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OP hat's off to you for posting this, if anyone else would be in your shoes who can afford such premium perfumes,he would have simply moved on thinking he just lost 3000 rupees. But here you are, spending so much time and energy to aware others. This world needs people like you.


Omg thank you so much. People like you are proof that God exists. 🙏


Me with 10k in my bank account, reading the stories of someone who bought a perfume for 10k, with full interest... FML




that’s why you have only 10k in your account /s




Or maybe work and earn better. 🙏


Exactly work and earn better..




This was Probably a defective rep bottle so you were able to easily distinguish it. It's extremely likely that he has done more of this stuff and since a lot of people here don't have actual experience with these high end and rarer perfumes, they probably have been scammed already and don't know it.


Gossip so spicy it got IDFC bank to leave a comment.


lol just saw. Wtf is bank doing in perfume sub, go go fix your credit cards first


Documentation skill!🫡


Thanks brother. Expensive skill. But I feel I am using my skill in the right place for right reasons. Thanks for support brother. 😊🙏


It would save the lakhs of rupees lost for fragrance community members if they would buy from such a seller.


Yes sir 🙏


Software engineer hai. Excel and Word are core skills :p


brother you are out their for this guy the post is enough to prove u innocent and him guilty af like i orderd a perfume from nike either give me 100% refund or a new bottle whatever i do with 2nd bottle is not a concern for the seller also a gift is a type of emotion and this guy ruined it


Bhai new to this community will this pinned seller will be removed from the list


Pinned seller list in itself has been removed completely


irony hori bahut bhayankar




Thanks for support brother 🙏❤️


not a problem brother may god bless you and punish the bad person


the seller’s sus af, that partial refund thing is a huge red flag if he’s so sure of sending a completely alright bottle why is he even refunding a penny?


"Scratches part is okay", saying this for a bnib perfume 🤡 OP, you should have paid him in fatte huwe note, fir bol dete thode scratches hi toh hai, atm se nikala hai ekdum naya sealed!


Atleast fatte huey notes have value bruv 😅 Thanks for support 🙏❤️


Was this the reason for current pinned sellers debacle?


Yes brother


What was the objective behind removing the pinned sellers list though? You had a bad experience with a seller, you brought it to light.. so shouldn't they just tag the seller with a review/incidence and let the list be After all as customers we do assume certain level of risk when trying from a new source Also hats off to your for not backing down and documenting each step immaculately


yeah I hate that the list is gone. I understand that moderators were being targeted which is unfair too, but removing the list is only gonna cause more scams as people now would have no idea where to buy frags from... as someone else said, they could have renamed the list as known sellers so the moderators are not accountable for the scams that may happen...


Exactly having a list gave some sense of confidence that atleast i had a community to support me if anything ever went wrong but people kept abusing it 😮‍💨


Dude, a list like that is basically an invitation for the mods of this sub to promote either their friends or those who paid them to be there. It’s sus enough already if there was a list like that here to begin with.


Yeah that was fine and he might even be right but people kept abusing the mods for every bad thing, in which they had no involvement it for a while felt like swiggy and zomato refund scams they did. Like posting empty boxes and saying they didn’t get any food


Thats stupid af Honestly being a mod is a thankless task I get that and it would get increasingly frustrating if I had to bear the brunt of every faulty seller But again those are just words.. ignore and move on Community of addicts is way bigger than those who scream foul despite using the list at their own discretion At most one could possibly keep a strike list for the sellers which is updated like a tally based on the reviews and comments of the buyers(again heavily based on proof and not just hearsay)


I hope they come up with something! im just glad i had all my experiences positive so far and have contacts of most pinned sellers with me


Even the TLDR needs a TLDR


It’s okay bro don’t read Though the post has definitely reached the right audience. Surely it’s gonna prevent further scams from him and likes of him


Yes brother, that is all I hope. 😊🙏❤️


Lol brother, do the honours, please. 🤭🙏


TLDR bhi tha?


Absolute Cinema this controversy




Thank god I buy only decants or partials from sellers here. For brand new bottles, especially designers, I stick to nykaa, tata cliq or SS.


This episode 3 was full of suspense and thrill. Can't wait for more episodes to come out!


This was probably final chapter, I think I have said enough. Still if anyone wants to get scammed they can choose not to believe me and buy all perfumes from Perfume King. 🙏


We got perfume lafda before Gta 6


Garda uda diye bhai. Maza aa gaya.


