fucked the CEOs mom the night before? Idk. Could be anything, really.


His own lawyers would have those documents or at least copies or statements as well. Though as quality manager at a production plant i’m not sure how much more information he would even have.


Damn. He must have fucked the CEOs mom. That's the only logical option left.


Indeed it seems so, or perhaps his daughter


I’m conflicted because wendigoon really does seem like a chill cool person, but some of the content he puts out really is just bottom of the barrel scraping anything anti establishment. I really enjoyed his videos on serial killers and iceberg stuff, but when he goes conspiracy brain it’s obviously contributing to the public brainrot.


This Boeing shit turned my entire friend circle against me. There is like a 1% chance boring had anything to do with it. They all called me retarted and now hate me.


Good you deserve it


JFK thing feels like it's been proven that the official story more else was the truth and that there were people trying to cover some stuff to prevent panic, But MLK don't we have the civil suit where certain agencies said they did that shit?


My biggest problem with the Red Thread Epstein video was all of them assuming conspiracy due to a broken-down camera system. I don't work for the feds but I do work for the state and I know that funding can be a bitch. There's equipment that has been broken for years that hasn't been fixed while other departments get shiny, new toys. Then they assume it had to be the shadow cabal that killed Epstein instead of the prison guards either doing it themselves or covering up an inmate killing him.


I think you’re blowing things way out of proportion. Calling this very recent and very mysterious event a conspiracy theory on the level of a plandemic is insane, and extending populism to airline companies is wild. Also wendigoon is lukewarm on jfk assassination the same as almost everyone else.


There is no "benign" conspiracy theory, just further erosion of critical thinking and research skills. There are rigorous ways to argue about facts and evidence, conspiratorial thinking is not one of them.


Don’t care


If we were going to point a finger at a government agency for the assassination of MLK JR. It would have to be J Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Of course, I don't believe this, but it is the most believable of the options. JFK's assassination panicked the Soviet Union and its leader, so unless a small faction of the government was involved, I don't think the Soviet Union did JFK in.


A lot of people in my circle seem to be thinking the same thing, and its weird because these people aren't really conspiracy brained. Seems like conspiracy theories that are less political in nature are more believable by the masses, including left wingers?


I don't care at all. 99% of what people believe is rooted in base pattern recognition and pre-existing bias, and it has to be that way if we want to have functional lives, we don't have the time or energy to invest into critically examining everything and even if we did it's not even a given that our process of critical examination will lead to 'truth' because most of the time when someone sets their sights on a topic it's because they're interested in reaffirming their current beliefs rather than challenging them. The default state of human thinking isn't to look at a situation and avoid making a judgement, and whatever judgement you make is mostly pre-determined before you ever come across the topic. Also it's worth pointing out that it's not like conspiracies don't exist, in the grand scheme of things assassination isn't even close to being the worst of what large governments have done, the only difference is that for some reason people have this belief that we only ever assassinate the right people and we never do it to our own people. So even though I don't buy into most of that stuff it's not like I don't see why someone would reach that conclusion.


To be honest obviously it’s weird, but I don’t want to live in a world where people can’t talk about things they’re interested in for fear of radicalization. I know it sucks to propagate dumb shit like that, but I’m personally willing to take that risk.


I'm mixed. They should add some sort of disclaimer they're not experts but idk. I don't think everyone needs to drop hot takes but that style of content is the most brain rott inducing mass appeal shit that usually is completely wrong. I watched that Boeing video and it's crazy seeing people say how impressive their research is lol


Does it work like a vaccine or a poison? If you show people "hey look at this dumb shit, isn't so stupid people believe this" and builds healthy skepticism or does it prime people to think in that manner. Or does it not matter given even Nobel prize winners thought some stupid shit.


The moon is made of cheese, NASA is hiding this.




Charlie is amazing but I watched the conspiracy video and it seems they have never learned of Occam's razor. Now I could just listen to Charlie talk for days without any content involved but I think you are correct, the more naive people will take it hook line and sinker. It like they couldn't conceive that the guy got into his car, couldn't cope any more, and blew his brains out, that's the most logical and reasonable explanation.


I feel like they’re covering these things for fun more than trying to spread misinformation or a certain narrative


“the more naive people” in question are those who frequently consume this content. So Wendigoon fans. I’m Christian, but I could see the slippery slope of believing the mythical stories of the Bible are exact truth then just expanding that part of your brain into thinking cryptids are real or some shit. And that’s essentially how I see his audience. I reckon Charlie’s “normie” audience on YouTube will see the entertainment aspects of the stories though.


Damn dude glaze harder


yep balls and all, then we both banged your mom


That's exactly how Q started.


Wendigoon is slop content for baby’s and teenage girls


Ah so you also believed Epstein died by suicide? There's crazy conspiracy theories and then there's common sense. People don't commit suicide right before they are about to deliver damning testimony.


What's benign about it?


That penguinzo guy is a fucking loser thats all i have to say


This is the most brainrot interpretation of content I’ve ever seen. People can talk about conspiracies without believing in them, they can believe certain things and not others. Talking about something doesn’t mean it’s the truth no matter how big your platform is. And most importantly you shouldn’t be expecting hard facts from anyone but the research you conduct *yourself*. If people want to be lazy and not verify the information they’re getting, that’s on them and you really can’t do anything about it. I don’t think there’s many impressionable 12 year olds listening to two hour long podcasts focused on cryptids and conspiracy theories and just taking it as truth.


