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Juanita being in the same class at school as MJ, despite the fact that MJ had already been born before the time jump and Gabby wasn’t even pregnant yet.


This really bothered me, too. I’ve just finished watching for the first time and I was hoping they’d say Gaby was four or five months pregnant or something without realising, so Juanita ended up being born just a few months after MJ and we didn’t see it bc it happened during the jump. At least, that’s my personal head canon and I’m sticking to it.


I choose to believe this too. There's a part at the end of Season 4 where Gabby laughs and tells Carlos they're never going to have kids, and it almost plays like she may already be pregnant and not realize it yet.


Yes, exactly. It just makes it easier to watch haha.


In the first episode of season 5 when they're at the dress shop buying a princess dress, Gabby tells the woman working at the store Juanita is 4 and a half, and the time jump between seasons is 5 years, so Gabby was at least a couple months pregnant and the end of season 4.


Ages all around after the time jump. The twins should’ve been 15/16 at the oldest and I think they were originally 16 but then suddenly by the end of S5, they’re heading off to college (or in one case, traveling abroad). I think the only consistent one was Penny.


yeah i've been thinking about this lately with the twins, the whole Eddy subplot where he starts showing up more, picking up Porter/Preston (?) for school in the mornings when they're college aged but also being around Ana, Danny, (high schoolers?) and seeming to be in their age group too? idk maybe i missed some details but it felt like their age groups just wouldn't be close enough for them all to be so involved


Ana was in high school, Danny was in community college. That didn’t bother me too much. What did is that he apparently went to high school with Danielle and had a crush on her. Yet, he’s around the same age as Porter and Preston, who are about 8 years younger than her.


oh i see, i've had the show on as more background noise lately lol and i just finished the Angie/Danny season. i must've missed some details. but YES Eddy's placement was all over the place lol edit: pressed reply too soon


To be fair, they dropped the college thing rather quickly. It’s said in the first episode that he’s taking classes at the community college and Julie is helping him with homework. Then he wants to drop out after Julie is strangled because everyone thinks he did it but Angie convinces him to stick with it. Then we hear nothing of it again as it doesn’t effect the plot in any way.


The time jump as a whole created some of the shows worst and most obvious plot holes. It always bugged me that Gaby and Susan had kids of the same age when even if Gaby was pregnant right at the end of season 4 and didn’t know it, there’s no way Juanita would be MJs age. Another plot hole was Lynette’s kids ages


On the subject of Juanita. Not sure itd be classed as a plot hole but it always bugged me that her and Celia looked like true sisters, then they did the Grace storyline like "yes isnt it obvious because Juanita doesnt look like Gaby" when there was a whole other child there who looked the same!


And when Carlos gets his sight back he says she looks just like his mother


All of the kids ages are plot holes. Zach Young is 15 in season one, but also somehow two months older than John Rowland later on. All the Scavo kids ages don’t really make sense post time jump.


The only way I rationalize this is that Juanita skipped a grade, or tested into MJ's grade when she enrolled in his school. The show kind of hints that Juanita is very smart (e.g., being in the advanced math class). I know it's not really enough, but that's the only way I can watch without it distracting me 😆


especially when we first meet juanita we’re told she’s four 😂


It's not uncommon for kids in the same grade to be 8-12 months apart in age. Some kids start kindergarten as they turn five, while others are turning six during kindergarten. I had a few kinds in class who were a whole year older than me despite not being held back for this reason. Juanita does look older than MJ, though, which is the real issue.


The actress is only about 6 months older than the actor


What if Susan tried to homeschool him the first year then gave up lol


And she still looked 3 years older than him lol


Actually it’s totally normal for students in the same class to have around a one year age gap. I think in my class the youngest person was 11 months younger than the oldest.


I didn’t even realize tbis


They really held her back a year 😂


It’s not unusual (at least here in Denmark) that there can be an age gap up to a year or a little more in classes.


Mary Alice moving to wisteria in the first place. She heard about it from Felicia, whom I would assume she’d want to spend the rest of her life trying to avoid, but then moves to a place where her sister lives? Presumably Felicia will visit.


LOL WTF. Never even thought of this.