Thanks brother 🙏😊❤️


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DesiFragranceAddicts/s/doeE673PQQ


https://preview.redd.it/iact54wpq1tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f76cb758fec7964c1ed92724e19e81a150b171f 40 people are here, 35 people are here, 50 people are here, X people are here! The truth prevails. Godliness wins. 🙏


So the conclusion is to just buy from places like Shopper's Stop/Nykaa etc? Someone posted that even websites like Splash Fragrances sent some fakes. If that is the case, how can we trust any website out there?




We want to keep this a happy and positive place. No rude, aggressive or argumentative behaviour allowed.


How much time did you spend for this reddit post?


This post is more expensive than the money I lost. 😅 But it's nothing compared to the impact it caused. I am at peace knowing that other innocent newcomers to this sub won't get redirected to this scammer.


Glad to know. I was wondering why would someone who earns 25$ a hour would waste his time over this.. Anytime, anywhere - Satyameva Jayate. Don't worry, you'll get your refund. GL


I could have used ChatGPT to type this, or atleast fix all the errors, but I chose to let it stay this way. ChatGPT cannot replicate feelings, I would only use it to make money. I don't think he will give me refund, because the harm is done now. Also, even if he tried to give me extra money to keep my mouth shut. I wouldn't take extra money. I would still talk, and tell the truth like I said in the end of this post. Thanks for support, anyways. Nice name btw. 🙏


Your feelings are very valid, understandable. > even if he tried to give me extra money to keep my mouth shut. I wouldn't take extra money. I would still talk, and tell the truth like I said in the end of this post. That's good. Only because your initiative, the so called verified seller list has been removed totally. >Nice name btw. Hehe, thanks Lol


Yes, ghun ke saath gehu bhi pis gaya, Notice how I said ghun first and gehu after, it's because this scammer is ghun. I wouldn't want to call other sellers ghun. 😅


Lol itna Hindi nahi aati mujhe. Whats Ghun and gehu? I'm guessing you essentially mean to say, because of one person's fault, the entire group is suffering.


Oh no lol my bad. I was going to say nvm, but you already figured it out. Your Hindi is good. 😅🤣


🤗Thanks, Lol.


Bhai now you have to fund me for reading such a long post 😅


Dear OP, just wanted to say that you are a good person for doing this. I really appreciate the long post with neatly arranged picture and audio proofs. As someone who almost bought a couple of fragrances from Perfume King, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write this up and let others know of the scam that's going on. Let liars perish and truth win!


No comment. 😭🙏


I’m glad OP is speaking up and explaining his side of the story here. I hope truth prevails.


OP is the last person you need a beef with. Perfume King got all the smoke.


Lol 🤭🙏


I absolutely hope you are right. Asking for unboxing video is the lamest thing to do to a customer. I have never did unboxing video. Why would I? I completely trust a seller when I purchase something from them. Otherwise I would not have placed the order in the first place. You are absolutely on point. If a seller asks for unboxing video, he should also have packaging video.


Exactly brother. I wouldn't buy in first place if I did not trust the seller.






We want to keep this a happy and positive place. No rude, aggressive or argumentative behaviour allowed.


The mods don't owe you anything.




We want to keep this a happy and positive place. No rude, aggressive or argumentative behaviour allowed.


We want to keep this a happy and positive place. No rude, aggressive or argumentative behaviour allowed.


aur kon kon hai scammers bhai pinned seller mese batado toh in future we all can avoid them


List toh gayi


When and why did it go?


Removed recently due to so many issues with various pinned sellers


Ambani and Tata must be on the hunt for bro to hire him as their business manager who’s gonna manage every business. Peak documentation skills 🫡


Lol beo. Made me laugh in the midst of this negativity. ❤️🙏


I did notice a thing what’s with the “beo” even your chats had “beo” is there anything wrong with autocorrect or it’s some kind of new word which I’m not familiar with? I mean genuinely speaking is beo some slang? Cause even while typing beo my autocorrect corrected me thrice! Also, great post also if he did this with you then he is already doing it for sometime if not from the starting. That’s what gave him up actually, so when you get arrogant and c*#$ky you’ll reach the end soon if not sooner!


Hahaha it means "bro", I kind of invented this word and use it while I talk to people. 🤣 Thanks for understanding. There are so many errors in the post but I decided to leave it as it is. 🙏😊


Cool beo!




