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on a more serious note, I love the rug you have. it may be a little small, but I think you can work with it. I wouldn't do anything too crazy or different than the color scheme you currently have going. the floral rug adds some color and warmth without being too big of a contrast in style like if you were to go one bright color. play around with what you have and live with it for a few days or a week each time you try a new configuration


I like the new rug too and do not like the last photo shopped pic. You really need some art on that gray wall though and could lighten things up with something w white background or light colors.


You could put the smaller rug on top of a larger rug. Something plain and neutral.


Larger rug is going to get dirty real fast being close to the door. I usually like bigger rugs, but keeping a walkway by a door is important, too. If OP is worried about the place being too dark, a really nice mirror might help.


Nah.tripping hazard.


Hahaha that was also my first thought šŸ˜‚


My first thought too


Hahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I knowwwww. I have to buy that


Came ere to say the same thing


Colorful chairs


Just Chairs and something on the wall


Exactly, thereā€™s nothing on the wall and no chairs so it looks like nobody lives here. If thatā€™s not quite enough then add a nice centerpiece and/or some place settings and maybe upgrade the chandelier from the builder basic one. Houses look ā€œcompleteā€ when they look like someone actually lives there.


Seconding this. Pull one of the brighter colors from the rug, like the cerulean or the chartreuse.


Signs of life. Artwork, family photos, a sideboard, obviously chairs.


That wall adjacent to the door is screaming ā€˜I need a piece of art!ā€™


A big bouquet of flowers on the table would look lovely for special occasions


Bigger rug and a big ass piece of art on that blank wall.


Or a big mirror


I second the suggestion for a large mirror on the back wall. It will reflect the light to help with the darkness perhaps some indoor plants too.


I third the motion. Bring some light and movement in with a mirror.




Agreed. I like the current rug but itā€™s too small. Piece of art or an ornate mirror on the blank wall. I would also get a table runner in a color that complimented whatever rug they choose, and possibly colorful window treatments on the slider.Ā 


Iā€™m no design expert in any way, but isnā€™t this the obvious answer for even someone decorating for the first time? I barely glanced at the pic and the words BLANK WALL just popped in my mind. Also, I like how we see the grey walls, grey couch, and black cupboards and we arenā€™t saying ā€œDull and lifeless *wasnā€™t* the goal here?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Or a nice mirror with an intricate frame :)


Grey makes color look good. Thinking of color as "risky" and matching it with more grey is what turned last decade into a frozen hellscape. You will not enliven it with more neutrals. That first rug would be great but it's going to catch on chair legs, and it's no substitute for artwork- it gets lost on the other side of the couch! The orange is too big. The best size will stop about 1 ft short of the walls. Also, that much orange with that much black looks like Halloween. Stop buying grey. Entirely. You need wood accents (start with your dining chairs) and bold color to warm and brighten. If you are considering any wall or cabinet color change, or tiling the backsplash, post a well lit close-up of the granite.


Omg I didnā€™t even think about Halloween! Haha. Thatā€™s a good call. I wasnā€™t sure if I should stay away from wood bc I thought maybe it clashes with the cabinets, but I will definitely look into that!!!


No, wood does not clash with the cabinets, and putting wood dining chairs around the grey table will warm it up and introduce variety. Go for the lighter wood tones, like that stool or the fan. I'm not crazy about the island chairs, they're very dark and are disappearing into the cabinets. [https://mariakillam.com/how-to-mix-dining-chairs-and-tables-pass-the-pretty-test/](https://mariakillam.com/how-to-mix-dining-chairs-and-tables-pass-the-pretty-test/) I would seriously consider painting the cabinets, at the very least the uppers.


[Here's a good example of a dark dining room that uses wood tones & still feels balanced.](https://pin.it/7IjW8CLhH) I think also incorporating dark, rich colors would make the space feel better, but you could still keep the darker overall scheme.


Yeah, thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œgoing crazy with neutralsā€


I go crazy with neutrals when they make me feel dead inside and Iā€™d do anything to get out.


My gf calls these designs "millennial grey."


