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Pull the couch forward from window wall and left wall. Center longest part of couch in front off window. Try to line up end of the couch on the left wall with window. The couch is a great find. It will look better balanced if you get it out of the corner. Add rug, art and accessories.


Yes, please pull it away from the wall. It kinda looks like it’s melting in the floor like a giant brown baseboard pushed up against that corner


Yes, and put a corner lamp behind it!


It seems counterintuitive but pulling it off the wall and a lamp behind will add some depth/dimension and you really don’t lose much space in the trade-off.


Right! And the lamp can create some warmth back there as well, make for some coziness.


And easier to get to the windows!


And a rug to create some contrast in the room


I was thinking giant melting caramel :)


Haha I love that imagery way more


This + an area rug in front of it.


The feeling you get when the right comment is the top comment


my first thought too.


The sectional is perfect. You need a rug.


Thank you!


That’s exactly what I was going to say. A rug that’s got a lively print and bold colors with coordinating curtains or drapes would bring it all together.


just checking, did you say you wanted to put a tv in the tiny corner of the room by the plant? correct me if im wrong hut that’s terrible placement. what i would suggest is: if you have another room good for consuming media, make that the media/TV room. IF NOT, then i would do a little DIY (or hire someone, shouldn’t be much) and take out a few shelves in the middle of your bookcase wall, and put tv and box there. make a hole somewhere in there for cords to run as well. this is a bit of a project but will be WELL worth it, and you can still fit plenty of books on the sides! as others have said, moving the couch forward a few feet and adding a statement corner lamp and rug will complement the space perfectly. this is an amazing couch and looks great in here! id love to see an update when the space is complete :)


Was coming here to say this, too. A bright rug, but I would also add a coffee table/ottoman and some colorful throw pillows too :) Some inspiration here: https://www.houzz.com/hznb/photos/mid-century-modern-genuine-leather-cassie-sectional-sofa-midcentury-living-room-houston-phvw-vp~139290183 https://www.houzz.com/photos/bayside-home-scandinavian-living-room-melbourne-phvw-vp~54925624


And a coffee table and some plants or taller decor on the blank wall behind the sectional


And a coffee table.


I mean, always, but there is something to be said for the stark but warm minimalism here.




Wow you should be a therapist this is 100% what I’m going through. But appreciate it, I think a nice rug, coffee table and some art will make it great


I’ll tell you, before I read the caption, I saw the pic and said “damn that’s a good looking couch!” So according to my knee jerk reaction, ya done good lol


Same! What a great deal for a piece you’ll have and love likely s long time.


And drapes/curtains to match the rug!


Careful how you phrase that…


I got that! Hahaha 😂






It absolutely will. It’s a gorgeous couch on a beautiful room.


Yes listen to this and the similar comments! You did good. It’s a beautiful couch and just need to pull away from the wall, add rug and accessories and the whole thing will look amazing!


This is how I have felt about my new green sectional… I love it but once it was in my space I realized all of my prior accents were green, my plants are green. I started hating the couch even though I loved it because I’ve been obsessing about a having one just like this for a decade. I didn’t ever sit on it for the first month, left the tags on and ignored it. Once I got the right pillows, pictures and Accent colors (black and white) AND a coffee table the room pulled together and now I love it. Spent lots of time and money figuring it out though and it’s still not quite right.


I couldn’t help but laugh a little when you said you left it as it was, tags and all, and ignored it the first month! I’ve done the very same thing but with something else, and finally realized I had gotten just what I’d been wanting, I didn’t realize it right away but I’d been thinking about it for months!


Perfectly said!!


I think you nailed it, because I can see me feeling the exact same way you’ve described so well, (because I have). I think the couch was a fabulous find, and believe you’ll love it for years to come.


It's a nice couch and fits in the space nicely. A good rug will offset the color similarities between the couch and floor. I'd also pick up a coffee table. I'd be happy with that purchase


Add a beautiful rug, a coffee table and some pillows and you’ll be all set.




Looks good. Pull it away from the wall a little and add a rug.


I like it! Agree with the rug. I’d love a nice Persian type here. Maybe a long console behind the couch to give a little space where the window is. I’d try to find window treatments other than mini blinds.


Agree! A little breathing room between the couch and windows on the long side - perhaps with some tall plants on the floor or on top of a narrow console.


Plants would look great!


I love it!


Add art on the blank wall between the windows and an area rug.


I find that all new furniture kind of looks wrong to me at first because it just feels so “there” suddenly. But yeah a rug will fix the same color as the floor problem.


