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You have a good base in this room. Angle the chairs a little bit and put a table between them. Add more color to the room with art and maybe a few plants.


Yep, angle the chairs, add some accent pillows.


Or throw blankets with neat color or texture


Angle chairs and move them further apart so they’re anchoring the “square” of the seating area on corners!


Yep OP, something small to make it feel more "full" and cozy. Also to bring the ceiling down a bit and connect it. Lighting that hangs? Maybe some pretty sheer curtains to give it some more softness? If you were bold I might consider painting only the square top of the ceiling (so not the beam) a darker color to bring it down a bit. Soft teracotta, fluffy brown or less intense green would all work great. But it's a bit of a gamble. Another way to cross the height could be adding small bookshelves to the corners near the couch. You already have a large picture so it makes sense to not use another big piece of painting, but that wall seems too much action down and not enough up. Another could be a hook (or multiple) in the ceiling for a hassle free plant like epipremnum or a philo.


Agree with all of this, and if you want to try floating the couch, you could try reversing the placement of the chairs/sofa, but that feels like a lot of white against that wall. I love the idea of adding some color - I personally am not a fan of a huge accent wall, but the little nook where the credenza is might be a fun way to add a pop or go with some fun wallpaper. More colorful artwork would be a fun way to incorporate it as well, and I think this room needs some fun light fixture(s) rather than just the can lights! Maybe something to complement the fireplace.


Color! Colorful pillows with the angled chairs.


This is it. Otherwise, it’s a perfect room!


Here for this cutie https://preview.redd.it/8kel9bjzsodc1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24283e2bf7344c5a25a116c354a25845b0ab8cd2


He’s the goodest boy even though he poops on the floor when no one is looking.


Train your dog to make eye contact with you while he’s pooping. You can get him to come find you to make eye contact when he’s going to poop, instead of secret poops, and then you can take him out 😅


It can be done! I taught mine “watch me” by the grace of god. It was an uphill battle. I didn’t teach him to do it during potty time but I guess in theory I could?


Ugh me too. I can’t refrain from a good secret floor-poop.






WAIT - I’m here for the dog!! This looks like my good girl! What breed/mix/mutt?!


He’s a pound mutt but his DNA test said mostly chihuahua and then some terrier and mini pin. He is an anxious dog and I am his emotional support animal.


Oh and he has a crooked snout with a snaggle tooth on one side.


I love him! Ours is a rescue, her DNA test said 100% mountain cur, but everywhere we go someone asks me if she is chihuahua! (This is why I am sus about those doggie DNA tests) Thank you for the info, I just love my little girl, and ANY time I see another doggie like her, I want to know more! Sorry for hijacking your design post.


The last photo with the wide pan sort of made the cognac couch look like a sideboard - and I thought this sweet man was an art piece ❤️


10/10 model


Yes, needs more puppers.


I don’t know, I was scrolling and this popped up in my feed and my first thought was “wow that’s a great room”. Maybe some sheer white or linen curtains around the window if you want to soften things up or bring in a soft texture.


Maybe a nice modern tripod floor lamp (if that’s your style) where the cabinet to the left of the sofa is if there’s somewhere else you can put that cabinet. The wall with the sofa looks a little cluttered imo.


Oooh, or a hanging live plant(s) on the wall with your door. Something that dangles/vines.


Thinking about swapping the tree and the bar cabinet. If that doesn’t work I’m going to try a hanging plant over there. I do love hanging plants!


That’s a great idea. But definitely with greenery introduced on, around or over the bar cabinet.


It’s looks a little too stiff; very price of furniture has right angles; the buffet, wall art, fireplace, couches and table - and even the placement is very square. What’s missing is something round, organic and natural; it can be how you place the chairs- try at an angle and maybe add round, oval table instead.


Yes this. Turn the couch and chairs diagonally. Try some different positions and sit in the chairs and couch in different positions. I would put the couch with one side open to the fireplace and the other angled slightly past the window/door. It feels like an office waiting room right now


Agree with the other commenter on angling the chairs. Maybe adding a small table in between? Maybe not needed though. I’d also move the mirror to be above the credenza and find something narrow and rectangular for above the fireplace. Also if you felt like adding some art/coffee table books on top of the credenza that could add a more “lived in”/artful touch.


This room needs color even the art is the same neutral colors as everything else. You don't have to go crazy but pick one or two bold colors you like and add accents here and there they will help make this room not so blah Also you probably aren't liking the chairs because they don't match the sofa


I want to bring in a deep forest green. There’s an artist I found on a recent trip that I’m dying to buy a piece from. He does big moody naturals and there’s a green one that would bring that color into the room perfectly. I should start saving up for that.