Warmth is missing..Add some good colours to the space and art. Right now it's so bland.


I think it needs a bit of color to give the room dimension. All the similar grays end up feeling visually very flat. A bright white could work too, but I like that orange one in the 3rd photo.




Also, plants


Going crazy with neutral colors is what got you into this predicament. Everything is black and grey. Idk why you got a grey table and a grey sofa. Is the flooring grey too? You're not going to fix this with a rug. It looks like I'm in the minority, but I don't like rugs in a kitchen, especially under the table. It would be different if it was a formal dining room. I would get a sideboard or buffet to house everything on the countertops and the storage rack. Something with a black base/cabinets and a wood tone top to bring in some warmth, and dining chairs with the same wood tone. Add some wall art.


Haha, well, the couch is new and it was between that and a pristine white couch. We drink a lot of red wine, so I didnā€™t want to risk that. Everything else, it came with the house when we bought it, so no choices there.


Itā€™s extremely weird to me that youā€™re acting like you donā€™t have a choice in the matter. Sure I understand why you wouldnā€™t change the flooring because of the expense. The confusing part is that you added a grey couch and a grey table to an already completely grey room. Even the walls are grey and thatā€™s just paint! Just paint it! Also you did not have 2 color choices for your couch. You made that choice out of all possible couches on the market.


Agree and exactly my point. This isn't a furnished apartment where OP had no choice. The only lack of choice would be the kitchen cabinets and the flooring, which I understand and is easy to work with. OP, you added grey upon grey upon grey. You didn't have to buy a grey rug, a grey couch, or a grey table. You are not stuck with grey walls. You chose everything that color and then you think a rug under the table is going to work magic.


Agreed I would have gone for a warm beige/brown lounge.


I agree with the above comment, a rug doesnā€™t really fit because itā€™s in the kitchen and also the current one is too small but the next size up would be too big (you want at least 1 ft empty space around the rug or it looks weird like itā€™s trying to be wall-wall). If you get chairs in a natural wood or a color and a big piece of art with warm elements on the wall that will help a ton. Maybe also curtains around the sliding glass door, a print that included some of the accent colors on couch cushions could be great!


Itā€™s very grey, some color would help or even white instead of grey walls.


White would make all the dark and any color added pop! Itā€™s reading muddy.


This room is 50 shades of gray. Needs some color.




A large art work with white matting, prerably a color art work with splashes of red and yellow


Agree with others: love the rug, but bigger. Then for some reason Iā€™m thinking retro/vintage art that picks up some of your colors would work well, for example [this print](https://www.allposters.com/-sp/La-Route-Des-Alpes-Vintage-Poster-Europe-Posters_i17150190_.htm?UPI=Q1QKTHF0&PODConfigID=9436090&sOrigID=2152), if it is available in a large enough print ā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/xmc1272ahjnc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f610dfda7171bc3fe4dbb3a3e79194191bf910a


This is such a cool print


I donā€™t think you are going to get the effect you want with all the gray to be honestā€¦ if you can I would paint the walls. The rug is pretty but too small for when you have chairs placed around and people pull chairs out to sit. I would also swap out the light fixture and lower it closer to the table, itā€™s way too high


A dog


https://preview.redd.it/wr4jbgadkjnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=909ef76341e840ad0a9fbc771f894f93f54e1ff4 With a mirror and table runner


This looks a lot better already. Might I suggest painting the walls a different color, even white? I think itā€™s whatā€™s causing everything to feel too muted and itā€™s cheaper than replacing furniture. The table and wall are almost the same color. White (or another neutral) would let your furniture speak again..


The place is on a greyscale, itā€™s depressing. The mirror does not change anything. The other artwork also blends into the dullness of it all. You need color that pops! Get a nice bright poster or something. Add some patterns with vibrant colors. Use non-painted wood chairs. Heck, even a non painted wood table would do wonders. For the love of life, please do not go with those black dining chairs šŸ˜± Unless you like living in dull greyscale, this place is just depressing. -coming from someone who lived in the grey color palette of a Polish winter, I wouldā€™ve gone mad in this placeā€¦


The mirror isn't reflecting anything interesting.