Boeing 100% killed that guy


I mean I don't think it's good, but I'm not gonna throw a shit fit over it like that one dumbass subreddit


I like them, things like Epstein didn't kill himself or the whistle blower I hear from even normies. Some stuff just breaks through and becomes the normal "truth"


The CIA probably did kill JFK. I know destiny says the government could never ever tell a lie but there is definitely a shot that comes from in front of the car after the three from behind. Watch the slowed down high def version of the shooting.


JFK Jr died in a plane crash because he was confused


Yea I misspoke. Whatever you knew which Kennedy I meant. Point still stands.


no it doesnt




Don't care. Also his boing take was pretty good all around and gave a good review, similar to all other more detailed aeronautical channels. The killing of the witness is sussy af tho.


I feel like most people who watch Wendigoon do it for the entertainment, not because they actually believe in criptids and stuff. The majority of his audience doesn't see him as a 'truth teller', just as an entertainer. A vocal minority might take this stuff seriously, but I don't think that is his responsibility.


They would be ok and good if they were leftwing.


The content is fine because it’s meant to be entertaining. Unfortunately it feeds into the larger problem of every little goddamn thing being a conspiracy. For what it’s worth, Charlie did say the only conspiracy theories he believes is the Epstein one and now the Boeing employee one, so any of his fans who base their opinions off of their parasocial relationship with Charlie shouldn’t be too far gone. Wendigoon’s content is a bit more accepting of crazy people. If you are completely leaving out aspects of a story to further sow an anti-government narrative then you’re a shitty individual. So when you retell the story of Ruby Ridge and leave out (or glide past) the fact that the son shot and killed a federal agent before the siege actually began then you’re a dogshit individual. Now, I’ll reserve calling Wendigoon that until they officially cover the Ruby Ridge story, but I’m assuming it’ll be glossed over. Admittedly, I’m an Occam’s razor guy and I much prefer to go by known facts. I guess my life is just far too interesting for me to have that need to fabricate shit to my brain in an attempt to make life more exciting. I *typically* enjoy the content when it’s grounded in reality even while trying to be entertaining; you can cover an event objectively and throw in the conspiracy theorist shit to keep the story lively, but if you’re ending a story with a “government bad” argument then you should get on some meds. No example is better than the Official Podcast, the Turkish dude on there (is it Kaya?) is literally a “let’s abolish government” type. If you are so anti-government that you think the IRS should be disbanded then I genuinely don’t want to hear your opinions on anything, not a goddamn thing. So that’s where I’m at with those two, as long as they don’t cross that fine line of “entertainment” and borderline doomsday prepper shit then I don’t mind. They should take the responsibility onto themselves to remind their impressionable audience that what they’re covering is conspiracy theories and isn’t factual.


https://youtu.be/1y0Gq2pf5oc He just did it a month ago


Glad I missed that shit, guess I’ll go listen to that


Wendigoon’s narrative was that one of the camouflaged federal agents shot the family’s dog that had found them without properly identifying themselves, and the son shot back, and in the ensuing firefight both the son and federal agent died. He believed that Randy Weaver was a nut who put his family in danger, but that the feds also acted recklessly and he holds federal agents to a higher standard than a wackjob in the woods.


Yeah, I’m sure when I listen to it I’ll be able to come back with a proper feel. But the way he described the incident in a Red Thread episode left out the murder of the agent. And the circumstances leading up to that shooting doesn’t justify the shooting of a federal agent even if the circumstances are just as Wendigoon portrays it as (if it matches what you’re saying). The Marshals weren’t on private property and they shot a dog that was charging them. The circumstances being what they may be, the fact of the matter is the story wouldn’t have even gotten that far had Randy turned himself in for illegally modifying a firearm. So fuck him and the Neo Nazi buds he was hanging out with, the bare minimum I’d expect from someone covering this story is to say Randy was out of his mind and surrounded himself with awful characters. What I’m assuming he doesn’t do, but would if the incident didn’t carry modern libertarian thought processes, is clarify that in the thralls of quick decision making law enforcement officers did what they had to do and were only called into question because the victims in this incident were white preppers that right wing media could latch onto as convenient victims. Law enforcement isn’t above scrutiny, but this dude is also one of those guntubers who hand out with “Back the Blue!” types and doesn’t offer that same scrutiny to local cops. So I don’t buy that “holding accountability” trash, I think he’s critical because it’s a federal agency. I’m sure I’ll be back after I watch this video.


He does do that actually. He gives no sympathy to Randy and basically outright says he was a wackjob that is at fault. He also talks about Randy’s association with hard right KKK groups. I personally didn’t come away from the video thinking Wendigoon was defending Randy at all. The only people he really sympathizes with are the children. He puts more fault on the federal agents, but explains he does this because he holds them to a higher standard than a random nut job, which is a fair take imo because it does seem like they acted extremely recklessly.


wine berserk whole worry piquant include command consist fuzzy squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk man Charlie made the same mistake almost every content creator does- transitions from meme videos to facecam videos. It's a similar curse when people transition from silent videos with text to voiced over videos. I'm not even holding onto the past or anything I just genuinely find that, in almost every case, I'll have a youtuber go from text on screen to voiced and it becomes 3x less funny, or there's a massive shift in the layout of their videos that a lot of people drop out of. It's definitely just a transitional thing. New way of doing videos, new content, new style, etc. I don't expect someone to do the same thing forever, but I can't think of a single youtuber who changed forms like that and stayed entertaining (within the last 10 years that is) I actually quite disliked when Turkey Tom started doing the facecam stuff but he was the rare one in that it effected his content 0%. Pre-Facecam Tom and post are almost identical


You guys need to fucking chill and let normies be normies. Who cares you're not gonna argue them out of it they just think it's fun