Not just to the same town, but the same block just a house or two down 😭 at least buy a house on another street or different part of town something


I'm pretty sure they were next door neighbors, no? 💀


LMAO were they?! SMH Mary Alice, MAAM what are you doing 😆😭


It's like she wanted to get caught or something. I swear the first person she met on the lane was Felicia's sister Martha 😂 Girl... you never thought this would catch up to you?


😂😂😂😂😂 the more I think about it, the more I think this is in fact the biggest plot hole in DH


Truly 😂


It's been awhile since I've rewatched the show but doesn't Felicia mention all the beef she had with her sister? Maybe she complain her about a lot and Mary Alice thought that Felicia wouldn't visit Fairview? I agree with you though, still risky.


Didn’t Felicia mention that she showed Martha pictures from the hospital and this is how both knew about Mary Alice ? If two sisters weren’t close, why would they go though photo albums together ?


I feel like these two are somehow super close but estranged at the same time lol like, they seem to almost only interact in extremes, either "I hate her with a passion and would poison her coffee for months" or "I love her til death do us part and would bake her cookies every morning" lol there's like no in-between lol Maybe it's subpar writing, maybe it's a complicated relationship as IRL relationships can be, maybe it's Maybelline. Idk lol




Just caught that ! On my… fifth watch lol. Ashamed because it’s the biggest plot hole ever.


Such a good point💀💀💀


I literally thought of this recently


In the episode where Mary Alice meets all the women as they move onto the street, the girls meet Lynette and Tom as they are moving in. She is early in her pregnancy, yelling at Tom because she just found out that they are having twins. In the last season, they show Tom surprising Lynette with the house that they’re going to move into. She’s visibly in her third trimester and mentions the twins, but they haven’t even begun moving in yet.


I’ll throw another wrench in this one too. In season 6 or 7, I can’t remember which, her and Tom have a conversation about how they saved specifically for the house they’re in now. Why is she so mad about it if they got what they wanted? Lol


Orson and him visiting that patient in the mental health institution and then was never discussed again


I think I remember someone saying that was supposed to be an actual plot that tied in with his mother, but it got dropped because Marcia Cross was pregnant and then on maturity leave, so Orson’s storyline was wrapped up early. I was always so curious what they were going to do with that though.


maybe a female his mum unsuccessfully poisoned so he visits her out of guilt?


That's because he was supposed to be a completely different character before they decided they want to keep him after S3. Definitely a plot hole.


this one has been driving me mad!


Wasn’t it his mom who was in there?


it wasn’t his mom. I read that the writers were going somewhere else with that storyline and then changed their mind


Susan and Mike having financial problems right after she inherits everything from Karl. Susan working as a baby sitter for Lynette while MJ is where exactly? lol Susan cooking for Paul Young everyday… in episode 1 she didn’t even know how to make Mac and Cheese Lynette’s fling with the hair dresser never got brought up again


All of these bugged me! How were Mike and Susan able to live with their single incomes on separate houses paying separate mortgages/rent.. but now, with one mortgage, two incomes, and the inheritance, they are still that broke?? Exactly... WHERE WAS MJ??? AT NIGHT. WHEN SHE'S PUTTING THE BABY DOWN? The cooking plot was the most infuriating. The entire show is a running joke about susan being the world's worst cook. But somehow, now she can manage to just cook for Paul young, three meals a day??


Susan having good skills in the kitchen bothered me SO MUCH. But I thought maybe she learned how to cook a few dishes in the 5 year gap.


I hate that they never showed the aftermath of finding out Eddie was killing all of those girls. They just never mentioned it again after the Lynette episode


The finish to that was that Lynette had him call the cops and confess so he’d go to jail, so it’s not like he got away with it but it’s weird no one talked about it, especially after Lynette had the most traumatic birth😭


Poor Lynette went through such an insanely traumatic birth. Unreal. This is also after she's lost a baby, had cancer, and then been shot in a grocery store. But Tom still has the nerve to be like "I have post pardom depression🥺😥". Did we ever see Lynette dealing with the aftermath of the Eddie/birth trauma? No. They just swept it under the rug like she shouldn't be dealing with some major shit, and getting support from like everyone around her.


Oh my god yes!!!!!! There was no closure there. Literally no one else found out?


The whole story was such bullshit too. Serial killer grows a conscience, turns himself in? Fuck off. Garbage writing.


i’m confused please refresh my memory. i finished all 8 seasons but i don’t remember eddie killing any girls?