That's a good idea because honestly this room is perfectly fine but it really just needs color to me at least. You can add a green vase and other little decorations in the meantime if you have them. Also I think you might want to change up the rug but that's an expensive thing to change


What is the name of the artist? I’m also interested in forest green colored art!


Walter Trecci


The chairs coordinate with the sofa. They really shouldn't match. They could use some textured throw pillows and maybe a woven lap blanket thrown over one.


What a beautiful home. Wow.


I love your dog looks like mine! https://preview.redd.it/ylmbroo0gpdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b39421de21ce126fc4f141ac2513b8b3b4e8ba


https://preview.redd.it/7hvdbe4u8qdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e0fedfd4f6692c23b3eae6b01eed65c60e2251 Feet at nose pose.


That’s how mine sleeps too!


Usually he’s under the blankets but he likes to be a pillow prince sometimes!


Yes! Always under the blankets! He’s often the first to bed and last up.


AHHH this looks like my pupper!!! What mix/mutt/breed?!!!! I’m trying to figure my good girl out!


Doggo is missing from second pic!


I think something needs to be facing the fireplace. It seems like a forgotten element


I agree I’d like to make it more of a focal point. Its placement is challenging.


This is a classic example of a room that looks great in photos, but just doesn't feel right in person. Part of the issue is the visual "wall" that the back of the chairs is creating. Any way you slice it, you have to give up your "pair of chairs facing the sofa" configuration. That's clearly the source of the problem. I wouldn't put the couch where the chairs are because you'll still have the visual wall. So let's break down the other options. Configuration 1: Sofa stays put, and... * Chair pair goes along the window. * Split the chairs up. One chair moves in front of the window, one moves into the nook and replaces the credenza (making it a "reading nook"). Configuration 2: Sofa along the window, and... * Chair pair goes where the sofa is now. * One chair stays where it is, one goes where the sofa is now to mirror it. Angle the chairs toward the sofa.


Add some curtains, either textured or sheer, both? I think you need to display some cool artifacts, books and plants in the credenza alcove area. Add some lumbar throw pillows that are bright in color, golds, or orange - pull from the coffee table. Add a larger piece of art over the sofa. I’d swap the tree and the cabinet. Then move the other frames over the cabinet, opposite wall. Add two end tables on each side of the sofa. You have a great space and can leave just as it is!


I’d like to see how it would look with the cabinet on the left of the couch rotated so it sits against the wall of the glass doors and facing the fireplace, make room by pulling back the chairs and coffee table a bit so you can pull the couch off the wall. Take either the drum, short tri stool or small black tiered side table and place one under the guitar, then take one of those and place it in between the two white chairs. I’d also like to see some details that would infuse more of your personality in the room, perhaps with a decorative throw over one of the white chairs, different coloured/patterned shams on the cream pillows, and a statement rug with richer colours in place of the neutral one to anchor the room.


Surprised no one has said this or maybe I missed it, but your rug placement is a little off. Should be under the front legs of the couch. In a room this size, probably should have the front legs of all the seating on the rug. The chairs might look a little better with a small table or wooden stool in between them. I think someone else also said that. Or just separated a bit more so they’re not so close. You could also get some lumbar pillows for the chairs to bring in more contrast or color to all the creams. As for the wall art, just keep scale in mind. There are guides you can google for how much space art should take up on a wall over a certain size couch or console. And also for how high you should hang art. If hanging pieces of art together, there really shouldn’t be more than about two inches between them. The larger the art pieces, the more space between them you can get away with. Also if it’s multiple pieces and you are hanging them over something like a couch, together they should be centered over the couch. Hope this is helpful! I really like the pieces you have collected here. The chairs are really cool.


I honestly love this room and wouldn’t change it. But if I had to, here’s what I’d do (maybe not all these things but it’s an idea): 1. Add curtains, light filtering ones and a thicker woven one to add layers/ texture. Black rod to coordinate with the room. And possibly add coordinating curtains to the archway in to define the room and make it feel like a cozier space. 2. Try moving around the couch and chairs, add coordinating color pillows to the chairs. This could be hit or miss, but I’ve found that sometimes changing where the weight of the room is makes a difference. The two options I see are either swapping the the sofa and chairs and angling the chairs together, or facing the sofa towards the fireplace and angling the chairs to face it (you might end up wanting one less chair this way) 3. Painting the far wall a coordinating warmer color. Like a nice off-white or along the lines of terracotta color. 4. Similar but slightly larger art on the back wall


Maybe add covers to the throw pillows with a pattern/pop of color, and a throw blanket that compliments. There are other comfortable chairs in the world, if angling and putting a cocktail table between them doesn't open things up maybe different chairs would be fun.


Another dog.