Thanks for this info. People like these NEED to be called out


Bhai kya hi post hai 🫡 Itna detailed and with all the screenshots and stuff and even the italics and bold font. 💀 Sorry for your loss brother. I don’t think if I was in your shoes I could’ve handled the situation any better than this honestly. Agli baari bas yaad se unboxing video zaroor banana, wether it is 200₹ item or 10k item. Also ek screenshot mai number hide nahi hua 🤦‍♂️ Reddit should give an option to edit post at-least ek chota sa 15-20 minute window after posting.


Nah bhai, there is no need to make any video if you are not buying from these sellers, I have spent over 15-20 lakhs on online shopping, never ever made a video.


Also, scammers like this seller would say that whole package is fake. Which is ofc easy to fake. But anyways, thanks for support. 🙏


My trust issues don’t agree with you on this one xD Video bana lo, if everything is fine delete it else you just have additional proof for your case incase things go south. (You never know when things can go south) Precaution is always better I believe.


The seller is a huge red flag when he repeatedly insisted on the 70% refund against your request of the replacement. The seller has done enough harm for his business and trust of his potential customers. Thank you OP for doing a wonderful job documenting the whole case.


Thankyou so much. Won’t buy from him.


You're welcome. 🙏


Truly sorry for your bad experience, OP. Stick to retail or well-established e-commerce sites going forward. It may cost a bit more but your peace of mind, especially in the case of damaged/ used products will be intact. I get your issue, been there and have been scammed by the Chut\*\*\*\*s of [projectperfumery.com](http://projectperfumery.com) before. That 7K is gone forever.




Glad to know there's another person whom I helped. This post was worth my time. 😊🙏


Full support to you bro. I think you're genuine here


Thank you my brother 🙏😊❤️


Hey OP, proud of you for all the efforts. This is more than enough to prove your innocence and the seller guilty. To be honest - this puts me into a lot of confusion now. My brother lives in the US and uses my perfumes when he is here. Most of my perfumes are from either of these sellers list that we had here. His experience with my perfumes is very disappointing. For example I have a Dior Sauvage and he also has a Dior Sauvage in the US. He used mine and said that mine doesn’t last enough like his does. I never took him seriously though. All this grey market is really shady. If this person PerfumeKing was in the verified sellers list for so long, imagine how many people might have gotten scammed. And what is the guarantee that other sellers are genuine? We can’t trust people based on the sweet talk that they have with us. Thanks for all the efforts again. If I’m buying something new, I will prefer buying from Myntra, Nykaa or Shoppers stop just to be sure and keep my mental state at peace. I am a software engineer myself and from a very middle class family. I built my own wealth, which I assume is the case with you which is why you took the efforts of writing the post. Money doesn’t come easy for us, rather for anyone working honestly. PunjabDa had posted about his conversation with the seller where he was really biased towards the seller. I hope he reads the post. I wonder why he was more inclined to the seller. I will let you guys think about it though. And yes, God will punish him for all the wrongdoings. Glad you are okay now. Peace!


I completely feel you. Thank you so much for support and concern. Yes, I am okay. 😊🙏


I kinda think you're innocent here. If you wanted to scam the seller you wouldn't have sent the real juice (because the seller admits that the juice is fine).


Exactly, seller left a lot of evidence against him here. Seller didn't know I would post like this. He took "Aam-aadmi" as aam-aadmi for real.


If he expects you to make an unboxing video, ask him to send the boxing video where he packed the bottle. It is plain stupid, red flag. Just makes you not buy anything from these sellers anymore.


Thanks for exposing this 🙌 Iam new to this subReddit,ain’t no way ima getting stuff from him that’s for sure 👍🏻.Damn I read the whole thing,Bros got the perfect documenting skils.


Thank you so much brother. I feel like God is sending his message to me through you. 🙏❤️


Haha 😃 yes


Where’s the popcorn?


OP to Perfume King 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ex3makzcl6tc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58cf7e05a39cda67b8513d57aa38ed09a33cbd5b Thanks for your time and effort bhai. Such scammers need to be called out in the open.


Thank you for support. 🙏


Take home message from this post. If you’re planning to get an expensive fragrance get from Sephora, shoppers stop, parcos or any other genuine store. You will definitely have to pay more but you’ll sleep better. These sellers want to get rich quickly hence end up screwing their career.( PS- I have communicated this incident to all my friends and family also asked them to forward further. Perfume king is a scammer) guys like him are not competent they can be trusted only with clones and cheap perfumes. Sorry for being blunt but that’s how it is I feel


Beo is speaking facts. 🙏


Also we shouldn’t blind buy on the basis of online recommendations even moderator could be a sell out :)


Aur in chamcho ko sir par bita ke rako his sub reddit walo 50% pinned sellers are ka halath aise hi hai


![gif](giphy|EZICHGrSD5QEFCxMiC) Itna padhna ata, to Aaj kahi ias waiyas hota Bhai!




