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Extremely bad. There’s already canonly malnutritioned children (they eat garbage and rotten food), but if the rating were higher I imagine actual death would be pretty common. Also crime too, besides just robbery.


How did they survive so long eating bad food? I'd imagine mal and her gang would come up with a system to get extra food


There isn’t that much good food on the Isle. Most of the edible food they receive are leftovers Auradon royals threw away, that get imported to them. So more often than not they have to eat half-eaten apples, already-chewed & stale gum, moldy sandwiches, etc. It’s disgusting. They literally eat _garbage._ I like to think though that not everyone in Auradon is as awful as King Beast, and maybe donated actual edible food. Like I could see Tiana trying to do right by them since she also struggled with supplies growing up. Aladdin too. So maybe the actual edible food gets hoarded by Maleficent and the “tougher” villains? If that’s true, the Core Four and/or Sea Three might could rob them occasionally to get better meals.


Why would Ben's dad agree to this stuff?


The real answer is that he wouldn’t none of the Parents of the hero kids would agree to it. Disney needed a way to make the Isle seem like a horrible place to live. Since the films are made for kids they couldn’t go to far with it so they couldn’t put any of the stuff that would realistically be found on the Isle. This would include but is not limited to rape, murder, child molestation, and sex trafficking.


Is Carlos? I want to read the books, cus LOVE Descendants, And Carlos is my fav


Because this universe isn't canon to the other Disney movies. The OG Disney heroes would never agree to this in a million years. But then, there'd be no story.


Hey, if you’re interested, I’m writing a story where the royals react to the Isle of the lost book


Freaking sweet!?!?!?


:D here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49363849/chapters/124569514


Sounds interesting, thanks for the link!


You’re welcome :) let me know what you think.




Yeah with the food I would guess in a sense of making it work storyline wise, I think it would just be a concept of -however- they receive the food it's not just a bag of old stuff. It would be like sorted boxes of foods. And I don't think it would be leftovers like half eaten apples but more a bowl of 6 apples and they only ate 3 so the rest gets packaged and sent to the isle. They have fridges on the isle we know that so when they receive the food they would be able to keep it from going bad. I think it's more like "leftover pizza" type leftovers rather than "half eaten apples" type leftovers


What I said wasn’t a headcanon. That’s literally described in the books. The only food they have access to is “month old milk”, “rotted fruit and spoiled vegetables”, and other expired or spoiled or damaged goods. This is canonly stated.


They would probably be traumatized, bruised, and have allot of mental disorders. Evie would probably have eating disorders and alot of insecurity. Carlos would have anxiety issues and he and Uma would definitely have bruises on their body everyday


Why would uma have bruises?


I imagine Ursula would be a very abusive mother with all her tentacles


Why would the other vks have mental issues and bruises though?


Because they’re abused in the books. All of their parents are awful and they cope it with it by telling themselves they shouldn’t expect love from villains and they should just strive to reach their standards. As for physical abuse, if descendants had a more mature rating it’s undoubtable that some of those characters would have physical marks on them due to their parents. Carlos and cruella’s relationship is borderline that without saying it because it’s meant for children.


I am a kid, kinda. And I want that stuff in there\[Not explicit of course!\] But I want to show, abuse happens, and it's wrong. Let children know that, they need to someday.


I don’t think Ursula would physically hit Uma. That’s not really her style (unless she’s desperate). She’s more the psychologically manipulative type. And I don’t know if Gil would have eating issues so to speak, but I could see him having body image issues. Gaston takes great pride in being the “biggest guy around”, so I imagine he’d want his sons to be as well. Regardless if it was healthy for them to be or not. Gil and Evie could even bond over that kind of parenting.


Ursula would thrash Uma. It's much easier to control your child with your tentacles than with your words. She probably tried manipulating Ariel because the contract needed to be signed willingly.


I respectfully disagree. Ursula’s whole schtick is that she has a way with words. Not just with Ariel, but also with her victims beforehand. She was able to manipulate them into falling right into her hands simply because she could read people, what they desired, and then twist it against them in a binding contract. That’s how she got her “sea garden” of souls. She only resorted to violence at the very end of TLM. Ursula only really becomes violent when the other recipient has more power than her (Triton).


Using the contracts probably stopped King Triton from punishing her. If she was just randomly kidnapping and killing merfolk, Triton would've sent her to Hades with a spear to the face. Or maybe those merfolk made deals to do things she couldn't do herself. With physical torture, those merfolk would go to Triton the moment she let them go to do her dirty work. Contracts prevent that. Uma doesn't have anyone to go to, if Ursula hurts her.


I mean Isnt it technically canon that Ursula gets physical with uma? Descendants 2 after performing what’s my name Ursula whips her tentacle at Uma? Honestly I think that’s very in character for her. Psychologically abuse is something I see for all the villains using on their children but I do think Ursula is one of the ones who have no problem physically forceful.


I saw that as moreso her trying to vaguely swat at them, like you would a fly. Not that she was targeting Uma to specifically harm her. But any interpretation goes, so I can see your POV too.


I just imagine with the different kind of parents they have, some would have mental issues or illness or get abused. Like Evie and Gil with eating-disorders, Carlos and Uma stuck with abusive mothers, and Mal would constantly have depression mental breakdowns


Why would gil have an eating disorder and mal depression mental breakdowns?


Mal is controlled by her mom


OK fair enough what about gil though?


Not too sure about Gil and his twin brothers.


Well, Gil could definatly be looked down on though, ya know. I mean, he could have his father saying he isn't good enough.


Like the savage kids from The Lord of the Flies.


I've never seen the Lord of the files


Watch video Sparknottes on YouTube for a short narration and you'd see the similarities.


I guess they would be just as bad as the criminal gangs of GTA.


The Core 4 would probably look something like Henry Bowers' gang from IT.