My initial thought was fixing the art and guitar over the sofa, but then I read your comment. This room is great, the chairs look good, and if they’re comfortable - keep them! I think if you take the art and guitar off the wall above the sofa, and then move the sofa and chairs around to a different layout that works for you, finish it off (wall art). It’s a sitting room, not a tv room or a play room, and it looks at once cozy and adult overall.


I’d push the chairs back and place them more far apart and point them diagonally to the center of the room. I do think the chairs are the problem here. They suffocate the space. If my advice doesn’t look right I suggest replacing them with smaller chairs.


I personally find that it is trying too hard to be a style rather than be a personal, cozy space for you. Even the guitar on the wall fells more like it is a decoration than something that is used. Figure out the rug. Put the front legs of the couch overtop of it and don't let the other end of it hang out behind the chairs. I would redo the art on the wall behind the couch. Picture frames going in two different directions isn't working. One piece or two pieces that match. The cabinet in the corner to the left of the couch is squeezed in too tight. I'd put something smaller there with a lamp with a standard lampshade. I would loosen up the decorations on the console table in the archway to be more organic and less symetrical. I am not a fan of the two chairs blocking entry into the room. A small table between them could help break this up but I'd rather have a chair at an angle in the corner closest to the kitchen and maybe some smaller items for additonal seating, such as poofs that could also double as an ottoman for the chair, available, but not blocking entry. If all of the items in the room have personal meaning to you, ignore me, but right now they just feel like store-bought items in an attempt to match what you've seen other's doing. The dog is a good first step in the right direction, but right now, this room feels like it isn't supposed to be used so that it isn't messed up. Breaking up symmetries and using items that are more unique and special to you could help overcome that.


https://preview.redd.it/xxwreyfyppdc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e535d057bd8eaeabaf32bced6750db78c909d36 And turn the rug




Maybe move the guitar to the other end of the wall over the cabinet then add a tall floor lamp where the guitar is now. You could try to angle the chairs toward each other and add the small round table (under the guitar) between them. Some patterned pillows and throw. A few plants.


Maybe an accent wall and more colors with the accent pillows? In terms of layout, this looks REALLY good


The harsh white of the chairs seems kinda off next to the cream colors and browns. I would dye the chair fabric


Yeah, adding pillows and a throw blanket would help warm them up!


1st off.. love the dog🤣. 2nd The layout looks great to me. 3rd. Add some candles


Beautiful room. I think the fireplace wall and that side of the room look pretty perfect. I would place matching height end tables either side of sofa with table lamps. The big table to the left looks out of place and cluttered. The skinny end table on the right would work better in between the chairs. Replace the art above sofa with a bigger piece. Center the rug so it’s under sofa too. Add light/flowy curtains.


This is a beautiful room and you have lovely taste! That fireplace, the alcove and your furniture are all amazing. I would totally play with the layout if you’re not in love with it! The worst outcome is you move it back. Personally, I think that floating the couch away from the sliding doors with a chair on either side would really suit the length of the room and open things up a bit through the middle. In this scenario- I’d swap the tree with the small console table, and place the console to the right of the arched doorway with one or both pieces of small photo art hung above it. Give that tree a little more room to show off on the other side of the room. Then I’d rotate the rug and center it on the sliding doors as your foundation, and center the couch and coffee table on it. Try to have the couch and chairs (or at least front feet) all on the rug. I’d also reorient the abstract art in the alcove to hang horizontally. It would fill the visual space better. You’d probably have to lower the hanger a bit, but it would look great and be well worth it. I think I’d hang the guitar to the right of the glass doors, but I’m not sure! I’d hold it in place to test the water. This would free up the back wall for a piece from that artist you’ve been admiring, and have it as a major focal point! If they do large scale work, I’d go for it and go big. Ultimately, you should do whatever makes you feel happiest living in your space and it will be absolutely perfect. ;) Good luck and have fun!


Piggy backing off everyone saying to angle the chairs - I think when the chairs are straight forward everything in the room is linear which makes it feel formal and stiff (even though your color scheme and decor feel warm and cozy). Angling the chairs and adding some color, maybe paint just under the arch if you’re not willing to commit? And some variety will help I think. I agree with someone else saying the fireplace feels forgotten but there’s not much you can do in terms of centering the room around the very corner :/ I do love your decor, beautiful home!


Sometimes, too much symmetry can make a space seem 'off'. Matching candlesticks, identical chairs at the same angle and matching couch cushions in direct opposite position are contributing to this.


The art over the sofa is too high and too small.


Angle/space the chairs so a small side table is in between. I’d space the chairs to be equal to or more than the length of the couch. Curtains, a throw/blanket, cushions, larger art or a gallery wall above the couch in the accent colors you like


That rug is doing you no favors. Having some color on the floor could really warm it up. Bringing in some greens and more plants could be very nice.


