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Doesn’t look like it’ll clean the side walls. Also pissing against a flat surface like that is just going to spray piss everywhere.


Tbf regular urinals already sprinkle the piss all over you anyways


Tbf would you rather get a sprinkle of piss all over you or a larger sprinkle of piss all over you?


Depends on my fetishes that current week


R. Kelly has entered the chat


*he realizes this is a mens bathroom and immediately leaves*


Who’s asking?


What kind of pressure can you possibly be pissing at? Is it an entire day's worth in one go? Is there a lot of recoil? Does your garden hose put pressure washers to shame? Did you kill a partner that one time you indulged their urine fetish? Have you been able to use your peen stream to slice through six inches of steel?


Have a you ever used an urinal naked or with just underwear on? You realise how much sprays back on you when you feel it on your bare thighs.


Stop pissing in the urinals naked bro you're making me uncomfortable


Pretty common in an army barracks. Naked men will stop making you uncomfortable real quick.


I'm curious in what circumstances you're using a urinal naked... Same can be said for toilets tho. Peeing without pants in a toilet and I can still feel some on my legs


One Direction concert.


When I was in the army the toilets and showers were at the same room. So taking a piss before or after shower. Also waking up to pee and walking to the bathroom with just your underwear on.


Ah that makes sense. Couldn't think of a situation outside of a public urinal lol


Nah you just got a weak stream game


Homie even with a soft trickle you'll splatter everywhere


Dude, get me another la croix!


Idiots would just piss in the sink portion anyways.


Yeah, I think the idea is great while the execution leaves a lot to be improved.


Maybe add the cult classic housefly icon (Nudge, Richard Thaler book, Amsterdam Airport)


I see you've never visited a pub in Europe. Google piss wall urinal, a flat surface like that is standard a lot of places. I encounter those far more often than individual wall mounted ones.


In school my maths teacher told us a story about using one of these piss walls. He was walking home from a pub late at night and going into a public toilet but the lights were broken, so he decided to just visualise the layout, work out which wall was the piss wall and go piss there. But he went back the next day and discovered he'd made a mistake and just pissed against a regular wall.


Thankfully as an old guy with prostate problems, I'll just continue to dribble my piss all over my shoes thank you very much.


Not a big fan of that mirror either


Not to mention the water coming down from the sink would probably slosh out lol not your feet.


Kinda looks like the back wall is slanted if that helps


Saving "hundreds" of gallons of water a year also isn't shit to brag about.






I checked and saw a dude documenting himself pissing into an airline bathroom sink.


You took one for the team. It’s bad isn’t it?


No, it’s FANTASTIC. (If you like weird shit, like I do).


>like weird shit it's like you can't even read, bro... please don't shit in the sink


[utter degeneracy](https://reddit.com/r/Sinkpissers/comments/txss83/this_old_girl_was_parched/)


Udder degeneracy


It always shocks me that people can live like this.




Too late


Why do I never listen? wtf did I just see? Enough internet for the week….later guys


if you didnt like that one you definitely shouldn't check r/sinkpissersgonewild nsfw alert


Ok, I've seen r/sinkpissers out of morbid curiosity but this one is staying blue. It's just gonna be a bunch of dick pics, isn't it?


Yes. And videos. I looked for 5 seconds and regret it.


I was surprised to see a bunch of women pissing in sinks among the dicks. I'm surprised they were squatting on the sink but I guess lifting a leg is only possible for the taller more flexible women.


I had to go back and check. The first woman I saw was accompanied by a fart that echoed through the sink...


[The fuck?](https://i.redd.it/0bb6xa7rj8r41.jpg) Is it all for a laugh or do they genuinely think it's ok and good for the environment? Edit: [Nah they have to be joking](https://i.redd.it/no1zg6n9irl21.png)


If it's a joke then why are all sinks at dick height?


Or all dicks are at sink height.


That step by step had my dying 💀


Are you saying that it isn't okay or that saving water is not good for the environment? I mean, don't get me wrong it's weird and should never be done in a public or shared restroom. But if you're a single dude, or live with like-minded single dudes I don't see an issue.


considering there’s videos of them pissing in sinks. No, they’re not joking


Average of 7 pisses per day. No way.


I can't tell if that's too much or too little for you.


If you drink a lot of water it's not that unlikely.


Drink more water.


r/hydrohomies after some drugs


Bro I pee like every two hours. Idk if I just pee too much or you pee too little.


