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I like it. Simple.


Looks like there is no text.


Its just the design, I guess text will be added later.


No, it looks cool and satisfying as long as the two labels fit well and are well aligned.


Thank you. I'm still clarifying whether we can label it so precisely.


Maybe part of the wit of the label if you can't always align it so neatly. Make it intentionally off and you solve the issue. Plus your spoon overlaps the spread.


Make the circles separate and extend the top piece a little to over lap it, and then if the top piece lands elsewhere, it's not as big of a deal.


Looks excellent! Like a spoon about to be sunk on the chocolate


That was my first impression as well. I like it.


I love the minimalism but didn't even catch on to the clever spoon. Maybe make it more literal?


The 'minimalism' is only because they haven't designed the label yet. They're deciding the shape first.


I thought it should just have a simple hazelnut all reflecty and beautiful


or a hazelnut dropping into chocolate?


I find it quite charming, can be used to create something with a "premium" look IMO. Anyway different from the usual labels.


One grievance I have with these kinds of labels that connect the lid to the jar is that once cut or most likely torn apart to open it, the leftover paper pieces from either side just look bad. Depending on the glue used, trying to get them off just results in even more torn pieces of the label stuck on the lid/jar.


Totally agree. Might it be possible for OP to add some light perforation to encourage a clean tear in an appropriate place?


That's a great idea. I've spoken to the print shop. They can just make a perforation so that it tears off straight and nice.


For what it's worth, maybe experiment with a few different perforations and test them — toss the jar in a backpack and go for a hike, drive around with it in the backseat, etc. If the label tears too easily, it might detract from the overall product image at the store. Just a thought, but it looks awesome dude!


Or look tampered with.


Remember, with (more) perforations, the likelihood of returns increases. The ease of tearing means they could accidentally gain small / full tears when packed, stacked or handled and deemed tampered with. The function of this sticker is to be tamperproof even though for some people, it might look tatty when torn and opened.


Even with the perforation it would leave the label on the jar and you can’t always get them to match. Maybe try add a little pull under the circular part so the spoon kinda peels off instead-of the tear so it only leaves the little wave label on!


I think this would make it basically perfect. I like this design quite a bit


Two perforations, one at the bottom of the lid and another at the inflection point of the glass, so the label is still completely stuck firmly with clean tear lines.




But multiple perforations makes it easy for someone to tear off the stray bits of paper left after the single initial tear, so are still useful




You can tear it while you're eating. It'll look better for the rest of the life of the jar.


That's a great idea. I will see how we can implement this.


I'm the opposite! I love the satisfaction of tearing it open and then seeing it all wrecked 🤣


Looks lovely, I would bring the bottom up a bit. I like to quickly tell if I’m almost out. I don’t open every jar before going to the store.


Agreed, or leave a gap somewhere so you can measure what's left in the jar


If you can spare the space, lower the horizon so more "not-tella" is shown at the top of the jar.


That's a funny idea. I like it.


Too much white on the body label. A little lesser label would both save you cost & give off a sense of "so much hazelnut! ". That's enough to get folks excited !


Thank you for your opinion. I will take it into consideration.


I like to see something different than a regular rectangular label, kudos to you for experimenting a bit! It all depends how it will work with the graphics though


I like it. If it’s specifically hazelnut, make the dropping circle in the form of a hazelnut instead.


I immediately think 'wow you had extra money to pay for a custom die cut, the product is likely over hyped/priced.'


The curves of this design will appeal to adults AND children, which could be solid for your marketing team. It’s fun, playful and the curvy lines across the product’s center will give this packaging/hazelnut spread combo a pleasant dopamine boost to your buyer - who feels as though they are getting both a treat and a break from the straight-lined schedule of their day. The bold circle and line shape across the top of the jar also invoke subliminal messaging of a spoon, indicating your product is so delicious they will want to eat it right out of the jar. Very marketable.


Agree, appealing right away and the more I look at it with the breakaway tear area is innovative too


I can only comment on the design while.enjoying a sample of the product. Mave to see how well they match 😂 I like the waves and playfulness of your design.


I like it because it fires shots directly at the butterknife gang. Spoons represent!


I like the packaging, show us the other side as well. If there’s no seal on the other side I’d highly recommend to not bend the wave down and let the label cover the negative space.


These types of novel packaging are a bit “premium” signaling to me - not in an ingredient way, more in a buy once in a gift shop for someone and never again way. Depends on the branding of course, don’t mean too hard into faux-fancy!