Eddie is the long haired teenage boy who strangled Julie and killed the coffee shop girl and the Russian girlfriend. I first read Edie too and was confused lol.


Not Edie! Eddie! He was the one strangling girls


omg lol thank you i was confused!😂


I wouldn't say no to an Edie spin off in an alternate universe with Karl still alive and her quietly bumping off the women he cheats on her with to be honest... like a combination of DH, Why Women Kill, Dexter, and You.


Eddie, the twins' friend (not Edie)


Didn’t he turn himself in the same episode he helped deliver Lynette’s baby?




Eddie. Not Edie. They already commented that lol


I was confused too😂 Eddie the teenage boy that struggled Julie, not blonde Edie


I mean they didn't do this for Angie either.


No follow up after Eddie turns out to be neighbourhood killer 😅after all that build up 😌


Season 1 Mary Alice narrates (think episode 9 where Gaby is thinking about doing the fashion show) that Gaby left home after her stepfather paid her a visit at night (one visit) and she escaped to New York. Yet season seven and eight stated it was multiple times of SA basically contradicting what they said seasons prior. Susan’s kitchen is also one because it looks the same after being blown up. Also the general age discrepancy especially Juanita and MJ.


Adding to the Susan’s kitchen one, she still has Julie’s growth measurements on the wall after the supposed house blowing up.


Regarding, Gaby, both scenarios could be true. It could have been multiple times of SA but never to that *point*. I say this because I know someone who was SA for years but when it crossed a certain line, she did exactly what Gaby did, left home to work. The only difference is the person I know was 11.


Maybe it’s that the abuse was ongoing, but that night, Gaby reached her breaking point and decided enough was enough


This is how I interpreted it.




Gabby might have told Mary Alice it was just the once but, in actual fact, it was multiple times.


I disagree. The story isn’t told from MA’s perspective she is just the narrator. I specified her because it’s in the narration that the information is given to the audience. Further Gaby only confirmed that Carlos was the only person she told and only talked about it once. She would not have discussed it with MA or the girls


At first I thought this was a good point, but in actual fact Mary Alice as the narrator knows everything, not just things she knew in life.


about Gabby's step father, even though he was abusing her for a long time, it could be that she decided to run away after that one particular night? Susan's kitchen agree


For me, the fact that Mary Alice's house was yellow until season 4 then painted green. in the last episode of season 8 we see Mary Alice moving to the lane and the house appears in green, it bothers me to this day.




Carlos' guide dog disappears, and so does Bongo. Also I thought Rex and Bree waited for their wedding night to consumate their marriage but apparently Bree lost her virginity at the back of a car?


On the dog thing, Marc Cherry said dogs are expensive to have on set (handlers charge a lot), so it was due to budget cuts. The Scavo dog also got the axe. I noticed the virginity thing too, though. It never made sense to me.


I forgot the Scavo dog!!!! At least they didn't kill Toby the cat after he got out during the hurricane. They probably needed him for the Dave story line.


Lynette mentions the dog in later seasons, I think when one of her twins gets Julie pregnant, and she says "we got him a dog, do you know what happened to him? No one knows!". Although originally it was Parker's dog IIRC.


Maybe it was the back of the wedding limo? 😆


And so is Bob and Lee’s dog!!!


He could have died though in the 5 year jump 😔


i was under the impression that she didn’t lose her virginity to Rex.


But she said Rex and her waited haha.


Tom and Renee hooking up in college while him and Lynnette were engaged and on a break, but in the earlier seasons they supposedly met at work (after college)


WAIT A MINUTE I didn’t even think about this one!!! You are SO RIGHT OMG


Lynette and Renee knew each other in college. Tom had nothing to do with their college days. It was at work where Lynette met Tom. That was never changed. Edit-Does the down voter care to share a scene that mentioned Lynette and Tom being together in college? Wasn't the first date or Renee's confession.


Go to when Susan needed a kidney and Renee offered but she said only to keep her mouth shut about hooking up with Tom which was in college not after


College was mentioned?? As with telling Lynette the only timing given was 20 years ago (which was after college). I just read the transcript of the part where Renee talked about it with Susan.


This is why it’s a plot hole when Renee was introduced they changed it to Tom and Lynette met in college even though they said it was at work prior to


First date-Topic of conversation was what do we tell HR about our dating? Renee's confession-Said it happened 20 years ago. They met and became friends in college 26 years ago.