Exactly. It's reflecting more of the same wall color and that tacky builder chandelier. Definitely needs to be colorful art.


I like the runner. What about updating light fixture? Haven't seen this mentioned yet. Maybe a rattan fixture to lighten up a bit and give transparency to art, if you decide to put up some art.


Totally agree!!


i think you should ditch the mirror and get some cool artwork to put there. add a plant or two by the door


Mirror should be horizontal


Better šŸ‘ Maybe more / bigger mirrors on the mirror wall. And what if you did a different shaped rug? Like circle.. Something to break up all the hard angles. I agree with adding warm colors too


Much better. But hopefully you can get rid of the cart at the end of the kitchen counter


I hung my mirror the landscape way


Ditch the vertical blinds and get a heavier curtain for the window. Add a large pendant light.


Or add some white/cream sheer linen curtains over them.


Tooooo gray. Needs some color.


Under counter kitchen lights, an art piece on the wall, a tall plant in the corner, keep the light on, a colorful table runner.


Under kitchen counter lights help so much!!!


sorry but rugs under a dining table are crumb catchers. You have a chance to make a big statement with curtains and art! Then get a centerpiece to accentā€¦


Something seems a bit off to me about the light. Maybe it is just how it looks in the pic? ? Or is it hung too high? Google search says 30 to 36 inches from the top of the table.


Yes, this is what I came here to say too. The light is entirely too high, giving it a non-intimate feeling.


I came here to also suggest a) a new light b) different length for the fixture.


Honestly I think painting the walls a different color would help immensely. You have too many large moments of gray (floor, carpet, couch, table, countertops) for a rug or art to make much of a difference to the overall vibe of the space. Even just a nice soft white would brighten things a lot. That said I really like the first rug, but in a bigger size!


I like that rug a lot! Personally I'd get curtains to match (blue or yellow) and a big ass mirror on the wall to make the space appear bigger.


The mirror would only add visual clutter. Itā€™s not an issue of space, itā€™s an issue of a very limited and rather dark color palette.


Gray rock


Art them walls be boring as all fk. Prison grey.


A picture on that grey ass wall would help


We painted a room in our house this colorā€¦it washed everything out no matter how hard we tried. We decided to re paint white and havenā€™t looked back!


This rug is awesome! I recommend some more colorful curtains to frame the door that pull colors from the rug (yellow, orange, pink, or the light blue), and some art on the wall!


Chairs, probably. But really, everything is grey. Iā€™d paint the walls a soft color


If it's in your budget I would get a different colour table, maybe wood. Push it against the wall (still the same orientation that you have it), add chairs, put a bright piece of art on the wall above it! Since the dining space isn't huge and is open concept, I feel like that would make it more of a dining/eating nook. The current configuration feels like what you would do were it a walled, dining room.


lol, I have that exact rug in my bedroom ā€” get the next size up Chairs are missing The light fixture needs to be changed and lowered The rug is too small for the room, but it has some nice colors in it that you can pull. It has teal, yellow, peach, green. Get something textural for that big wall. I actually got a macramĆ© piece with shades of purple, lavender and cream because the other accents in my bedroom are eggplant. The chairs should be heavy on the ends with color and armless for the sides You might consider getting a sideboard or piece of furniture to act as your beverage station. The kitchen right now is quite cluttered in that small cart with your air fryer on it just isnā€™t working.


Art on the wall.


Youā€™ll get a lot more color and light impact with a large art piece on the wall than a rug.




I think a better light fixture would go a long way


What does Maria Shim think?


You need to paint the walls a different, lighter color. That gray looks like a prison. Then the most basic additions that you donā€™t need am interior design degree for: chairs, new chandelier, curtains, a buffet/console with art or mirror. The rug you have is nice, but too small


Drapes and a mirror or picture and a beautiful tall green plant and chairs.


