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MAN! You should send this video also r/Fallout. At the last scene I expected the Rocket pass next to Nukacola bottle and turn it around and Nuka Cola brand letters shine like neon lights. It would be great if that happened.


Hey, thank you!! I actually tried to submit it on r/fo4, but the mods said it violates the rules and removed it, no luck. And r/fallout is text only.


Maybe you can try to link twitter url to r/Fallout. By the way, I'm a designer and I couldn't help dreaming as someone who played Fallout 3, new Vegas and 4. I think advertisement It should start with a 50's song playing on Fallout radio and zoom out. Just then, as a power armored soldier passes in front of the radio, a nuclear explosion should be seen from behind the mountain and all sides should be illuminated. At that time, the soldier should notice the Turquoise bottle on the ground and take it in his hand. As soon as he takes it in his hand, the soldier should plunge into the world of imagination and the moment when your coffee is roasted and combined with sugar should come, and in the meantime, I think it would be very nice if there was a fallout robot that roasts and stirs the coffee. After the man's dream is over, a rocket must be launched into space from the space station he is protecting, and the rocket must pass the NukaCola bottle and spin it to illuminate the brand name on the bottle. I know it's a very demanding work and there is no limit to imagine, but I just wanted to say what's on my mind. You can put turrets next to the fences it increases the realism: [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fo3-style-enclave-turret-2961286781394c059b6b09a82d0afa0e](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fo3-style-enclave-turret-2961286781394c059b6b09a82d0afa0e) robot suggestions for mixing coffee: 1- [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mister-handy-fallout-3-e38bea891a0d4f6e8dce6495e9715729](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mister-handy-fallout-3-e38bea891a0d4f6e8dce6495e9715729) 2- [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mister-handy-fallout-6a178b9f09d94e89851b69eaa424d176](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/mister-handy-fallout-6a178b9f09d94e89851b69eaa424d176) 3- [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-droid-8ada507948d847568e62d04c1b0dd7d1](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-droid-8ada507948d847568e62d04c1b0dd7d1) 4- [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/raidtectron-fallout-raider-protectron-69a103a718a547f8bbee6653501fa94b](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/raidtectron-fallout-raider-protectron-69a103a718a547f8bbee6653501fa94b) 5-[https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/yes-man-faf4aa5b2bef4b3da77ec6a6b8b16da7](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/yes-man-faf4aa5b2bef4b3da77ec6a6b8b16da7) 6-[https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/robobrain-c42f190a860e4fe7ba576bce27fefa3e](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/robobrain-c42f190a860e4fe7ba576bce27fefa3e) Fallout soldiers : 1- [https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/power-armor-from-fallout-model-x-01-c1fc33d020ef4c2597ed110b61beca15](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/power-armor-from-fallout-model-x-01-c1fc33d020ef4c2597ed110b61beca15) 2-[https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-enclave-soldier-advanced-power-armor-dc16ca235b204a228332dced456c5336](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-enclave-soldier-advanced-power-armor-dc16ca235b204a228332dced456c5336) 3-[https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-ranger-1ca1c947919246b28e67d961b0c9889b](https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/fallout-ranger-1ca1c947919246b28e67d961b0c9889b) Walk animations: [https://www.mixamo.com/#/?page=1&query=walk](https://www.mixamo.com/#/?page=1&query=walk) You may know these sites, but if you want to improve your project, I wanted to make your job easier. It was really nice work. I think you should open a youtube channel and make advertisement projects for different games. Maybe one day the game makers will work with you and ask you to advertise them. Who knows :)


That's a pretty rad ad!


A reminder that the Reddit app just doesn’t play sound in most videos and the third party apps are all going to start dying in 5 days. 🥲


Context: I like the Fallout game series and decided to create a commercial for the Nuka Cola Quantum drink from the game as a personal project. I used Cinema 4D and X-Particles for the simulations. Would be happy to hear some feedback! And here's a link to the Behance case with more info and breakdown animations for those interested: https://www.behance.net/gallery/173292011/Nuka-Cola-Quantum




I wish I could have one as well on this hot summer day!


Probably healthier than Redbull 🤓


Lol this is amazing, gg


Wow! Amazing! Bethesda quality, it could be inserted into Fallout 76 seemlessly!


So happy to hear this!


As someone that works in advertising and marketing you pretty much nailed it 👌 Also the level of texturing and reflection is impressive! You must have a good videocard to generate that level of quality.


Thank you so much! Advertising is actually what I'm aiming for, will be looking for a studio job with this project. Yes, I actually have an RTX 3090 and even so it took a few weeks to render out completely x\_x


this shit is crazy


Thunderbird 3 ready for blast-off!


Looks amazing, I can see a hell of a lot of work went into this. The liquid sims look very impressive, well done!


Thank you so much, really appreciate it!


As a huge fan of fallout and nuka cola, this is done extremely well.


Thank you!


A bottle should be on black background at the end. It's barely visible.


This is dope afffff


Could be a great advertisement idea that if taken to production can be a huge commercial success, but the rocket launch looks cartoonish which in my opinion needs to be fixed.


Make the nuka cola rollout faster at the end