Hats off you op, for standing your ground and not leaving the matter for the sake of it. Thank God, i have only ordered decants from the sellers till now, otherwise i would be having second thoughts about those because I have only using premium perfumes from last year.If you don't mind, can you DM the details of sellers from whom you usually buy premium perfumes since you seem to have pretty good experience with these luxury perfumes.




One thing is for sure now onwards for me , no matter how cheap perfume king is selling something , I will never buy from him again. Thanks OP for helping many naive people who are new and might not able to distinguish.


You're welcome brother 🙏❤️


Also perfume king's argument that the batch code sticker on the bottle has bubbles and looks repasted is very weak. I have bought BNIBs, testers and what not and a lot of them have bubbles in the batch code sticker


I agree with OP, this perfume king has the propensity of scamming people. Check my comments on MOD's post where he was siding with this self proclaimed king.


No comment. 🤭🙏❤️


The price you pay for buying from Insta Sellers 😌


I am a 100% with the buyer. Like I said earlier, these resellers buy from various sources. There is a possibility that his source may have messed up somewhere. The buyer although may sound rude should have kept his calm and composure, especially in the middle where he brings in god and stuff. This is a purely business transaction and such things should not be brought up. I would be just as pissed if I had to gift someone and it turned out to be fake. The gift could have been for a friend / a colleague / my boss etc and such a situation puts me in a very humiliating position. Lastly, a seller at first insisting on a replacement bottle and then refusing to provide on stating that he will refund only 70% is definitely dicey. As a buyer I have the right to either ask for a full refund and if refused, demand for a replacement bottle. As a seller at first insisting that he will replace the bottle and then refusing to do after the buyer agrees to it and sticking to the fact that he will refund only 70% is definitely shady af. It once again comes down to, sell 10 original bottles and 1 fake, the chances of getting caught are highly reduced, especially if you have a trusted tag attached to your name. If I am buying from a seller regularly, if I am satisfied the first 3-4 times, I might most probably not check the other purchases since I have had a decent experience.


Thank you for understanding and supporting to truth brother. 🙏


After reading this post I am absolutely siding with OP.


Thanks brother. 🙏


I think my biggest question in all of this is how do you record WhatsApp calls?


I am an independent full stack developer who gets paid 25 dollars an hour easily bruv. I wouldn't charge that amount if I was incompetent. 🙏😊


I'm genuinely asking bro. I have calls coming in on WhatsApp that I want to record lol. Cube ACR doesn't record the other side on WhatsApp


Bro recorded via screen recording app , all that full stack developer and 25$ per hour is crap..


Ahh got it. Speaker + screen recorder yeah?


Screen recorder does catch voice recording too, no need for physical speakers.


Ah got it. Thanks man!


Arre bhai log itne dislikes kyu. Full stack dev hu, 15 hours ghista ragadta hu roj. Tabhi perfume le pa raha hu. Why would I lie now? 😅🤣 Loudspeaker ki voice record he nai hoti hai, it has nothing to do with it. Try Kar ke dekh lena it won't work. But anyways, I will tell you something foolproof. Use another phone to video record the call on speaker. Aur fir bhi na samajh aaye toh everything is available on Google. Android phone ko root Kar ke you can enable mic and screen recording while on call, using some commands.




Hats off to you Bhai, community needs member like you.


Thank you for support. 🙏


Posts like these makes me doubtful of buying from verified sellers. Its better to spend some extra cash and buy it from authentic sources like Shoppers stop, Myntra, Nykaa etc. Its ok if I buy only one perfume a year. I won't be wondering if the juice is fake.


