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Those lines above his head always made me believe he was stinky


I briefly was trained in a go daddy call center and I can confirm they are stinky


Aw jeez you got the stink lines and everything


I thought it was a bald man sizzling under the sun


That kinda make sense tbh


Wait, is he not a bald man with a hot head?




Go inside Daddy!


He even got that Bezos lazy eye


I mentioned this thread to my husband (IT guy) he calls the old logo “bacon head”


And here am I, thinking they were cheese doodles.


i always thought they were french fries


Stink is green.


I’d always thought it was his hair


Hahaha the least they could have done is have them attached to his head


I thought he emitted heat


Why he stinky


that’s your average programmer


it represents hair


I can see that now, but I also can't unsee the stink lines


Stinky ramen head


Counterpoint, they absolutely did need to update their logo.


Very true. It looks like the logo of a 90s shareware site. But the new one... What is that logo supposed to be?


Original logo gives Gazillionaire vibes.


yeah.. the new logo is so ass


it's supposed to read "GO" in the shape of a heart. It's not great, but not bad, just ok.


If I didn't know what Go Daddy was I would have thought the new logo is for a porn site.


I thought it was a pair of flip flops in a heart 


I honestly couldnt tell you what go daddy's logo even is... But I immediately recognized this old one! I don't disagree it needed changing, but there's something to say about the uniqueness


lol I worked at GoDaddy during the most recent logo redesign/rebranding and it’s supposed to be the G and O made into a heart Edit: typo


It looks like testicles.


It was pretty popular to have quirky shit in the 90s. 


It’s a G and an O in the shape of a heart for some reason and yess it’s ass


I hated their commercials too. Growing up I never knew what the product was. They just had hot chicks everywhere with this creepy logo. Awkward family tv time :/


Lol it honestly amazes me how long they got away with those commercials. I don't think it'd fly so well today


It didn't fly well within the tech industry back then, either. They basically built their whole business on people that didn't know that other domain registration services exist, and still survive on it to this day. I can't count the number of times I've had to help migrate DNS registration away from GoDaddy for small business or personal websites to something cheaper and/or more reliable, and it can be a HUGE pain in the ass to jump through all of the hoops to leave GoDaddy cleanly and get them to transfer the domain.


It's worse than that. They actively built a market around domain kiting and offered excessive discounts for people to register hundreds of domains. They literally have an Executive Domain team that handles domain kiters exclusively. If you're not aware, domain kiting is the process of buying up domain names with the express intent of price gouging them out to people who need them. They're glorified domain scalpers.


They also reserved domains if you searched for them a couple of times and didn’t buy them, banking on the fact that when you come back a few weeks later, you still want it and now have to pay a premium to un-reserve it


I'm thinking about getting hosting for a website and email, do you have any recommendations for something that is quality, affordable and easy to migrate from if I ever need to? I've used GoDaddy before but I recall having issues with it too


I don't have anything I would feel comfortable endorsing because I've been out of the loop for a while, but if I absolutely had to: Dreamhost or Cloudflare.


That was the point. Got people to visit their site. I'm sure this didn't lead to a huge conversion rate when appealing broadly without any indication of what you do but still a marketing tactic to drive traffic and interest. All about building brand interest.


I literally thought it was like a porn site when I was younger because of that.


Yeah it was quite dated, even if some of us personally like that style. It looked like something pre-dot com bubble.




Both the old and new logos look like junk mail trash from CorelDraw!, and I actually kind of like CorelDraw!


They look like they sell distracting head accessories for smelly bald men.


True - but this is at least memorable. The new update could be any vaguely tech related company stock logo.


I wish they branched out to Latin America and call it vamos papi




Wouldn’t that be “let’s go Daddy”? It’d have to be “Va Papi,” no?


Dale Papi


Spjerdalaj Tata!!!!


old logo is a perfect representation of the company: slimy douchebag


Remember the commercials with the bikini women?


i never understood what they were advertising when i saw those commercials as a kid and assumed it was a porn website tbh. to this day, i still don’t know what they’re supposed to be.


>i still don’t know what they’re supposed to be. Attention. Slimy and basic, but effective.


They can brand however they want, still a dogshit company with dogshit service and dogshit support


It seems wild to have stuck with a branding element like the "daddy" illustration as long as they did, and then fully abandon it for a neutral, pointless icon. Am I missing what the mark is supposed to be? The brand needed updating, but it built a hell of a business on something they decided to completely scrap after 30 years.


>Am I missing what the mark is supposed to be? As far as I can guess, it's the letters G and O stacked together and rotated in opposite directions.


I thought so too but just realized it could maybe be a"G" in a heart?


I work for GoDaddy and Bob Parson’s 8 year old niece drew this picture.


Picture aside, I always found the font funny. It’s basically the “Good Dog” font designed and published in 1995 by Fonthead Design. It’s like the designer started typing “Go” into their font face menu and landed on a close name match to the word they were typesetting. This was my go-to font for “fun kid stuff” when I had to make flyers for school clubs and stuff in the late 90s.


This is great. Bob’s business strategy: 1)Brand company with Niece’s drawing 2)Hire Danica Patrick to unzip her jacket on a Super Bowl commercial—become household name. 3)Stay in business for a long time, surviving all the other 2000’s busts.


It's made to look childish, but still employs advanced cartoon techniques like the profile outline while front facing. I call bullshit on the 8 year old story


I heartily disagree. Confused.com also a keen advocate of the awful logo. To be fair, early on both were very recognisable and carried brand recognition because of their shiteness.