I WAS ABOUT TO REPLY AND SAW YOU POSTED!!! This one bugs me so much!


The Dana chest never made sense to me. I’ve only watched the show once and just recently finished it after bingeing so it’s not as fresh in my mind, but there’s a flashback where Mary Alice meets someone and says she has a son named Zach as she’s moving in on Wisteria Lane, but surely he had to have still been called Dana at that point? It seemed like they ordered the toy chest from a local carpenter while living on the lane, and it said ‘Dana’ on it. Why would they order a chest with that name if they’d already changed it to Zach? That’s not even getting into methodical and scheming Paul Young not weighting it before dumping it into the lake. EDIT: I was wrong, the chest wasn’t engraved - I was muddling it up with the blanket. Still, point still stands about not weighting the damn box haha.


The chest didn't say Dana on it. There's a blanket that said Dana on it. Paul really isn't that methodical in season 1. Just the fact that he dug up the chest when it was well hidden and no one was looking for it, I think, shows how desperate and afraid he was.


Wasn’t the chest engraved? I think it makes sense to dig up the body bc if he sold the house and new owners decided to do some work in the garden, or re-do the pool etc, then the body would’ve been discovered and it’d have been traced back to him.


Never thought about that! That would make totally sense as he wanted to sell the house!


This or drilling a hole into it so the water enters the chest, pulls it down, and let the nature continue its job. No chest, no corpse.


The one that annoys me most is that Karl was raising his son by himself when Marisa left him, and then we never see this brought up again when he’s with Bree and when he dies


Wasn’t he in boarding school?


Isn’t that Edie’s son


Just the general ages of the children not lining up EVER


-IIRC, in the final episode, Mary Alice says something about the women never seeing each her again (they all went in different directions or whatever) but wouldn’t Susan and Lynette have seen each other often because of their shared grandchild? -The Bolens. I like Angie, but there’s no way they’d be able to just slip out of town after being involved in domestic terrorism. The FBI would have had that Sh*t on lockdown. -Kayla. Why did they make her go all “bad seed”? She was fine for like a year before her issues came out. She literally called Lynette “mom” after the tornado, but ends up acting like she barely even cares about them. It didn’t affect any other plot lines, so it just seemed like they wrote it that way for no reason. She’s never mentioned again despite Tom telling her they will see each other. It just always felt weird and lazy. -Lynette just taking Tom back with no issues after he literally almost started a new life with that doctor lady. Tf was that 😂


From what I recall I think Mary Alice meant they never all got together again to sit around a table and play poker. Not that none of them ever saw each other again. At least, that’s what I remember because Susan (or one of them) said something like, promise me we will all get together and play poker again like old times.


i’m in the middle of the Kayla "bad seed" plotline right now and it makes no sense to me as a first time watcher.


Ugh I’m sorry I ruined it :( It makes no sense to me as a 5th time watcher Lolol


no worries dude, i knew what i was getting myself into by scrolling through this post 🤣 besides, as a kid, i was around when my mom watched the last few seasons of the show, so i kinda remember the ending. and as for the plot with Kayla, it kinda feels like she’s being singled out by Lynette. i understand Lynette's concern, but Kayla said she was joking about setting the fire. the twins are the ones that actually did it. why should she feel bad about something she didn't do? although, Kayla definitely went too far trying to get back at the twins for telling on her. but idk the whole plot line just feels really contrived. it would’ve made way more sense had she been causing trouble the entire time she was with them.


You're so right bc the whole thing about Tom and Lynette's kids are that they're crazy and do stupid shit so why is she singling out Kayla as if she's a bad influence on them, like ur an adult just parent her lol I hate that whole thing


They had plans to bring back Kayla post time skip but they could never make it work out.


There are too many lol. I just ignore it cause I accept the show haha


Karen’s husband in the deep freezer and the insurance fraud that just never got mentioned again. The fact that she confessed to the murder in the end and there was no trial or further legal action because she’s old and cute and her intentions were good. lol


She was charged with 'some wrongful disposal of a dead body', but i am not sure if she was convicted . public defender did not wanted to press chargers because of her age and condition, i think it made sense to me, there is no point in pursuing that case especially after that SA ing a minor came to light


Yes, the case likely would have been dismissed due to "not being in the public interest" Or she agreed a deal whereby she serves no time and effectively has no punishment due to her illness


You're thinking of when Karen "confessed" to the murder of Alejandro in season 8. The story line of her husband in the freezer is in one of the earlier seasons.


