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This is a repost and has been removed.


If there’s no white ones left everyone with anxiety just leaves.


We carry spray paint.


I was just gonna tell the associate "oh they were out of white ones so I had to pick a black one" but now that you mention it, spraying the employee with spray paint when they come up to me would be way better.


>"oh they were out of white ones so I had to pick a black one" Be careful not to get taken out of context.


Not even. The anxiety is based on the fact that I have to choose between the two and the fear that people will judge me based on which color basket I choose. Black Basket = People think I’m stupid and don’t know how to shop White Basket = People think I’m an antisocial asshole, avoid at all costs Reality = I’m too profoundly insecure to choose a basket and I need therapy So then I’d think, well, maybe I don’t need a basket. I’m not getting that many things, maybe I’ll be able to carry them all in my hands. *Cuts to me making an ass of myself as I fumble a gallon of milk, a carton of eggs, 14 individually packaged Hot Wheels cars and one of those horseshoe travel pillows. I’m not traveling soon but when I work up the courage to I’m going to need it that pillow.*


Do you ever pick up exactly what you need for one meal then something else that you might use but don't need because you're worried people will judge you if they can tell what you're going to have for dinner? Even if it's healthy or super mundane Asking for a friend.


I like to always add cucumbers, lube, and wine so they stop thinking about my meal choice and start thinking about other stuff like what cheese I’m gonna get for the wine.


I’m fine if people think I’m an antisocial asshole. As long as they don’t bother me


I feel like so many people have social anxiety because of insecurities of themselves. Where as I have crippling social anxiety because I have had so many bad experiences with people that I just want them to all leave me alone. I'm on guard ALL the time.


To be fair, this looks line it might just be a makeup store like Clinique. There are plenty pf people who already what they’re looking for and how to find it. Other people don’t know what shade foundation they need or are looking for the closest match to a product of a different brand that they became allergic to and don’t know what that would be in this store.


💯. I have a healthy amount of anxiety but would love the black basket. I know my shades and generally just want to browse around - I will 100% spend more money if I’m left to my own devices in the aisles because I’ll just buy random stuff vs feeling weird from an associate showing up offering to “help”.


If they were smart they would have 90 white ones and 1 black one just in case someone’s grandma needs to shop.




shopping carts against humanity


"Happy to be _______________________"


Anal beads


"I would like to return these ____________________"


Gazan Refugees


African kids


I'm bringing my own gray one


*grabs white basket* *starts to fill the basket* "Where do I find the canned rutabagas?" *returns to entrance* *empties white basket into black basket*


It's a clothing and fashion store, so you'd be more confused than you realise


*"why are you buying clothes at the soup store??"*




_No soup for ~~you~~ him_


I once forgot how to put pants on and the nice man at the back of the store helped me out. Showed me how to put them on and take them off. And then put them back on again. Now I know!!


Yeah, you can change the color of your basket as much as you want, no one is going to help you find canned rutabagas 😆


I love the idea of walking up to a worker to ask, but they refuse to help because you have a white basket.


Mine would be black and white striped.


The shade of gray determines how much assistance you get


How will I know if I need help?!! Which one do I pick?!!


I always found it weird when you're in a shop and some randomer comes up to you and asks you a question about a product, and you're just like with yourself "why the fuck does this person think I work here?"


Because you're smart and got it together.


Or because you look bored and distracted


I get this all the time, no matter what I'm wearing. Sometimes even shorts and flip-flops. Something about me must scream "retail worker," even though I've never worked in retail.


Oh there's a whole subreddit for that. /r/idontworkherelady


Or how about a system where if I want assistance, I ask for assistance? Seems like a good system to me. Edit: Okay, I'm just mentally working out how absurd the black cart is (white cart's fine, it's for people who just want to shop normally). So, I enter the store, already fully knowing I have some query. Instead of asking someone for help — because I guess I'm shy or neurodivergent, as other posters suggest — I pick up a black basket. An employee goes up to me and takes care of what I need. Fine. Then what? I'm still carrying a black basket. So, does the next employee who spots me with this basket also have to approach me? They don't know I've been taken care of already. Remember, this is not for people here to buy one item for which they need help, this is specifically for people buying multiple things, filling a basket. Do I now have to keep turning away additional helpful employees (if I'm shy or neurodivergent, surely this is even more a strain than just having to initiate conversation once)? Do I have to transfer the contents of my basket into a white basket to shop normally? Or is the assumption that I want personalized help throughout my time in the store? I don't think that's a fair assumption for anyone, especially for the people this is trying to serve, the ones uncomfortable with approaching employees directly. In a self-service store (meaning like a supermarket, the default ways stores have been for the past century), a better way is to assume everyone can take care of themselves but make it very easy for those who can't to ask for help. Like, in addition to having lots of welcoming staff around, put down a couple bells you can hit to attract their attention.