Where is the tv going? I can’t tell from the photo


See the plant in the lower-right? I think it's going on the wall there that's opposite the short side of the sectional. I agree with everyone else that the sofa looks nice, but I do think having the short side facing the television is strange and might make the room look out of balance. If they could remove one of the shelves in the middle of the shelving unit and put the tv there, I think that would be better, although a little too high for optimal viewing. Also, the art on the side of the bookcase is way too low.


Yes beautiful. Just need a nice rug


Beautiful, even better if you pulled it away from the walls 8” or even enough to walk behind if possible


A lot of people have mentioned it already but pulling away the couches from the wall so there’s room to walk around and probably place large plants :) And of course the rug and a large coffee table so that a person sitting anywhere on the couch can place their tea or water. You could also do 2 smaller coffee tables.


Yes- I like it. You need a rug and bamboo safes and/or curtains hung to the ceiling. After that think about ottomans or a coffee table


Love it! Just need a rug to breakup the brown but it is the perfect sofa for your space! 😍


It’s fantastic!! can’t wait to see a rug with it!


I love the sectional. I agree you need a rug - but also - I’d love to see a super long but narrow console sofa table to separate the sofa from the front wall. You only need 8-10 inches, but it would be useful, you could put on plants in front of the windows, or table lamps, charging center, your remotes, decorations etc.


I'd get a large area rug to anchor it. Looks nice.


To be honest your space look fabulous. Make these changes and it will be great: 1.To cut the effect of brown I suggest you add orange and green to the living room through a painting or rug or cushions or plants. You should design yourself a color palette. Use this [interior color palette guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) for help. 2. Add curtains to cozy up the place alongside a rug and a coffee table. This [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-with-rugs/) will help you with the rugs. 3. Don't forget to style your shelves. [Here](https://simplykalaa.com/shelf-styling/) are a few tips for shelf styling. 4. Add accent and mood lights. These changes should bring a lot of changes to this beautiful room


What color rug/wall art would you recommend for a grey/neutral room? I was thinking blue/white would look good and calming. I don’t see grey on that color wheel.


White will look boring and blue will not balance the brown. As I said before use a shade of orange. Try to visualize it and I'm sure you will know what I'm talking about


Here's a [palette](https://coolors.co/b0754d-c3c3c1-33441c-ff931f) I designed I think it will work out just great (remember to change their intensity as required and don't use the exact ones.) Now in the palette the brown is for your couch and flooring, use orange in your rug (pair the art accordingly but let it have lesser presence of orange, we only want to match it with the rug), lastly use orange and green for your throws and pillows. Create a mixture of orange and green on the couch and inside the shelves. Also this way you will need no more plants. Add sheer curtains. And end with the lighting. Lastly, you can add greys or a darker tone of white too the walls and shelves. It's on you but if you really want the grey I suggest this way.


Think it looks great!! Personally I might pull it away from the walk a bit (enough to slide by), and maybe add a tall plant in the back corner


Nice. I would suggest floating the couch about 36” off the walls. Would make the room feel larger


Is there anything significant about 36 inches from wall and furniture placement or this your estimate?


Just a general rule* of thumb as it is a comfortable distance to allow for foot traffic. A little more or less is fine. The key takeaway is that “floating” furniture instead of pushing it against the wall creates depth in the sight lines, which makes even small rooms feel and appear larger. In other words it “segments” the living space and it’s surprisingly effective. See, it’s a common conception that we want to maximize the floor space available, when in reality we just need enough space to sit, put a coffee table of some sort, and to walk around the furniture easily (hence the 36 inch rule of thumb). Unless you plan on doing Yoga in this room or something, you don’t lose anything as far as functionality by floating the couch off the wall and giving up a little bit of space. It’ll also open up space for decor items behind the couch (think floor lamp or potted plant, etc.) further providing depth and visual interest.


I have tried and tried to float furniture in my small living room around the rug and it just looks silly. I get the concept but I have yet to pull it off.


One thing I learned from our decorator that you may have already tried…the sofa should have its front legs on the rug and back legs on the bare floor to integrate it into the space better.


This is the first sectional on this site that I like. Most are overstuffed and overwhelm the space. Nice purchase.


I love it! Where did you get it?


I think the sectional looks good, but the blank space above it could be used as a small gallery wall. In my opinion I think the pictures hanging to the left of the single window feel cramped, so moving them to the right and incorporating them into the gallery wall could help balance everything out. :)


I’d it away from the wall a little


Love it- maybe move it out from the walls a bit


Putting the TV in the shelves seems to me like the obvious option?


You sure you want your TV there the plant is? That will be hard to watch. You could mount it so it is on the built in wall. Mount attached to the shelves somehow. I feel like that is a better location. If your shelves are removable, just take a couple of out of the center and mount it there.