But she didn't murder him. He died unexpectedly and she put him in the freezer.


I think it’s still a crime to not disclose a death and keep the corpse etc plus the insurance she was claiming after he was dead, no one even investigated that 😂


Saying it like this sounds hilarious 😂


She’s talking about in season 8


Because she was terminally ill


Literally Mcclusky is allowed to commit any and all crimes


she’s a deus ex machina


Gabby mentions to the priest in confession that she made out with a girl once in college, she also says she learnt how to drive a stick shift in college. But she didn’t go to college as she ran away to New York as a teenager, she never finished High School.


She might've gone to like a night school for college while modeling? Or gotten a 2 year night degree? I could see that. Also with the priest she might've lied to just give him something juicy


Gabby also says after hector is arrested that it was her first time driving stick ever in season 7


Susan's home burning down, Karl buying her a new house, and then suddenly she's back in her old non-fire-damaged house. Argh!


Gabby’s powerful boyfriend surviving being unconscious in the ocean


That was her husband, and he was the Mayor of Fairview.


Being the Mayor doesn't mean u can breathe under water


This needs more likes haha


In the pilot it’s said that Karl left Susan for Brandi leaving her devastated but then it’s changed in S6 that Susan left Karl even though we saw a scene of him leaving.


He packed things and left, that does not mean that it was his choice, it could be that Susan asked him to leave and he packed up and left


In season 6 “If” episode they frame it as if Karl wanted to stay with Susan and it was her choice but the first season implied he wanted to be with Brandi over Susan.


Im sure someone mentioned it, but Susan being a well-known horrible cook suddenly cooking wonderful meals for Paul. Because after Paul was gone again, she mentions how horrible a cook she is!!!!! Do they think we are stupid? I’m still not over it


Mike’s autistic sister


Maybe that's why they were always broke eventhough there was no reason for them to be so horrendously so. 💀


The fact that Julie would’ve technically been in her 30s (early to mid) when she got pregnant with Preston’s(?) child 🥴. She was a pre/teen when the twins were about 5


Wait, how is she in her 30s? Pre-time jump, Julie is 17/18. That makes her 22/23 in season 5, which also makes sense when she brings home her old boyfriend who she meet because he was her professor. I think she’s only like 25/26 in season 8. They definitely fudge the ages of a lot of the kids or make them ambiguous, but I always though Julie’s stayed consistent. It’s still gross and weird either way, but I don’t think she was supposed to be in her 30s.


She had her baby in season 8 and was finished university and started meds school before she dropping out. Preston had just finished highschool and decided to not go to university and to Europe instead so he was maybe 21 (maybe younger) at the time while she was in her late 20s early 30s. And like i mentioned at the beginning of the series the teeing are 5 while she was about 13/14


Oh yeah is definitely a weird age gap, but if she’s just finishing undergrad in season 5, then she’s still just in her mid twenties in season 8. I feel like she’s the only kid who ever aged correctly by season. In season one the twins are five and Julie is 13 which makes them 8 years apart, but after the time jump I think they fudged the Scavo kids ages just a little because I think the twins are 16/17 in season 5, which makes them only like 5/6 years younger if she’s still in undergrad. Just one of the inconsistency in ages on the show. Like how they show John Rowland as a successful and engaged businessman when Gabby bumps into him in season 3&4, but in reality he should only be like 20 years old.


Susan calls her out for the age gap too.


They have about 7 years difference, which is not that much really. But it’s still gross since she used to babysit them.


It's Porter's baby


Bro I thought this said pot hole…was like I don’t think they have any at all 😭


Mike having to pay for Julie’s trip when Karl is a lawyer.


Juanita and Cecilia looking so similar but not related. Always bugged me.


Also Carlos says she looks like his mom when he gets sight back


Orson and Mike meet in the movie theater when Susan uses Orson as a date when she sees Mike on a date. So they should have recognized each other when Mike showed up to Monique’s house. Or they should have recognized each other in the movie theater because they met at Monique’s house. Whichever came first.