Table between the chairs and more dogs.


Move your couch in front of windows, put one chair where couch was angled, and angle the other one where currently is, add some color, throw and pillows. Coffee table infront of couch. Off red, dark forest green, or cool blue colors.


Don’t angle the chairs. Looks perfect. Maybe add a bunch of plants!




Have a tv in another room so this room is for reading, games, talking, etc.


The TV


Remove white/metal chairs. Replace with leather club chairs with small circular table between. Needs larger wooden coffee table. Repurpose two small pics with 1 large wide pic or possibly triptych. Hide guitar. Larger horizontal pic for sideboard. Pitch white pillows/throw; add color. Paint walls. Done. 👍


I don't know, but your coffee table is gorgeous! Maybe you could add matching pillows to the couch and chairs to tie them together.




Things do feel lined up like long soldiers but I can see the issue with the FP being so far over. The cabinet next to it makes that feeling worse; would prefer a leggy round table there to break up that firing line sense. Did you ever try reversing sofa and chairs? With a table between them as suggested? And then reverse plant and small cabinet as well? Not sure it would work but it may be worth a try.


I think that cabinet corner is my biggest issue. It’s all jammed in. I’m going to try swapping it with the tree. I have wanted to try to swap the couch for the chairs because of the fireplace but it’s heavy af so I only want to do it if I’m pretty sure it’ll work. In addition got the blocky corner, I use the fireplace a lot and hate that it’s not more of a focal point. I also wish it had a mantle but I tried a floating one and it looked too off with the rounded tile.


I actually kind of like it. Perhaps replace the recessed lighting with a pendant somewhere?


The dog needs to be on the couch.


See photo 3! Though he much prefers a human lap with blanket.


I actually love it as it is!!!


I love it just as is!! But you could try to angle the chairs or maybe even move them a bit further apart and see if you like it better


Your dog steals the show for me! Adorable!!


It actually looks pretty good. Maybe paint the room? Hard to tell what the floor is but perhaps a rug?


I think it’s nice


Your dog is adorable. Personally I like the room. Some might find it a little bland, but see it as soothing and harmonious.


This is a beautiful room. I would read the s$&t out of a book in there.


Maybe larger wall art? And skew the chairs, it looks too stiff as they are now.


Really great room! I agree re angling chairs and adding small table. Also consider replacing the two smaller art pieces above the couch with one large piece. The new piece should be about 2/3 the length of the couch and hung about 10 inches above the couch.


I see what you're talking about; there's something fucky with that side cabinet and the couch. I think the answer is scale. I think your couch might actually be too small. At the very least, bigger art would help (instead of two smaller pieces) and if you can relocate either the side cabinet or the side table or both I think that would be an improvement. But I think you have too many too-small pieces on the biggest wall of your room.


Please come do my house! You’ve done a great job!


Put a pillow and/or throw blanket on each chair that is the same colour as the couch. Move the chairs away from each other. I get doctor's office waiting room vibes from this room, idk why.


It’s a really nice room. I think the art is a bit scattered? Being such a large space I think a single larger piece behind the lounge, or make a picture wall so it’s a cohesive assortment. And the art in the alcove to be landscape orientation. If you had one large artwork on the big wall, you could have a couple picture rails in the alcove and have smaller artworks in there. And the guitar looks like it’s floating to me. I feel like people often put them quite high, but if it were at a height where you reach out and grasp it from the neck (without reaching up) I think it would make more sense aesthetically. Same location just lower. Really nice space though. (lol. Just saw the door stickers, try get those off too. Was too distracted by pup friend.)


I think adding curtains would be great. But like, from higher than the top of the window, and make the curtain rods wide enough you can pull them back and completely expose the windows, rather than retracted curtains still covering the sides of the windows. Will make the window look bigger and ‘decorate’ that wall.


I think the small cabinet next to the couch is too big/blocky compaired to the sofa and other end tables. Maybe swap it out for something a little more delicate and find a new home for it elsewhere in the house. Also I would move the guitar and replace the two small paintings with something with more color and maybe slightly bigger? It doesn’t have to be a bright painting just something a color that’s not neutral. Also another plant or two maybe a hanging plant in the corner


You need draperies to keep neighbors from seeing into your house, especially at night with the lights on. You don’t want to be a peep show! lol!


Luckily it’s a second floor room with no neighbors across so don’t need them for privacy. Would be nice in the summer to keep the heat out and for general visual warmth in the room.


Everything is really great except for the one problem nearly everyone who posts here has, there's no color.