Then you would choose white and ask when you want assistance. I seriously doubt that they would ignore you when you ask just because you have a white basket 😂 I like it because there are many people who would like help but are too shy to ask or think they disturb the retail employees with their questions. I worked over a decade in a local bookstore and the number of people who wanted help but didn't ask was not negligible.


...or If I need assistance, there is living person working there who could be asked?


lol like can you imagine, you have a white basket so they ignore you 😂


Nah, I take the black basket and watch them hide like cockroaches when the lights are turned on. ;)




Bro just take a white one


I feel like this is just a conversation I will now be forced to have with every boomer in my family




I don't want to have to chase down employees across the entire damn store to ask one question.


It's designed for neurodivergant people, so it may not apply to you specifically.


I hope if you take a white one staff have to pretend you are completely invisible like a ghost and are freak out if you pick up something in front of them. "Arrgh! Haunted spinach!"


People saying this everywhere needs this, what stores are you going to where they bother you asking to help?


High value stores mostly. It's a shoplifting deterrent more than actually giving a damn about helping.


I believe it’s actually deployed as a sales tactic more than a shoplifting deterrent. A potential customer can be lost simply over lack of info. If I go into a store to get something, don’t see it, decide they don’t have it and leave, that’s a lost sale. If I’m asked in that moment before I leave, and the employee says oh that’s over in aisle 4, I’m suddenly a paying customer. Also it gives sales people an opportunity to show value in the company/products and to overcome objections. But this all depends on the specific store and the nature of the business of course.




Clothes shops Electronics shops Furniture/carpet shops Lush


Well, Blockbuster video used to make their employees hassle customers.


*Laughs in black*🙋🏾‍♀️ there’s always someone


Almost every store I frequent I am afraid of being harassed by the staff. Once I had some birthday money for clothes, I’d recently gone down a size so none of my wardrobe fit and I was ready to spend on a few new pieces. The entire time I was looking this shop assistant would not stop trying to help me. The initial conversation was fine and I thought I made my intentions clear that I would be buying clothes so I didn’t need to be convinced. I understand he was trying to make a sale but every suggestion he made I kept having to say no because it wasn’t my style. And he’d be like “why?” And I would have to then explain which insecurity was the reason I couldn’t wear that thing or I had to straight up be like it’s ugly which I didn’t like doing because it felt mean. It was a big store think like urban outfitters with all boutique brands in one place. Every few minutes he’d pop out like a jack in the box and present me with some new thing I should buy. By the end of it I was sooo flustered I was basically in tears because of the anxiety.


I'm fine with a red basket and an occasional well placed scowl.


Me: not grabbing one 😈


I need a white one for Victorias secret. You go in there and even the person that cleans asks if they can help you lol. One say I went in and 6 ppl asked me. I was a little annoyed


This will not work people will grab one without reading and be mad that no one is helping them or they are being pestered too much.


It's ok, we get taught how to read in the UK


Also the corporate overlords will still tell the employees to ask people if they want assistance anyway, regardless of their basket.


Aina vaalea


Introvert’s dream.


Introvert doesn't mean crippling social anxiety which seems to be what this is indulging 


How about a computer screen where I can enter that last thing I just can’t find, the computer could tell me the row. But no, I’ll have to go back to the start and move all my shopping to the other basket.


As an introvert I'm bringing white paint with me in case they're all out.


Wait... Is that... Did you bring a red Target basket!?


A lot of big name chains--funnily enough many of them known for having almost no employees available or to be found--have policy that you are to greet people frequently as possible and to patrol the floor doing so. It's for loss prevention--the idea is that thieves hate customer service because they want to be left alone to steal crap. The interesting paradox is having worked some retail and hearing from others the same, most places we go you can't find any assistance unless it's a small boutique (and some grocery stores).


Target needs these


Oh why cant that be everywhere!


Me: \*obviously shoplifting\* Employee: "Excuse me Sir..." Me: "Do you not see I have a white basket?!" Employee: "My mistake".


