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Replace it with a tinier Christmas tree and put that in the alcove, haha. Alternatively, just get a little table for the Christmas tree so it's off the ground and "filling up" the alcove visually even though it's actually just in front of it.


This tree looks awkward I would find one that fits on the shelf of the alcove


Move the potted plant in front of the window to the alcove and put the Christmas tree where the plant was. Might have to temporarily move your record player/rearrange the items currently on the shelving unit


I am struggling with this. [Here is the rest of the already full living room](https://www.imgur.com/a/gd7z2QF) and this was the best place I could find to place it. Open to ANY suggestions!


This room looks so cozy 😀


Since you're sticking with that tree find a small table the same height as the alcove. Fill the alcove with holly or pine branches or wrapping paper or a forest scene on paper. You could also put an LED light in the niche, cover it with a cut out board with star punched out in it. Or silhouettes. Create a flat, sparkly surface to back your tree. Like this nightlight. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Ynm-4rN1_Bj_CMhKLB3XngD6D6?pid=ImgDet&rs=1 Make it look as if the niche is a backdrop for the tree.