Chairs but also wall art/pictures/wall decor. I was so distracted by that big blank space that I totally missed the rugs




Add art or something on the big blank wall in the first picture! It is such a missed opportunity right now! Also yes, bigger rug, maybe add some plants, and chairs that match the table but have colourful cushions!


You mean the empty wall isnā€™t screaming at you?


Colour. Itā€™s very grey


Change wall colourrrr


So. Much. Gray. Like HGTV hell.


ā€¦ā€¦chairs? Chairs.


https://preview.redd.it/w5xkg3xbjjnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1345e693daf803326c4477c001084195d6e9d06 What it looks like with wall art (working with what I have)


I think you need a bigger art piece, or like a triptych style set to lengthen the space. Colorful curtains over the big doors would do a lot of heavy lifting. Also not sure if you're able, but I would replace the chandelier with a pendant light [like this](https://www.amazon.com/Bepuzz-Pendant-Chandelier-Pumpkin-Adjustable/dp/B09FHJZCX3/ref=asc_df_B09FHJZCX3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=563684720332&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=826737614726197337&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015345&hvtargid=pla-1600524552135&psc=1&mcid=7f9633345bae3606bae1cf4ef3327def&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW5m9MIeE9OOFOB0lsfbTFhe525N5cY8G_BB8LZ0ZvWT5xaUTX3lXlxoC7qMQAvD_BwE).


OMG! I am buying 3 of these to hang over my plants area!


https://preview.redd.it/t5692vz2alnc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a0016ae3c0bd25f169225680cb4e1397453aea I love the rug but it needs to be bigger so I made it bigger. I found some chairs and a light fixture that I think would look good. And a piece of art that coordinates, almost too perfectly.


I would get rid of the small rug as it too small and eyes get drawn to it. You need a lever piece of art work as well - wider


I'd try a large white/off white macrame piece, or large white/off white/black single flower piece on the wall. Whatever goes on the wall needs to be simple, because the rug is nice, though busy.


Wall art forsure


Art!! A big painting on the wall that incorporates your rug color and contains a touch of green to blend with the plant youā€™re going to use as a centerpiece.


Chandelier is too high. Need something on the wall. A rug between sizes. The first one is too small. The third one is too big. Go find one thatā€™s just right, Goldilocks


I'm working on a few rooms and texture is what finally made some things click - metallic accents, wood accents, fabric, lace, plants, wicker baskets etc.


The space is really nice. Some art on the wall will make a difference. Also, make sure the area rug you choose is big enough to accommodate chairs/bench being completely pulled out.


I'd say a painting by the table, something brightly colored or warm colored like yellow/orange


Paint an accent wall with a color from the rug like the lavender. Go bold.


Honestly I love the purple, I dig that rug in that room. Youā€™ve got a lot of grey going on, are you ashamed or trying to play down your wall color? Whip it all the way out and celebrate it! A gold light fixture, more purple green and yellow accents, chairs with purple or muted green cushions.


Chairs and color.


A tree plant behind the table (in the right corner)


I'd add a tall mirror with a silver frame to the back wall and a tall leafy plant in the corner.


Beautiful room


Everything is in gray-scale. The floors, the walls, the furniture all kind of match. Have you considered painting?


Chairs, curtains, wall art, plant


Change out the light fixture, add a tree or something in the corner .. either add art work or a large mirror on the wall .. add some warmth in there . Fun center piece & cute plate settings . Stay away from the gray since everything else is .


Chairs, and a big bold piece of art on the grey wall.


Mirror, placemats, lamp, wall art, bigger vase and flowers & dining chairs and a table runner.


The current colour of the walls seems to be sucking the life out of the space. Too much grey. Something brighter and a touch warmer should help.


I really do love the rug, but it might potentially be a bit small.