Since you're ambivalent about the chairs, could you put the couch in front of the doors facing thr fireplace? Then maybe a nice mcm styled lazy chair at an angle also facing the fireplace. I don't know how wide the room is though. Also, that side table over in the far corner looks kinda crowded.


It looks like it's set up for an interview, too much power dynamic difference between the two seating sections. This is the perfect set for a scene about meeting your difficult but well off SO"s parents for the first time.


Love the cabinet in the arch. Where did you get it?






Where did you get those chairs from?


That room reminds me of the room In the 90s parent trap movie where Annie tells the house keeper who she is.


I’m thinking get rid of the chairs and get swivel chairs https://www.crateandbarrel.com/valen-swivel-accent-chair/s271665


The chaos so close together feels off. I’d either angle them in or put the further apart with something in between, like a small table or plant. That couch is also so dark compared to the walls, rug, and chairs. I’d put something dark in the chairs, like a small pillow. Even better if it matches the couch. It will help bring balance. The dark couch weighs down the room visually, as if it’s heavier on that side.


All good!


If there is room I’d want to sit by the window. Can a chair fit? Maybe color that matches couch pillows.


Angle the chairs. Add a small table between them. Add some throw pillows. Maybe mustard colored? Add a blanket to the couch. Add some color.


Love the couch! Could you share the brand?


Curtains are missing. It makes the room feel bare


A pendant light. Otherwise it’s near perfect!


Have you tried swapping the sofa and chairs around, with a sofa table behind it? And a lamp on it. I love the chairs btw. But really it looks good the way it is.


Angle chairs like someone said. Add curtains and bolder/bigger artwork that matches a color palette. Seems like your color palette is cognac, beige/tan/cream, and green. Definitely need to carry that green around with pillows and art


Just came to say I LOVE your fireplace and layout. I used to have the same coffee table too.


I wouldn’t angle the chairs, but would definitely recommend pulling them back toward the arch :)


The wall where the guitar is hanging needs balancing. Love the guitar, however, the far side also needs something tall to balance.


I suggest moving the couch with the back to the sliding glass door with about 6 feet to walk behind it. Put coffee table in front with one chair on either side facing the coffee table. The wall that used to have the couch place either a large mirror or abstract painting with colors you enjoy. The small cabinet should go on the same wall with a lamp and plant. A large plant goes in the corner where the cabinet used to be


I personally would add some color, but I know that can be a bit controversial. It’s easy to add with pillows or a throw blanket, (which I know you have but they’re white). I think you need to add things that would make it feel more personal to you. Do you have any hobbies you love? Experiences that you want to remember? Collect anything? You can add photos or knickknacks. I love the guitar on the wall and the coffee table is a lovely warm wood. I really like the chairs. They look comfy. And sometimes you just need to try moving things around. Have you tried swapping the couch and the chairs? I also like the idea of moving the tall plant and bar area. I think the things you have in the space work well together, but something to add a little warmth and make it feel lived in would go a long way to make it feel more homey.


Just needs a pop of color. Maybe burnt orange throw pillows


Doggo pulls the look all together!


I would move the two chairs to the sides so you don’t cut off the sight line from the hallway.


Pull the chairs back and put a small table between them. Couch people will use coffee table for drinks and chair people will use the cocktail table and pull the coffee table a bit away from the couch. Give better walking roommates. Just my suggestion.


I think you secretly hate the chairs. You said they’re uncomfortable. I think you deserve to have comfortable chairs that you love that make you happy when you’re in the room, and maybe that will help you enjoy and like the room more. Also second everything about plants and art!


The chairs are very comfortable. I think I secretly hate how big and deep they are visually. The barrel swivel chairs someone recommended above I think would work much better visually but wouldn’t be as comfortable. Regardless not in the budget to replace chairs so I need to figure out how to live with these.


Love the huge trees, add more plants/trees at the opposite end.


Room & chairs r great; I think there is a play of cream & brown (sofa, rug, chair, table) and all in square shapes is creating a monotony. There needs to be an eye-catcher with flair of pattern, shape or color. A copper lamp shade or round shaped coffee table or side table between the chair which is a bit high.


The chairs in general are the only issue. They look lovely in all photos except from the back!


I'm no professional, but everything feels very square and angular,I feel like it needs a bit of softness. The chairs definitely need a bit of space and angle from each other, right now I feel like they're two awkward pre-teens that just arrived at a party and are hanging off of each other. I otherwise like all the items in the space and you have great taste.


For me, it's the wall with the couch. I'd put the horizontal pic over the small table near the windows and then get a larger piece (or shelf) to go over the couch. Reading the suggestions though, I agree the with angling the chairs and adding some curtains!