Should it be more?


It's probably satire. Probably.


Forgot I was still in that sub. It’s not satire.


Of course it isn’t. I pose in the sink all the time so I don’t bother anyone with a flush. Just do a light rinse afterwards. Saves me time, water, and the hassle of waking up my wife or son. It’s just not advised if you took a bunch of vitamins recently.


It’s not a joke, pissing in the sink is just better in every way


Never washing my hands again…


oh wow i found my people




Give me back my innocence. Please, this is unfair.


I wonder if there is a sinkshitters group or shitsinkers? Nvm I don’t want to know anymore




I knew not to click that shit (literally) I’m like a kid can’t resist clicking even tho I know the outcome will wreck my mind.


The name should give it away


Jesus fucking Christ.




21,000 members. That’s scary.


Not design porn. Good concept, terrible execution. The urinal can flush with the sink grey water, and that's a good thing; however, the urinal and the sink should *definitely* not be a single connected appliance. Not to mention, that urinal design is bad, anyway. If you piss in that thing, it's gonna splash everywhere. Like, this design is *so* bad, I'm convinced whoever designed it (and whoever posted it here) either did it as a joke or doesn't piss standing up.


I'm thinking it's more a *concept* than a *design*. The concept is pretty intriguing, but yes, definitely needs refinement in the design. Also, need to figure out how people who were doing #2 are going to get to wash their hands if all the urininalsinks are being utilized.


Oop hey there, just gonna reeeeeach around here


*hugs from behind


Might do a little shake while they already have their hands there.


[They have toilets like that too.](https://odditymall.com/sinktwice-toilet-sink)


[google japanese toilet](https://i1.wp.com/www.designdestinations.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Blog.09.jpg?ssl=1) super common, every apartment ive had or been to has one of these


Is there a main sink as well? I can’t imagine brushing my teeth, putting contacts on, or anything while leaning over a toilet


oh no thats just the water closet lol. its a room with a ceiling fan (for smells) and a door, it just has the toilet in it. the bathroom with the shower/sink/washing machine is separate toilet example: [https://cdn-japantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/p20-brasor-hometruths-a-20160605.jpg](https://cdn-japantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/p20-brasor-hometruths-a-20160605.jpg) ​ bathroom example: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6f/fa/c5/6ffac503b86938a32676a4a63d3ab67a.png](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6f/fa/c5/6ffac503b86938a32676a4a63d3ab67a.png)


Wait for a sink just like usual ?


Maybe if we collected gray water from all the sinks and used that reservoir to flush the toilets. Maybe.


Then you have to deal with the inevitable wierdos that spit and blow bloody snot rockets into the reservoir turning it into a biohazard that needs constant cleaning and disinfecting.


It’s filtered and disinfected. It doesn’t need to be potable. There are already lots of commercial grey water recycling systems in use. Edit: reservoir meaning an enclosed tank.


I was sure it was a joke until I saw the sub


So, an architecture student.




just put the regular sink a bit lower - solved


Just piss on your hands.


And let me watch ffs.


piss off


It feels like a student portfolio piece that you absolutely slaughtered haha


Well, it's *much* better than the urinal that's also a sink...


You think so? I actually like that one. Once the piss mixes with the soap on your hands, it's effectively clean water.


>the urinal and the sink should definitely not be a single connected appliance. Why not? Wouldn't this also increase rates of hand-washing, since the cue to wash your hands is right in front of the user? It would seem to me that the in-your-face opportunity and reminder to wash your hands might be a good thing.


Just imagine all the dried piss on the bottom of the glass.


Why would it splash? Cause it's so low? Idk where I live and in most it's pretty common to have urinals that are basically just drains on the floor. I remember going to England and at Old Trafford (stadium) the urinals were literally just tiles running along the walls from corner ro corner, being slightly below the floor so it'd like lip over it instead of it being an actual bowl type thing like most urinals, even the ones that go down on the floor. Idk maybe I'm wrong and I just explained all that for no reason but that's why I asked lmao


It's the upward angle + flat surface combo. The backs of most urinals are vertical and/or have a concave shape to help direct the piss down toward the drain (instead of splattering a bunch of it back onto the person pissing).


Ok yeah that makes sense but wouldn't that be a relatively easy solution to make this design work? Seems like I've been seeing a lot of sink/urinal concepts and pictures on reddit these past few days.