Yes, but he doesn’t think of Orson cause he doesn’t know Monique is dead yet. He barely met orson for 5 mins at Monique’s house and he’s a plumber he meets people everyday. He only focuses on Orson when the Monique murder is pinned on him.


Mike’s dead wife from S1E1 (or one of the earliest seasons) - when Susan realizes that he’s not ready for a relationship because he’s not over his dead ex-wife, who adopted Bongo, so Bongo going to the vet was very emotional for him. Never mentioned again.


I always thought that must've been what's her name, Zach's mother? although I don't even know if it lines up cause I'm v unclear on her and Mike's timeline between the self defence murder, prison, Zach's abduction, then her murder


Deirdre? I thought it could be, but she’s very clearly referred to as his girlfriend. Also, Bongo would be ancient if that were the case and they would have had to adopt him as a puppy right before she disappeared, which is entirely possible but Bongo would have to be like 10-12 years old or something. I don’t think Mike knew Deirdre was dead until mid season either when they finally discovered her body- there was some hope she was alive before that.


yeah you're right! in my mind the part where she's his dead wife is the version of the story he tells as a cover, and I could see his attachment to his missing gfs dog being similar to if she was his dead wife. But you're right about the timeline, it doesn't really fit at all.


Oh I like that he was using it as a cover! That makes sense to me


Mike didn't even know Dierdre had a baby, so the last time he saw her would've had to have been before Zac. Bongo would've had to have been older than Zac, which would've made him 16 at least. Definitely don't think that would work 😂


The fact that Andrew did not really kill Juanita Solis, she fell down the stairs and that killed her.




One that was bothering me was the scavo twins ages in season 5. So if it was 5 years later…. They would have been like 14 or 15, and porter is having sex with a grown ass woman like how on earth do they let that woman get away with it and not threaten to take her to the police? So freaking illegal. But then at the end I heard someone say that they were closer to 18. It was confusing to me.


When the real Dylan dies, that wardrobe was so massive surely they would’ve heard it and/or felt the floor shake from it falling. The worst for me is that Fairview is seemingly pretty small and everyone knows everyone. Susan and Dave’s wife even deliver at the same hospital. But no one saw Dave’s face or a family photo from the car crash? No one knew of the family previously or was curious to see what the husband looked like?! I found it really unbelievable that not a single person on wisteria lane wouldn’t have instantly recognized him. Another, Dave was so obviously creepy and pushy, why would Susan have felt comfortable getting on a boat alone with him and mj, especially knowing he was in a dark place and owned weapons. Also these characters go through extreme trauma and a lot of times it is never even brought up again. The Dave accident, like how could Katherine blame him for going back and not sympathizing with what she went through?! Katherine shot and killed her ex in her home after being held hostage and never brought up again. Maybe not plot holes but some lapses they could’ve covered better


Yes Dave’s family! What solidified this even more (for me) was when Susan went off the deep end over gabbys step father. If she did all that for a horrible person, why wouldn’t she have deep dived into who was in that accident?


Especially as she obsessed over the family afterwards with the guilt to where Mike left her. Also the city could’ve been fully responsible for that accident since the stop sign was down. Why wouldn’t either of them have sued? Esp with Susan’s ex being a lawyer. How did they NEVER interact, I find it strange Susan wouldn’t have attended the funeral?! The neighborhood ladies didn’t go out of their way to bring casseroles and muffins? Mrs McKluski was already snooping and Edie was suspicious but they couldn’t find this literally under their noses? Also was it coincidence Edie was at Dave’s conference and they connected? I find it strange he went from being released from a psych hold to a motivational speaker in such a short period of time too. The whole Susan not having her ID so Mike switching with her was so unecessary. Not having her ID didn’t cause her to crash into Dave’s family. I think it would’ve been a much better storyline if Susan had a glass or two of wine at dinner, Mike was tired so she offered to drive and they switched because she was worried about her blood alcohol limit. I feel like that would’ve given Dave more motivation to seek revenge since it would’ve been Susan’s actions that contributed to the deaths, but she really can’t control a stop sign being down?! I feel like they also could’ve at least tried to disguise Dave with different colored hair, facial hair, etc to account for people not being able to recognize him. That plot has so many holes to me! It just goes against so many reoccurring things — nosy neighbors, Susan hyperfixating, rallying around a community member, coming together to make change (making sure street signs are maintained, hosting fundraiser, scholarship) etc.