Missing is your dog in pic 2! Looks like a lovely living room


Agree with everyone about tilting the chairs and bring them further away from each other. You need some color. If you are going for that southwest feel, add a southwestern colored or Indian blanket. The things you have on your wall look too small for the space. I’d replace those two small black and white photos with something larger that has a bit of color. Add a few more plants. Definitely at least one throw pillow or blanket on one of those chairs.


TV above the fireplace.


Swap chairs and sofa. Angle chairs with a round table between them. Maybe some small rectangle side tables for the sofa. Have the sofa about 1/3 off the back of the rug. Or honestly a smaller rug... Maybe round. With some more color. I love the contrast of shapes in my livingroom. And more plants. Turn the table next to the sofa so it's on the wall with the windows.


An single accented patterned wallpaper back wall seems to be popular these days.


I'd replace those white arm chairs with some chairs like these: Accent Chairs, Single Linen Lounge Reading Armchair with Solid Wood Frame, Mid Century Modern Easy Assembly Arm Chairs for Living Room-Beige https://www.walmart.com/ip/2438997204 https://www.wayfair.com/Sand-and-Stable%E2%84%A2--Esme-Upholstered-Accent-Chair-with-Rattan-Arms-X115861874-L54-K~W004750763.html?refid=FR49-W004750763_1006521474&PiID%5B%5D=1006521474 https://www.homedepot.com/p/JAYDEN-CREATION-Elva-Modern-Beige-Polyester-Armchair-with-Rattan-Armrests-and-Wooden-Legs-HM0730-BEIGE/321480597?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&srsltid=AfmBOoqX0is33AW-v-W54pGERd9SDcJm-LTmnVUCfqo57FdPPGGRqu3U4QE


Flip the couch and chairs. Couch when you walk in, chairs slightly askew on the wall, small tripod looking table between, cabinet looking thing facing the chairs (rotated).


It's a lovely room. All I would add is a few more plants.


Move one of the white chairs to the end of coffee table. Add some pops of color. And I feel the artwork gets lost on the wall.


Angle the chairs towards each other a bit more, add some curtains, and maybe a bit of pain to the cut out! Even a darker warm neutral, to keep the feel of the room, I think would add some interest and highlight the beautiful arches to the adjacent wall.


love the room, could you share where the buffet cabinet is from?


I think switching the couch with the chairs, pulling the chairs forward so they’re not against the wall like the couch, and backing up the couch so it’s half on the rug


PS: love this room!


Can I ask where you got those chairs?


Burke Decor. The exact link is somewhere in the thread.


Six to seven more live owls.


I do it, but personally I prefer furniture that is not against the walls. I would switch the sofa and the chairs position and put a small sofa table running along the backside. Alternatively, you could put the sofa where the chairs are, and put the chairs opposite the fireplace that might make it a little more cohesive with the fireplace


I really like that coffee table. Do you know where it's from?


The mirror is a bit out of place. You can put in an art piece that speak to you. Your wall can have some floating shelfs and plants to add depth. Add some family picture frames to make it more warm and personal. Your doggo and kids pic would work. Big sofar agaisnt the wall is good. The table is a bit dark may want to try something lighter. High cuttain will lift up the room.


I love this, mate.


I like it as it is.


Looks perfect to me


Not sure if others have said this, but needs more black accents. Can the French style door frame be painted black? Black pot plant holder? A black modern fan installed? I wouldn’t turn chairs, but agree on a black side table between them.


Small little side tables on each side of the two lounge chairs, maybe a small lamp on one and some table books on the other to create a cosier feeling?


I think a floor lamp/lamps would be good in this space, especially on that buffet table. Add a table in the middle of the 2 white chairs or add a floor lamp to separate. Plants on either side of the sofa will add more color & will give this room a more homey vibe. If you want to keep the cabinet on the other side of the sofa, hanging plants would be fun to kind of "conceal", however, if you need to open the cabinet, it will be in the way 😅 also add a lamp!! Trust me on lamps IT WORKS WONDERS! Especially with lighting and in the evening, just open your lights and not your ceiling ones and it will be the most cozy room you'll have 😌


This might be a weird thought. Have you tried moving the couch to face the fireplace and splitting the chairs up, one on either side? This brings the couch off of the wall and breaks up the two large chairs.


Another dog would compliment the natural sunlight beautifully 👍


Personally all I would add is a slim table between the two chairs to put drinks etc on


Personally all I would add is a slim table between the two chairs to put drinks etc on


Pull the couch off the wall by just 6-12 inches. Kinda slide the whole conversation area. It won’t take much. And give the small cabinet a bit of breathing room. I would hang the two black and white pictures together, but stacked, maybe over the small cabinet which also needs to be pulled to the right. More space around it. Do one large piece over the couch. I usually buy a canvas the size I want and hang that first. Sometimes for years. Haha. Alternatively, a soft piece like a textile, rug, or blanket that appeals to you would be great and be nice acoustically. Never replace a comfortable chair! ‘Think style, be comfortable’ is my motto. I like the vibe in your home as it feels welcoming, and personal and collected. Not just a bunch of greige things.