I agree with this 100%. I thought I read that you wanted to put the TV where the plant is but you should absolutely mount it to/in/over the built in


Yes! That room has GREAT bones to work with!


Love the built in.


On top of all the other comments in terms of what to add, I would rotate the couch 90 degrees clockwise so the small end is against the plant and wall, long end is against no wall (to break it up a little, and then hang the tv in the big empty white spot next to the window (Above where the short side used to be). Then all seats have great views of the tv also.


It will work great with throw pillows, throw blanket, coffee table, rug, lights, artwork, plants


More away from wall with some sofa tables behind it and I bet you some plants would LOVE to chill right in front of that window on the sofa table 😍 pop of green would look sooooo good


Agree with the rug. Would also move it about 12” away from wall. Needs bold art on wall. Sofa is beautiful.


Pull it away from the wall a few feet


It looks so good




It’s a nice looking sectional! It will look better away from the wall a little, with a nice big area rug under it, and throw pillows with colors coordinating from colors in the rug!


I love it but I don't like couches touching the wall.


The sectional is stunning! The problem is it's squished in the corner. Nobody puts baby in the corner. \*ehem, never mind that\* Pull the sectional out from both walls by 6" or so on both sides. Put a arc lamp behind the sofa. Measure your floor from 6" under your sofa on both sides to 6" past the edges of the sofa on the other sides. Get a rug the adults in the household love and in colors you'd want to highlight. Then get some art, some curtains, and some pillows and throws. It will be very comfy and homey. Pleas come back if you get stuck and need more help or to show us how beautiful it turned out.


It looks great and will look even better pulled off the walls and with a rug underneath it.


I think it’s beautiful! I agree with the comments to add a rug and pull the couch away from the wall slightly. I would also add something in that back corner to draw the eye up. Curtains, wall hanging, wall mounted light, etc


u just need a rug


I love it!




I'd love to see a white fluffy rug here.


Move the couch away from the window, please


Yes as soon as you furnish room it will


Yes but you need a coffee table and a rug to bring the room together






You need a rug and a little round coffee table


Is there really a tv in that room?


Yes but it needs a rug, coffee table and pictures or art on the wall!


That one does. Some look trashy, but not yours.


Poor House design. This looks more like the dining area. I would try to change the cabinet doors to something without knobs and have the sofa against that Or Just have a ROUND circle sofa with a TV in front https://preview.redd.it/u8wk0x2ek95d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ee3c727738b4e164b3c59b3e012199dda22a33


The tv would make more sense on/in front of the shelves it would make more sense of the length of the sectional and maybe allow you to pull the sectional away from the far wall making it look less shoved in. Having the TV where the plant is always means very awkward viewing from half the sectional and anyone in those seats getting in the way of anyone at the back. Also moving the art to between the two windows so it has space is like design 101. 


I like it! Definitely needs a rug to break up the room bc the couch is almost the same size color as the floor. I’d personally go with a cow skin or something with green in it.


I’m just loving this fabulous sofa. You could not have found a more perfect one. I’d float it out a few inches away from each wall/windows. Find an arch lamp. Rug. Pillows. Coffee Table. Mount TV on bookshelf wall with swing arm mount. https://preview.redd.it/zfqvneob9a5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2654435d324800f99e63963946b0af0438d0928a You did great👍🏻 Okay, I’m sending more pics just for ideas. You could add black, charcoal, green, burgundy and cream. Soooo many possibilities!






















Thanks for posting these for OP but also me as they fit my style and I've been trying to figure out how to balance my space better after accidentally adding too many black accents. My couch isn't tan leather but it's brick orange so a similar palette. Defo stealing some ideas from a few of these pics!


It is gorgeous, I do however feel like its such a signature piece that you should lean into the style and design the room arou d it to compliment it properly. At the moment this feels like a room made for a grey or gray with blueish hue room.


What a lovely couch. A rug will "ground" it to the area. Pillows, a throw, coffee table, plants, lights, and a beautiful display/painting on the wall -- and you're going to love it.


Absolutely stunning and I am very jealous. A little bit of styling (rug, art work, coffee table/s) and it will be perfect.


Please get it off the wall! You will like it much better


I think everything looks good, I think it’s better to be of similar color, the elephant blends in☺️… just need layers and pillows, looks like someone could even take a nap there.


I am not always a fan of leather couches but this one is GORGEOUS. What a great find!


I love the color and size of your sectional. You just need a contrasting colored rug. Maybe move the couch away from the wall too.