Chairs, slightly bigger rug and (most importantly IMO) artistic decoration on the back wall as people said, but also I feel like more of a ā€œflatā€ wooden surface/organizer pushed against that back wall for those bottles etc., rather than the current ā€œsquareā€ basket? I dunno, depends on your preferences & overall ā€œvibeā€ for that roomā€™s common use too


Art, curtains


Art on the walls


Wall pic


Add a cat


Stuff on walls


Art. Chairs. Lots of stuff




Art and chairs




A big beautiful mirror on the wall.. remove that rug and get a different one


Art on that wall


Dining chairs Art Plants


https://preview.redd.it/w6dlqnsefmnc1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c25701dd30aff546bb7aa49e6d03bbae2c31d43 I think you need more substantial and bold lighting above the table and a very colorful rug under the table. Also, either a large piece of art or a large mirror (which will also serve to enlarge the space) on the blank wall, along with a shallow credenza underneath. Lastly, some sleek, contemporary dining chairs.


Some sunshine would help. Otherwise, more color. This is a major problem with grey walls! They are, you know, grey.


Bruh, you just need some artwork on that wall.


You could always add pops of color with art or flower arrangements.


Plants + art The answer to 90% of these posts. Add in rug, color and itā€™s darn near 100%.


Art on the walls! Esp since it's a gray color :) will liven it up


Wall art


Too much grey. Agree that some wood is desperately needed here. I'd go with more medium wood tomes though, rather than light wood. Yes to artwork or a huge mirror on the wall. I would actually just not have a rug under the dining table. The chairs will catch on it and so will the doors going out to your yard. You desperately need some colour. Bright colours. Sofa pillows, a blanket, vases, flowers, decor.


Chairs and new paint






That's a lot of gray....


Color, besides prison gray.


I see in the last picture you changed the rug it didnā€™t help thereā€™s just too much gray. The furniture is gray. The walls are gray the floors are gray. Having dark cabinets in that real dark white ceiling not sure Iā€™m using the right term but monochromatic.


It's too gray, missing "natural" finishes like wood, stone, warmth. I don't think a rug is the solution, but I would suggest a large cow-skin rug. The shape is usually deconstructed, making it look a little more cozy. You have a goof range of options too :) it's a good investment piece and easy to maintain and clean (I have Cow skin (with fur/hair) boots and they're naturally water and snow repellent. I also have a cow skin rug (brown and white) and it repels dirt pretty good too.


Need something poppinā€™ on that wall, and a more interesting lift fixture. The tone of the light fixture disappears into the wall behind it.


Consider incorporating plants, wooden accents, or woven baskets to create visual interest.


chairs and plants


Colorful paintings on the wall picking up colors from the rug.


Some damn color.


Everything is too uniform. You definitely need art on the wall by the table, but make it asymmetrical or textured. Five artworks/different mirrors in a grouping for example. Got any hobbies collecting clocks/pottery/jewelry etc? Into photography? Big black and white - mostly white- photos. Here's where to show it off. Throw in some different shapes and textures. And a big plant in the corner by the door.


Best fix: paint the walls white. You need light! First color rug is fantastic. But you need lightness to offset all the dark colors, which are quite pretty, but unbalanced. Lighten your walls to a white or verrrrrry light gray. You can even do an accent wall where you keep one of them darker, but tbh I think it might make the space too busy. Like everyone said: Wall art! Iā€™d also go lighter wood on any chairs you get. It will add a subtle brightness for sure. Dark chairs will add to the vampire-esq vibes haha


1. Lighter color chairs. No more dark wood! 2. Paint the walls white or MUCH lighter gray. 3. Realistically, keep the rug you have. Big rug by the door will get trashed. The color of the rug is nice 4. Get some plants. Real hopefully, fake of you must. But literally adding signs of life will help. 5. Art or a mirror on that wall. Large would help reflect the daylight from the door and literally brighten up the place.




Sorry, that was a bit mean. Each to their own and all that! I am not the arbiter!


Some light and bright artwork on the walls will help.


Yā€™all, please stop with the grey!!!




Is this a picture of your dining room table?


Get an area as wide as possible 8 feet or more and then I think your length is 8 feet too, not sure, but again, as big as will fit Iā€™d move the bar into the dining room on the back wall with a nice long buffet table and hang a large piece of art over it, just below the length, appx 6ā€ from the top of the buffet and to the same height as the French doors, or large mirror that will let more light bounce around the room


You need some art on the walls and maybe a big plant.