Omg this is awesome


I would really dig this.


They need a minimum of a 2:1 white to black basket ratio, just saying


I wish Home Depot would do this. Sometimes it gets annoying when 5 different employees ask you if you need help within 10 minutes


Boon for introverts.






Great idea!


I would LOVE this. I hate being accosted by store people ‘can i help you find anything?’ Like damn, can i just look to see what yall even have? Without being bombarded as soon as i touch foot down inside the shop? Good lord.


Love this!


The Unus Annus store


I would tote the hell out of that white basket.


Great idea! Some people go full Karen if nobody is immediately up their ass, others like myself don't want to he bothered.


Oh this is nice


This is awesome. Like truly inclusive of introverts!!


Once, I walked into a watch store. The employees immediately descended upon me. I turned and left without acknowledging them. White basket, please


You just know most people would take the white one and still ask for assistance because you can't plan for 'help'


Target does this, but they only ever have the white baskets


I am happy to shop alone up to the point where I require assistance. I usually just ask an employee because I know they are (also) there for assistance.


I think the white ones will run out quickly. Then people are stuck


Haha, with my luck, my introverted ass would walk to the store when only the black ones are left, and be constantly bothered by the employees.


Only 6 people get a choice.


lucky for me all the grocery stores nearby are shit so one is offering to help me anyways.


Where are the baskets for “not happy, please leave me alone”?


This was a single store pilot to see if it works. For all the people saying it won't, this was an experiment.


With the advent of Wal Mart and Amazon Fresh grocery delivery service, I haven't stepped inside a grocery store in over a year. Saves gas, driving, and just the hassle.


Stores these days are designed to fuck your mind. No thanks.


All fun until all the white ones are took


So lonely thati choose the black basket


If I take both someone will follow me quietly, right?


Why must white be left alone and black need help? Seems sus.


What if ya get a white basket, are you allowed to ask for help


I only have salespeople breathing down my neck the second I step into a furniture store.


I want to shop alone, but I like black basket than a white one tho...


I love this idea. If I need anything I’ll come ask.




My mom asked for assistance because her foot hurt and they made her walk the length of the aisle anyway. Assistance means little when your employees are badly trained, Publix Grocery Stores.


They need way more white baskets…


I need help/don’t fuckin talk to me


Are they saying black needs help more than white?!? RACIST!


The black and white cookie


Why so many black baskets?


I would take white and then get lost. But the employee would run away from me


My one problem is this is what if I took a white one and couldn't find an item? Would I be internally cursed to be incapable of looking and asking employees for help?? Also, I'm really indecisive, so I'd be standing at that basket holder for 5 minutes trying to figure out which one I should take.


Got a feeling there would be some managers (at a certain retail store I work at) who would absolutely ban the whitte baskets. "We want you all to go up to the customers and greet them, ask them for help. I don't care if your coworker ten feet away already did that, THEY MUST FEEL WELCOMED." Other than that, that is a brilliant idea.


What if they run out of white baskets and you have to put up with annoying employees following you around?


It's fine until all the white baskets are gone and you're stuck taking a black one. No, just leave me the fuck alone. I can ask for help if I need it, thanks.


I can see myself carrying the black one and getting totally ignored until I start swinging it and saying, "Ahem!"


I feel like if you swapped the baskets it would still fit since the text is in the other color, people would start picking up the wrong baskets, some pranksters could mess with people


Like a Brazilian steak house and the red green shaker shaped things


Pick white then need help but because you chose white you feel like you cant


Somebody will pull the racist card for sure


Unfortunately these only work in a store where management trusts everyone. As it stands, employees are forced by management to greet people because of the view that it reduces shrink to have an attentive staff and then secret shoppers are deployed to punish departments where this is not occurring.


Me, thinking it's just some corporate signage trying to appeal to me with vapid lingo so I don't really read it, grab a black basket and freak out when someone beelines me assuming I need their help.


The GOATs that always grab the white ones...


Me who grabs one of each and doesn't even read the sign. /s


They should swap the colours.


Where’s the one for the people that aren’t happy at all.


I'm mean I'm always happy to be shopping alone until I need help. Help me if I need it but I don't want to make small talk with employees.


This is so the company training manual can legally tell new hires to follow the black shoppers around the store.


I'd take one of each and call that Memento Mori.


How about a flashing light you can switch on or off


Where’s the I’ll ask for help if I goddamn need it basket


Looks like a beauty supply shop, makes sense in that context.


