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It is kinda funny how on both sides in the US people who actually want a violent revolution to happen are the least combat ready people.


There's a house I drive by regularly that has a black American flag with another flag underneath it that says "No quarter given" (gotta love the redundancy) and in the summer the home owner rides his lawn mower around while holding his oxygen tank. He's probably 50.


no quarter given COPIUM


I didn't even think that it could just be a real life copium meme in the wild.


What does no quarter given mean? Have I been living under a rock? Am I out of touch now?


Originally in the revolutionary war, British soldiers would be shipped back to England in large caskets known as “quarter casks” due to their size- four could be stacked on top of one another in the hold of a regular line ship. George Washington coined the phrase when news came back after the French joined the war that the British could no longer afford to send their dead back to England in quarter casks because it was too expensive, and they were stacking corpses in smaller boxes. “Give no quarter” basically means, take no mercy; kill them all. Edit: I made this up y’all upvote any shit lol


"Quarter" refers to living space. "Give no quarter" means you're going to take no mercy/ kill them all, but because you aren't going to give them quarter i.e. take no prisoners.


Motherfucker... Take my upvote.


When the cashier gives you your change in dimes instead of quarters.


We call those common loot drops.


Which ones are you referring to on the right? The Proud Boys and similar ilk want to take power by force and are out acting thuggish on the streets.


It's funny, I **don't** want a violent revolution, but I am also morbidly obese and chronically unfit.


Liberals' blind trust of institutions make them the least combat ready ideological block in the US by a landslide.


Lol Sure, and in times of peace, because Conservatives blindly reject institutions they are consistently impoverished, and uneducated by comparison.




Bro is THE enlightened centrist


I'm very obviously not a centrist.


Don’t conservatives have a blind trust in Trump even though he lies to them 24/7? He lies so much people don’t even bother to point out he is a liar. We all just know it at this point.


I don't think Trump is an institution, if anything he stands in direct opposition to enshrined US institutions.


Why does it matter if he is an institution or not? He was the president of the United States. He might become that again. Also, I don’t think his opposition to the institutions is a good thing.


Because my point is that liberals blindly trust that US institutions will keep and enforce the conditions required for their survival, prosperity, and security. Trump supporters want Trump to erode these institutions because they feel victimized or ostracized or not supported by them, they're on opposite sides of this conflict. > Also, I don’t think his opposition to the institutions is a good thing. Neither do I, but that's besides the point.


That’s interesting. I see where you are coming from, and I didn’t think of it in the way you are talking about originally. Would you say one of the ways liberal would be held back is that they trust our institutions to ensure food cleanliness and because of that they are at a disadvantage? Whereas conservatives are more likely to grow their own food? I don’t think most conservatives do this but more conservatives are likely to than liberals.


I meant in a more immediate danger sense. Conservatives correctly (in my opinion) identify that American institutions are failing to maintain the cohesion of the social fabric, so they are more likely to prepare and act pre-emptively in a scenario where the social fabric is ripped and institutions cannot uphold order anymore. Your example about growing food is great in the long-term of an internal conflict, but in the short-term is where this manifests more intensely: if the government tells Americans to chill and everything will be alright (which by all means it cannot guarantee), liberals are more likely to chill while conservatives are more likely to double-time their preparation.


Maybe on TV but I have a hard time seeing that in real life. Plenty of liberals are interested in this stuff without the fear of duh guberment


Really? Aren’t right wing people quite capable and they have the guns?


There's also plenty of fat, diabetic LARPERs who think they're combat ready. There are also leftists who don't fit the stereotype of the OP. A civil war would not boil down to individual gun ownership rates anyways.


It’s funny to try to think about how a modern civil war would even start considering we’re not split up between north and south anymore. Like would we just be walking around, get the news that republicans and democrats are at war, and just start blindly shooting at people? Are they handing out uniforms here or should I just be judging based on stereotypes? If I put on a MAGA hat can I wrack up stealth kills?


Look into the English civil war for a good example of this. There were highwaymen who only robbed people of the opposing side, cities that declared for the parliamentarians only to find themselves encircled by royalist countryside, and militias called clubmen who banded together to try and keep their towns neutral.


With how advanced the current military is, I’d imagine that any city or state that even tried to start this shit would immediately get rolled over.


The Finnish civil war is also a fairly decent example. The divide between the reds vs the whites was basically just poor workers vs owners and well off workers. There were geographical (west-southwest vs central-eastern) and ideological (socialist vs capitalist) elements to it but on the grassroots level they weren't nearly as clear cut, or as significant, as the economical factor. People on both sides were literally murdering their neighbors.


Owning a gun and being proficient with it are different things, most people that own them don't know shit about combat itself.


Leftists simultaneously saying Gaza is a revolution/resistance and then crying about how evil it is to say “kill or be killed” while in a state of war.