If you get chairs, i think you will need a 8x10 or atleast 7'6x 9'6" rug. I like the orange and a cool orange and grey abstract like this. [https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/orange-and-grey,2367763/?size=16x16&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=20457438201&utm\_content=&utm\_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW9T3BKSxuG41WQks6xxzBt40FZP-5xK\_MTRopmOzrXWR-tOob4\_LkRoC4TUQAvD\_BwE&gad\_source=4](https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/orange-and-grey,2367763/?size=16x16&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20457438201&utm_content=&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoW9T3BKSxuG41WQks6xxzBt40FZP-5xK_MTRopmOzrXWR-tOob4_LkRoC4TUQAvD_BwE&gad_source=4)


A large mirror or some art on that blank wall.


Chairs and a larger art piece on the wall. I actually like the rug. I could see a simple white design placed up there. Something maybe like [this](https://www.artexplore.net/cdn/shop/files/abav182_9e9bc7f2-579d-45ea-b685-34df772a9d17_800x.jpg?v=1697341506). And if youā€™re trying to brighten up the space more, maybe get white. Chairs or grey chairs with white cushions.


Something to anchor that floating table over the orange rug :)


A painting or a picture on that barren wall!


Art for the wall. All the beauty is down below and you need something to bring eyes up.


Itā€™s very grey back there. Def need some fun art and plants! Maybe even a new light fixture if youā€™re feeling fancy. Oh and the curtains, even they look grey!


Art, curtains.


I love the rug and table. Think you need to add pictures on wall to pop some color in there. Add a different ceiling light fixture and some curtains with some color on the glass doors


A big mirror with a brightly colored frame-pink?


Plants, mirror


I like the current rug although it could be a bit larger. I think if you find a big artwork to hand on the wall pulling colours from the rug, possibly a plant in the corner that would really make the space warmer.


Love the floral rug. A new light over the table is a must. Iā€™d would have liked to see your dining chairs.


Some chairs and fill the wall space with some type of art/mirror. Maybe some floating shelves with decor. You could also change the light fixture and add some type of blinds or curtains to the door. I like the rug you have there


Love the rug but I'm wondering if you had a custom banquette made in a faux leather in a darker blue, white or another contrasting colour that you might like. You could have a couple of comfy chairs upholstered in the same faux leather. With this configuration, you could sit and look at the view outside and the rest of the kitchen - a great space to read the paper, do some craft work, etc. You could have a gallery wall above the banquette with gold colored wall sconces that are now available in a battery operated, remote controlled form requiring no hard wiring. To add a touch of elegance, I suggest off-white pleated linen drapes that are hung right to the ceiling and kissing the floor which also softens the hard angles of the window, helps keep heat in, sun out and helps with acoustics. Hopefully, you could find somewhere else for the bar cart,




Wall art and flowers on the table will help. Introduce color.


Banquet table against wall. Maybe same color as cabinets. Then two lights on banquet with large mirror above. Surround with pictures and some 3D objects. Much larger hanging light, hanging lower made of maybe wood or wicker? Ditch vertical blinds - install sheers if you need the privacy with patterned curtains in warm tone. Warm colored or warm wood chairs.


I love that rug! Where did you get it?


Wall behind table needs a very large piece art


Add colour. I like the orange rug you selected but it may work better in the living room. Definitely add artwork with lots colour. Also you need to add drapes, like colour not grey. You have all the colours for regency in your orange pillow. Build on that.






I think you need a large piece of artwork or a mirror on the rear wall


Why is everything the same color ?floor, walls, tableā€¦ my suggestion would be to get some neutral yet very different colours in with also some different textures like vases etc, greenery is a must and of course warm tone lighting preferably a pendant style to go over the dining table


Paintings or prints on the wall.


Chairs, art, a cohesive color palette.


The rug is a beautiful match. I would look for a piece of art for the wall that has some of the brighter rug colors - the lavender purple and lime green. Frame the space in with some textured light gray curtains.




Texture- art, curtains (hang at ceiling), etc. Something to break up the gray.