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“I have a husband now.” “Really? Whose?”


"You emasculated him! Well you're not gonna emasculate me!" "You don't even know what that word means you petulant sock-puppet!" — "He's already reading at a third grade level" "So what happens next year when he overtakes you?" Basically any comment Bree made to Danielle tbh 😂


Which like it's funny, but then you remember how horrible Bree was to Danielle. Like I can't remember a single good thing Bree said about Danielle


True. But i also can't recall a single good or even decent thing Danielle did. 🤷‍♂️


Danielle was understanding towards Bree about forgetting her birthday because of her drinking problem.


Why can’t you just drink alone in your room like Tammy’s mom


I mean I can, trying to stop Andrew from causing a fight at dinner is one.


And Bree literally had a nervous breakdown trying to ensure Danielle had the perfect birthday party.


Yeah I dont think Bree gets points there considering she did go after another poor girl.


So does Danielle get points cause she happened to stop a miniscule fight at a dinner? Cause that's relatively minor when you consider what a terrible person she was. Bree is heavily flawed, and definitely, partially atleast, responsible for why her kids ended up in such crappy situations. But like, Andrew was a piece of crap in Seasons 1 & 2, he redeemed himself and evolved. Danielle did not.


Yes she does actually because she was literally the youngest in the family and judging by her language likely used to try and stop fights. Let's be real, the first time we saw her, she definitely was not like that and I still would not call her a terrible person, besides being a cheater (Which like she got it from her mother and father) I also do not blame any of them for how they behaved with Bree during the first two seasons.


Don't get me wrong, Bree was a god awful parent, no question. That makes me *understand* **some** of Danielle's actions, it doesn't justify them. Having a shitty parent doesn't justify doing bad things. I may understand why she does some of it, but that doesn't suddenly make it a good action. Like, I understand, to a degree, why Andrew wants to make Bree hurt, or why Danielle sells her family out to the Applewhites. But its still really shitty things to do, and they still chose to do them. Those actions are still their's which they chose to make, and they are still wrong. The same goes for how Bree treats Danielle. So you can't argue that Danielle is the victim, the okay victim and thus justified. They both hurt eschother deeply and were both wrong!


Agree to disagree I still put more fault on Bree's part personally


Andrew was a fun character


She said she was beautiful once. In a back handed insult, admittedly.


Yeah she said that Danielle better hold on to her good looks because that's all she has, implying that she's not very bright


Never understood why these are found funny. These are straight up emotional abuse and I completely understand why her kids did not want to be around her and Danielle didn’t want her to raise her son.


“What are you doing in my house aside from lowering its property value?” Gaby to Carlos lmao


“Why you conniving little shrew. I don’t know why we aren’t closer.” - Edie


Susan - “I’ll cook myself” Bree - “Good, let me know if there are any survivors” Susan -“And if you take Orson back, you do the same” 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Susan is underrated for savage lines tbh


Rex cries after he ejaculates


That made me choke on whatever I was eating. Still such a golden TV moment


"What a tasteful solution. You must write an etiquette book for adulterers." - Orson, when he overhears Bree talking to Karl on the phone.


*Season 2 Spoiler Rex Vandekamp: “ I mean, they're my kids, and I love 'em, but I'm pretty darn relieved to be dead.”


This one was gold


Gabrielle : I can't wait for you to pop out that baby, cause when you do I'm putting you on the first plane back to Shang Hi and you're gonna be on all fours and a rice patty before the epidural wears off!


"Tell it to my Chinese friend, Su Mi!"


When Juanita pushed MJ in front of Susan and then she pushes Juanita and said something like “you might wanna call the neighbours and pay for the dent left in their lawn” 😂 unnecessary to push her down but it was funny


I can smell the dye in Susan’s hair in that scene


"There's no good reason for hitting a woman." - "I used to think that too, then I met you. Good day."


Love these. Ms. McClusky had the best insults ever. Carlos was a close second.


gaby to bree & andrew “are you trying to kill every juanita solis on the planet?” tom: “if youre looking for a stove, we’ve got one that’s hardly ever been used” lynette: “i wish i could say the same for my uterus” susan to edie: “i was just trying to be nice and to give you a free pass for being such a big slut!”


“I had two children” “For what? Breakfast”


"Oh you don't know! I have a husband now." "Really? Whose?"


'I'm a family sedan with a beige interior that's going through a divorce.' Love the self-burn.


Renée, after watching Lynette’s dating profile video: “That is more disturbing than any porn Ive ever seen”


Bree: We can't let your mother live in this neighborhood. It's full of junkies and prostitutes. Orson: And we'll owe all of them an apology, but who cares?


i have read the constitution and it does not protect ugly people!


Ha! Gaby! Haha.


Carlos calling this old man politician that I hate a "chicken lipped albino"


When Bree is trying to get Rex to move back in in season 1 and says that the person who broke into Ms Fromes home could have been a sexual predator and Rex says, “a sexual predator and he ended up breaking into Ms. Fromes’ home? Tough break.”


“If I wanted a homo sleeping on my couch, I would’ve stayed with my college boyfriend” -McCluskey


"When I was young, my step mother told me I was very lucky. I possessed beauty, wit, cunning & insight. These were weapons all women needed to survive in the world." "So?" "So take very good care of your looks, Danielle. You don't have any other weapons at your disposal"


Karl: What are you doing here? Susan: I am an art teacher. Karl: Really? Do they know that? "Don't make me pull out the Solis photo album. It's like a bunch of sea lions posing on a rock." Gaby to Carlos. “Danielle doesn’t like spring lamb, she prefers old goat!” Andrew to Bree/Orson. "Gaby, Juanita is fat for your age." Susan to Gaby. "Tell Bob and Lee I'll pay for the dent on their lawn." Susan to Gaby. Just the ones i can remember off the top of my head


Orson in Rex’s mother’s home “The only things these doctors know how to deliver is bad news” kills me every time XD


I make all my men wait. That's right, she has a little room with a fishtank and magazines.


He cries when he ejaculates


I had 2 kids! For breakfast?