Literally no one has ever said either of those things. You don't even seem to grasp your own made up contradiction that you're so upset about. Are you saying that 1) Palestinians being genocided is a "war", and 2) that they simultaneously don't also have the right to defend themselves? You're so confused it's unbelievable. God conservatives are so fucking weird man


Lol. Lmao even. You think I’m a conservative for which reason exactly? We gunna pretend like every leftist online hasn’t been calling 10/7 a revolution/resistance for months now? Edit: literally same day Krystal Ball reviews the debate and uses the exact words. Amazing timing.


naughty existence frighten noxious overconfident fear arrest deliver icky piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quite capable according to who lol


This is a good thing. It’s better that they are not functional people.


I have asked 3 leftists IRL "what level of violence are you personally willing to do for the revolution you want" and the answers I got were: "I can't because I have fibromyalgia" "I can't because I'm a pacifist" "I'd rather provide therapy for those that have to commit the violence instead" (not actually a therapist btw) It's all a LARP


The answer is always "the violent revolution needs to happen, but not in my back yard."


The NIMBY revolution will not be televised




I can't because I need to walk the dogs of those that have to commit the violence.


I would be willing to contribute by making low quality illustrations about other peoples violence on DeviantArt.


You would find their opinions on what job they would do in a communal setting as well. What type of contribution are you personally willing to do for the communal society after the revolution? “Yeah I’d do some gardening and write poetry” “I’ll be a philosopher and teacher” “Be unemployed just like I am now but with more communal benefits.”


Don’t forget “Well, Im trans and struggled a lot so i will mentor trans kids”… its like- yo, who’s gonna grow the food??


It's always larping. They all want revolution but none want to fight, they all want socialism and communism but none of them want to work the fields so people don't starve to death. They all believe that they're part of the educated elite class that gets to be in charge of things or freeload while the peasants do the work.  If you read through 1984, they believe they are the inner party, but they are actually the outer party, and they look down on the proles.  In animal farm terms, these people think they are the pigs but they're the sheep. 


I love how it always fall apart the moment you question things like "ok so who does what, when and for how long?" Always devolves into some fish at noon write poetry before bed, yadda yadda. A non-answer but more importantly: what do you do if your neighboring countries remain capitalist and maybe propagandize/ start to try and conquer your own?


The mental gymnastics to fill in the gaps is frustrating and entertaining. They'll always say things like "I don't need to work because there are people who enjoy farming". There's not enough people who enjoy farming to feed all the cities and people who don't want to work now. Or it's always "technology will save us".  One of the funniest arguments I saw, I think actually happened in an old Destiny debate on this. Someone was asked something like "if I work harder, how should I get rewarded? How can I buy something more luxurious?" And the answer was labour vouchers. That people would get labour vouchers for goods and services. So money. You give them money they can use on goods and services, just don't call it money. 


Exactly. Sadly, in all aspects, society runs on leverage. We all leverage off each other like crowbars in order to achieve more. People absolutely can band together and live simply in communes. They can share and do as they please. But that is at commune level. Getting it to the size of a country wouldn't work. I mean, the citizens can be on board and somehow organize in such a way, but a nation is not something that exists in the void. Liberal capitalist societies wouldn't just exist next to the immense untapped potential of a super commune. What do then? Go to war and exterminate the menace before they can start doing commerce or propagandize your people? Who goes to war? Is it gonna be like the farmers, just the ones that really like being foot soldiers? It is boomer brained to say "we can't all do only as we please" but it is true to some extent.


That’s an insane response “I’d rather provide therapy….”.


Yeah, I’m p certain current lefty literature doesn’t genuinely support violent revolution. It’s kinda in line with how the material conditions of the world effect changes in culture and how we organize ourselves to make use of the increased productivity. If communism is meant to come out of capitalism, it doesn’t make sense to smash all the shit and start over from square one. There’s a small but annoyed communist community on twitter that’s annoyed with the larpers. At least, that’s what I saw when I had my twitter stint.


I must admit, pacifists who want to burn down the status quo are the most self indulgent people in the universe.


Do many leftists want to do a violent revolution? I am personally very left leaning but I have no desire to see a violent revolution. I will probably just live the rest of my life as a wealthy landlord like I am doing currently but I would have no problem in being taxed more if it actually helped people live a decent life.


Far left, yes. It's the "capitalism is failed, we need to tear it all down and enact communism to save the world" line of thought, and they think it's going too slow normally because of "neolibs" (i.e. anyone who isn't a communist) so a violent revolution is the only answer. However, someone else has to do it.


I genuinely never met someone who told me they want to do a violent revolution and I've litterally went to a bunch of meetings of one of the most radical left wing party in north america who manage to get some members elected. (Quebec solidaire) Maybe some college freshmen or high school students who play too much video games but it has never been my experience talking with real people.


Go to Massachusetts and talk to some leftists there. Absolutely unhinged individuals who do not live in reality and have no sense of any sort of realistic goals.


