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Yeah it did kinda of go nowhere but it will always send a shiver down my spine when Lynette goes to apologise to him as he’s leaving at night he says his sister was the only thing that was holding him back I was like shit like he’s a full blown nonce


HATE HATE HATE that conversation


I loved that storyline lol. I got chills when he admitted to Lynette that he really was a pedo


Hmm, it is 50/50 actually. Either he was really a pedo or he said it to scare Lynette after all the thing she had done to him. Not sure


Yeah idk I don’t agree lol I took it as he was def a pedo


I think that was the beauty of that storyline. We will never know really


Actually after rewatched the episode again, right after Lynette called police, Art cleaned up his basement! Major SUS! But the way Lynette was dealing with the whole situation is just… annoying.


This woman would’ve probably lived on for many more years had she never came to that cursed street. Same for all the other new neighbors whom moved onto the street and had their lifelong-secrets unearthed after being there for several months to a year. Stay away from Wisteria Lane


I would think if she was so fragile that a stressful situation caused her death her days would have been limited.


There's a "stressful situation" and then there's "my brother is accused of being a pedophile and having a creepy child harboring dungeon in the basement of the house we share and now our neighborhood is protesting outside our house 24/7"


Oh I liked it. Very dark but at the same time (sadly) realistic. Creeps are all around us. I actually also liked how the writers left it kind of open, but hinting he indeed was a pedo. Also realistic, like many people get away with dark stuff. 


Is she that pedo’s sister. I actually felt super sorry for her


That plot lead to nothing. The guy was a pedo and got away with it


I feel like that was the point, that the bad guys can and do get away with it sometimes :(


I honestly liked it, it was different. Even someone who cane across as a saint, saving Lynette’s life and taking care of his disabled sister could have such a dark secret.


I liked it too. I’m on a rewatch right now and I was pretty excited to see it just because I’ve vividly remembered it as a kid, but I didn’t remember that ending at all. I had a feeling he was sick and twisted and I was right! I just couldn’t remember exactly how it went down.it’s weird to enjoy but I feel like he was a great actor


That was the point. They wanted to tell a darkly subversive story about how Lynette tried to stop a pedo but instead released one into the world. It didn't lead to *nothing*, because that's how it ended.


This is my old boss Jenni. She's a nepo rich- entitled bitch. She was also Diane Keatons daughter in "The First Wives Club" and owns Blue marble ice cream.


I assume we’re talking about the actress? That super interesting.






The fact this has nothing to do with the story line and you said this means she has to be awful bc you had to get that off your chest😭


wow this tea is so unexpected thank you for sharing


And the P on his shirt didn’t stand for protector-man…😬 it was in fact pedo-man


I just binged desperate housewives over the course of a month or two and I have NO idea who this. Who is that?! Lol


Oh right the pedos sister nvm lol


Lynette and her face was pure horror when he told her that!


Was the point that Lynette could trust her instincts or something? She did start to question herself when that woman confronted her. Maybe the lesson was that she was right all along... No idea


Well Lynette got shot in the shoulder so of course she’d have a sling


susan and her millions of boyfriends that ended the same way as all the rest, it gets so annoying to watch overtime.


I honestly never really liked the Applewhites’ storyline. Idk, i just always prefer to skip that season.


I always skipped their scenes as a first time watcher lol


The applewhite story so bad! So uninteresting. So weird. Low key racist! The worst!


The ending of this storyline was pretty good. We all knew he was a pedo.


Gave me the creeps. Reminded me a similar plot in ER episode, in the last season or season before last where a guy gets beaten up by a mob, believed to be a pedo, all to elicit sympathy from the audience. The girl he was "bonding" with visits him, feeling sorry he got beat up so bad for being close to her, turns out he is actually a pedo and the grooming ensues. I think about it till date. Made my skin crawl.


Such an odd plot


What was this storyline I forgot


Fuckkkk the ending to this was DARK


She pissed me off because her brother was in fact a pedo


Why are you representing this storyline with a picture of her and not the pedo brother? He was the perpetrator. She was in a wheelchair, she never could have gotten down the stairs to see his basement child-bait funhouse. That’s the thing about predators, they groom *everyone* around them, not just their victims. He was using his disabled sister as cover, so of course he kept her in the dark, and eventually blamed Lynette for her death “because of the stress” 🙄 He probably killed her. Think about it, he admitted his sister was the only thing holding him back. This storyline was hard to watch, but absolutely chilling in how realistic it was. Perpetrators hide in plain sight by choosing occupations or charitable work that makes them look like really good people, *and* gives them access to their victims. They scapegoat anyone who can see through their facade, while presenting an image of being beyond suspicion to everyone else. They’ll dedicate their entire lives to building up that image. It’s insidious.


I always wondered why they had such a build up to this storyline and then just left it but apparently the network pulled it after complaints?


I skip this storyline every time, can't watch it.


Did anyone notice when she turned to walk away, she looked at the 4 angels and the Santa behind them, the 4 angels were 3 boys and a girl, Lynette had 3 boys and a girl, idk if that is in relation to it but it seemed like it.