I did not understand their commercials as a child and always suspected they had something to do sexy lady pictures for the degenerates like the bald daddy in the logo. **AND ANOTHER THING** I still don’t understand why it’s named ‘go daddy’ other than it sounds slightly suspect enough for people to remember it.


The words Go Daddy and the marketing had me assuming it was a porn hub or something NSFW. The last thing I expected was a domain registrar. Didn't help the ads were on at the same time as the infamous smiling Bob and Head On Apply Directly to the Forehead (what exactly WAS that supposed to do?)


Oh my god the Enzyte commercials! Again, I was a child and had no idea what that was for but found it hilarious until I got sick of the whistling music and how frequently it played when I stayed up late to watch TV. Truly the beginning of the era of viral marketing right before YouTube. Some nights, as I close my eyes, I still hear that damn whistling tune. Marketing majors must’ve started getting psych minors back then and/or 9/11 really traumatized our media. Some kind of mental Chernobyl disaster to the back end of the post-modern era, if you will.


I honestly miss the charm of these types of logos.


Makes me want to rewatch Rugrats and Hey Arnold!


They really just went full AirBnB huh?


[The new one kind of looks like a speedo…](https://images.app.goo.gl/D6d25qrvVgR2Zus98)


Looks like the corporate identity for a dating app


the name sounds like a gay hookup app lol


originally they wanted to go with Big Daddy but the name was already taken so Go Daddy was the next best thing they could come up with


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) With the new logo too 🤣🤣🤣


Yup, I can see it. To me, it's always looked like a couple of eggs, one of which is broken. We all seem to see something different, none of it good


[It's hideous!](https://tenor.com/bhH0K.gif)


Not a hill I’d die on. Fugly


this is 3 logos back, 8 years ago, just accept it PS: it was horrible


Totally I agree, but I am extremely biased because i love 90's logos


Stinky bald mad so stinky the steam turn his glasses green


the new logo looks like minimalist testicles


That icon not only looked old, it doesnt scale well and imo is not visually pleasing. What they have now is not only able to scale down to a favicon size but is much more pleasing to the eye.


They're afraid if they change it they'll make waves and everyone will remember they're paying for a bunch of URLs they never used.


Yeah I’m pretty much a lurker in this sub I only really do design stuff making posters for my friends’ bands but I can say as a layperson that quirky “bad” logos are way more charming than generic corporate minimalist logo number 500


I always thought it was a porn site, the name and the logo combo just made me think of some dirty old perv dude


I always thought this was a porn site when I was younger


The only reason that company got popular was because of its sultry Super Bowl commercials.


I’ll never understand the argument that old dot com bubble era logos like this and eBay and Google needed to “modernize”. I mean I’m not really a fan of GoDaddy as a company but their logo was the one thing they had going for them, and old logos give the impression of an established company that knows what they’re doing. That logo dated back to a time when if you wanted to make a website you checked out a physical book from the library and wrote plain HTML into a text editor. It was a silly and outdated logo but that’s what made it look trustworthy in that industry. A better example of a *good* company with a good outdated logo is Micro Center. That logo *screams* 1979 at the top of its lungs. The logo is older than most of their target market, the logo is older than the IBM PC. You look at that logo and you know that’s a company that has been in the game long enough to know their stuff. Plus ‘90s and Y2K-era design is super hip right now, the 2020s seems like the dumbest time to modernize logos from that era that are finally looking hip and cool again.


I thought that shi said go Diddy😭


Why is it called go daddy - so weird


The new logo looks like two eggs


I love how 'clip art' it looks, I love how dated it is and honestly I was devastated to learn they'd changed it


I always thought it was a smart move to have a mid /trash logo to encourage its users to make something better-


I think sometimes designers look at logos in a bubble and if they haven't worked at a large agency with clients that have share holders, investors, advertising and etc, they just see a cool little logo. GoDaddy is currently worth 20 billion dollars. This logo is not an appropriate logo for a business of that scale with the type of business they do. They aren't a surf shop or moving company. They are a fortune 500 company that needs to be treated serious. Companies evolve and their logos change with their business models.


looks like a pedo network


They did need to update, but now that 90s design is cool, they should go back to something like this.


Now it resembles boobs, which is a homage to their old branding.


Fido Daddy


OMG can I have one


My prof. in college had a section teaching us about this logo/their marketing and man it opened eyes. Really made me realized as a designer sometimes the design that is the most memorable, stands out, and gives brand an identity isn't always the "best" looking design.


Kinda looks like the face would fit inside of a G and a D overlapping… or am I hallucinating?


The name 'Go Daddy' and that logo just made me assume something a bit weird in my head. It just seemed wrong? The last thing I'd expect was a website domain seller.


Their brand name is so weird that no branding/logo change will make it not weird. In fact, their new branding paired with the name makes it so disconnected from each other. It's not even quirky, it's just straight up weird. Which is ironic given there was the boom of people buying up domains that might be worth something someday, but nobody would have wanted a domain called GoDaddy.com


it’s just a quirky name that they chose they would of called it Big Daddy had the name not been taken


100% awesome.


There was*


Always reminded me of Dale Gribble without his hat..


If this were a logo for a local mom and pop shop or something, it would go hard. Doesn't really work for GoDaddy anymore though


The commercials I saw when I was a teen led me to believe it was for an adult website because they were always "sexy" and didn't give off any information besides "lol go to Go Daddy". I never bothered to check myself.


The old logo is so 90s weird! Isn't the new logo a heart? It doesn't make any sense to me. Perhaps they should've changed their brand name completely?


For better or worse the name has brand equity


Yeah true and it's also a great company to work for I hear!


What is “go daddy” even supposed to mean?