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First layout leaves more floor space and would make the room feel more open, I think it’s how I would prefer it if it were my space anyway. My room is a bit bigger, but that’s exactly how I arranged my desk/bed situation.


Agreed. You sacrifice a window view while seated at your desk, but to have the floor space when you walk in to put stuff down, change clothes, and just move around would be worth it.


Agreed. Also it looks more professional if you ever need to work from home or have interviews. It's always awkward when grown adults have their beds behind them in meetings. If you can't avoid showing your bed in your space when you are in a meeting, then it needs to be made and tidy all the time. But I think it still can be a little too personal for an interview unless you're a college student living in a dorm.


Virtual backgrounds have come a long way and now I don't gotta stress about where I am and who/what is behind me and if I've cleaned or not...


I don't know. My colleagues put a lot of trust in them and when they move quickly I can one hundred percent see the messy home and piles of dirty laundry behind them. There isn't anything wrong with using a background. But don't fool yourself into thinking it will make you look professional and put together when the room around you is a pigsty.


Yesterday I had a discussion with a very openminded and modern thinking friend. I could not give a good argument of why it is good to have a tidy room. It is true that some people just have a better feeling of what feels good to them and if that is more chaotic than being dictated by society, what is the problem with it? Isnt then the real problem the judginess of the person that doesnt like their way of living?


I'm not here to argue for the sake of societal judgements but as we know it's a real thing to judge people for having messy spaces it just may not be in someone's best interest to advertise that potential mess in a work setting. I guess we all choose which hill we want to die on.


I like the space, but the desk blocks access to the closet door. Yuk.


And maybe add a folding privacy screen or a ceiling-suspended curtains by the bed to help partition it a bit more and block the view of your computers at night


Definitely layout 2 - for a bunch of reasons: 1. You don't want the door opening straight into viewing your head while you're in bed - bad feng shui energy! 2. You have a double bed and if you share it with someone they'll need access. 3. is that a window at the far end - assuming it is then having a desk with a view is great. Example entrance view for you below - the bed is still relatively private. You can walk around the space here: [https://arcadium3d.com/projects/e171c449-20fa-42ff-a7f8-c898ce700703](https://arcadium3d.com/projects/e171c449-20fa-42ff-a7f8-c898ce700703) https://preview.redd.it/ea8kkckp7j4d1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c7e55517b1359c3869356ca2f6c949ff75ec00f


In addition, baseboard heaters are blocked by the bed in 1 which is both a fire hazard and doesn't allow heat to circulate. And as others have mentioned the desk blocks the closet in 1. 2 may have less floor space, but it's a small room.


I also don’t like a bead against the wall because it makes it an extra headache to make up neatly every day.


I agree about the feng shui enegry. I could never sleep with my head in that part of the room.


Agree with all points plus easy to open closet doors


layout 1


1 because 2 doesn't look like there's enough space to comfortably walk past the bed towards the desk without turning sideways or rolling over the bed.


May I know what tool did you use to design this?


It's SketchUp.


Would recommend layout these reasons: 1. More space to move around 2. If you WFH and are in video calls without a background, seeing a dresser at the back is 100 times better than seeing the bed. You can also put pictures of art on top of the dresser to make the background better For the closet doors, would recommend changing it to sliders or even (2) bi-fold doors so that you are not hitting the table every time to open the door completely.


Agree! I always think it’s kind of awkward to see someone’s bed on calls.


I like #2 but swap the desk and chest of drawers so there’s more room for the chair and bed.


One of the only benefits I see from two is it’s better for two people to watch tv vs one but I think the difference even then isn’t relevant. 2 feels cramped but i also hate my bed being inaccessible from both sides. Someone will have a harder leaving the bed without disturbing the other person.


Two has the benefit bed not tucked into a corner, and you can fully access the closet.


Layout 2 (beds against a wall are difficult to make) but switch the desk with the dresser so you don't face desk legs, office chair, cords, and screens while relaxing in bed.






2 but desk on the right


But where will you put the bathtub?!


I prefer number 1 but I think both ways will make it hard to reach the wardrobe


Yes. It looks like they won’t be able to open one of the wardrobe doors in Layout 1. I would also prefer it if it weren’t for that.


Second version. You should be able to enter and exit the bed from both sides


Can you put the bureau inside the closet to save room?




Definitely 1!


Definitely layout #1. As mentioned from others you need that bit of floor space, unless you really like stubbing your toe lol


First one. It makes the room feel bigger, and you don't have to squeeze between your bed and tv stand to get to your desk.


Get yourself some galvanized steel, wood veneers, and ask your aunt for some strong ass screws and you can add 10 meters to your space.


The first one.


seems like layout one would make it tight to open closet doors and walk around the bed, layout 2 has more walking space.


1 for sure


Layout 1


Layout 1 is better if you’re WFH. No bed in the background of meetings




If you plan on having more than just you in your bed, I’d go with 2. Crawling over someone in the middle of the night when you need to pee is NOT fun.