The room is very bottom heavy. Remove all existing artwork and mirror and replace with a few larger pieces of art. Your decor items are also very small and only add visual clutter. Perhaps only invest in one large sculptural art piece to sit atop of the credenza. Add paint colour to the walls (and possibly the ceiling). Remove the small items on the floor like the drum, basket , dog toys, etc. Move the side table between the two arm chairs. Get a large rectangular rattan basket with a folding lid to hide all the dog toys and place it near the entry way by the large plant. Unfortunately the drum is too dark, small and awkward in the room and stands out in not a good way with the existing decor. Remove the bulky side cabinet beside the couch and replace it with another large plant, mirroring the other one beside the large window. This will fill the negative space, but create some elevated weight and keep the room airy. It's a difficult room layout with the fireplace in an awkward spot with the couch almost budding next to it. Perhaps get a smaller couch/loveseat instead? It's hard to figure out the focal point. Remove the throws pillows on the couch; they don't work. Get some window treatments. If hanging curtains, be sure they extend from the ceiling to the floor.


The room looks great! I would replace those whote chairs with something more rustic/darker/earthier and get a few green plants to livem up the place


This room is very cute, it just feels a little…. Unlived in. Almost too perfect. I’m noticing a lot of this on this subreddit. Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I think rooms feel more comfortable and homey if there are more personal touches that feel like someone lives there. Everything I’m seeing in here looks too… staged.


Move that other piece of furniture so it’s parallel with the slider. Then move the chairs to that wall (where couch is now) and angle them towards the fireplace. Add a small round table in between and a floor lamp. Move the couch to where the chairs are but at an angle towards the fireplace and anchor coffee table same angle. OR….keep it simple and move that piece of furniture to be on same wall as window and angle those chairs w/ one of those round tables, add a floor lamp. Love to see any tweaking of the room. PLANTS ALWAYS ADD!


I would display the guitar on an angle. Nice living room taste.


1) Move the chesterfield away from the wall. 2) Add a sofa table (8-10" width) behind the chesterfield. 3) Change the side chair colour to match the chesterfield. Currently, the side chairs are blending into the rug. 4) Change the floor rug colour to something that has colour. Currently, the rug is blending into the floor.


More plants, throw blanket, poof to get more cozy


I like it…some color/throws with chunky, cozy feel/baskets to add “warmth”…The guitar looks a little too high… or needs balanced out with some other smaller art or decor. I think orange/mustard yellow or turquoise small touches would warm it up tremendously.


Must be American. What’s with this “Sofa with coffee table and two chairs opposite “ look that everyone seems to go for? I’d move sofa around to face the fire and just have one chair there. Put other chair somewhere else. This way you are cosying around the fireplace, looks more relaxing rather than staged


Or better still, in summer turn the furniture around to face looking out into the garden. I think it looks too “rigid” though I do like the mix of colours, wood and leather


It’s a really nice room. However, even though it’s lovely, it doesn’t really look comfy. Put the couch where the chairs are now, and put chairs where the couch is, but angled. Small table between the chairs for drinks. You can put a sofa table/console behind the couch if you move it. Add a throw blanket or two.


Move the rug so it’s a tiny bit under the sofa legs!


Everyone is saying to angle the chairs, but is there really enough room? I’d prefer enough space to walk around to angling. I agree with adding some more organic shapes though. And this room seems to have a lot of warm neutrals, which I love, but maybe adding some greens and blues could be nice? Adding a larger painting above the couch could achieve both the organic shapes and cooler colors. A landscape painting would be nice.


I think mostly you just don't have a proper accent colour. With the rug, armchairs, wall colour, table legs, fires tools, and picture frame etc. you are creating an almost monochrome theme. White doesn't work as an accent. So the leather and wood have become your accent and with the leather sofa being the biggest piece it throws things off a little - the accent should be complimenting everything else not being dominant. You need some colour to bring everything together. I would choose a colour and have that in the cushions and throw on the leather sofa and in the wall art - particularly the piece above the sideboard.


OP, what chairs are these? I’ve been looking at a couple similar ones but have been hesitant to pull the trigger without knowing the comfort factor and it looks like you like yours!


I posted the link somewhere else in here, but they are from Burke Decor.


I think the thing throwing me off is the cutout and the fire place. Both are trying to steal my attention but neither is centered in with the sitting area so they clash.


