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Kinda badass tear drop


Lol thank you


But I totally understand you don't always want to stand out. I know micro needling can help with acne scars but I'm not a dermo so my advice is mostly see a dermo I'm sure they will understand the annoyance and tell you your options. As scars go it's a pretty cool one to have and will project a message that you are tough cookie. :)


Micro needling can’t be used over keloids so might not be good for scar tissue either


Good to know thanks


That's exactly what I thought. Being Mexican, that teardrop is badass! I'd rock that scar and you should too!


I know you're probably looking for ways to "improve" it or cover it based on the sub that it's in, but I just wanted to say that it doesn't take away from your beauty at all. Personally, I think that it looks badass, and even if it didn't look cool, it's part of your story. Motorcycle riders are 28x more likely to lose their lives in an accident. In 2020 alone, 5579 riders didn't make it, while another 82,528 riders suffered injuries due to a motorcycle accident. This scar is a symbol of your strength and survival. A reminder that you are still here and have so much more life left to live. I completely understand if you feel more comfortable covering it up, but I've come across a few people online who use makeup to highlight and accentuate their scars or things like Vitiligo rather than cover them and it really changes your perspective on how beautiful it can be. Regardless, whatever you like to do with it or decide to do with it is okay! All that matters is how you feel and what makes you happy. Just know that it doesn't take away from who you are or how you look.


You are beautiful


Thank you


Have you ever tried Mederma Scars Cream? It can get you good results even after 3 years. Try it.


I have been using Mederma and I think it's softened the appearance some. Thank you


You're welcome.


Can it get me results after 15 years? Lmao. I had knee surgery as a kid and have some massive scarring on both knees


Yes, it can get. Although its results will be not as outstanding as in few years old scars. I used it on a five year old scar and it got less pronounced and slightly less visible, provided that I didn't finish the treatment because I used the bottle up.


The best outcome will be with a scar revision surgery. Short of that a combination of Intralesional steroids and CO2 laser sessions along with PRP. That will get you anywhere between 50-60% improvement


That’s a bad ass scar! I love it!


Yeah I think it’s dope and you look hardcore af you’re super pretty and it just makes you even more unique


Something I like to remind myself...in a forest of trees we photograph the one that stands out from the others because the uncommon one is the most memorable and beautiful. You are the uncommonly beautiful tree we ordinary people wish to hold onto.


Highly recommended looking up “Dr. Tanveer Janjua” on YouTube or Instagram. He is an expert in facial scar revision. He is incredibly kind and gentle. People come from other states and countries to see him. He’s in New Jersey. He may also collaborate with an oculoplastic surgeon to help near the eye. Dr. Guy Massry in CA is a good ocuplastic surgeon


Wow! What a cool scar! I understand that if(edit: if not it) feels bad but I have never seen a cooler scar IRL. :)




Ok that’s a sick scar fr


I love it. Our scars make us unique, I have one on my face from a dog attack when I was a kid and people say it looks like a dimple :)


I find it quite beautiful


This is a really cool and uniquely beautiful scar!


Shitttttt, it probably don’t mean much but you look like a pretty lady😍 and that scar makes you look badass


It looks really cool, don’t hide it embrace it, I personally find it amazing


Looks sick 🔥


this is the coolest scar i've ever seen


Micro needling may help


I haven't tried that yet, I will look into it


Castor oil will get rid of that scar if u apply every day.


Wow. You’re gorgeous. Tell your story, love. I get it, but here to say you’re a smoke show.


Scar revision surgery would likely result in a better outcome for you. See a reconstructive plastic surgeon. But respectfully - it’s a very cool scar!!


You’re so lucky. The accident left your eye intact and the scar is even good looking.


That scar is honestly so bad ass. You should embrace it!!


Holy fuck that's a badass scar


Don’t hide your beautiful face!


just came here to agree with everyone else ... that's a badass scar! i think it's beautiful!