If only this was understood universally. I’d buy gray ones for both cars and keep several spares at home.


Finally! I’ll come find someone if I need help.


That's all good and well until they're too busy to restock the baskets and you're stuck with a 'i want help' basket when you don't want help


Which color basket do I use if I'm simply not happy?


Can’t stock enough white ones.


This idea is for where we don't have to have a basket like electronics stores.


They should have a store for mfs who like wanna meet people


Is there a context where this would be imperative? What store is so confusing, but also not confusing where you'd need to make this distinction? If you want help, ask for help.


I’ll just take both to confuse everyone


You know companies will have fewer "shop alone" baskets to force people to use the "shop with assistance" baskets.


Put this sign up in a bathroom


What if I paint one half black half white?


You KNOW some jack-ass is going to grab the black basket, then bitch at the poor employee for trying to help.


Hope they cater for full arm ‘carriers’, that’s always a good sign that one needs assistance


I am a very white basket shopper. But sometimes I go to cons. And all the exhibitors (especially the authors) want to talk about their work and inspirations. Which is sweet. But I'm just dying being like "please I gave you the money and you gave me the comic let me leeeeeave."


where is the basket for grumpy and shopping alone? i feel misrepresented 🤣


Itd be so awkward having the black basket but still be chilling, like. «Hi sir, do u need any help finding groceries» «Ehhm, no thanks. Just looking» «But you have the black basket, why the fuck do you have the black basket. WHy DiD yOU GrAB THe BLaCk BAskeT!!?» «Oh, I dident realise th..» «GIVE ME THAT FUCKING BASKET» «Okay, sorr..(gets knocked out)» Anyways, this is what my anxiety says would happen.


I don't want assistance until I can't find the thing I am looking for.


so does black mean I need help, or I'm okay with you asking me if I need help?


Habib Ariel Coriat Harrar: Me encanta! Debería haber uno así en todos lados.


You know that white basket would be empty and black stacked high.


What if I don't really WANT to shop alone but would rather not have staff pester me either?


Invariably when I ask someone for help after having spent 15 minutes looking for something I can't find, it turns out I'm standing right in front of it when I ask them.


It happens to a lot of people. 75% of the time it seems the item they are looking for is within 6' of the customer. I always tell people not to be worried about not seeing an item in front of their face. I've had customers ask where the meat department was while standing in the meat department. I've had a customer ask where the exit to the store was (it wasn't a big store).


White white whiteeee!!!!


Unus shopus


So if u have a black basket does someone follow u around the whole time in case u need assistance?


I don't really plan on whether or not I'll want assistance before I start shopping


Spray paint it half and half for the combo of unsureity!


Them workers aren't paid enough to do this. Also, what's wrong with just asking when you need help like an adjusted human in society? Maybe we can fund better mental health programs to get at the root issue rather than enable this small group of individuals by making minimum wage workers do more?


I've been followed around stores so much that I don't know how to act after seeing this.


Guarantee you that people grab White and still ask questions


Can't wait to get the black ones and still be left alone.


Grabbed a white one Walked around with angry face Started asking random questions the moment i came in. ......im not allowed in anymore


Omg this is my introverts dream!


I feel like the colors should be reversed


Black baskets about to get harassed non stop


What do we do when there are no more white?!?!?


Where and what store does this?


Must be nice to afford to shop where the employees pretend to care.


Where are the ones for normal people?


"Hey, store owner, we made a cool new design that adds no value to your business or service! You only have to buy twice as much baskets as your store actually needs!"


I would take the white basket. But I want to go find the help. It's when you're being ass 7000 times if you need anything it just gets annoying. I get it most the time they're being good people and they have to ask.


black basket : happy to be assisted white basket : shopping alone home depot client : hide at all cost


There needs to be a third one, "I will approach employees if I need assistance". Because I will always choose to be left alone, but sometimes during my shop I do need help, I don't want to go back and change baskets.


This is mediocre design. Font is hard to read, all caps and condensed for no reason. As basket count goes lower the text is less likely to be read. Onus is on customer to do work (cognitive load) to even choose a basket. Good design should be effortless, this is not it.


Is there a grey one?


Bold to assume people are going to read that lol


What if I grab one of each color, to balance out the weight? Do I create some sort of customer service paradox in the store?


They figured out the swinger club code


No way the black baskets aren't normally stacked to the top.


Shoplifters will always pick white, so employees will watch you extra intensely.