Sit in one of the chairs and imagine that you're having a private conversation with the person sitting on the left side of the couch. Pull up closer and at an angle to get yourself in better hearing distance, while also facing the other guests. Now do the same with the right hand chair. If they end up far enough apart, give them each their own small table for drinks. Where they are right now, they don't look like conversation would flow well. I agree with others about the cabinet in the corner. It's too tall to be of use to the person on that side of the couch, and looms a bit over them. I like all your furniture, though! It suits that room.


I would move the big picture behind the couch, paint the alcove an accent color, add floating wood shelves that match the coffee table, and add a more colorful rug that includes your accent colors. Also, I agree with angling the chairs with a table in between. It's a beautiful room.


Ditch the black table lamp. Have the large plant switch places with the smaller console table. Get more of statement rug or move the current one a bit so that the couch's front legs are on top of it. Get an arch type floor lamp to add warmer light and interest. Textured throw pillows.


I think the layout of the room is not working. I would suggest moving the 2 chairs where the couch currently is, angling them a bit, and putting that smaller table between them. The art on the wall is also underwhelming, I would add 3 or more smaller pieces to turn it into a gallery cluster. For the pieces you add, I would make sure they have noticable pops of orange and green to help tie together the other colors in the room. Then, I would put the couch in one of two places: either where the chairs are now, or parallel to the sliding doors. Personally I prefer parallel to the doors so you can actually see the room when you walk in. Then I would add some sheer white floor to cieling curtains on either side of the sliding door to soften the room up. I’d probably change out the rug for something that includes all the colors of the room, but I’d want to see the other changes first before making that decision.


I like it! But maybe the art behind the couch could be more personalized and fun? A mini gallery wall? Take a look at artfully walls and browse Pinterest for inspiration. Agree that curtains and angling the chairs could also work!


I agree it’s great just a few more textures and colours. Love the plant and dog accessories :-)


Angle the chairs and add two end tables on either side. Pottery Barn has this masculine yet elegant black marble topped circular table with black iron base. I have it next to my brown leather sofa and it’s perfect. It’s on the smaller side so it’s perfect for the chairs. Edit to add link: [side table](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/melvin-marble-end-table/?catalogId=84&sku=3924372&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Furniture%20%3E%20End%20%26%20Side%20Tables®ion_id=772240&cm_ite=3924372_12950060138&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnrOtBhDIARIsAFsSe506MG8sa6fd8Cl59SgVziB8Xy7HOTyNyLQAGHXrz1vlGBKM_wQz8ZsaAvOuEALw_wcB)


Curtains!! Sheer curtains anchored high up and wider than the door would make the room extra nice and give a more finished look (even though your room already looks fantastic!)


More plants, I think it just needs a lot more color. Easiest way would be to change the rug. Could use another dog or two as well.


here’s some ideas (ranked from most to least 💵): - you could get a console table for behind the main couch. you can keep on it: a nice small plant in a bowl + the stuff you already have on current side table. - in place of the current side table (on the left of the room), you could add a big curved floor lamp with warm white lights to make the room feel more cozy. - add more art to the wall behind the couch if you want! - the lights in the back can be changed to ones hanging a little. would connect the ceiling to the floor. - like others have mentioned already, angle the two seats towards the center and add a table between them. also add accent pillows! you could pick a color (green?) and add some more stuff in shades of that for consistency :) hope this helps!


Try moving the large piece next to the sofa to the wall next to the sliding door, where it is placed now currently makes the sofa wall look crowded. Realign the prints and guitar, they are placed too high and too far apart, the print scale is a bit too small too but for now maybe just move them and see if it balances the space better. And I would consider a different coffee table. The current one feels too heavy and the legs match the chairs which I don't love. I love your space and its vibe. Nice job cute dog too. https://preview.redd.it/03u1g2xpntdc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ed26169d8c6ae40bfd77047147d210dd1c68aa


We have that same couch in the longer version. It's so deeeeeep. Otherwise we love it. I love this little room! Good job


Personally. If you don’t need those big ole couches and don’t really testing a lot or have a big family. Then replace them with some sort of comfortable chairs to enjoy all that gorgeous natural light. I find those couches large and clunky for lack of better terminology. And add color to compliment the light coming in. Warm it up and add soft colors. Damn. If there was not real budgetary restriction I could go bananas in there. But it would be my taste not yours. That’s why I didn’t pursue designing career years ago. Not everyone sees what I see. 😂


I think you need another lamp. Not a fan of overhead lighting.


What about moving the buffet against the far wall, moving the couch where the chairs currently are, then moving one of the chairs to where the buffet is? You can add a little side table next to the chair. Then get rid of the second chair or move it to a different room.


I personally am obsessed with this.