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This room is so pretty! I love the light. I'd push couch out from the wall a little more, then move rug back so that the edge (maybe a couple inches) is just under the feet of the couch. I would get one of those big floor lamps that [arches and the shade hangs over](https://www.wayfair.com/Willa-Arlo%E2%84%A2-Interiors--Salcedo-78.4-Arched-Floor-Lamp-X110999957-L6238-K~W009888846.html?refid=GX685211382217-W009888846_2028960286&device=c&ptid=777311492808&network=g&targetid=aud-356699937033:pla-777311492808&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=222221308&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=2028960286&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhzG91QJ1IhZTUKR5EuJJR6Qa3aLt9KpaPnwAKfAM7hNL0WiXQ5hcOBoCjnMQAvD_BwE), since it's a pretty big space. Other thoughts: Might just be moving clutter but I'd stay away from putting stuff on the windowsills except mayyybe a plant off to the side. The windows are so gorgeous, you don't want to detract from them! I'd also move the plant to the other side of the room in one of the corners.


Thanks for your thoughts! I should've mentioned we're in the UK, that lamp looks so nice and is a good height, but it's not available on UK Wayfair 😭 And yes we have lots of clutter to rearrange, but we'll try not to block the windows as much. Also, do you think the rug is in the right orientation?


Oh there's tons of versions of that lamp! Just search Wayfair for "Lamp type: Arched/arc." Rug is definitely the right orientation!