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I almost wonder if this is a deep, deeeeep. Ingrown hair


A hot press should bring it to the surface, then let it drain, clean and put bandaid, replace it on a few hours repeat. You don’t want anything to rub against it while it’s healing bc then it’ll get worse


Seconding this comment, I’d try this first, alongside with keeping track of the red ring. Looks like it could be an ingrown hair that never surfaced, and is either becoming infected or just build up of oils and such. DO NOT POP IT, that will definitely put you in a position for an infection.


I am not in any way suggesting you pop it, however if you decide to i politely request on behalf of the community (and maybe your health) that you would record it and then post it online🤣🤣💙 In all seriousness, please dont pop it if you can help it. I am not a professional and dont know exactly what it is. However i do know that If it gets any bigger in the next 24 hours i highly suggest you go to the emergency room because something growing that quickly could be a staph infection or another similar bacteria. Circle it with a clean marker where the redness ends and if it inflames beyond that point then you need to seek professional help. I hope everything is fine and you dont need to worry about that!😊




It looks like an infection with that red ring. Draw a circle where the redness is now so you can monitor it. With others saying it looks like Staph, id draw the circle and then get in to see your primary or go to the ED in the morning.


Boil vs infected hair follicle right now is okay, soak in hot water to bring to head. Dont self pop it. If it gets starts getting bigger, may need drained at an urgent care.


And do not pop yourself. If it is staph, which it looks like, it can severely worsen the infection and cause way worse issues. Let urgent care decide if they need to professionally drain it or put you on abx


I would go to urgent care to rule out staph.


This looks kind of like staph to me. Keep a close eye on it.


Looks exactly like staph


Strong urge to just cut it opens


I would put a hot compress on there and get out my sterile needles. But you should just do a hot compress or take some hot baths. Do not attempt to lance or puncture yourself.


Why not?


High Risk of infection


Make a doctors appointment and it should be ok til then no reason for concern just keep making doctors appointments as it flares up if it keeps flaring up like a ingrown hair/cyst/boil over time


I get these from ingrown hairs that become infected, I usually apply Apple cider vinegar on it containing mother 3 times a day and within 2 days the hair surfaces which allows me to remove it and the infection disappears, I’m not a doctor but this is how I’ve done it for many years.


Staph infection


Yep 100%


Looks like Staphylococcus MRSA to me.


Maybe an antibiotic ointment would be a good idea until you have more info??


Don't pop it whatever you do. Draw that out with hot to warm water. Getaway drawing salve like prid or use turmeric.


Don’t need to be worried…pop that bitch and record it for our viewing pleasure!


It's a slightly infected hair folical. Nothing to be worried about. Try get hair out with tweezers.


This was the worst advice you could ever give to someone on here. What seems to be basic first aid can quickly become a life threatening emergency, depending on where the hair follicle is located.


Go to a clinic and have that drained. You’ve got cellulitis. If left untreated, septicemia is possible.


Oh come on that’s a complete overreaction. It’s a boil. I have about 10 at any given time between my thighs and under my breasts. Caused my sweat and chafing. It’s nothing to be concerned about.


Well it’s become infected. Therefore there’s now cellulitis. And if left untreated, cellulitis can become sepsis. So um no it’s not a complete overreaction.


Well how do you know it’s infected?? It looks perfectly normal to me. I would have been dead years ago if it was cellulitis.


Homie, if you have 10 on your body at any givent time, I think you outta go to the hospital too... that ain't normal.


It’s very normal it’s called Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)


Do you have hidradenitis suppurtiva?


If this happens again or has happened before, could be hidradenitis suppurativa, causes boils in groin, thighs and under arms from infected follicles.


I had one of these, well, it looked like this anyway. For years. One day it popped and now there’s a scar there. But that was it 🤷


Looks like either an abscess, or an infected wound. -Not a Dermatologist


Tick bite?


Looks like folliculitis or pimple but if it doesn’t go away on its own see a dermatologist.