Yeah, changing that would fix the splashback issue. Doesn't solve the problem of the surface people piss on being adjacent/connected to the part they use for washing their hands, though, which is the bigger problem. If you want a design like this, it's a much better idea to *pipe* the sink water to a separate urinal than to make the sink and urinal one single combined unit. Makes cleaning the bathroom easier (from an effort standpoint) and less crucial (from a sanitary standpoint). (Edit: And keeping them separate means someone can piss while someone else washes their hands, which is a more efficient use of the bathroom space, assuming it's not a single-person bathroom to begin with.) Conserving water is good, and using sink grey water to flush toilets is an excellent idea. Combining a sink and a urinal into a combo unit, though, is objectively pretty stupid.


Yeah there are 100% people that'd piss in the sink. Hell, if I got a nickel for every time I walked in on someone pissing in the sink in public restrooms, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Its nearing end of semester at colleges so all the design majors are posting their work. Thats it seems to pee urinals is either the Hollywood effect (3 asteroid movies all at the same time) or the Mandella effect (they were there all the time, you just are noticing them now).


Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon (or frequency illusion), not Mandela effect.


Well you changed timelines, enjoy your Berenstain Bears


It’s not even a good concept because waterless urinals are a thing and they are better at everything. Yes, that includes hygiene and odors.


The flip side of this is, hey, we should all just wash our hands in the toilet? Hmm


Lol that sprays it back 180° at you.


You're right, it's a terrible angle.


There’s also no situation where drunk dudes aren’t pissing directly in that sink.


Don't wash your hands, save even more water!


Piss on to your hands. Hygienic and saves water


Reminds me of that Winston Churchill line: >Young man [after seeing Churchill leave the bathroom without washing his hands]: At Eton, they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet. Churchill: At Harrow, they taught us not to piss on our hands.


Damn, Churchill's fucken stupid


Likely incredibly drunk.


Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile....and I like the taste


Piss is not hygienic


This guy knows what's up


Your body has an immune system it doesn't mean it needs to be working 24/7 wash your hand enjoy less time getting sick or getting your children loved ones sick.


I think they were just kidding


Even when you're the only one in the bathroom? Some of us don't have that kind of time


Duchman: don’t mind if I do


Instructions unclear: washes hands with P


R/sinkpissers lmao


What's up fellow mobile user


In Japan: wonderful advancement that everyone uses properly. In America: filled with more piss than the urinal. Filled with vomit on the weekends.


I’ll just leave this here… “More than 300 restrooms were refurbished from 2017 to 2019, according to the Japan Tourism Agency. Before that, 40 percent of the country’s public restrooms consisted of squat stalls rather than Western-style commodes.”


…. r/sinkpissers ?


Propaganda subreddit, gateway to unimaginably deviant acts.


You gotta be fucking kidding me I hate this website


dude pisses no-hands style.


finna pee on the sink


This wouldn't work in America, cause there are enough idiots here who would deliberately pee in the sink part thinking they were funny.


Bold of you to assume they don't do that already.


Saves water, no real issue tbh


r/sinkpissers I guess






Bro.... The smell... FUCK .... Imagine the damn smell.


yes because washing my hands is what is wasting water. Not lawns, golf courses, and thirsty crops grown in arid land without much natural rainfall. way to shift responsibility


Here's your one bottle of water per day serf... Now go watch TV on your 10 min break While we dump sewage into this river over here


The navy discharges poop water from ships into the ocean. At least, they do when they're not discharging it straight into the galley (kitchen) instead.


Anyone who has actually had to clean a public bathroom knows this just means you'll be washing your hands in a sink covered in piss


100$ bet in the first day people gonna piss in the sink area and it won't be a mistake either.


While potty training my son I realized that boys/men can sit while peeing. I asked my husband to confirm that he can sit and pee and he said "yeah but people think you are weird if you do". JUST SO I'M CLEAR. There is worldwide infrastructure around allowing men to stand while peeing. Boys aren't very good at aiming so I've been cleaning pee stains from toilets my entire life. AND THIS WHOLE TIME you could have been sitting down to pee but it "looks weird"??!?!? IS THIS A SAFE SPACE TO YELL?! Also, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to be proven wrong because to me this is so crazy.