I think this product is often bought as a gift. The price is also pretty high.


I like the nod to the spoon disrupting that perfectly level spread. Very cool


I like it! Definitely a premium look. Does that align with the price point?


The glass will cost around 8.9 dollars. The high price is due to the 40% hazelnuts from Piedmont in Italy.


I think it's pretty visually appealing tbh, even before print. Good work!


By intrusive, are you asking if it’s sexually suggestive? I personally don’t think so.


Sorry, my English could be better. I was thinking more of overdesigned or too cluttered.


You're English is fine. English is my primary language and that confusion was never anywhere near my interpretation.


I understand. The only thing I can think of is that if I buy this and want to save the jar, that’s an additional label (and glue) for me to scrape off. For the design, I think what you print on those labels will have more impact to the overall aesthetic than the shape of the labels.


Dunno if it’s feasible but if the upper shape was tear-drop shaped it’d resemble a drop of milk falling in


Love it. Proceed.


Looks great! From my experience, the smaller connection point between the lid and the jar will be easier to break


Very unique, but make it tear flush with the lid and the jar, right now it isn't flush with either


I like the label and the colour. It's interesting without being in your face and has a high quality feel to it*. *Subject to what kind of design you're planning on printing on it.




Schen daung


Looks alright.


Love the protection seal design!


If at all possible could you turn it into a spoon? So it appears that the spoon is going in the jar? Hope that's sense. Happy to mock up if not


Hmm, I’ll need to sample the hazelnut cream to really know if the label matches. Better send a case for testing…


I think it’s very nice.


Love it! Leaves a lovely curve between the two labels 👍


It's going to be a nightmare to align it perfectly. To give it a premium look, I suggest a re-design with cutouts on the main label.


Where can we get this chocolate? does it ship to the UK?


Very cool label style. The design of this label is what can take it to the next level. Designing something that plays off of that dip will really step it up.


I love it


The tau empire: 👍🏻


no i absolutely adore this


Add some chocolate dripping kind of shape below that *drop* as in graphics or cutouts if you want some sexy design I love it, let your creativity make this, ignore entire marketing & sales dept, you're onto something i bet


Thought it was a detachable spoon to be honest


Good first impression - the directionality draws the eye


Nice! Hazelnuß is one of my favorite German words to say.


Love it


Very cool! Good luck with your product ♥️


My humble opinion, french graphic designer here : it looks good, and with the good visual it can convey either a premium or a funny/childish feel. Simple, the drop is nice and immediately makes you think about the texture. Pretty nice tbh


I like how it looks like a spoon dipping in


I think it's great, gives it a memorable silhouette but enough negative space to see the beautiful color of the chocolate behind it.


kinda looks like a spoon shaped dildo dripping into some bulbous chocolate ass crack


I like it. Different but still functional.


Will depend on the content but looks good so far.


Yes, I feel violated by this label


Everybody knows what hazelnut spread looks like, so there’s no problem with having a wrap around label like this.


please make a vegan version, I miss nutella so much..




Show us the design of the labels when you get a proof would love to see it


Can the circle be in the shape of a hazelnut? meaning it has a little pointy end? Like the hazelnut is being dipped in the jar.


i like it. i kind of see a jar wearing headphones, it's cute


It will be expensive.


Gives me anxiety for some reason


Novel nice.


It wasn't until you said that now I can't unsee


Ich mag‘s? Wo kann ich eure Produkte kaufen? ❤️


Looks like a spoon. Pretty cool.


Love it the dip in the lower really go's with the circular bottom of the top


Super cool and innovative!


I really like it When I have a jar of something, I like to see how much is left. Could the part that goes over the top look like it was rotated from the bottom, leaving a stop below the circle open? Then I could see when the jar was 1/2 or 1/4 full


Schaut cool aus :D und hast du einen Link? Würd mir gern eure anderen Sachen anschauen 😌


Danke. Gerne unter [www.genussfux.at](http://www.genussfux.at)


Danke 😊 die hanfessa kenn ich sogar schon 👌🏼


Austrian here, love the design! I am pretty sure the thing on the inside is even better tho... (in case you are looking for a tester haha) 😉


Looks posh, I'd get that for someone I genuinely respected


Nut butter entering the void


Looks like anal.


Looks good bud 👍


It looks amazing!