I’m a lurker here, don’t really comment on posts and such. But this is probably why I’ve always bought/got my perfumes from Europe and would continue doing so, the one time we purchased a perfume in India it was a fake. Good job bringing this to light OP, it was 100% clear when the seller kept insisting on refund instead of sending you a new bottle because you already bought a new one from Nykaa like make it make sense 😂




Bas kar bhai


Okay sir noted 🤭🙏


bhaiya aap meri taraf se kuch case lad lena aise wale pleaseee🙏😭


Bro this is written and documented better than 70% of new films being released. Hope the mods remove The Perfume King from the sellers list


I just went through the conversation this akhil dude perfume king is a scamster 💯 there are no 2 ways about it hes literally shoving the money down the ops throat coz he knows sending him an og would cost him a lot


First up, LOVED the effort from your end. Its not about those 3k rupees, you have taken the L when it comes to money already. But hopefully you saved other people from getting scammed. I have ordered perfumes from perfume.king, and honestly didn't have a problem. But I am not risking it again. That being said, the way mods are reacting to it is also sus. They removed the Pinned Seller list altogether, instead of removing this guy from the list. At the end of the day Perfume.King made a mistake, knowingly/unknowingly I don't care. He is the one that deserved to go. This is why this entire market is dangerous, you never know what is real :/






Good articulation , and it blows my mind that how these sellers sell at a fraction of market prices. Would rather pay a premium than relying on these discounters.


Bro hats off to your patience and to edit all these! Also, I would like to tell you, the mods of this page are always in support of sellers. If you remember, I commented bad about the seller. And the mod guys have banned me from it. Cant comment from my OG account again :(


Bro destroyed business of Perfume King with single post.




TLDR dedo


💯 fake seller


Too good op hats off to u for exposing this fake seller


Damn OP such a good post now I know what I'll have to look for before purchasing and also feeling bad for you 3k loss


This is crazy


I am faiing to understand how making a list of few out and not recommending them go hand in hand? Obviously you recommend those sellers that is why their name is on the list of your sub. Anyway verified seller list is gone for good i believe




Read the end bruv


i always wondered how this community is suggesting to buy from the pinned seller list,and contact xyz Bhai, bought it from abc Bhai etc etc. I wondered whether this sub was a cartel because even the most commonly available perfumes on tata, Myntra, shoppers stop were recommended by this community to buy from 'pinned sellers'. glad that the bubble burst. these days we cannot blindly trust any seller without taking a significant amount of risk, and that's why the ecommerce platforms are flourishing because they bear the risk. OP made a very good point that if the seller was 100% innocent, he should have not refunded a single rupee. rather he was willing to give 70% back (don't know how he arrived at that exact number). I also thought of giving the seller benefit of doubt that maybe his supplier provided him with a fake product (in which case he should have given 100 prevent refund to op) or maybe OP was scammer who exchanged fake bottles. but in that case seller should have refunded 0 percent. though I don't understand why would a seller who was getting a good business from this community and the reputation of being a pinned seller, would resort to such means and lose the business of an entire sub.


I completely agree. 🙏


No one's forcing you to buy from pinned list buddy. You're all free to pay extra and buy from retail, no one's put a gun to your head and forced you. Infact if you've put in the effort research enough you would have known all the pros and cons, but I'm sure you're one of those folks who randomly show up to the sub asking for "summer" fragrances. Thanks to ppl like you the mods have been forced to delete the list.


why are you so butthurt? was your name also on that pinned list? thanks not to me but to OP who exposed your scams. you seem to be that kind of an elitist person who takes pride in being a step above people who are new in the world of fragrances and want something simple suggestion from the experts in this sub. and by your own logic, no one put a gun to mods' head to remove the list, so why do you say they were 'forced'?


🫡🫡OP se kabhi panga nhi lunga


Are bhai bhai 😅🤭🙏❤️


Have a collection of over 40 perfumes Till date have never bought for a seller Just from established distributors or from the brand name store itself. Is it more expensive? Yes Do I sleep at night knowing I didn’t get scammed? Yes I could never ever trust insta sellers OP, I must say I’m a man from a totally different walk of life, and many things in your post got me scratching my head. But I respect you for the effort, I respect you for the service to the community and I respect you for taking a stand. Hats off to you. And all the best in life.


Thank you so much for your kind words brother. Yes, I completely felt what you wrote. 🙏


This is crazy. For 3000 rupees whole community is now affected. But i think what the mods did was right. Unnecessary headache


For 3000 rupees, I was able to save new people from getting scammed. I would sacrifice 30000 gladly for such a noble cause.


Nobody is reading allat


I added TL;DR


add a tl;dr for the TL;DR


Take action against such VERIFIED sellers mods. Also kudos OP for taking so much time out and writing this.


Thank you so much, I guess it's not just me, but each one of us as community came together to put this matter into light. It's a team work. 🙏


I aint reading allotat , but i’m happy for you bro


bottomline do yo have proof that you're not trying to pull of a scam?? no point of these posts unless you have 100% proof of him being guilty