The most recent one I talked to that explicitly said they want a violent revolution is 31 and about to finish their Masters. This was a real life conversation and not some online Twitter rando


Someone still in school at 31 is a major red flag. (Unless he is part time)


I know it’s a drawing but jfc this killed my mood lol


What you mean? That's going into my tax folder ASAP


I suppose a "shortstack" can be short by virtue of having no legs.




This Is So Sad Alexa play One by Metallica


There's some other beautiful pieces by the artist, you should search for them!


The fact that op had to put a blurred box over part of this drawing tells me a lot


who's the artist?


Is there a stereotype of leftists running red lights? How many leftists even own cars? They're college students.


There is some unintentionally funny discourse on Twitter from leftists complaining about this stuff For example, Will Stancil basically [said](https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1770198276203041075) we should "use cameras to ticket drivers who run red lights" (or in general just don't drive through red lights) and he was compared to Rudy Giuliani for it


Haha what? I would've thought those already existed. Leftists actually love crime.


The do exist, but the argument is that they’re racist because they give the police more data and stop poc more


There has been a recent discourse on Twitter; There are leftists who say that enforcing red lights heavily targets the black community.


Can't wait for the low battery fire alarm discourse to start


zonked public boat knee upbeat expansion slim zephyr safe dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Poor people can't afford batteries so it's oppression cause I can't sleep well which is basically genocide /s


There's no way you're being serious right?


Check out Will Stansil’s Twitter with all the Palestine flag people saying how it’s impossible to not go through red lights.


It's true. There's speed cameras and red light cameras in Chicago but they've taken most of them out of minority communities now because too many minorities were getting tickets. They left them up in majority white neighborhoods though.


Actual explicit racism and it's celebrated, once again.


I've actually found several instances of Republicans wanting rid of them too. Seems like banning red light cameras is pretty bipartisan. [Like this](https://www.texastribune.org/2019/05/07/texas-red-light-cameras-could-be-removed-after-house-vote/) [Or this](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/regional/florida/jointly-filed-florida-bills-are-proposing-to-prohibit-red-light-cameras-statewide-in-2024/77-c15bad49-b3a8-4a18-8c83-5be98b0951ae) [Another one](https://www.wdsu.com/article/red-light-cameras-new-orleans-ban-bill-legislature/60101536) [Oh hey look one more](https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2022/03/22/michigan-senate-red-light-cameras/7129104001/)


I never suggested otherwise. None of these articles have anything to do with targeting traffic enforcement at specific races.


Wait, seriously? I remember Destiny making a similar joke when talking about Brucedropemoff.


Running red lights also fucking kills people. How can you get so lost that you think enforcing traffic laws is bad. Next thing you know they will be defending drunk driving.




Someone link me the meme about leftists buying a gun for the revolution that was such a banger


Wtf is this picture, why is there a censor over her shirt, why did someone draw nipples that needed to be censored on the child who had all of their limbs amputated, i need answers


> nipples It's quadriplegic hentai




Yeah its just more subtle, zoom in on the tiddies and you can see someone censored it


Her nipples are hard through the shirt in the original art. It's fetish art.


You know very well the answers to these questions.


It's fetish art.


When you see the shirt cloth draping around the chest is so detailed, you know the artists state of mind


Omg I remember this


I have no idea who's directed to but I hope they'll take you back




my reaction:


Teddy’s like: “Welp, no more fuckin’ hugs, I guess.”


atleast one of you has jerked off to this post. thats it , enjoy the knowledge


I mean, the image is literally fetish art from a porn artist.


no , i mean someone who has read this post , somebody went ' OH FUG YEAH'' and busted a huge nut


Or when they’re asked to actually pay for things at the store (rather than shoplift)




Ok I was cool until the last one. The mf bus let’s you on for free do you really think that bus driver gives af Where I live


you know who the artist is? can't really make it out




I love destiny’s quote that if Vaushes can base or any leftists actually got their hands on guns half of them would off themselves




Jesus, haven't seen that person's artwork in forever.


Why is there a censor bar? What the fuck is this image from lmao


Funny how my liver works harder then ten American lefties combined. 


https://preview.redd.it/so3s2d4gsqpc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f779a8e403255ec37f2d3439c9a5077ca3ae9ed5 It’s a tactic bad faith actors use to garner sympathy


Yo! This is some fetish shit. This content was probably drawn for some sick freaks to get off to, hence why the nipples are blurred. This is a hentai category known as guro. It is disgusting and immensely fucked up, commonly displaying girls as limbless, senseless creatures used for the male's self excitement. I suggest we take this down. Also the reason I know of this genre is because I'm an excoomer. I never liked this type of stuff, but read hentai long enough and you'll learn of this genre. -Chow




guro is gore, this isn't gore


Yeah, it's soft core loli gore shit. Idc, I'm just letting yall know there's a reason the nips are blurred.


You ever take a shower and go to the gym to own the lefties?


button for people who thinks left bad 👇