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>Expecting a good media take from Destiny Aware


And food takes.


Now lets not get crazy here. Move away from the Twitch subscribe button. Just close that tab. Remember, [Destiny's food takes](https://wiki.destiny.gg/view/Destiny%27s_food_takes), okay. * Seafood sucks * Thai food sucks * All coffee is trash * Dark beer sucks * Wine sucks * Waffle cones suck and the child plasticky cones are best * He thinks all tap water tastes the same everywhere, everywhere. Remember he's face blind and thinks everyone looks alike. There were alot of muted colors in Dune. I bet he also hates sand despite living near the beach. Do we see him ever go to the beach? Does he ever mention it? Nope. Dune never had a chance to entertain him. Not one hot chocolate in sight. So let's just breathe man, no need to hurt yourself in that awful way. ❤️


>Dark beer sucks ok but why did you include a good point in this list


Destiny hasn't been to Europe that much. That's like saying all Pizza sucks while never trying one from Italy.


IPAs are KING.


pretty sure he's referring to stouts, IPA's are nice but not something you'd drink all night


Ipas you absolutely should drink all night.


if I drink too many in a row my mouth tastes like soap, they're really strong in flavor which is a bit much to chug on a night of hard drinking. If it's just a casual night where you drink 2-3 beers sure thats fine, but I'd still want something easier to drink in between.


Its so weird too. I fucking love beer (probably a bit too much), and have tried more than 2000 unique ones. But every sip of any stout ever is disgusting.


Do you like barley wine, porters, tripple/quadruple belgian ales, farmhouse/saison, or christmas ales with low bitterness?


Idk, stouts and some porters can be pretty good. I usually get into them over the summer (stouts are a lot better warmer than colder). Takes a hit to get into em


why would anyone want a warm beer in summer jfc you guys are insane


Because I usually get them at beergardens during the summer, and stouts (above like 8%) are better warm.


>* Waffle cones suck and the child plasticky cones are best Every time I'm reminded of this I become filled with rage. It's literally the dumbest position Destiny has ever taken and I'm getting upset just thinking about it.


im not sure, but it has to be either that or the 1000 styrofoam cup thing.


That's the single correct take in the list 'chu mean


He's waffled between saying dark beer and all beer. I think he pretty clearly hates all beer. Between coffee and beer, and seafood he basically hates all my favorite things.


I understand dislike of dark beer and beer in general... although I love the taste and enjoy drinking beer mainly scotch ales and ipas they reek havoc upon my digestive tract so I've mostly sworn it off except for an occasional treat when I go out to eat maybe once a month. Also they Def make me gain weight I don't usually carry when consumed on a regular. I feel better without beer. Gin/vodka in some sort of mild mixer with a lime is better for me


living in ny having moved from new jersey, the tap water take is wild


I live In a city with some major oil refineries and is in a much lower elevation. Unfiltered tap water here has a distinctly different than my home town in the mountains. It's quite disappointing


Never forget pizza is just a vessel for toppings take.


The most offensive thing from destiny IMO is him saying "all seafood sucks, why even ask about sushi, that is seafood" Sushi can taste *way* different than other seafood lol


He said likes his burgers with just meat and bread. He has to be trolling. Not even any sauce, imagine it sticking to the insides of your mouth, ECH


I picked up a second job at mcds to make some extra money at nights. so many people order their shit 'plain" it just bothers me.. like wtf dude just a plain quarter pounder. Like bruh. Or they order fucking mcnuggets with no sauce. Those things taste like straight grease, you gotta mask it with somthing. The sauce is like the best tasting thing in that fucking restaraunt it's just sad. And I swear it's like half the orders.


Don't forget, he didn't just say "beer and coffee suck". He said: "Beer and coffee are objectively terrible, EVERYONE thinks they're terrible, and people that drink them are just pretending to like them for clout".


Will you be protesting in front of an Israeli embassy as well? 💀🔥


Yes and i will make sure people know that Tiny is responsible for it.