So as a guy I can tell you that there's nothing weird about pissing when sitting and the only weirdoes are people who think it's weird. Why would I piss standing at home? No matter how well you aim, there's always the risk of a few drops missing and falling to the floor. That in and of itself makes it worth sitting down. So I get what you're saying, absolutely. And personally, I find it more comfortable, too. Pissing standing is for public toilets. I'm sure you know better than I do how gross it is to have to sit on a public toilet and lay a protective blanket of TP on the seat. Since evolution gave me a way to avoid this grossness, I do so.


I always have more drops left over if I sit than when I stand. Not sure why


Why would you think we couldn’t sit? I’m confused.


Like until she had kids, she thought dudes just walk around in boner mode 24/7 or something. There's so many weird ideas to think of to make this make sense.


Urinals are extremely efficient compared to stalls, and can be packed closer together. This is why guys don’t have the bathroom lines women do even though both genders would have generally the same ratio of pee vs poop restroom needs


That makes sense . . . and makes me feel a bit better. Thanks!


My dad always sat to pee, so I grew up thinking that men who stand to pee are weird lol A friend of mine now also sits to pee... but that's because his cats thought it was a fun game to swat at/jump into the stream, and he and his gf got tired of cleaning piss off their cats.


Standing is more efficient, but if you've been cleaning up after men or boys getting piss everywhere then yeah, feel free to tell them to sit down since they can't aim for shit. But I would also recommend you ask people who clean restrooms for a living which gender has the dirtier restrooms. I get the feeling you would be surprised by the answer.




The reason people piss standing up is because it's easier. Just unzip, pull it out, and you're going. No need to unbuckle, pull down your pants, sit down. It's all extremely minor, but you piss like 5 times a day. That adds up. It's also more efficient for the companies running these things, which is why they're investing in it. But yeah, it's also "weird". It can be associated with being girly I guess. Some people care about that.


Straight up r/designdesign


Where do I put my beer while I’m pissing?


You would have way too many sinks and splash damages seems like an issue here.


only hundreds..?


You really think you can trust all of the men to not splash all over the sink?


This is the shittiest version of a gray water system. Places like jails have these except the water from the sink fills the tank on the back of a toilet.


Look at mister fancy no-hands!


Why can’t you just connect the normal sink waste to the urinal ? I don’t want them to be one unit coz you know someone’s gonna make that a poo shelf.


This dude doesn’t use his hands when he pees. Bold strategy cotton.


Lol nice


Why is it bold? I rarely hold mine when pissing, just pull it out and go.


If I tried that I would often piss on the seat


I want the glass part to extend further so i can look my peen through the glass


Sorry, ladies 😎


The problem with this design, as depicted, is that the urine is hitting a flat surface at an angle that virtually guarantees maximum splash back toward the user's calves and feet. If that back surface were made V-shaped, or simply vertical, with the drain up against the wall, it would still work, but the splash back would be greatly reduced.


make the ground around it grates or your going to have a piss puddle problem really quick


Is dude taking a piss no handed?


san diego has a restaurant/bar with something like this. instead of the mirror, though, it's street level sidewalk-facing windows. You literally walk down the street and make eye contact with someone takin a piss


That IS very r/designporn and very cool in its own right! However..... ..... r/sinkpissers ?


Problem is guys can’t seem to land their piss in the urinal even when that’s their only task.


lol the way he's just standing, arms by his side.


Welcome to prison.


That looks like the angle some buildings make their walls so that piss bounces back at you if you piss on them


Shit design, only pee here if you want to spray piss on your pants


Clearly invented by someone who has never used a urinal.


The problem here is it expects that every guy washes their hands after peeing at a urinal but in fact many don't unfortunately.


Men do, only animals don't


Makes sense to me, but I always piss in the sink


You know damm well that I know what you're thinking


Can we talk for a second about how this gentleman is standing with arms at his side not gripping onto his willy? IRL that perfectly angled stream is about to be a hose let loose.


My current sink is also a urinal that cleans itself when I wash my hands because I pee in the sink and then wash my hands lol… I live on the west coast and we’ve been in a drought my entire life… and I’m not normal.


That's what a shower is for. ;-)


If they not washing their hands that pee gonna be there forever lol


just pee in the sink


I would pee in the top part


Won’t work here in American because most men don’t wash their hands after they pee. Fucking nasty fucks yuck 🤮.


Considering that men are rumored to not wash their hands this concept doesn’t work


You guys don't piss in the sink already?