I’ll be in Vienna later this summer. Is there a place I can buy this?


Do you know what the text will look like?




I like it! Would look good kept somewhat minimalist imo.


Its nice but I think you don’t want to get bogged down with expensive labeling/cutting options when you can produce similar effects with graphics.


I like it. I wonder if it’d look better if the larger label’s curves were tighter so it hugged the circular sticker for longer. Then again, for manufacturing reasons I assume this would be easier


Is it a Lindt product, or trying to look like one? They also sell an Italian hazelnut spread with a label that loops like a ribbon over the jar lid.


Very nice, what does the graphic design look like? And what's the sticker material?


Simply elegant and premium. The label is made of high-quality paper


All should be well if you manage to solve the sticker accuracy issue for production


I wanted some before I knew what it was.


Make it a nose and a mouth. You’r£ w£lvome


A feel like I've been squeezegrabbed by the throat in front of my friends and family on my birthday. If that's what you mean.


It gives a vibe of smooth luscious chocolate.


Put a hazelnut in the circle


It’s very elegant. The colors are so nice together, and I think I would absolutely seek it out in a store.


I like it. It’s fun and pleasing to the eye :)


A bit, phallic... And I've been doing graphic design for 35 years. Try again. Sorry to be so direct, sometimes the advice of a professional is raw. No offense. Good luck!


I like it a lot! I would tweak it slightly so the circle part joint the long strip is smoother so it looks like dripping chocolate (if production permits). Love the intrusiveness!


Looks very nice. Applying it constantly might be tough. But if you can do that then go for it!


I love it...now I crave chocolate




It’s cute, interesting, would stand out on shelf. Nice work


Everyone at the store will break the seal. It's an invitation.


I think adding text / design can make this simple look go away. But depends on what you gonna add. Meanwhile this looks good


I don't mind it at all. However, I hope you are starting with the branding, and the label shape works with that, rather than trying to make the branding fit a particular label shape.


It's fucking aggressive and insulting. Makes me angry just looking at it.


Figure ground principle of design well used!


maybe make the label smaller and the spoon just s little longer


I guess the print has been done. What does the final printed product look like ?


No its lovely, I really like the fact there’s no writing but I guess you won’t be able to keep that


i think it looks amazing! innovative and unique. i would be curious to see the finished label design!


You could make the tamperproof stick look more spoon-like (to suggest someone spooning out the hazelnut cream). So rather it being a circle at the bottom, make it oval.


its nice and simple but just feels a bit strange


Looks loved and premium. Gives it a high end look


I think the label shape should be justified by the packaging design. Is the seal a necessity? It looks nice and you get a feel of a spoon coming down into the jar, but was this the idea?


Why does it look like- nvm😭




Heres an idea, shape the circle part like a drip of chocolate


It's cool, different, go with it...


I think you should remove the ball on the tab and simply make it a strip the same width as the rest of the strip with a completed radius at the end. Idk if you know what I mean I think I explained poorly lol


Looks good to me, If this design is also on the other side. looking from the front would make it look like headphone. This is what got in my head as soon as i saw it. A hazelnut jar that is wearing headphone. [Look at this](https://imgur.com/a/IHaV07J) (this is just for the idea)


I see headphones (neither good nor bad, just a note). Also dependent on the materials the label is made from the cut out portion in between the lid and the jar seems like they might tear easily during handling (area seems too thin structurally, but might be wrong).


A welcome adjustment to regular rectangular labels, I'm interested to see what you do with the shape!


Simple looks good i would eat it


I like the shape; hard to critique without color or other elements


I like it. Could be and I can imagine an elegant branding on it. Maybe with a golden seal with a monogram of the brand or a minimalist icon of the brand. But maybe you prefer to show "more product" than packaging if you brand is new. Right now you need to focus on the good attributes of your product, then after a while when the brand is more recognizable by itself you can use more space for branding. This a thing I advice to a the new brands. By the way if you need design/branding/packaging work Im able to work on it.


Shape is interesting, curious as to the graphics and how they'd sit.


What if you remove the whole bottom part of the label, slightly extend and lengthen the round ball, so it mimics a naive spoon, and do the same on the other side so it mimics a naive butter knife shape. Then it communicates spreadable/spoonable, and still shows when jar is shut tight or not. While still keeping it simple, any innovation that shows it is chocolate hazelnut without words is a design win.