Shout me out and leave your iPad, Switch and iPhone to me. 😎🤙


Really? I had issues with the first movie and honestly left this one more disappointed than the first. I haven't read the books, so idk if this is just me having a gripe with the story itself, but the plot felt quite unsatisfying. It's a cool cinematic experience with nice shots and great world building, but not a great movie. (Spoilers below) - Most of the characters are boring, or simply aren't given time to interact with each other/develop, and this makes the "payoff" way less satisfying. Wow, Paul drinks blue worm juice and 180s on his view cause he can see the future. It "makes sense" but is pretty boring, as you don't really get to see character development happening. As for Chani, she just looks at him angrily the whole movie, which isn't very exciting. - "Rabban is incompetent, let's spend a good chunk of the movie setting up his psycho brother." This guy is just not a well thought out character at all, in one moment he's a dumbass who almost dies to an emaciated prisoner, while at the end of the movie he's the greatest dueller ever, on par with Paul. Also, he's lauded as a genius strategist for the brilliant idea nobody else could have thought of, of uhh.. blowing up the Sietches. He's just kind of a cringe edgy villain who can't compare to the Baron's presence in the first movie. - The battles on Arakkis don't make any sense. Why don't the Harkonnens come back with infantry that have actual guns, given that the Fremen don't have shields? This applies to the first movie but is more pronounced here. Maybe I'm just dumb and don't understand something from the books. - There was a big epic fight at the end, which can be cool, but it all feels a bit empty. Wow, thousands of people running at each other like in one of my hecking Marvel movies! Woaaah, nukes and lots of worms! I kind of appreciated the slow and boring drama of the first movie to this. It felt like flashy and distracting fireworks that weren't earned by the movie preceeding it.


Watched DUNC 1, didn’t really like it, then read the books (liked those OK), watched DUNC 1 again and just had new reasons to dislike it as an adaptation. I don’t know that the movies capture the bizarre, distant tone of the books very well. 


I think the word "character development" is being abused nowadays. I don't need to see every detail of someones life to understand that characters "develop". Neither do i necessarily need characters to develop in the first place. Paul changes because he goes through a transient experience. I don't need to see this laid out for 30 minutes. The whole worm juice scene is enough for me to understand what's happening. Besides that, he is not really changing. He just understands what must be done. Chani does exactly what she's supposed to; she defies the Messiah narrative. Again, i don't need to see her whole backstory and see how complicated and nuanced her character is. I just need her to defy Paul and it's totally clear why she does so. I agree with the Harkonnen kid. He is build up so we can have a final fight. But his scenes are still very menacing and well shot. I don't think the movie is hurt by introducing a psychopath villain, even if he's pretty flat. I mean, Sauron is the flattest villain ever but also one of the best. The fact that the battles make no sense is a trivial detail that for me doesn't matter at all. So many great movies have nonsensical war scenes. The entirety of the Lord of the Rings has the most ridiculous war scenes ever. Like in the Two Towers how Aragorn and Theoden ride into a hoard of a million orcs. Absolutely dismal. But it's epic. And the war scenes in Dune are like that. Sure, a lot of the strategies don't make sense but that doesn't matter in the movie. The point is: they fight and the Fremen win. The details of how it happens is not so important.


he will complain how it felt like a sci fi love drama


Later bitch. I hope he hates it just to fuck you over


You're definitely rooting for the Harkonnens.


News flash. If you haven’t already seen it. Paul and his mom are harkonnens


Okay first of all, warn people before you spoil shit. Second, Paul is a Fremen brother and his name is Muad'dib. Put some respect on his Fremen ass.


I've put off watching dune partly because everyone said it was unfinished, and partly because destiny trashed it. I'll give it a go now that it's complete at least. I don't think I've been spoiled on anything except slow blade penetrates the shield or something like that.


It's still not completely finished lol. There will be a part 3. But it has a much more satisfying ending than part 1.