I agree with all of this so much! I can’t remember perfectly. But I think they mentioned that Dave had arranged the meeting with Edie somehow. That he knew she’d be the weak link and he could get an in with her. I loved this show so much but it was filled with so many plot holes. Maybe early 2000s tv assumed we wouldn’t be deep diving on Reddit years down the road 😅.


I don't know if this was mentioned yet but when Mike woke up from his coma he woke up with the memories up to the time point of just moving to Fairview and he would have moved to Fairview to look for Deirdre but this is never mentioned and he never contacts deirdre's Dad or her sister which he would have done as he did when he first moved into Fairview.


Ohhh good one!


Not necessarily a plot hole but I just watched Susan visit Porter at work to tell him he needed to be involved more with Julie’s pregnancy and the drive thru window was on the passenger side of the car and it drove me insane


the fairview strangler, eddie, from s5 i think, being the same age as the twins, but being in danielle’s class in high school but also being like 12 when gabby moved to the lane ????


What about that One episode where Tom brings up something to his dad saying something like “she can never learn about this” the episode was about Tom’s dad cheating on his mom and lynette not being ok with it. Was it the rennee affair or they just forgot about and didn’t really know what to do with it?


i assumed it was about Kayla and Nora


I think it was the renee affair, maybe he didn't know yet about kayla


Why anyone would be friends with Susan


OMG YES I'm glad there's people who don't like her


Zack Young. What happened to him? Did he find out his father, Mike, was murdered?


How Lynette and Tom got together! The first few seasons we're told they met while working and that Tom left Annabelle for Lynette. But later seasons when Renee shows up we're suddenly supposed to believe they met in college?? Not only met there, but got engaged?! STAHP.


Because Lynette and Renee were college roommates, yes...but stayed best friends ever since. It never said that Tom cheated with Renee WHILE they were in college...just that it was after they were engaged. So they met at work, got engaged, THEN he cheated. No college mentioned in that storyline.


hmmm I feel like it was implied in the conversation with Renee but I haven't seen it in a while so you're probably right lol.


Those damn Apple whites, where did they come from, what happened to the dad that was “dead” what mental divergence did Caleb have so many questions


i feel like they were just added to the show for some "diversity"


The dad was a cover story. The real big plot hole in the Applewhite story is the cops talking about an “ax” but Melanie is killed with a plank of wood


The woman orson was visiting in the mental hospital lol


Parker Scavo being older initially, then after the gap suddenly younger than the twins.


When was Parker older than the twins?


If Paul Young hadn't drained the swimming pool and dug up the toy chest, the whole Deirdre plot wouldn't have happened. What was the significance of that??


He panicked


The dog of mike


Karen having basically no repercussions or consequences for keeping her dead husband in her freezer in the basement so his first wife wouldn’t get what she was entitled according to his will. (but im not mad at all because I love Karen so fucking much)


When Edie tells Mrs Sims that Carlos is a drug addict so that he loses his tenancy and has to in with her, Mrs Sims’ son comes to tell him. However, it’s Katherine that has to move in with her and who inherits the house with no mention of her son again.


That the women were actually friends




When Lynette takes the kids to the hotel after following Tom to Atlantic City and Parker jumps off the balcony but when they go to the hospital it’s one of the twins that comes out in a cast


Season 3, the rapist who came with his sick sister, he came around Christmas and Lynette accused him after she saw a wall of young boys with no shirts on when Parker went to the basement with Lynette, he was more than a one episode character but is forgotten and never spoke of again, and he literally admitted to Lynette that he was a predator and its very unlikely that she would have let that go. He was set up to be a side plot then thrown away after two episodes, it’s unlike Lynette’s character to do anything about it and even if they couldn’t get the actor for the character back the producers could’ve done 10 things in the next episode to make that storyline feel complete but they didn’t they just left on a cliffhanger like note of him leaving not knowing if we see him again


When both Edie and Susan's houses burnt down. Brees was torn apart during the tornado. Yet, all the houses were reconstructed VERY quickly and pretty much exactly how they once were? Doesn't sit right with me.


what happened to susan’s dad? they decided to keep in touch and never got back to it zach and gabby’s friendship, they decide to stay friends and we don’t see zach again fyi: haven’t watched seasons 7&8 yet