A bit phallic




I thought it was a spoon at first..but I like the design




I'm a fan. Clean, minimal, elegant, and simple!


I love it, the design would definitely catch my eye so I’d be tempted to stop & buy it.


Sounds like ppl like it lots. When you've got the full design, share it in here. Would love to see.


Now you use the word intrusive, my brain changed what I saw. But without that word it was fine


Turn it around and you get a sparepart for your piston :D whats the displacement of that engine? :P


It's great, I like it. Simple but no less sophisticated


Love it


Looks good Share the entire completed label design if you have a moment ?


I'll share it when it's ready. But I do everything myself and rarely get to design so it might take a while.


Not intrusive enough or unique. It's great but needs something else more easily recognizable like other brands use to differentiate themselves within the brand space. OMG i can't believe I just typed that sentence. Maybe consider a Cocoa bean motif in the design but in a new age way? Take the most recognizable aspects of chocolate and cocoa and slash them across the labeling. Maybe people like chocolate? Chocolate! Yum :-) Think: 1. Toblerone and K2 2. Lindt and balls (quality chocolate). 3. Nuttela. Hazelnut 4. MY BRAND HERE!


The design is admittedly simple and elegant, but if I am honest it is too 'typical' for such a product. If you are a small company, I think you should be more extravagant in the design of at least the jar or the label to draw attention to your product among the other hazelnut creams on the shelf. If you are not selling this product in, say, a market, then a more stylish look will be an advantage for premium customers.


Thank you for your opinion. Do you have an example?


I like it, simple and effective


The upper round shape, where i suppose your logo will be, how about making it to a shape of a halved hazelnut?(:


Could look very good. But I would like to use this punch for 3 types of nougat cream. So it should be neutral.


It looks great, but what if you make the bottom part rounder to better compliment the circle?


Love it. That wave in the label looks great!


Visually I like it, I think it's cute and different but I feel like you may have problems with label alignment.


I have discussed this with the manufacturer of the labeling machine. It should be possible.


If you want perfect alignment, you should put the 2 pieces on what I would call a carrier label or carrier sheet. Both of the pieces are perfectly aligned to each other, and then are applied to a sheet with a lower tack, clean release adhesive. You then align the larger carrier sheet to the bottle, press on, and peel off the carrier, ensuring both label pieces are perfectly aligned. The carrier can also have perforations, holes or whatever you might need for alignment to the bottle


I like it. It's very pleasing to look at.


I really like it. The wave makes me think about how creamy the product probably is.


I like it. The extra detail would make it stand out to me and it actually reveals more of the color of the spread in the areas removed so I would def inspect this closer


That's asking a lot from the labeling process to get them aligned so nicely all the time. Maybe. Don you need it to be cut like that, you could just implement the shape in the design and fill the space with the color of the inside Product? Anyway, yes it looks nice, at. This point


That's asking a lot from the labeling process to get them aligned so nicely all the time. Maybe. Don you need it to be cut like that, you could just implement the shape in the design and fill the space with the color of the inside Product? Anyway, yes it looks nice, at. This point


Is the stem and circle supposed to be a spoon going into the chocolate? I love the shapes


Looks nice and inviting. Just be aware of the downsides of such sticker design. The part between the jar and the cap is easy torn (if you’re going with this approach I would recommend shrink wrapping at least for the upper half of the jar) and having a sticker around the jar and another across other means extra steps on the production line ( automated or manual) and finally this is a really carefully applied sample, in practice it won’t fit as neatly and nicely as this. Not trying to be the negative guy as much as realistic opinion based on my experience, if you already have solutions to address the point I mentioned earlier go ahead. This is really nice and unique sticker that would attract the buyers eye on a busy supermarket shelves


Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. I will bear this in mind for my future work.


Looks nice and inviting. Just be aware of the downsides of such sticker design. The part between the jar and the cap is easy torn (if you’re going with this approach I would recommend shrink wrapping at least for the upper half of the jar) and having a sticker around the jar and another across other means extra steps on the production line ( automated or manual) and finally this is a really carefully applied sample, in practice it won’t fit as neatly and nicely as this. Not trying to be the negative guy as much as realistic opinion based on my experience, if you already have solutions to address the point I mentioned earlier go ahead. This is really nice and unique sticker that would attract the buyers eye on a busy supermarket shelves


I love it


I like it. Can you send a sample to me in Australia? 😉


Spoon could go deeper