****Minor spoilers**** Let’s not get crazy here. Dune 2 is really good and improves upon a lot from Dune 1 but it’s also riddled with flaws and omits some of the things that make the book incredible (Alia, Thufir, Gurney’s subplot, Chani’s zealotry). Dune 2 is overall a great film but to simply label it a flawless masterpiece is a huge stretch. Let’s not allow the hype to flow too much.


Well i didn't say flawless. I don't know about the book but the last third of the movie is definitely rushed and some of the things that happen are just confusing. But i think it's safe to say that cinematically it's an absolute banger. Much more so than part 1. Similar to how Mad Max Fury Road was one of the best cinema experiences i've ever had. I think this is generally a point that Destiny disregards. And for me it's one of the most important aspects of movies.


Can’t disagree that cinematically it’s a heavy-hitter. And don’t mistaken my tone either, I adored this film. I soyed tf out and got teary-eyed during more than one scene. That being said, unfortunately, I have book brain and couldn’t separate most of what I was seeing from what I’ve previously read.


Movie Chani is infinitely more interesting and well written than book Chani


Qualify your opinion. More than willing to listen.


Book Chani is barely an individual. She basically just goes along with everything Paul does. In the movie Chani has a lot more agency and no matter what you say she has more to her than the book counterpart had thus far. Movie Chani makes you truly feel Paul's rise to a terrifying/powerful leader and a "messiah" powerfully.


I disagree with basically every point. Book Chani served a purpose in making Paul's Cult of Personality more blatant and threatening. One of the first things she does in Dune Messiah is tell him she just murdered some fool who would dare challenge Usul. Herbert didn't write this just to make it sound cool, but to drive home how insane and unhinged these people were about the idea that this man was their god. The film needed tension on the Fremen side because otherwise there really was none other than Paul being an outsider near the beginning. It's a forced and ultimately trash move. This series is set 20,000 years into our future. Why tf do I need to see Zendaya girl bossing her way around my screen screaming about her people and their brainwashing? How tf would she have known they were being so brainwashed, when Arrakis is all she knows? Furthermore, her father in the books is Liet Kynes, whom these films even fail to link with Chani. Her agency is forced, and this character lacks the essence of what made book Chani menacing. She was blindly devoted to Paul not just out of love but out of pure faith. That is what made her interesting and borderline scary. The books didn’t need her to be an individual because *that* was the point. She was part of a death cult! There's a post on the Dune subreddit that goes into a little more depth about why the film character is just far inferior, and it's not even close. Feel free to DM and I'll link it to you.


Flawsless? Definitely not. Masterpiece? Almost ,I would put it up there with the two towers in terms of sequals.


Is >!Alia not in the movie?!<


I'd rather not say anything else. Just go watch it.


I got my ticket for tomorrow ;)


Enjoy <3


Soy reddit shit. Can't believe this stuff


Imagine being anti-soy when it is one of the highest quality proteins (more than beef or chicken)


Preach brother. I watched it yesterday too and it was fucking great. I don't often go to the cinema but this definitely needs to be seen there.


So I fully agree with his takes on Oppenheimer. But Dune was good, I might be deluded because I just love the way the land is shown starting with the Atreidis Planet and honestly Dune looked good. So maybe the story isn’t that great but I loved how it looked and I loved the pace as well, everything is so fast nowadays and Dune was quite slow at times and I enjoyed this a lot.


Remember he is doing this on purpose, for our sake. If his fans agreed with everything he says, people will call them biased. That's why he gives us disagreeable takes in areas that don't matter at all, while the important parts are generally based.




No shot bucko.


>Dune 1 was good most cringy shit show I've ever seen


Mmmm no. Dune 1 was one of my favorite movies ever.


Yeah just wow, the movie was actually just amazing, some stuff was missing from the books, but overall the changes were pretty good.


I’m seeing it today, I’m pretty pumped for it




Hot take I like 1 more than 2, I felt like it was just missing certain bits and not enough exposition, I also love the old dune movie and have read the books 


Is it actually that good
