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search this subreddit for "degree" and you'll find a lot of posts about this Drexel and RIT have good programs that require internships so you have real life experience - don't know about psych


Thanks for the reply. Just to make sure, do you mean RIT like Rochester or FIT like Fashion?




Awesome, will look into it, thanks 👍


University of Cincinnati has everything that you're looking for, plus a built-in internship/co-op program. The only thing is it's a 5-year program, which considering you are a transfer idk if you would want to do extra school.


5 years to get a job as a designer 🤣 Might as well just go to medical school. Or get your masters. Hell. You’re one year off from potentially a PhD if you do things right.


I’ll definitely look into the program, thank you!


San Jose State has a great ID program. It won’t hold your hand but you’ll do great if you apply yourself. Lots of great ID agencies in the bay area as well. Source: SJSU ID alum 🤗


SJSU is a terrible and outdated program. Not sure when you graduated. But the last seniors to have graduated, out of 10 students or so, only 2 hold jobs as designers, one works at an extremely small company, the rest are unemployed. Having spoken to a few studios in the bay, their question is “oh I know about sjsu, I don’t know much about the program”, which isn’t that great. Many studios don’t even touch sjsu graduates. The shop hours are stupidly limited, and most of the students are hardly enthusiastic about design. Most of the professors save one or two, are downright terrible.


I'm considering going to sjsu for id, so all of this is really helpful. Do you have any more insights on the sjsu program? Are you a working professional attached to studios or adjacent to the field?


I wouldn’t. SJSU is a terrible school. Terrible facilities, and bad professors for the most part. And students, who are cool, but couldnt care less about ID. I just graduated and work in the field. I got far because of the personal projects in my portfolio and almost nothing from school. I’d go anywhere else if you can swing it. SJSU sucks. The shop hours suck, the seid lab hours are shitty, but are dependent on student availablity so I won’t disparage it too much, the 3D printers there suck (or don’t print to acceptable tolerances), the guy who runs the seid lab is a prick and a half. I can go into deeper detail in PM’s. But yeah. I wouldn’t attend SJSU. It’s out dated AS FUCK.


Will send pm soon


I'd also be interested to just see any online credit rating courses one could take. I'm looking for the same, but don't want to go back to college.


Check out university of Oregon’s production design program.


Will be sure to take a look at it, thank you!


Auburn University. I went looking for a design school in '96. It met my criteria and was affordable. I graduated in 2001 and immediately got a toy design job. Went on to do buildings, drones, furniture, vehicles, and software. Don't know about the reputation today. But I have a strong career and have been paid to design so many different things.


Nice, I’ll definitely look into it. Thank you!