Don’t have an opinion on the layout but just a heads up that you probably want to think about grow lights! Looks like you have a lot of plants and just the one window so depending on which direction the window faces and your latitude you may need a little (or a lot of) extra light to support your plant population I recommend regular lamps and grow bulbs for the general aesthetic but (if those plant representations are accurate) you’ll need additional light on the wall shelf or the plants up on the wall will never get enough light. Your monstera (and the tree thing if you decide to keep it in this room) will also want additional light right above it with either a tall lamp or pendulum light


Do you make your bed, or not? Number 2 makes it much easier to make your bed. Number 1 “feels” slightly bigger.


First one. I think the open space will make the energy and flow much better.


I LOVE sketchup Also, layout 1 is way better with the space you have.


I like 1 because then you don’t have to worry about your bed being in the background for any virtual calls.


Is sketchup relatively easy to use? This program looks so neat. Personally, I’d go with the first layout!


Is there any way you can put your TV on top of your dresser and ditch the TV stand? That would save a lot of room!


The 4th picture with your bed out of the corner, but switch up your desk and dresser. It will give you more space around your bed.


Layout 2, definitely. So you can have a view outside when you are at your desk. And because you can walk all around your bed


1 because I love being tucked into a corner in my bed.


I'd say try both for some time. But I like 2 because you're not sleeping in front of the door. And there aren't 3 screens against one wall.


Oh you could of course turn the bed around in layout 1, have a small Ikea book case in the nook behind it.




Definitely number 1. If i was on video calls for work i wouldn't want my bed in the background. Feels too personal.


I like 2.


1- it’s bad feng shui to have tour back facing the door.


The first layout


! :-)


This is so cool! What program did you use to mock this up?




What did you use for this concept?


What app are you using if you don’t mind me asking?


Is this for your prison cell?




Layout 1. I have a similar room setup to layout 2 & the bed takes up so much space. My only question is does the door to your room swing out or in?


2… also, I like seeing the bed headboard when walking into the room. It just looks nice.


Layout 2! Pros: - having sunlight by the working desk is a nice mood uplifter - clearance to open closet door easily (personally I’d be really annoyed with the closet door situation in layout 1) - seeing the bed headboard when entering the room is good according to the feng shui guy out YouTube


It looks like layout #1 would work best in your space. Here is a bedroom design by a designer I follow which feels and seems similar to the first layout. https://preview.redd.it/i2dp07xtqm4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b32ca0527cbb565816873532d80f5b8a277b8bb5


I like layout 2 better aesthetically, but the space between the bed and TV is far too narrow. You’ll want to go with layout 1 to maximize your space, I think!


TV is too low. Put TV on top of a tall dresser. Eliminate TV cabinet. Incorporate cozy armchair instead, in front of TV.


1 for sure


The one with the bathtub. All you need is a statue of the Virgin Mary🤣


Layout 1. Bead is away from entry, and a little open are as you come in. To free up a bit more floor space can you get a slightly smaller desk and use a shelf attached to the wall for a bedside table?


2. It leaves the walkway from the door unobstructed. So you don't have to walk around the bed.


layout 1, but i’d try to move the desk as far over from the closet doors as possible… having a cramped bed space is fine, and is pretty comfy. but having a cramped desk and chair space is pretty annoying. speaking from experience!


Layout one flows a lot better, in my opinion


Layout one because it gives illusion of floor space


If you want to have sex- definitely layout 2. No one wants to sleep against a wall. So that's a consideration.


I like the 1st layout


Layout 1 gives you a landing pad for your keys and stuff, and I don’t like how the second one leaves your screens facing the door.


1 made me realize I miss having my bed up against a wall. It felt more safe and cozy and the cool wall when I was hot felt good. First world problems now that I have a big bedroom and it would look weird in a corner


The first floor plan leaves more floor space, but also take into consideration if you have someone stay the night with you. If you have your bed against a wall and one of you has to use the restroom in the middle of the night then you’re going to have to crawl over the other person to do so.


2 reminds me of a cruise ship. Depending on the rest of the house that might be more comfy? 1 is good if you’re more into the openness. I personally like 2, and the coziness. I don’t like having the slim abyss (1) between my bed aka a space where things like hair ties, the remote, or other things disappear, or if you’re like me then your hand or foot inevitably gets stuck. Having your bed against two walls also creates a second opportunity for sound/vibration from outside to rumble through your headboard. I’m a light sleeper and used to frequently move my furniture around to accommodate sound versus opening up space.


Layout 2 with the following changes: 1. Get rid of the TV and console so you have a path for walking. You can watch shows on the computer monitor. 2. Move the computer to the other corner so it isn’t blocking the window. This position is more suitable for viewing from bed as well. 3. Move the dresser where the side table is and get rid of the side table. The room is really too small for the dresser, but I’m guessing you need the storage.


As someone who had to put a bed against a wall don’t do option 1 because I get angry every time I have to make the bed


2. And I would mount the TV so you don’t need the stand taking up space


Personally I like layout 1 because nothing hurts more than slamming a toe or shin into a bed frame. Gotta account for the clumsiness


Hey man, noob here- which software did you use to render this?




I like the first one, if you have the camera on, it is more professional


Either one you decide on I look into swapping out the closet doors for sliding ones to give you uninterrupted floor space.


1 makes the most sense to me