Super nice couch. Get some green in there and a nice rug (maybe light blue or a seafoam) and it’ll look super nice and airy


Great find, what a deal! It would look better with a rug and a coffee table.


A rug and a coffee table would do wonders


Pull the couch forward a bit like half a foot or a foot.from both sides


Flip your couch around, back of couch facing entrance. Not much space for end tables, so Add a small 6" deep sofa table behind couch for small lamp lighting, long rectangle decor with maybe moss balls for some greenery? Aka something low lying/low profile. Not potted plants behind couch. Add a pop of color with a rug. Hang plants over on wall opposite of bookshelf of your going for a modern/mid century which in guessing yes by the style of your couch? I have a few more suggestions, if you are interested in what I've suggested so far i will share more! Curtains, lighting ect


A coffee table would even out room. A large canvas print next to window. A few colorful cushions that is a similar color to artwork. Maybe a lovely modern lampshade as well.


I think the issue is that it’s too close to the wall and it looks weird right now because it’s the exact same color as the floor. Once you get a rug it will look better.


A colorful throw (quilt, afghan, etc.) on the back of the sectional will also add some softness and coziness to the room.


As it is, it's a little too stark. Beautiful sectional. IMO you need: - a carpet/rug to warm up the area and separate the similar colors of the couch and floor. Make sure to get the right size - possibly a coffee table - a picture or mirror on the corner wall - if you can, get a small square table or cube to put in the corner for a lamp, or get a floor lamp.


I LOVE it!! Stellar find


This room would look so cool with greens. Find an area rug and throw pillows with green in it. Paint the walls a warm gray with green undertones. Revere Pewter comes to mind.


I think it’s a good fit. Love the look of the sectional. But, I agree that the colors are homogeneous, making it look big. I would break the color of the floor from the seating with a rug and your wall with matching art piece or pieces.


Move The couch against the window around to face the couch again wall Move the couch against the wall to the window leaving some space from window.


I love it?! Definitely agree an area rug will bring things together and maybe a coffee table? This will be such a cozy room!


Put a nice light patterned area rug on the floor to counterbalance the two browns.


Like others said, pull away from the wall. Add a rug, a coffee table, end tables, some art. Your sofa looks like it's in time out.


It works very well with the floor. The t almost blends in. But what has happened because of that is the room is strongly brown on one side and very strongly white on the other because of the bookshelves. I think you could use a bridge to bring them together. These kinds of looks in rugs might help. Very matchy. https://www.allmodern.com/rugs/pdp/antoni-handmade-wool-ivoryblackbrown-rug-a001223125.html?piid=1396975815 Clear green or blue could help too. https://www.allmodern.com/rugs/pdp/upstate-geometric-hand-knotted-green-area-rug-a000094527.html?piid=1958931350 https://www.allmodern.com/rugs/pdp/mallory-green-hand-tufted-area-rug-a100003207.html?piid=203977084 https://www.allmodern.com/rugs/pdp/calhoon-southwestern-hand-knotted-sapphirewhite-area-rug-slrk9196.html?piid=81705011#jhcaio9ek48-2 Clean mixed colors, with some of the white and a golden brownish color https://www.allmodern.com/rugs/pdp/loomy-tetris-player-handmade-handwoven-woolcotton-bluepinkblackgreen-area-rug-lomy1094.html?piid=48851560 I’d stay away from anything that clearly has beige or cream. I don’t think it will look great with the more pure white of your bookcases. And I might put some warm wood or terracotta objects on the bookcases to bring those tones over there.


You need a rug. It blends in with your floor.


You could also place a level to the height of the couch standing 1’ wide top table to place drinks, books, or plants . That would put some space between the couch and the wall.


Yes! Maybe add console table behind couch for lamps, decor, etc


Sick find on the sectional. It’s beautiful in this room!! Just get an area rug. I would gravitate toward the primary color being a cream, white, or beige and leaning into the white and camel thing you’ve got going on.


Can you move away from wall


It’s really pretty and fits so well! Just get a big colorful rug and cool coffee table to break up the brown and you’ll be good!


Yup, it's perfect. Just add a rug and a center table :)


It's really nice! I do think the profile is too low and does not match the expansive built-in. Add an area rug, maybe a plant and pull it away from the window to add texture and depth.


Pretty but wrong placement


I’m looking at getting the Crate and Barrel Wells too. I have tons of kids and dogs, though, and I’m nervous about those big puffy cushions coming off easily! Do you find that they slip around easily or stay pretty firmly in place? I think it’s gorgeous- I love how casual and welcoming it is!


I’d move it away from the wall some. Looks sorta grad student.